[TYPES] Declarative vs imperative

Mark Janssen dreamingforward at gmail.com
Tue Apr 23 12:49:43 EDT 2013

>> What machines do you use, where a C compiler fills in the gaps of your
>> source code? Quantum computers?
> Well, the C standard does not fully define the meaning of all C
> programs, e.g. when a program divides by zero. The actual program output
> may depend on the compiler options. The machine code is usually strictly
> defined, so in a sense the C compiler fills in gaps.

Right, re: division by zero, but the program output is still
deterministic -- the gap was filled before you even wrote your
program, by the compiler vendor/writer.  A given compiler (say  gcc
vs. TurboC) could handle the case of division by zero differently, but
the compiler writer still has to make the design decision what his/her
compiler will do.  Once that decision is made, it will do the same
thing every time.  *There is no ambiguity, the gap was filled by the
compiler designer *prior* to your code.*

Tacoma, Washington

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