[TYPES] I'm searching for a survey on type system feature combinations

hgualandi at inf.puc-rio.br hgualandi at inf.puc-rio.br
Sun Jun 14 23:08:50 EDT 2015

I'm interested in the problems that appear when you mix together different
programming language features in the same language and type system. For
example, parametric polymorphism and subtyping are very simple and easy to
use by themselves but lots of tricky variance and type inference problems
pop up when you mix both of them in a single language.

I was wondering if there exists a comprehensive survey somewhere that
covers how different type system features interact with each other. The
only one I know of is Barendregt's Lambda Cube -- each axis of the cube is
a different "feature" and each vertex corresponds to a different
combination of features. However, the Lambda Cube doesn't cover things
like subtyping, mutable references, intersection/union types, etc. Is
there something out there that does?

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