[TYPES] CFP: TFP04 Symp on Trends in Functional Programming

Hans-Wolfgang Loidl hwloidl at informatik.uni-muenchen.de
Fri Jul 23 01:40:18 EDT 2004

[ Functional apologies for repeated copies of this message apply -- HWL ]


				 TFP 2004
			    Fifth Symposium on
		     Trends in Functional Programming

			  November 25-26th 2004,
	      Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich, Germany


The Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming is an international forum
for  researchers with interests  in all  aspects of  functional programming
languages.  It  succeeds TFP03  in  Edinburgh  and  continues the  Scottish
Functional  Programming  Workshop series  from  1999-2002.   Papers on  all
aspects  of  functional  programming  are welcomed,  be  they  theoretical,
implementation-oriented, or  experience papers.  The venue for  this year's
symposium will be Ludwig-Maximilians University in central Munich.


Papers on any aspect of functional programming are welcomed. Papers on
the following subject areas are particularly welcome:

    * design and implementation of functional or declarative languages;
    * rich type systems, including type systems for expressing side-effects,
      resource bounds, or other safety properties;
    * linear type systems, soft type systems, typeful programming;
    * formal aspects of functional programming, semantics, reasoning,
    * inductive or co-inductive techniques, proof nets;
    * mobile-code functional programming languages;
    * parallel programming with functional languages, cost models for
      functional programs;
    * functional aspects of imperative programming, functional bytecode;
    * interoperability with imperative programming languages, calling
      imperative from functional or vice versa;
    * type inference algorithms, type error repair, deep types;
    * strongly-typed imperative languages with inference;
    * optimisation techniques, implementation techniques, and performance 
    * experience papers: applications of functional programming or
      functional programming in education.


As  with the previous  instances of  TFP and  SFP, we  intend to  publish a
high-quality subset of contributions  in the Intellect Trends in Functional
Programming  series. All  speakers attending  the workshop  are  invited to
submit a paper  for the draft proceedings. Revised  papers will be refereed
after  the   symposium  according   to  normal  conference   standards  for
publication by Intellect. This implies (among other things) that:

    * the paper should be written in English
    * the paper is well written
    * the topic of the paper should be stated clearly
    * the approach to solve the problem should be outlined clearly
    * a detailed discussion of the solution has to be given
    * the solution is compared with relevant related work
    * there is an abstract, introduction and conclusion.
    * the conclusion should summarise the problem, the solution, and how
      this solves the problem.
    * papers must not exceed 16 pages.
    * the paper should conform to the TFP format
    * the paper should be submitted as a PostScript or a PDF file by email to the
      programme chair, Hans-Wolfgang Loidl <hwloidl at informatik.uni-muenchen.de>


Nov 1st 2004: 	  Registration deadline
Nov 15th 2004: 	  Submission for draft proceedings
Nov 25-26th 2004: Symposium at Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich
Dec 20th 2004: 	  Submission for referees process
Jan 31st 2005: 	  Notification of acceptance/rejection


The previous instance  of TFP was held in Edinburgh  2003 and continues the
Scottish Functional  Programming Workshop series with  previous meetings at
Stirling (2001), St.  Andrews (2000),  and Stirling (1999).  The TFP series
<http://www.tifp.org/>  strives to combine  an active  workshop environment
for  presenting latest  research, with  a formal  post-symposium refereeing
process   and  the   publication   of  a   high-profile  proceedings   (see
<http://www.intellectbooks.com/authors/hammond/trends3.htm>).  For a review
of past TFP  proceedings, see the July 2003 issue  of the JFP 13(4):823-824
at    <http://titles.cambridge.org/journals/JFP/>.    Sponsorship   funding
available to us will be used to reduce registration rates for PhD students,
who present proof of affiliation in advance of the symposium.


  * Stephen Gilmore, University of Edinburgh
  * Gaetan Hains, Universite d'Orleans
  * Kevin Hammond, University of St Andrews
  * John Hughes, Chalmers University
  * Hans-Wolfgang Loidl, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (Chair)
  * Rita Loogen, Philipps-University Marburg
  * Bruce McAdam, Robert Gordon University 
  * Greg Michaelson, Heriot-Watt University
  * John O'Donnell, University of Glasgow
  * Ricardo Pena, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  * Phil Trinder, Heriot-Watt University
  * Marko van Eekelen, University of Nijmegen
  * Phil Wadler, University of Edinburgh


TFP is supported this year by the APPSEM II Thematic Network and the Mobile
Resource Guarantees  project, funded by  the IST programme of  the European

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