[TYPES] IFIP ICEC 2004: Call for Participation

Rauterberg, G.W.M. G.W.M.Rauterberg at tue.nl
Fri Jul 9 16:37:26 EDT 2004

Prolog for TYPES members: 
program covers concurrent, distributed, and mobile programming.
Posted on behalf of Matthias Rauterberg [g.w.m.rauterberg at tue.nl]
With apologies for multiple postings and cross postings
ICEC 2004: 3rd International Conference for Entertainment Computing
September 1-3, 2004 at Technical University Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Under the auspices of IFIP: 
In cooperation with ACM, ACS, afihm, AI-IA, BARA, BCS, CPSR, CSI, DATA, 
                    DiGRA, GI, NGI, KIVI, PCS, SI, SIGCHI.NL, sky, UPA
Sponsored by TU/e, ID, JFS, KNAW, NWO, ERCIM, IOP-MMI
>From all over the world, ICEC 2004 attracted enormous paper submissions 
(full papers, short papers, demo papers, and poster papers). 
Based on a thorough review and selection process done by 93 international 
experts from academia and industry a high quality program can be presented. 
Finally 27 full papers, 27 short papers, 18 poster papers, 3 demo papers, 
and in addition 3 keynote papers plus 3 specially invited topic papers 
are compiled and presented in the program. 
All session papers are allocated to one of the following topics: 
(1) advanced interaction design; (2) art, design and media; 
(3) augmented, virtual and mixed reality; (4) computer games; 
(5) human factors of games; (6) intelligent games; 
(8) mobile entertainment; (9) sound and music; 
and (10) visual media engineering.

Start planning now to join us in September in Eindhoven.
For more information, see http://www.icec.id.tue.nl/program.php

We look forward to welcome you in Eindhoven,

Matthias Rauterberg (chair)
Jaap van den Herik (co-chair)
Anton Nijholt (co-chair)

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