[TYPES] call for papers

Abstract Domains Workshop vmcai05 at polytechnique.fr
Fri Nov 19 19:24:40 EST 2004

Call for papers  :


                 INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP on


               January 21, 2005   :   Paris, France



Abstract domain is a key notion in Abstract Interpretation theory. The
Abstract Interpretation framework provides constructive systematic
formal methods for abstract domain design (moore families, closures,
galois connections, congruences, ... but also less constrained models
when a better approximation does not exist), abstract domain composition
(fully or partially reduced product, cardinal power, downset completion,
=2E..), etc.

Many abstract domains have been designed: numerical (e.g. intervals,
linear equalities, linear inequalities, congruences, octogons,
octahedrons, complex non-linear invariants, etc.), symbolic (e.g.
partitions, trees etc.), composed domains (e.g. using the reduced product)
and recently application to the analysis of floating-point numbers,
practical deployment on a large scale, etc.

        Topics & Submissions:

The workshop is intended to discuss on-going works and ideas in the
field. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

numeric abstract domains =09symbolic abstract domains
compositions                    practical implementations
extrapolation                   practical experimentation
techniques to adjust the cost/precision trade-off

Those who are interested in having a talk at the workshop and/or
discussing issues related with this subjects are invited to send their
expression of interest together with an extended abstract to
Radhia.Cousot at polytechnique.fr by December 10, 2004.

Submitted extended abstracts should be at most 3 pages lncs-style. A
special issue in the series Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer
Science will be organized if the number of expressions of interest is

        Important dates:

Extended Abstracts: December 10, 2004
Notification: December 17, 2004
The workshop: January 21, 2005

        Program Committee:

Jordi Cortadella        Universitat Polit=E8cnica de Catalunya (S)
Radhia Cousot (Chair)  =09CNRS / =C9cole Polytechnique (F)
Laurent Mauborgne =09=C9cole Normale Sup=E9rieure (F)
Alan Mycroft            Cambridge University (UK)
Francesca Scozzari =09Universit=E0 di Pisa (I)
Helmut Seidl            Technische Universit=E4t M=FCnchen (G)
Arnaud Venet            Kestrel/NASA Ames Research Center (USA)

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