[TYPES] Call for Papers: Special issue of HOSC on Continuations

Hayo Thielecke H.Thielecke at cs.bham.ac.uk
Tue Jun 22 20:28:57 EDT 2004

               HOSC Special Issue on Continuations

We are organizing a special issue of the journal Higher-Order and
Symbolic Computation (HOSC) at the occasion of the Fourth ACM-SIGPLAN
Continuations Workshop (CW'04), which took place together with this
year's POPL in January. The call for papers is open: interested authors
are invited to submit papers in the scope of CW'04, whether or not they
participated in the workshop. Papers will be reviewed to the usual
standards of HOSC.

The deadline for consideration for the special issue is 1 October 2004.
Submissions should be sent to <hosc at brics.dk>, and cover letters should be
sent to the two editors:

      Olivier Danvy <danvy at brics.dk>
      Hayo Thielecke <H.Thielecke at cs.bham.ac.uk>.

Informal enquiries may be sent to either editor.

More details on the workshop, including its online proceedings and links
to past special issues of HOSC <http://www.brics.dk/~hosc> for previous
Continuation Workshops, can be found at

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
- type systems, logics, and semantics for control operators
- delimited and unlimited continuations
- programming with continuations and with control operators
- compiling with continuations
- the CPS transformation
- continuations in GUIs or operating systems
- continuations, distributed computation, and mobile code
- continuations in natural languages


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