[TYPES] Call for Papers - Workshop on Logic and Systems Biology

James F. Lynch jlynch at clarkson.edu
Fri Mar 19 00:36:53 EST 2004

                        CALL FOR PAPERS

             Workshop on Logic and Systems Biology

                July 18, 2004, Turku, Finland
                  Affiliated with LICS 2004
=09     Deadline for abstracts: May 16, 2004


The workshop will be one day of lectures, with some invited
speakers and some contributed presentations.  We invite submissions
on computational and logical aspects of dynamical systems in biology.
Authors of accepted presentations will also be invited to submit
full versions of their lectures to the new Springer journal
Transactions on Computational Systems Biology.  The following, taken
from the journal's announcement, is a list of suggested, but not
inclusive, topics of interest.  It is equally appropriate for this

 Formal languages for modeling biological structures and processes
 Analysis and verification techniques and tools for biological behavior
 Simulation techniques and tools for biological systems
 Bio-inspired languages, computational models and computing
 Biological Databases and Query Languages for Cell Models
 Modeling Environments and Tools for biological systems
 Numerical techniques for the analysis of biological systems
 Formal assessment of experimental data quality and reliability
 Automated Deduction for Biological Systems
 Visualization techniques for complex models
 Computational and Logical Aspects of the Analysis of Biological systems
 Logics and tools for biological systems
 Inference, modelling, and engineering of  complex biological networks
 Advances in methodology for modeling biological systems
 Parallel and distributed simulation of cellular systems
 Mathematical and Informational Models of Biological Systems
 Advances in methodology for modeling biological systems
 Advances in theory of biological systems
 Formal Molecular Biology and evolutionary Models
 Self-assembly in Biological Systems
 Systems biology in early evolution - the origins of biological networks


Those who wish to give a contributed presentation should submit an
extended abstract (one to ten pages) or a full paper, if available,
by May 16 to jlynch at clarkson.edu (please put "workshop submission" in
the subject line and attach the submission as a postscript file).
Authors of accepted abstracts or papers will be invited to submit a
full version (subject to a page limit, details to be announced)
for inclusion in Transactions on Computational Systems Biology.


Registration and local arrangements will be handled through the
LICS 2004 main conference
There will be a small fee for attending the workshop, which will
cover lunch, coffee, and proceedings.


Submission of abstracts:=09=09May 16, 2004
Notification of acceptance:=09        June 17, 2004
Workshop:=09=09=09=09July 18, 2004


Vincent Danos
=C9quipe Preuves, Programmes, Syst=E8mes
Charg=E9 de Recherches au CNRS
Universit=E9 Paris VII
Email: Vincent.Danos at pps.jussieu.fr

James F. Lynch
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Clarkson University
Email: jlynch at clarkson.edu

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