[TYPES] effect vs. coeffect expressiveness

Flavien Breuvart breuvart at lipn.univ-paris13.fr
Thu Apr 30 04:06:32 EDT 2020

Hi Jonathan,

There is not much more written as there is a lot that we do not 
understand here. I will present my point of view on the subject (this is 
an invitation for other point of view to express themselves ;).

First of all, I may have been attracted by the production/consumption 
distinction, I do not use it anymore. It is miss-leading and not that 
usefull as you said.

One thing is certain : monads are way more natural in call-by-value, and 
comonads are way more natural in call-by-name. I have to stop Haskeller 
complaints as an aparte : most monad in Haskell are intrincically CbV as 
the argument is evaluated to some extent by the bind, in addition 
Haskell is call-by-need, which is slightly different from this point of 

The real distinction I use on effects/coeffects is related to this 
statement : *effects describe what happen when the piece of code is 
evaluated*, while *coeffects describe what append when it is manipulated 

Following this idea, one can see that most coeffects can be somehow 
encapsulated into effects (basically by looking at what happened to the 
other copies of the codes); and worst, all applied coeffect on the 
literature are internally encoded this way since code manipulations are 
not accessible by programmers. But I believe that there is more to be 
discovered and used from coeffect, especially for writing concurrent 
programs or performing code analyses.

I was a bit expeditious,  I can develop some of the points if you are 

I hope you enjoyed those random thoughts, and I invite other to do the 
same. This subject is very interesting, but too fuzzy for it to be 
formalized yet :)


Flavien (the one from Gaboardi et al's ICFP paper)

Le 30/04/2020 à 01:48, Jonathan Aldrich a écrit :
> [ The Types Forum, http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-list ]
> Dear Types,
> I am curious about the relative expressiveness of effects and
> coeffects.  Has this been studied?
> The cleanest distinction I've seen is that effects capture the impact
> a program has on its environment, i.e. what it produces.  Coeffects
> capture the requirements that a program puts on its environment: what
> it consumes.  This is discussed, for example, in Gaboardi et al's ICFP
> 2016 paper, "Combining Effects and Coeffects via Grading" (and
> elsewhere).
> There is some useful intuition in this distinction, and it describes
> the different structure of checking rules in effect and coeffect
> systems.  However, I don't find this distinction very helpful in
> thinking about expressiveness.  It seems like many examples can be
> expressed in either an effect or a coeffect system.  For example, an
> exception is a classic example of an effect (e.g. in the paper
> mentioned above, and many others).  However, it seems to me that
> exceptions can also be modeled as coeffects: code that might throw an
> exception requires the caller to pass a handler for that exception to
> it--or perhaps an abstract "permission" to throw that exception.  So
> in what sense are exceptions an effect, rather than a coeffect?
> Is this true of all the kinds of things that are typically expressed
> with effects and coeffects--that they could just as easily be
> expressed in the other style?  If so, what are the benefits of one
> style vs. the other?  Or are there examples that can only be expressed
> in one style--or for which expression in the other style is much more
> awkward?
> Perhaps these questions have been written about, but I haven't been
> able to find it.  I would love to get some pointers.  I am
> particularly interested in a practical explanation of the differences
> in expressiveness, or theoretical results that have a direct and
> explicit relationship to practice--with practical examples in either
> case.  (co-)Monads and/or anything categorical are not a very helpful
> starting point for me, but effect systems and/or linear types are
> (I've done research on both).  I am also more interested in the
> descriptive view of effects/coeffects (in the sense of Filinski,
> ICFP'11) than the prescriptive view.
> Thanks,
> Jonathan

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