[TYPES] Type theory applications to the Semantic Web/RDF

Benjamin Pierce bcpierce at cis.upenn.edu
Sat Jun 5 10:10:58 EDT 2004

>       For those of you familiar with XML (eXtended
> Markup Language) and Schemas, can you point me at
> papers that apply type theory (categorical perhaps) to
> XML and XML Schema? 

There are lots.  For example, check out the XDuce and Xtatic languages
designed at Penn


and follow citations there (or go directly via Google) to papers on XQuery,
CDuce, Xact, Xen, RelaxNG, etc., etc.


    - Benjamin

BENJAMIN C. PIERCE, Professor                                               
Dept. of Computer & Information Science     
University of Pennsylvania                                    +1 215 898-2012
3330 Walnut St.                                          Fax: +1 215 898-0587
Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA                http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce

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