[TYPES] artifacts for double blind submissions: what about copyright?

Florian Weimer fw at deneb.enyo.de
Sun Jun 21 07:20:00 EDT 2020

* Alan Schmitt:

> I want to submit a paper to a conference that uses light double-blind
> reviewing. A crucial part of the work described by the paper is a piece
> of software, and I feel that it would be difficult to assess the paper
> without being able to run the software, simply to check that it does
> what we claim (this is what a reviewer said in a previous attempt). So I
> want to anonymize the code and include it as an artefact. But that means
> I need to remove all the copyright info, which bothers me a little.
> Should I just not worry about it, or are there better ways to share
> artifacts anonymously?

Is the software an original work created by the same authors as the
paper?  Then Stefan's comment applies.

Otherwise, it's much more complicated.  It definitely sounds
problematic to remove copyright notices that you yourself did not add.
On the other hand, people routinely do that when they compile software
and upload it to someone else's computer for execution, without
preserving these notices notices, even when the copyright notices
explicitly state that distribution of binaries must preserve these

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