[TYPES] ITRS'04 - Preliminary Call for Papers

Damiani damiani at di.unito.it
Sat Feb 7 09:27:29 EST 2004

Workshop on Intersection Types and Related Systems (ITRS '04)
University of Turku, Finland
Tuesday, 13 July 2004

Co-located with the Joint Meeting of
ICALP '04, the 31st International Colloquium on
                   Automata, Languages, and Programming 
                   (12 to 16 July 2004)
LICS '04, the 19th Login in Computer Science
                 (14 to 17 July 2000)

  Submission of papers:           Sunday,  11 April  2004
  Notification of acceptance:    Monday,  31 May  2004
  Final version:                        TO BE ANNOUNCED
  Workshop:                           Tuesday, 13 July  2004

  Types support reliable reasoning in many areas such as programming
  languages, logic, linguistics, etc.  A _polymorphic_ type is one
  that stands for some number of instance types.  The use of type
  systems for non-trivial purposes generally requires type

  Intersection types, which were introduced roughly twenty years ago,
  provide type polymorphism by listing type instances.  This differs
  from the more widely used universal types, which provide type
  polymorphism by giving a type scheme that can be instantiated into
  various type instances.  (A similar relationship holds between union
  types and existential types, the duals of intersection types and
  universal types.)

  Intersection types were initially intended for use in analyzing
  and/or synthesizing lambda models as well as in analyzing
  normalization properties.  Over the last twenty years the scope of
  theoretical research on intersection types has broadened (see
  possible topics below).  Recently, there have been a number of
  breakthroughs in the use of intersection types (and similar
  technology) for practical purposes such as program analysis.

  The ITRS '04 workshop aims to bring together researchers working on
  both the theory and practice of systems with intersection types and
  related systems (e.g., union types, refinement types, etc.).  The
  workshop will last one full day and will contain a long talk by the
  invited speaker, a panel discussion, and a short (approx. 25
  minutes) talk for each accepted paper.
  Copies of the proceedings will be distributed at the workshop.
  The proceedings of ITRS'00 were published by Carleton Scientific.

  The proceedings of ITRS'02 were published by Elsevier in the
  Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science series.

  We are currently deciding about proceedings of ITRS'04.

  Researchers are invited to submit original papers on topics in the
  spirit of the workshop.  Possible topics for submitted papers
  include, but are not limited to:

    * Formal properties of systems with intersection types: principal
      typings, normalization properties (for normal forms, head-normal
      forms, weak head-normal forms, etc.), type inference algorithms.
    * Results for clearly related systems, e.g., systems with union
      types, refinement types, or singleton types.

    * Connections with not-so-clearly related approaches such as
      abstract interpretation and contraints.

    * Applications to lambda calculus and similar systems, e.g.,
      denotational semantics, analysis/synthesis of lambda models
      (domains), characterization of operational properties, etc.

    * Applications for programming languages, e.g., program analysis
      (flow, strictness, totality, etc.), accurate type error
      messages, increased flexibility with static typing, separate
      compilation and modularity, optimizing transformations, types
      for objects, etc.

    * Applications for other areas, e.g., database query languages,
      program extraction from proofs, type systems for natural

INVITED SPEAKER (confirmed):
  Joe Wells                  (Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland)

    Fabio Alessi                  (Universita' di Udine, Italy)
    Torben Amtoft               (Kansas State University, USA)
    Ge'rard Boudol              (INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France)
    Mario Coppo (Chair)     (Universita' di Torino, Italy)
    Ferruccio Damiani          (Universita' di Torino, Italy)
    Assaf J. Kfoury              (Boston University, USA)
    Frank Pfenning               (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
    Steffen van Bakel            (Imperial College, UK)


  TOPIC: A submitted paper must describe work that does not
    substantially overlap with work that has been previously published
    or is currently being considered elsewhere (e.g., another
    workshop, conference, or journal).  Feel free to consult the
    program chair on the appropriateness of a topic or the possibility
    of conflict with another publication.

  PRINTED APPEARANCE: The paper must be written in English.  The paper
    (including bibliography) should not exceed 15 pages.  The paper
    should use reasonable font size and internal spacing.

  PAPER ELECTRONIC FORMAT: The paper should be in pdf.

  ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION: The paper should include (1) the title,
    (2) the list of authors, (3) a brief abstract (fewer than 200
    words), (4) a short list of key words/topics, and (5) the name,
    e-mail address, postal address, voice telephone number, and fax
    number of the corresponding author.

  WEB SUBMISSION PROCEDURE: instructions will be given soon.

  AFTER THE SUBMISSION: All submissions will be reviewed by
    at least three people. Notification of acceptance or rejection will 
    by the date indicated above.
    The authors of each
    accepted paper are responsible for giving a talk on the paper at
    the workshop.

  The workshop is colocated with the Joint ICALP '04 and LICS'04 
  which will be held at the University of Turku.
  For more details see the ICALP '04 / LICS '04
  web address given above.

  Web:                    http://itrs04.di.unito.it
  Submission web:   TO BE ANNOUNCED
  Program chair:      Mario Coppo
    e-mail:                    coppo at di.unito.it
    telephone:               +39 011 670 6738
    fax:                         +39 011 751603
    postal:                    Dipartimento di Informatica,
                                  Universita' di Torino,
                                  C.so Svizzera 185,
                                  I-10149 Torino,

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