[TYPES] Domains VII (Call for Abstracts)

Thomas Streicher streicher at mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de
Tue Mar 23 16:02:18 EST 2004


            Announcement and Call for Abstracts

                        DOMAINS VII

             Darmstadt, August 29 - September 1

The WORKSHOP DOMAINS series is aimed at computer scientists and
mathematicians alike who share an interest in the mathematical
foundations of computation. It focusses on domains, their applications
and related topics.

The series was conceived and first realised by Klaus Keimel in
Darmstadt in 1994. This seventh workshop returns to Darmstadt on
the occasion of his 65th birthday.

The following have declared their intention to participate:

P.-L. Curien  Univerity Paris 7
Yu.L. Ershov  Sib. Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Novosibirsk 
J.D. Lawson   Louisiana State University
M. Mislove    Tulane University
J.-E. Pin     University Paris 7
D.S. Scott    Carnegie Mellon University


Domain Theory has had applications to programming language semantics
and logics (lambda calculus, PCF, LCF), recursion theory, general
topology, topological algebra and analysis.

As such Domain Theory is highly interdisciplinary. Part of the
workshop will be devoted to the study of Continuous Phenomena in
Computer Science, one of the themes of the APPLIED SEMANTICS II
Network. Topics of interaction with Domain Theory for this workshop
include, but are not limited to

  computation over the reals and other classical spaces
  probabilistic computation
  topology / locale theory
  constructive mathematics and its semantics
  computability theory
  program semantics
  program logics
  lambda calculus
  models of sequential computation


The Workshop will take place at Technische Universitaet Darmstadt
located in the center of the city of Darmstadt.


August 29 is the arrival day. There will be a barbecue in the
afternoon or a dinner in the evening. The talks will take place from 
9 a.m on Monday, August 30, until 5 p.m. on Wednesday, September 1.


If you would like to participate in this workshop as we hope, please
let us know:  

     email:  domains7 at mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de

Please indicate whether you would like to give a talk. 


One page abstracts should be submitted to

         domains7 at mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de

Shortly after an abstract is submitted (usually one or two weeks), the authors
will be notified by the programme committee. Abstracts will be dealt with on
a first come/first served basis.

Submit as soon as possible, DEADLINE   30 June 2004


Participants will have to arrange accomodation by themselves in local
hotels. There will be a certain number of hotel rooms made available
through www.proregio-darmstadt.de. Details will be communicated later.


The Workshop is organized without institutional financial
support. There will be a modest registration fee for covering


Achim Jung          University of Birmingham
Klaus Keimel        Technische Universitaet Darmstadt
Thomas Streicher    Technische Universitaet Darmstadt

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