[TYPES] CP 2004 Call for Workshop and Tutorial Proposals

Gilles Pesant pesant at crt.umontreal.ca
Wed Feb 4 23:41:48 EST 2004

             Call for Workshop and Tutorial Proposals

                             CP 2004
               Tenth International Conference on 
        Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming

                 September 27 - October 1, 2004
                         Toronto, Canada


The CP 2004 Program Committee invites proposals for the Workshop and
Tutorial Program. 


CP 2004 workshops will provide an informal setting where workshop
participants will have the opportunity to discuss specific technical
topics in an atmosphere that facilitates the active exchange of ideas.
It is an opportunity to disseminate work in progress or to promote new
and emerging areas within the field of constraints. The topics of the
workshops can cover any area related to constraints and any related
cross-disciplinary areas.


CP 2004 tutorials are ideally targeted at the whole constraint
community and should give a state of the art description of a field of
research related to constraint programming or of a large area of
application. As an example, the topics of tutorials in the previous CP
conferences were: numerical CSPs, global constraints, soft constraints,
mathematical programming, cooperation between methods, areas of
application (eg. bioinformatics), etc. 

Tutorials will take place during the technical program. 
Workshops will be half-day long, except special cases motivated by the 
organizers. The internal format of the workshop will be determined by the 
organizers. Workshop attendees must pay the CP workshop registration fee in 
addition to the CP 2004 registration fee. 


March 31, 2004:     Proposal submission deadline
April 16, 2004:     Acceptance notification
May 5, 2004:        Deadline for receipt of URL for workshop web page
August 20, 2004:    Deadline for workshop working notes
September 27, 2004: CP 2004 workshops


May 21, 2004:       Proposal submission deadline
June 13, 2004:      Acceptance notification
September 27 - October 1, 2004: CP technical program and tutorials

Submission details are available from the conference web page:

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