[TYPES] Pledge in favor of open access

Nguyễn Lê Thành Dũng nltd at nguyentito.eu
Sun Sep 13 20:12:52 EDT 2020

Dear Types list,

Since there have been some mentions of publication practices in the recent discussions on conferences, I would like to advertize the following pledge that you can sign in favor of open access (which I don't think has appeared on this mailing-list yet):


To summarize: "we will avoid serving as peer reviewers for venues that do not make publicly available the research that we review. Instead, we will give priority to open-access venues in how we allocate our reviewing time and organizational efforts."

NB: The pledge doesn't say anything about declining to submit as an author to closed-access venues. This is a deliberate choice, discussed in the FAQ:
Of course, someone who signs this pledge is entirely free to also commit to only publish in OA journals/conferences if they think it lends more credibility to their stance (personally this is what I do).

Lê Thành Dũng (Tito) Nguyễn

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