[TYPES] what is "lexical" about "lexical scoping"?

Rishiyur Nikhil nikhil at acm.org
Thu Jul 30 14:51:28 EDT 2020

Isn't it just that the binding of a variable can be determined by looking
at textually surrounding scopes ('lexical' from 'textual')
as opposed to 'dynamic scoping' where a binding depends on the call chain
and can refer to a binding
that is textually arbitrary far away and unconnected with the text


On Thu, Jul 30, 2020 at 1:27 PM Norman Ramsey <nr at cs.tufts.edu> wrote:

> [ The Types Forum, http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-list
> ]
> This question might be off topic, but I hope not---there is a lot of
> knowledge here.  Why is "lexical scoping" called "lexical"?
> I'm used to "lexical" referring to properties that describe how
> concrete syntax is formed---what constitutes a comment, how characters
> are grouped into tokens, and that sort of thing.   The "lexical scope"
> used to give meaning to a closure seems more like a property of the
> syntax, not of the lexis.
> Is there another meaning of "lexical" that I don't know?
> Or some interesting history?
> Norman Ramsey

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