[TYPES] UNIF'04 workshop @ IJCAR 2004: First Call for Papers

Ralf Treinen treinen at lsv.ens-cachan.fr
Sun Feb 29 16:46:13 EST 2004

[ Apologies for multiple copies which are unavoidable. -Ralf. ]

          First Call for Papers/Abstracts/System descriptions
                              UNIF 2004
               18th International Workshop on Unification
                  July 4-5, 2004, Cork,  Ireland
                      Affiliated with IJCAR'04


UNIF is the main international meeting on unification. Unification is
concerned with the problem of identifying given terms, either
syntactically or modulo a given logical theory. Syntactic unification
is the basic operation of most automated reasoning systems, and
unification modulo theories can be used, for instance, to build in
special equational theories into theorem provers.

The aim of UNIF 2004, as that of the previous meetings, is to to bring
together people interested in unification, present recent (even
unfinished) work, and discuss new ideas and trends in unification and
related fields. In particular, it is intended to offer a good
opportunity for young researches and researchers working in related
areas to get an overview of the current state of the art in
unification theory and get in contact with the experts in the field.

A non-exclusive list of topics of interest is:

    * Unification
          * E-unification
          * Unification Algorithms 
          * Higher-Order Unification 
          * String Unification 
          * Context Unification 
          * Combination problems 
          * Disunification 
          * Typed Unification
    * Related Topics
          * Constraint Solving 
          * Tree Descriptions 
          * Matching 
          * Narrowing
    * Applications
          * Type Checking and Type Inference 
          * Automated Deduction 
          * Rewriting 
          * Functional and Logic Programming 
          * Grammars 
          * Computational Linguistics
    * Implementations


There will be two invited speakers.


  Deadline for electronic submission:   Friday, May 14, 2004
  Email:                                unif04 at iu-bremen.de
  Notification of acceptance:           Monday, May 24, 2004
  Deadline for camera-ready papers:     Monday, June 7, 2004
  Workshop:                             July 4 - 5, 2004


Authors are invited to submit via email an abstract (1-5 pages), a
paper (no longer than 15 pages), or a system description (no more than
5 pages) in Postscript or PDF format to:

unif04 at iu-bremen.de

before May 14, 2004.

Authors are encouraged to use LaTeX2e and the Springer llncs class.


Accepted papers, abstracts and system descriptions will be included in
the proceedings which will be available at the workshop.

    Michael Kohlhase        (International University Bremen, Germany)
    Hitoschi Ohsaki         (National Institute of Advanced Industrial
                             Science and Technology, Amagasaki, Japan)
    Steve Prestwich         (Universtity College, Cork, Ireland)
    Ralf Treinen            (Ecole Normale Superieure, Cachan, France)
    Manfred Schmidt-Schauss (Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universit"at
                             Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
Ralf Treinen
Laboratoire Spécification et Vérification
CNRS & École Normale Supérieure de Cachan

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