[TYPES] Colloquium on Games, Dialogue and Interaction
alain.lecomte at univ-paris8.fr
Wed Mar 18 11:08:26 EDT 2009
Could you please make this call for papers circulate
among your colleagues? Thanks
[* apologies for multiple postings]
Workshop on Games, Dialogue and Interaction
University of Paris VIII
September 28/29, 2009
This workshop is to be held in the frame of the PRELUDE project (funded by
the French ANR Agence Nationale pour la Recherche), which is a joint
project of four research teams : laboratoire Structures Formelles de la
Langue (Paris VIII and CNRS), Institut de mathématiques de Luminy
(Aix-Marseille and CNRS), Laboratoire dinformatique de Bordeaux (équipe
Signes) (Bordeaux I, CNRS and INRIA) and Laboratoire lorrain de recherches
en informatique et applications (LORIA, Nancy). It will be hosted by Paris
VIII University in its premises located in Paris, 59 rue Pouchet (17e).
PRELUDE stands for Towards a Theoretical Pragmatic based on Ludics and
Continuations, that is to say that a particular emphasis has been put
during all these years on the use of new formal tools coming from
Theoretical Computer Science and Logic in order to give new formulations
for language phenomena pertaining to formal semantics (logical forms),
pragmatics (dialogue, presupposition) and even argumentation (fallacies
and stratagems).
As indicated by its title, this workshop will be devoted on all aspects of
the formal study of dialogue and interactions: syntax of dialogue,
semantic, pragmatic and philosophical aspects.
Jean-Yves Girard (CNRS, Institut de Mathématiques de Luminy)
Ruth Kempson (Kings College, London)
Sandra Laugier (Department of Philosophy, Université de Picardie)
Mathieu Marion (Department of Philosophy, Université du Québec à Montréal)
Dale Miller (INRIA, Saclay Ile de France and Ecole Polytechnique)
Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen (Department of Philosophy, Helsinki)
We invite submissions of extended abstracts of maximally 8 pages (A4 or
letter, 12pt single spaced). The material must be original and previously
unpublished. Parallel submissions to other conferences is possible but
must be indicated with the submission. The material that is covered in the
abstract must be appropriate in length and content to be presented in a
30-minute talk. Submissions must be made before *May 15* and sent to one
of the following addresses: Alain.Lecomte at univ-paris8.fr,
quatrini at iml.univ-mrs.fr
- Conference: 28/28 September
- Submission: 15 May
- Notification: 10 June
- Final version: 15 July
- 100 euros, for lunches and proceedings (students : 50 euros)
Alain Lecomte, Laurent Roussarie, Maya Hickman (Paris VIII)
Michele Abrusci (Roma III)
Nicholas Asher (Toulouse & Austin)
Francis Corblin (Paris IV)
Marie-Renée Fleury (Aix-Marseille II)
Christophe Fouqueré (Paris XIII)
Jean-Baptiste Joinet (Paris I)
Laurent Keiff (Lille III)
Ruth Kempson (Kings College, London)
Alain Lecomte (Paris VIII)
Pierre Livet (Aix-Marseille)
Giuseppe Longo (ENS Paris)
Mathieu Marion (UQAM Montréal)
Dale Miller (Polytechnique Paris)
Frédéric Nef (EHESS Paris)
Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen (Helsinki)
Myriam Quatrini (Aix-Marseille II)
Shahid Rahman (Lille III)
Christian Retoré (Bordeaux I)
Sylviane Schwer (Paris XIII)
Jean-Jacques Szczeciniarz (Paris VII)
Pr. Alain Lecomte Alain.Lecomte at univ-paris8.fr
Université Paris 8 tel. 06 63 09 67 64
UMR 7023 « Structures Formelles de la Langue »
Bâtiment D, pièces 323-327
2, rue de la Liberté, Saint-Denis
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