[TYPES] TLDI 05 Call for Participation

David Walker dpw at CS.Princeton.EDU
Wed Dec 8 11:31:25 EST 2004

*                        Call for Participation                         *
*                                                                       *
*          TLDI'05: Types in Language Design and Implementation         *
*                                                                       *
*                       In conjunction with the                         *
*    ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL)        *
*                            10 January 2005                            *
*                            Long Beach, CA                             *
*               http://www.eecs.harvard.edu/~greg/tldi05                *
TLDI is a workshop on the role of types in all aspects of language design,
compiler construction, and software development. In recent years, type
systems and type analyses have led to new concepts in compilation techniques
for modern programming languages, verification of safety and security
properties of programs, program transformation and optimization, and many
other areas. In recognition of the expanding role of types, TLDI'03 expanded
on the previous Workshops on Types in Compilation (TIC) to bring together
researchers to share new ideas and results in this area.

This year the workshop will be January 10th, preceding POPL'05. The workshop
will be held at the Hyatt Regency in Long Beach, CA.  For registration and
other details, please see the POPL'05 web page:

Hotel Registration Deadline:  December 21, 2004
Advanced Conference Registration Deadline:  December 30, 2004

Invited Talk:  Evolution of a Safe Type System for C
  Trevor Jim, AT&T Laboratories

The Open Verifier Framework for Foundational Verifiers
  Bor-Yuh Chang, Adam Chlipala, George Necula, Robert Schneck

An Open and Shut Typecase
   Dimitrios Vytiniotis, Geoffrey Washburn, Stephanie Weirich

Types for Describing Coordinated Data Structures
  Michael Ringenburg, Dan Grossman

Decideable Subclassing-Bounded Quantification
  Juan Chen

Type Inference for Atomicity
  Cormac Flanagan, Stephen Freund, Marina Lifshin

Grammar-Based Analysis of String Expressions
  Peter Thiemann

Nonlocal Type Inference
  Adam Chlipala, Leaf Petersen, Robert Harper

Automated and Certified Conformance to Responsiveness Policies
  Joseph Vanderwaart, Karl Crary

Type-Based Verification of Assembly Language for Compiler Debugging
  Bor-Yuh Chang, Adam Chlipala, George Necula, Rober Schneck

Non-Interfaerence for a JVM-like Language
  Gilles Barthe, Tamara Rezk
Program chair: Manuel Fähndrich, Microsoft Research

Program committee:

    * Karl Crary (Carnegie Mellon University)
    * Dominic Duggan (Stevens Institute of Technology)
    * Cormac Flanagan (University of California at Santa Cruz)
    * Todd Millstein (University of California at Los Angeles)
    * Yasuhiko Minamide (University of Tsukuba)
    * Francois Pottier (INRIA Rocquencourt)
    * Peter Sewell (Cambridge University)
    * Carsten Schuermann (Yale University)
    * David Walker (Princeton University)

General chair: Greg Morrisett, Harvard University

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