[TYPES] what does a negative proposition represent in type theory?

Uday S Reddy u.s.reddy at cs.bham.ac.uk
Fri May 21 17:11:35 EDT 2010

Xuhui Li writes:

> In type theory there is a proper correspondance between compound propositions
> and types, such as A & B, A -> B. However, what does a negative proposition
> like "ØA" mean? What is an element of the type "ØA"? Further, suppose x:A and
> y:ØA, is there certain rules to reduce x and y just like reduce A&ØA
> in  logic system?

If you are talking about intuitionistic type theory, then not(A) is
just a short hand notation for A -> false.  Everything else follows
from that.

Uday Reddy

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