[TYPES] Paper on Expression Problem

Martin Odersky martin.odersky at epfl.ch
Wed Mar 31 09:41:38 EST 2004

We would like to announce the availability of a paper
       "Independently Extensible Solutions to the Expression Problem"
                     Matthias Zenger, Martin Odersky

  The expression problem is fundamental for the development of
extensible software.  Many (partial) solutions to this problem have
been proposed in the past.  None of these approaches solves the
problem of using different, independent extensions jointly.  This
paper proposes solutions to the expression problem that make it
possible to combine independent extensions in a flexible, modular, and
type-safe way.  The solutions, formulated in the programming language
Scala, are affected with only a small implementation overhead and are
easy to implement by hand.

A technical report is available at
Comments and suggestions are most welcome.

-- Martin Odersky and Matthias Zenger

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