[TYPES] Types as theories

PATRICK BROWNE patrick.browne at dit.ie
Tue May 13 08:09:38 EDT 2014

Dear list
I am studying Goguen's paper Types as theories [1].
Below are two examples coded in CafeOBJ (any other algebraic specification
language would do).
Based on Goguen's paper, are the following true?

1) Subsort inheritance provides a classification of values, every value of
the sub-sort is a value of the super-sort.(MONOID1)

2) Module import inheritance provides classification of models, each model
of the class of models of the importing module contains a model of the
imported module.(MONOID2)

My intention is that MONOID1 illustrates 1) and 2) MONOID2 illustrates 2).

    the CafeOBJ module is the software realization of a theory

    loose semantics, so any model of TRIV will do

    the term type is synonym for sort

    the < symbol indicates subsort

    a monoid is associative and has a  neutral element.

mod* MONOID1 {
[  Monoid < Elt ]
-- Signature in terms of super type
op e : -> Elt
op _._ : Elt Elt -> Elt
-- equations in terms of subtype
vars A B C : Group
eq A . e = A .
eq e . A = A .
eq A . (B . C) = ((A . B) . C) .

mod* MONOID2 {
-- The TRIV theory represented by the CafeOBJ
-- built in loose theory TRIV which has Elt as its principal sort and no
-- I used protecting mode for import, perhaps it should be extending?
op e : -> Elt
op _._ : Elt Elt -> Elt
vars A B C : Elt
eq A . e = A .
eq e . A = A .
eq A . (B . C) = ((A . B) . C) . -- Associativity could be specified as a

Regards, Pat

[1]Goguen, J. (1991). Types as Theories. Topology and Category in Computer
Science. G. M. Reed, A. W. Roscoe and R. F. Wachter, Oxford University
Press: 357-390.


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