[TYPES] Postdoc Position in Theorema

Theorema florina.piroi at risc.uni-linz.ac.at
Wed Aug 18 13:31:11 EDT 2004

        [we apologize for multiple copies]

Postdoc Position in the Frame of the Theorema Project

The new Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics
(RICAM) of the Austrian Academy of Science in Linz, Austria, offers a
postdoc position in the frame of the Theorema Project.

The Theorema Project aims at creating a system that supports the
entire process of Mathematical Theory Exploration (inventing
mathematical concepts, inventing and verifying propositions,
inventing mathematical problems, inventing and verifying algorithms,
building up and manipulating structured mathematical knowledge bases


- PhD in mathematics or computer science
- Expertise or, at least, interest in computational mathematics,
computational logic, and software development.

Applications (CV, publication list etc.) should be sent to the Theorema
project leader:

Professor Bruno Buchberger
buchberger at risc.uni-linz.ac.at

For information on Theorema see  http://www.theorema.org 

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