[Unison-hackers] mutex

Ben Willmore ben at opendarwin.org
Sun Apr 23 15:15:18 EDT 2006

Well, I'm stumped.  Here's the problem in detail:

If thread A is running unisonSynchronize (uimacbridge.ml), and thread
B calls unisonRiToDetails (also uimacbridge.ml), a crash will
sometimes occur.  [Removing references to the stateItem in
unisonRiToDetails fixes it.]  My assumption was that both threads were
trying to access the same stateItem simultaneously.  Either this is
not the case, or I don't understand unisonSynchronize as well as I
think I do.

Attached is a patch that demonstrates it. It adds mutex locking in
unisonRiToDetails and unisonSynchronize, and some NSLog (print)

Steps to reproduce the bug:
Start the Mac GUI from the command line
Choose two roots with a large number of different small files (I use
the script below to make 500)
Scroll down and select the last reconItem, using the scroll bar, *not*
the down arrow (which would fetch all the details in advance).
Hit Go
Hold down the up arrow

You will see:
Usually, Unison will crash with a bus error (sometimes a segfault,
occasionally something else).
The mutexes have no effect in preventing this (though tests show they
are locking correctly).
The print statements show something like:

2006-04-23 11:46:44.836 Unison[8722] dS: SyncEnd: file34
2006-04-23 11:46:44.837 Unison[8722] dS: SyncStart: file340
2006-04-23 11:46:44.837 Unison[8722] dS: TransStart: file340
2006-04-23 11:46:44.838 Unison[8722] dS: TransStart: file340           file340
2006-04-23 11:46:44.841 Unison[8722] dS: SyncEnd: file340
2006-04-23 11:46:44.842 Unison[8722] dS: SyncStart: file341
2006-04-23 11:46:44.843 Unison[8722] dS: TransStart: file341
2006-04-23 11:46:44.843 Unison[8722] dS: TransStart: file341           file341
2006-04-23 11:46:44.861 Unison[8722] dS: Details: file9
2006-04-23 11:46:44.908 Unison[8722] dS: Details: file89
2006-04-23 11:46:45.011 Unison[8722] dS: Details: file88
2006-04-23 11:46:45.057 Unison[8722] dS: Details: file87
2006-04-23 11:46:45.066 Unison[8722] dS: Details: file86
2006-04-23 11:46:45.113 Unison[8722] dS: Details: file85
2006-04-23 11:46:45.160 Unison[8722] dS: Details: file84
2006-04-23 11:46:45.209 Unison[8722] dS: Details: file83
2006-04-23 11:46:45.262 Unison[8722] dS: Details: file82
2006-04-23 11:46:45.297 Unison[8722] dS: Details: file81
2006-04-23 11:46:45.327 Unison[8722] dS: Details: file80
2006-04-23 11:46:45.362 Unison[8722] dS: Details: file8
2006-04-23 11:46:45.396 Unison[8722] dS: Details: file79
Bus error

The files are alphanumerically sorted, so this indicates that files
file1->file340 have been synced successfully, and we're in the middle
of syncing file341.  Details have been displayed for files
file99->file79.  I.E. We haven't got close to a conflict where both
the sync thread and the GUI thread access the same item.

This is really annoying me.  As far as I can tell, both threads are
locked everywhere (relevant) that the stateItems are referenced, and
the log seems to agree this is not the problem.  But I can't see any
reason why running unisonRiToDetails on file79 should cause a crash
during synchronization of file341.

Any injection of wisdom would be much appreciated.


# make n=$1 files containing $2
for ((a=1; a <= LIMIT ; a++))
  echo $2 > file$a
-------------- next part --------------
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