[TYPES] Workshop on Logics for Resources, Processes, and Programs
Didier Galmiche
Didier.Galmiche at loria.fr
Mon Feb 16 09:29:51 EST 2004
Workshop on Logics for Resources, Processes, and Programs
(affiliated with LICS 2004 and ICALP 2004)
July 13, Turku, Finland
Web page: http://www.loria.fr/~galmiche/LRPP04.html
A one day workshop on Logics for Resources, Processes, and Programs
will be held in July 2004 in conjunction with
LICS 2004 (http://www.dcs.ed.ac.uk/home/als/lics/lics04/) and
ICALP 2004 (http://www.math.utu.fi/ICALP04/) conferences in Turku,
Finland. The organizers and co-chairmen are Didier Galmiche, Peter
O'Hearn and David Pym.
Hardcopies of the preliminary proceedings will be distributed at the
workshop and a Special Issue of a Journal on these topics is expected
after the workshop.
The notion of resource is a basic one in many fields, but it appears
as central in computer science. Various logics, typically involving
substructural connectives, have been proposed in order to provide a
logical analysis of this notion from different viewpoints. Examples
include linear logic (number-of-uses reading), the bunched
implications logic (sharing interpretations), so-called separation
and spatial logics (pointer logic and local reasoning, logics for
concurrency, logics for data structures such as trees). Logics such
as these, which may include a wide range of modalities and
domain-specific operators, allow the description of properties of
systems, of process calculi, and of programs, and so provide bases
for specification and theorem-proving tools.
The objective of the workshop to provide a forum for discussion
between researchers interested in logics of resources (from
foundations to related calculi and applications) and researchers
interested in languages and methods for specification of mobile,
distributed, concurrent systems and their verification.
Topics of interest, in this context, include but are not restricted
to the following:
- Logics for resources: semantics and proof theory;
- Process calculi, concurrency, resource-distribution;
- Reasoning about programs and systems;
- Extensions of logics, e.g. with modalities;
- Languages of assertions, languages based on resource logics
(query languages, pointers, trees, and graphs) and reasoning;
- Theorem proving and model checking in resource logics:
decision procedures, strategies, complexity results.
Researchers interested in presenting their works are invited to send
an extended abstract (up to 10 pages) by e-mail submissions of
Postscript files to D. Galmiche (Didier.Galmiche at loria.fr) before
April 9, 2004. Papers will be reviewed by peers, typically members of
the Programme Committee.
The cover page should include a return mailing address and, if
possible, an electronic mail address and a fax number.
Additional information will be available through WWW address:
L. Caires (Lisboa, Portugal)
D. Galmiche (LORIA, France)
P. O'Hearn (QM London, UK)
D. Pym (HP Labs and Bath, UK)
V. Sassone (Sussex, UK)
P. Schroeder-Heister (Tuebingen, GR)
D. Walker (Princeton, USA)
Submissions: April 9, 2004
Notifications: May 10, 2004
Final papers: June 7, 2004
Workshop date: July 13,, 2004
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