Formats FTRTFT Formats.FTRTFT at imag.fr
Fri Apr 16 21:56:24 EDT 2004

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*                       LAST Call for Papers                         *
*                                                                    *
*                        Joint Conference on                         *
*      Formal Modelling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS)      *
*                                 and                                *
* Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault Tolerant Systems (FTRTFT) *
*                                                                    *
*               September 22-24, 2004, Grenoble, France              *
*                                                                    *
* !!!! Due to numerous requests we are giving a week extension  !!!! *  
* !!!!!!!             HARD DEADLINE  APRIL 22, 2004          !!!!!!! *
*                                                                    *  
*               Submission deadline:      April 22, 2004             *
*               Notification to authors:    June 1, 2004             *
*               Final version:             June 20, 2004             *
* http://www-formats-ftrtft.imag.fr           FORMATS.FTRTFT at imag.fr *

Computer systems are becoming increasingly widespread in real-time and
safety-critical applications such as embedded systems.  Such systems
are characterised by the crucial need to manage their complexity in
order to produce reliable designs and implementations.  The importance
of timing aspects, performance and fault-tolerance is continuously

Formal techniques offer a foundation for systematic design of complex
systems. They have beneficial applications throughout the engineering
process, from the capture of requirements through specification,
design, coding and compilation, down to the hardware which embeds the
system into its environment.

The joint conference is devoted to considering the problems and the
solutions in designing real-time and/or fault-tolerant systems, and to
examining how well the use of advanced design techniques and formal
methods for design, analysis and verification serves in relating
theory to practice.

The conference unites two previously independently organised
conferences FORMATS and FTRTFT.

FORMATS has been organised in 2003 as a satellite workshop of
CONCUR'03 and is related to three independently started workshop
series: MTCS (held as satellite event of CONCUR'00-02), RT-TOOLS (held
as satellite event of CONCUR'01 and FLoC'02) and TPTS (at ETAPS'02).

FTRTFT is a symposium that was held seven times before: in Warwick
1988, Nijmegen 1992, Lübeck 1994, Uppsala 1996, Lyngby 1998, Pune 2000
and Oldenburg 2002. Proceedings of these symposia were published as
volumes 331, 571, 863, 1135, 1486, 1926, and 2469 in LNCS series by

Proceedings of the conference will be published by Springer as an LNCS

Important Dates:
* Submission deadline:        April 15, 2004
* Notification to authors:    June 1, 2004
* Final version:              June 20, 2004

Submissions: Papers should not exceed 16 pages. No special format is 
required. We recommend using LNCS style www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html.

FORMATS Steering Committee: Rajeev Alur (U. Pennsylvania, USA), Flavio
Corradini (Uni. di L'Aquila, Italy), Kim G. Larsen (Aalborg
University, Denmark), Oded Maler (VERIMAG, France), Walter Vogler
(U. Augsburg, Germany), Wang Yi (Uppsala University, Sweden).

FTRTFT Steering Committee: Mathai Joseph (TCS, India), Amir Pnueli
(NYU, USA), Willem-Paul de Roever (U. Kiel, Germany), Jan Vytopil
(U. Nijmegen, The Netherlands).

PC members: Luca de Alfaro (UCSC, USA), Eugene Asarin (LIAFA, France),
Patricia Bouyer (LSV, France), Flavio Corradini (Uni. di L'Aquila,
Italy), Jordi Cortadella (UPC, Spain), Pedro D'Argenio (FAMAF,
Argentina), Alain Girault (INRIA, France), Tom Henzinger (Berkeley,
USA), Mathai Joseph (TCS, India), Marta Kwiatkowska (Uni. Birmingham,
UK), Yassine Lakhnech (VERIMAG, France, co-chair), Kim Larsen (Aalborg
University, Denmark), Claude Le Pape (Ilog SA, France), Ernst-Ruediger
Olderog (Uni. Oldenburg, Germany), Jens Palsberg (UCLA, USA),
Madhusudan Parthasarathy (U. Pennsylvania, USA), Amir Pnueli (NYU,
USA), Jean-Francois Raskin (ULB, Belgium), Willem-Paul de Roever
(Uni. Kiel, Germany), John Rushby (SRI, USA), Henny Sipma (Stanford,
USA), Steve Vestal (Honeywell, USA), Wang Yi (Uppsala University,
Sweden), Sergio Yovine (VERIMAG, France, co-chair).

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