[TYPES] Computational Methods in Systems Biology - Final Call for Participation.

Sergi sergi at sergi5.com
Mon May 10 23:36:53 EDT 2004

Biological modeling is increasingly in search of sophisticated modeling 
frameworks and automated tools for model analysis and refinement. Some 
models based on concurrent languages are actively being investigated in 
the programming language community. Part of the purpose and specificity 
of CMSB is to bring a computer science audience in touch with this 
potentially immense field of application.

( Apologies for multiple postings -- Please forward to all who may be 

Second International Workshop on Computational Methods in Systems 
Biology 2004
May 26 - 28, 2004
Hotel Meridien Montparnasse, Paris, France
Organized by : Genoscope, Evry – Genopole, Evry – CNRS – University of 
Paris – BioPathways Consortium
Conference website: http://www.biopathways.org/CMSB04/

********** KEYNOTE SPEAKERS ***********
Trey Ideker, University of California, San Diego, USA
Rene Thomas, Free University of Brussels, Belgium
Alfonso Valencia, CNB-CSIC, Madrid, Spain

******* CONFERENCE PROGRAM ********

The CMSB (Computational Methods in Systems Biology) conference series
was established in 2003 to help catalyze the convergence between
modellers (computer scientists from fields such as
language design, concurrency theory or program verification, as well as
physicists and mathematicians) and biologists interested in a
systems-level understanding of cellular processes.

Among the conference topics:
- Formal models for regulatory, signalling or metabolic networks
- Formal methods for the analysis of biomolecular systems
- Qualitative or quantitative analyses of biomolecular systems
- Theoretical comparisons between different formal models of cellular
- Applications of formal techniques to the reverse-engineering of
biological networks
- Detailed case-studies on how a biological question was successfully
addressed using formal models
- Definition and study of theoretical properties of 
formal languages

**In addition to long and short presentations of peer-reviewed work, the
workshop will be an opportunity for in-depth discussions on the general
issue of the use of formal languages to describe and analyze cellular

A preliminary program is now available on the website at :

************* VENUE AND ACCOMMODATION *************

The workshop will take place in the heart of Montparnasse, on the left 
of Paris, at the end of May...

Conference attendees are responsible for booking their own 
A block of rooms has been reserved at the conference venue (Hotel 
at a discounted price.
A selection of alternative hotels is available on the conference 

************** REGISTRATION ****************
Online registration is open at http://www.biopathways.org/CMSB04 until 

Monique Meugnier and Catherine Sarlande
CMSB04 Conference Organisation
email: cmsb04 at genoscope.cns.fr


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