[TYPES] Summary of tricks for setting figures of rules in LaTeX

Norman Ramsey nr at cs.tufts.edu
Wed Dec 4 10:34:00 EST 2019

Thanks to the many who replied to my questions about setting
figures full of typing rules.  Your suggestions were as follows:

  * \fbox left justified on a line by itself just before \mathpar
    (possibly with {} \and ... to make room)

    Example detail:

        \judgshap[(where \(A\) is well formed)]{\Gamma \vdash e : A}

  * \fbox on its own line in {mathpar} and thus centered

  * \fbox in mathpar with very ugly hack to force left or right alignment

  * \fbox in mathpar with nice hack to force left alignment:

       \fbox{$e \cbvstep e'$}\hfill\\

  * Check out back end of `ottalt` package (used with Ott) or ottlayout.sty

Thanks again!


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