[TYPES] Type theory of file formats

Jimmy Koppel jkoppel at mit.edu
Sat Aug 20 00:07:38 EDT 2022

There’s a beautiful fact, not often discussed, that the theory of subtyping
explains forwards compatibility between file formats.

For example here’s a simple file format for images:

type header_length_v1 = {x : uint32 | x >= 2}

type width = uint32

type height = uint32

type header_v1(n) =  width * height * uint32[n-2]

type image_data = uint32[]

type image_file_v1 = {n: header_length_v1} * header_v1(n) * image_data

This type allows for arbitrary extensions to the header, so that any
extension to this format which adds more header fields is a subtype. A
reader for this file format is thus forwards-compatible with any format
extension which adds more header fields.

However, even though I wrote it them above as products, the components of a
binary file format are not products. In particular, they do not allow
nesting, e.g.: (a*b*c)*d is not compatible with (a*b)*d.  Compatibility
between two binary formats is determined  by the same data being in “the
same place.”  Even though, classically, uint32 * uint8 is a subtype of
uint32, one could not replace  width in the type above with (uint32 * uint8),
as that would move the location of the height from bytes 8-11 to bytes
9-12, breaking existing code.

For my class, I made up a “flat sequence type” to describe file formats,
which effectively functions as a product type which must be
right-associated. I would instead write the header(n) type as width ++
height ++ uint32[n-2]. I have not worked out all the theory, but I’ve
noticed fewer students making mistakes about binary compatibly since
introducing this idea.

Can anyone point me to related work?


Jimmy Koppel


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