[TYPES] APLAS'04: Call for Participation + Posters

QIN Shengchao qinsc at comp.nus.edu.sg
Fri Sep 3 15:46:37 EDT 2004

Apology if you receive multiple copies.


                            CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

                         The Second Asian Symposium on
                 Programming Languages and Systems (APLAS 2004)
                       Taipei, Taiwan, November 4-6, 2004


                    Early Registration Ends on Oct. 8, 2004

Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica
Nangang 115, Taipei, Taiwan

General: US$ 250 (early), US$ 275 (late).
Student: US$ 150 (early), US$ 175 (late).

Poster submission remains open until Sept. 10, 2004. Please visit

Day I : November 4, 2004

8:30-9:30 Invited Talk
    * A CLP Approach to Modelling Systems
      Joxan Jaffar (National University of Singapore)

9:30-10:30 Session 1 (Program Transformation)
    * An Algebraic Approach to Bi-directional Updating
      Shin-Cheng Mu (University of Tokyo), Zhenjiang Hu (University of Toky=
      and Masato Takeichi (University of Tokyo)
    * Network Fusion
      Pascal Fradet (INRIA) and St=E9phane Hong Tuan Ha (IRISA/INRIA)

11:00-12:30 Session 2 (XML Processing)
    * Translation of Tree-processing Programs into Stream-processing Progra=
      based on Ordered Linear Type
      Koichi Kodama (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Kohei Suenaga (Univers=
      of Tokyo), and Naoki Kobayashi (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
    * An Implementation of Subtyping among Regular Expression Types
      Kenny Zhuo Ming Lu (National University of Singapore) and Martin Sulz=
      (National University of Singapore)
    * An Implementation Scheme for XML Transformation Languages through
      Derivation of Stream Processors
      Keisuke Nakano (University of Tokyo)

2:00-3:30 Session 3 (Software Safety)
    * Detecting Discrepancies in Legacy Telecom Applications Through Lightw=
      Static Analysis: A War Story
      Tobias Lindahl (Uppsala University) and Konstantinos Sagonas (Uppsala
    * History Effects and Verification
      Christian Skalka (University of Vermont) and Scott Smith (The Johns H=
    * Controlled Declassification based on Intransitive Noninterference
      Heiko Mantel (ETH Z=FCrich) and David Sands (Chalmers University of

4:00-5:30 Session 4 (Concurrency)
    * A Concurrent System of Multi-Ported Processes with Causal Dependency
      Tatsuya Abe (University of Tokyo)
    * Concurrency Combinators for Declarative Synchronisation
      Pawel T. Wojciechowski (=C9cole Polytechnic F=E9d=E9rale de Lausanne)
    * A Uniform Reduction Equivalence of Process Calculi
      Zining Cao (Peking University)

Day II : November 5, 2004

8:30-9:30 Invited Talk
    * Substructural Operational Semantics and Linear Destination-Passing St=
      Frank Pfenning (Carnegie Mellon University)

10:00-11:30 Session 5 (Type Systems)
    * PType System: A Featherweight Parallelizability Detector
      Dana Na Xu (National University of Singapore), Siau-Cheng Khoo (Natio=
      University of Singapore), and Zhenjiang Hu (University of Tokyo)
    * A Type Theory for Krivine-style Evaluation and Compilation
      Kwanghoon Choi (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) a=
      Atsushi Ohori (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
    * Region-Based Memory Management for a Dynamically-Typed Language
      Akihito Nagata (University of Tokyo), Naoki Kobayashi (Tokyo Institut=
e of
      Technology), and Akinori Yonezawa (University of Tokyo)

11:30-12:30 Session of Posters

2:00-3:30 Session 6 (Program Generation)
    * Protocol Specialization
      Matthias Neubauer (Universit=E4t Freiburg) and Peter Thiemann (Univer=
    * Automatic Generation of Editors for Higher-Order Data Structures
      Peter Achten (Nijmegen University), Marko van Eekelen (Nijmegen
      University), Rinus Plasmeijer (Nijmegen University), and Arjen van We=
      (Nijmegen University)
    * A MATLAB-based Code Generator for Sparse Matrix Computations
      Hideyuki Kawabata (Hiroshima City University), Mutsumi Suzuki (Hirosh=
      City University), and Toshiaki Kitamura (Hiroshima City University)

4:30-6:00 Session 7 (Foundations)
    * D-Fusion: a Distinctive Fusion Calculus
      Michele Boreale (Universit=E0 di Firenze), Maria Grazia Buscemi (Univ=
      di Pisa), and Ugo Montanari (Universit=E0 di Pisa)
    * A Functional Language for Logarithmic Space
      Peter M=F8ller Neergaard (Brandeis University)
    * Build, Augment and Destroy, Universally
      Neil Ghani (University of Leicester), Tarmo Uustalu (Tallinn Universi=
ty of
      Technology), and Varmo Vene (University of Tartu)
    * Free Sigma-monoids: a Higher-order Syntax with Metavariables
      Makoto Hamana (Gunma University)

Day III : November 6, 2004

8:30-9:30 Invited Talk
    * The Scala Experiment -- Can We Provide Better Language Support for
      Component Systems?
      Martin Odersky (=C9cole Polytechnic F=E9d=E9rale de Lausanne)

9:30-10:30 Session 8 (Applications)
    * Pointcuts as Functional Queries
      Michael Eichberg (Darmstadt University of Technology), Mira Mezini
      (Darmstadt University of Technology), and Klaus Ostermann (Darmstadt
      University of Technology)
    * Formal Design and Verification of Real-Time Embedded Software
      Pao-Ann Hsiung (National Chung Cheng University) and Shang-Wei Lin
      (National Chung Cheng University)

11:00-12:30 Session 9 (Objects)
    * McJava -- A Design and Implementation of Java with Mixin-Types
      Tetsuo Kamina (University of Tokyo) and Tetsuo Tamai (University of
    * A Relational Model for Object-Oriented Designs
      He Jifeng (United Nations University), Zhiming Liu (United Nations
      University), Xiaoshan Li (University of Macau), and Shengchao Qin
      (National University of Singapore)
    * Exploiting Java Objects Behavior for Memory Management and Optimizati=
      Zoe C. H. Yu (University of Hong Kong), Francis C. M. Lau (University=
      Hong Kong), and Cho-Li Wang (University of Hong Kong)

2:00-6:00 Excursion (Optional)

Please visit APLAS 2004 local arrangement web site at

Please send e-mail to
APLAS2004 at iis.sinica.edu.tw


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