[TYPES] connectedness and acyclicity in IMLL proof nets

Satoshi Matsuoka s-matsuoka at aist.go.jp
Sun Jun 22 22:46:52 EDT 2008

Dear Aurelien,

In MLL, your observation holds if a proof structure satisfies  
the equation #(ID) = #( x ) + 1, where #(ID) is the number of 
the ID-links and #( x ) is the number of the tensor-links in 
the proof structure. 

The equation is an invariant of MLL proof nets, which you can find 
in "Le Point Aveugle I" by Girard. 

Best regards, 
Satoshi Matsuoka
National Institute of
Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
1-1-1 Umezono,Tsukuba,Ibaraki
305-8563, Japan
E-mail : matsuoka at ni.aist.go.jp
TEL : +81-29-861-4106

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