[TYPES] Positions of interest to type theoretists

anton setzer a.g.setzer at swansea.ac.uk
Sat May 15 22:53:54 EDT 2004

The computer science department in Swansea has a small group in type 
theory consisting of myself (Anton Setzer), Ulrich Berger and Markus 
Roggenbach and forms a subsite for the next TYPES proposal. We are 
currently hiring new positions, of which some will go to logic, so I 
hope that some type theoretists apply for those positions:

Professorships, Readerships, Lectureships, Tutorships.
The department of computer science at Swansea (Wales, UK) is currently 
advertising academic positions at all levels.
We hope to expand expecially our groups in visual
computing and in logic/theoretical computer

Our department was rated 5 in the last research assessment exericse.
It has a very strong group in logic and
theoretical computer science which is amongst the biggest in
UK. The members of that group are Ulrich Berger (proof theory,
computability theory, type theory),  Phil Grant (artificial
intelligence), Andy Gimblett (algebraic specification),
Neal Harman (hardware verification, models of computation,
algebraic specification), Oliver Kullmann (satisfiability problems),
Markus Michelbrink (proof theory, type theory),
Faron Moller (automata theory, modal and temporal logic),
Markus Roggenbach (algebraic specification), Monika Seisenberger
(proof theory, type theory, computability theory),
Anton Setzer (proof theory, type theory) and
John Tucker (algebraic specification, algebraic methods,
computability theory). We have as well strong links to the
mathematics department, with Roger Hindley (lambda-calculus) and
Jiang-Lun Wu (nonstandard analysis).

The deadline for application is 25 June 2004.
The official advertisements can be found at 
http://www.jobs.ac.uk/jobfiles/IS433.html and

Anton Setzer                            Telephone:
Department of Computer Science          (national)        (01792) 513368 
University of Wales Swansea             (international) +44 1792  513368
Singleton Park                          Fax:
Swansea SA2 8PP                         (national)        (01792) 295708
UK                                      (international) +44 1792  295708
Visiting address:                       Email: a.g.setzer at swan.ac.uk
Faraday Building,                       WWW:
Computer Science Dept.            http://www.cs.swan.ac.uk/~csetzer/ 
2nd floor, room 211.      ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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