[TYPES] New OUP Monograph: Reductive Logic and Proof-search.

David J. Pym d.j.pym at bath.ac.uk
Tue Jun 8 17:53:43 EDT 2004

Readers of these lists may be interested in the following new monograph in
OUP's Oxford Logic Guides series (number 45):

Reductive Logic and Proof-search: Proof Theory, Semantics, and Control
by David Pym and Eike Ritter.


also linked from http://www.bath.ac.uk/~cssdjp


Foreword by Lincoln Wallen
1 Deductive Logic, Reductive Logic, and Proof-search
2 Lambda-calculi for Intuitionistic and Classical Proofs
3 The Semantics of Intuitionistic and Classical Proofs
4 Proof Theory for Reductive Logic
5 Semantics for Reductive Logic
6 Intuitionistic and Classical Proof-search and Their Semantics

With thanks,

   David Pym

Prof. David J. Pym                Telephone: +44 (0)1 225 38 3246
Professor of Logic & Computation  Facsimile: +44 (0)1 225 38 3493
University of Bath                Email: d.j.pym at bath.ac.uk
Bath BA2 7AY, England, U.K.       Web: http://www.bath.ac.uk/~cssdjp 


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