[Unison-hackers] timers=true +???? = hang

Latcho spamthaman at gmail.com
Sun Jul 22 22:11:38 EDT 2007

Hi list,
New to this app, but love it... till it hung consequently with my new conf.

if anyone experieces a hang on transmitting multiple new files, apart 
from the first sync, this conf makes my server hang nearly always after 
some 10 files are transfered.
I enabled every confline one by one to pin the problem down.
If I enabled 'timers' = true I coul reproduce the problem every time.
I don't know or enabled 'timers' only freaks the server/client in 
conjunction with other options I have in my conf.
But hey, it might be your option next time to disbale it and live 
happely further.

label = desc
ui = text
host =
server = false
silent = false
dumbtty = true
testserver = false
showprev = false
confirmmerge = true
retry = 0
repeat =
contactquietly = false
expert = false
reusewindows = false
height = 4

maxthreads = 25
ignorelocks = false
dumparchives = false
showarchive = false
rootsName =

backups = false
backupsuffix = .BAK$VERSION
backupprefix =
backuplocation = central
rsync = true
allHostsAreRunningWindows = true
someHostIsRunningWindows = true
confirmbigdeletes = false
killserver = false
addversionno = false
servercmd =
sshargs =
rshargs =
rshcmd = rsh
sshcmd = ssh
xferbycopying = true
sshversion =
pretendwin = false
times = true
group = false
owner = false
numericids = false
perms = 0
rsrc-aux = false
rsrc = default
someHostIsInsensitive = false
ignorecase = true
#timers tue in conjunction w/t conf crashes my server
timers = false
terse = false
logfile = B:\unison_prfs\unison.log
log = true
debugtimes = false
addprefsto =
keeptempfilesaftermerge = true
diff = diff -u CURRENT2 CURRENT1
fastcheck = true
auto = true

debug = all
ignore = Name *.svn
ignore = Name *.del
ignore = Name *.tmp
ignore = Path test
ignore = Path temp
ignore = Path SVN

auto = true
batch = true

root = socket://xxx.xxx.xxx:5678/e:/_WORKROOT_

backup = Name *
maxbackups = 7

sortbysize = true
sortnewfirst = true
prefer =
force =

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