[TYPES] CFP: Trustworthy Global Computing '05
Davide Sangiorgi
Davide.Sangiorgi at cs.unibo.it
Wed Nov 17 12:51:06 EST 2004
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Call for Papers - TGC '05
International Symposium on
"Trustworthy Global Computing"
co-Located with ETAPS 2005
With the co-sponsorship of IFIP TC-2
Important Dates
Paper submissions: January 14, 2005
Notification to authors: March 7, 2005
Final version due: March 18, 2005
Conference: April 7--9, 2005
Computing technology has become ubiquitous, from global applications
to miniscule embedded devices. Trust in computing is vital to help
protect public safety, national security, and economic prosperity. A
new area of research, known as global computing, has recently emerged
that aims at defining new models of computation based on code and data
mobility over wide area networks with highly dynamic topologies, and
that aims at providing infrastructures to support coordination and
control of components originated from different, possibly untrusted,
sources. Trustworthy Global Computing aims at guaranteeing safe and
reliable network usage, also by providing tools and framework for
reasoning about behaviour and properties of applications. In the
working conference we would like to listen and discuss the above
topics. We are looking for papers dealing with the issues below (the
list should nor be considered exhaustive):
-- resource usage,
-- language-based security, theories of trust and authentication,
-- privacy, reliability and business integrity
-- access control and mechanisms for enforcing them,
-- models of interaction and dynamic components management,
-- language concepts and abstraction mechanisms,
-- test generators, symbolic interpreters, type checkers,
-- finite state model checkers, theorem provers.
-- software principles to support debugging and verification
-- ....
The format we envisage is not that of a classical conference but one
structured to leave room for discussions stimulated by a conspicuous
number of invited talks and by the papers selected after standard
The following researchers, chosen by the PC members, have accepted to
give invited talks. The topics of the talks will be made available on
the conference web page soon.
Michele Bugliesi (Univ. of Venezia - IT)
Luis Caires (Univ. Nova of Lisbon - PT)
Matthew Hennessy (Univ. of Sussex - UK)
Peter Van Roy ( Univ. Catholique of Louvain, BE)
Elsa Gunter (New Jersey Insit. of Technology, USA
Joshua Guttman (Mitre, Bedford - USA)
Mark Miller (HP - USA)
Benjamin Pierce (Univ. of Pennsylvania - USA)
Paul Spirakis ( University of Patras - GR)
Wolfram Schulte (Microsoft - USA)
Sanjiva Weerawarana (IBM - Usa)
The initiative stems from the IFIP Working Group (WG) 2.2.
(http://www.irisa.fr/s4/wg22/). In the past, this WG has organised a
general working conference every 4 years. Members felt that the
format should change, and the conference should be more
focused. TGC'05 is the first thematic conference promoted by the
WG. The conference has the co-sponsorship of IFIP TC-2 (Technical
Committee 2 "Software: Theory and Practice"), to which WG 2.2 belongs.
The theme has been stimulated by the activities of the IST/FET
proactive Initiative on Global Computing funded by European Union. It
can be considered has the evolution of the previous Global Computing
Workshops held in Trento (see e.g. LNCS 2874) and the workshops on
Foundation of Global Computing held as satellite events of ICALP or
Concur (see e.g. ENTCS Vol. 85)
Contributions must be in PostScript or PDF and consist of no more than
15 pages in the Springer LNCS style
Proofs omitted due to space limitations may be included in a clearly
marked appendix. Submitted papers must describe work unpublished in
refereed venues, and not submitted for publication elsewhere.
Proceedings will be published by Springer Verlag in the LNCS
series,immediately after the conference, to give the authors the
opportunity to take into account discussions and suggestions at the
conference. (Pre-proceedings, printed locally in Edinburgh, with
the accepted papers will be made available at the conference.)
A special issue (edited by D. Sannella e V. Sassone) of
the Elsevier Journal of Theorethical Computer Science will be
dedicated to the theme of the workshop and the best papers of TGC 05
will be invited.
Program Chairs:
Rocco De Nicola - Dip . Sistemi e Informatica
Università di Firenze - E-mail: denicola at dsi.unifi.it
Davide Sangiorgi - Dip . Scienze dell'Informazione
Università di Bologna - E-mail: davide.sangiorgi at cs.unibo.it
Program Committee:
The PC include coordinators of EU Global Computing projects,
organisers of past events similar to TGC'05, a few external experts on
security and GC:
Luca Cardelli (Microsoft Cambridge, UK)
Giuseppe Castagna (ENS Paris, France)
Adriana Compagnoni (Stevens Institute, USA)
Rocco De Nicola (Florence, Italy) - Chair
José Luiz Fiadeiro (Leicester, UK)
Roberto Gorrieri (Bologna, Italy)
Seif Haridi (SICS, Sweden)
Jean-Jacques Levy (Inria, France)
Huimin Lin (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Eugenio Moggi (Genova, Italy)
Mogens Nielsen (Aarhus, Denmark)
Flemming Nielson (Lyngby, Denmark)
Joachim Parrow (Uppsala, Sweden)
Corrado Priami (Trento, Italy)
Julian Rathke (Sussex, UK)
Davide Sangiorgi (Bologna, Italy) - Chair
Don Sannella (Edinburgh, UK)
Vladimiro Sassone (Sussex, UK)
Jean-Bernard Stefani (Inria, France)
Martin Wirsing (Munich, Germany)
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