[TYPES] a counterexample to Plotkin and Abadi's characterization of equivalence at existential type?
Uday S Reddy
u.s.reddy at cs.bham.ac.uk
Wed Dec 5 12:31:47 EST 2012
Derek Dreyer writes:
> Thanks for the clarification, Uday!
My pleasure. I think syntactic reasoning can be mysterious, and it is only
clarified when we consider semantics. Consider that a plug for semantics!
> Having said that, however, now I'm wondering about something else. It
> seems to me that, at least when restricted to closed types (and
> possibly more generally), all that the "only if" direction of Theorem
> 7 shows is that every term of existential type is equal to *some* term
> of the form "pack X x". In particular, it does *not* seem to imply
> that equivalent packages are related by a transitive composition of
> simulation arguments.
Once again, syntactic reasoning locks in mysteries here. The remark
following Theorem 7 provides the only way in PAL to show that two terms of a
an existential type are equal. So, if you managed to prove that two such
terms are equal in PAL, you would have constructed a trasitive composition
of simulation arguments. So, the property you want follows as a metatheorem
about PAL.
(If we were givinng a semantics, we would be forced to write that down
explicitly. But, in a formal system, it is implicit.)
> That is, suppose pack B1 b1 = pack B2 b2 : Exists X. A[X] (with A[X]
> having only free variable X). The "only if" direction of Theorem 7
> doesn't actually tell us anything (new) about the relationship between
> b1 and b2 because there's a trivial solution for the existentially
> bound variables on the rhs.
That is indeed right. For closed types, the "only if" direction is trivial.
However, for open types, it is not. You would notice in Theorem 7 the
additional condition that x and y have to be related by A[S,rho]. That
plays a significant role.
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