[TYPES] LICS 2004: Call for Short Presentations

Alex Simpson als+lics-replies-ignored at inf.ed.ac.uk
Thu Apr 1 13:41:41 EST 2004


                 Nineteenth Annual IEEE Symposium on 
                LOGIC IN COMPUTER SCIENCE (LICS 2004)

               July  13th - 17th, 2004, Turku, Finland

The LICS Symposium is an annual international forum on theoretical and
practical topics in computer science that relate to logic in a broad
sense.  We invite submissions on that theme.  Suggested, but not
exclusive, topics of interest for submissions include: automata
theory, automated deduction, categorical models and logics,
concurrency and distributed computation, constraint programming,
constructive mathematics, database theory, domain theory, finite model
theory, proof theory, formal aspects of program analysis, formal
methods, hybrid systems, lambda and combinatory calculi, linear logic,
logical aspects of computational complexity, logics in artificial
intelligence, logical representation of knowledge, logics of programs,
logic programming, modal and temporal logics, model checking,
programming language semantics, reasoning about security, rewriting,
specifications, type systems and type theory, and verification.

In addition to regular presentations, LICS'04, like in recent years,
has several sessions of short (5--10 minutes) presentations.
These session are intended for descriptions of work in progress, student
projects, and relevant research being published elsewhere; other brief
communications may be acceptable. 

Submissions for these presentations, in the form of short abstracts 
(1 or 2 pages long), should be entered at the LICS 2004 submission site 
between April 3rd and April 11th, 2004.  Authors will be notified of 
acceptance or rejection by April 25th, 2004. (Note that these dates 
have been changed from those in the first call for papers.)

Program Chair:
Harald Ganzinger
MPI Informatik, Saarbruecken, Germany

Program Committee:
Rajeev Alur, U. of Pennsylvania
Andrew Appel, Princeton U.
Albert Atserias, UPC, Barcelona
Franz Baader, Dresden U.
Samuel Buss, U. of California, San Diego
Roberto Di Cosmo, U. de Paris VII 
Gilles Dowek, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris
Harald Ganzinger, MPI, Saarbruecken (chair)
Martin Hofmann, LMU Muenchen
Achim Jung, U. of Birmingham
Kim Larsen, Aalborg U.
Leonid Libkin, U. of Toronto 
Rocco de Nicola, U. di Firenze
Damian Niwinski, Warsaw U.
Prakash Panangaden, McGill U., Montreal
Albert Rubio, UPC, Barcelona
Vitaly Shmatikov, SRI International
Moshe Vardi, Rice U., Houston
Helmut Veith, TU Wien
Andrei Voronkov, U. of Manchester

Conference Chair:
Lauri Hella
Department of Math., Stat., and Phil.
Kanslerinrinne 1
33014 University of Tampere,
Email: lauri.hella at uta.fi

Workshops Chair:
Phil Scott, U. of Ottawa
Email: phil at site.uottawa.ca

Publicity Chair:
Alex Simpson, U. of Edinburgh
Email: Alex.Simpson at ed.ac.uk

General Chair:
Phokion G. Kolaitis, UC Santa Cruz
Email: kolaitis at cse.ucsc.edu

Organizing Committee:
S. Abramsky, A. Broder, E. Clarke, A. Felty,
H. Ganzinger, H. Gabow, J. Halpern, L. Hella,
U. Kohlenbach, P. Kolaitis (chair), D. Leivant, 
G. Longo, H. Mairson, A. Middeldorp, J. Mitchell, 
M. Nielsen, P. Panangaden, G. Plotkin,  F. Pfenning, 
P. Scott, R. Shore, A. Simpson, I.A. Stewart.

Advisory Board:
Y. Gurevich, C. Kirchner, D. Kozen, U. Martin, L. Pacholski,
V. Pratt, A. Scedrov, M.Y. Vardi, G. Winskel.

The symposium is sponsored by the IEEE Technical Committee on
Mathematical Foundations of Computing in cooperation with the
Association for Symbolic Logic, and the European Association for
Theoretical Computer Science.

Invited Speakers:
The following distinguished speakers have agreed to
give invited talks at LICS~2004 : 
Samson Abramsky (Oxford U.),
Robert Harper (Carnegie Mellon University),
Alexander Razborov (IAS, Princeton, and Steklov Math. Inst., Moscow),
Davide Sangiorgi (U. di Bologna),
Igor Walukiewicz (U. Bordeaux), and
Mihalis Yannakakis (Stanford U.).

Collocated events: 
ICALP'04 will be collocated with LICS'04; for details see

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