[TYPES] FSTTCS 2004 Call for Papers

R. Ramanujam jam at imsc.res.in
Wed Jun 9 15:18:52 EDT 2004

Dear Editor,

Please post the following CFP on the types list. The
conference typically gets many submissions in areas
like  polymorphic lambda calculus, type checking,
linear logic, full abstraction, domain theory, and
type systems for concurrent, distributed, and mobile
programming, so the announcement will surely interest
the TYPES readers.

Thanks, Ramanujam


                   FST&TCS 2004
               The 24th Conference on
        Foundations of Software Technology and
            Theoretical Computer Science

	        December 16--18, 2004,
	           Chennai, INDIA

	           CALL FOR PAPERS

* Important dates:
  Submissions:    21st June   2004
  Notification:   20th August 2004

* Satellite Workshops: December 13--15, 2004.

  Algorithms for dynamic data,
    coordinated by S. Muthukrishnan and Pankaj Agarwal.

  Logic for dynamic data, coordinated by Uday Reddy.

* Invited Speakers:

  Javier Esparza
  Piotr Indyk
  Pavel Pevzner
  John C. Reynolds
  Denis The'rien

* Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and
unpublished research in any area of Theoretical Computer Science or
Foundational aspects of Software Technology. Representative areas
include, but are not limited to:

Automata, Languages and Computability; Automated Reasoning, Rewrite
Systems, and Applications; Combinatorial Optimization; Computational
Biology; Computational Complexity; Computational Geometry; Concurrency
Theory; Cryptography and Security Protocols; Database Theory and
Information Retrieval; Data Structures; Graph and Network Algorithms;
Logic, Proof Theory, Model Theory and Applications; Logics of Programs
and Temporal Logics; New Models of Computation; Parallel and Distributed
Computing; Programming Language Design and Semantics; Randomized and
Approximation Algorithms; Software Specification and Verification;
Timed and Hybrid Systems; Type Systems

* For details see: http://www.fsttcs.org/


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