[TYPES] Great Works of PL?

Benjamin C. Pierce bcpierce at saul.cis.upenn.edu
Sat Sep 4 10:05:32 EDT 2004

What, in your opinion, are the five most important papers ever written
in the area of programming languages?  

Please send responses to me directly and I will summarize to the list.
If you know of any similar lists that people have already made, I'd like
to hear about those too.


        - Benjamin

P.S.  I'm led to pose this question now because I'm pulling together
materials for a graduate seminar...

BENJAMIN C. PIERCE, Professor                                               
Dept. of Computer & Information Science     
University of Pennsylvania                                    +1 215 898-2012
3330 Walnut St.                                          Fax: +1 215 898-0587
Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA                http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce

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