[Unison-hackers] [unison-svn] r372 - in trunk/src: . lwt
vouillon at seas.upenn.edu
Mon Jul 13 18:26:15 EDT 2009
Author: vouillon
Date: 2009-07-13 18:26:15 -0400 (Mon, 13 Jul 2009)
New Revision: 372
* When a file transfer fails, turn off fastcheck for this file on the
next sync.
* Limit the number of simultaneous transfer using rsync
(as the rsync algorithm can use a large amount of memory when
processing huge files)
* Raise the number of concurrent threads, as there is not much reason
to leave it low anymore.
Modified: trunk/src/RECENTNEWS
--- trunk/src/RECENTNEWS 2009-07-13 12:38:43 UTC (rev 371)
+++ trunk/src/RECENTNEWS 2009-07-13 22:26:15 UTC (rev 372)
@@ -1,5 +1,16 @@
+* When a file transfer fails, turn off fastcheck for this file on the
+ next sync.
+* Limit the number of simultaneous transfer using rsync
+ (as the rsync algorithm can use a large amount of memory when
+ processing huge files)
+* Raise the number of concurrent threads, as there is not much reason
+ to leave it low anymore.
* Clean-up in remote.ml
* Dead-lock free flow control mechanism
Modified: trunk/src/copy.ml
--- trunk/src/copy.ml 2009-07-13 12:38:43 UTC (rev 371)
+++ trunk/src/copy.ml 2009-07-13 22:26:15 UTC (rev 372)
@@ -42,6 +42,11 @@
+(* From update.ml *)
+(* (there is a dependency loop between copy.ml and update.ml...) *)
+let excelFile = ref (fun _ -> false)
+let markPossiblyUpdated = ref (fun _ _ -> ())
(* Check whether the source file has been modified during synchronization *)
let checkContentsChangeLocal
fspathFrom pathFrom archDesc archDig archStamp archRess paranoid =
@@ -55,9 +60,7 @@
let dataClearlyUnchanged =
not clearlyModified
&& Props.same_time info.Fileinfo.desc archDesc
-(*FIX: should export from update.ml?
- && not (excelFile path)
+ && not (!excelFile pathFrom)
&& match archStamp with
Some (Fileinfo.InodeStamp inode) -> info.Fileinfo.inode = inode
| Some (Fileinfo.CtimeStamp ctime) -> true
@@ -71,13 +74,15 @@
if dataClearlyUnchanged && ressClearlyUnchanged then begin
if paranoid then begin
let newDig = Os.fingerprint fspathFrom pathFrom info in
- if archDig <> newDig then
+ if archDig <> newDig then begin
+ !markPossiblyUpdated fspathFrom pathFrom;
raise (Util.Transient (Printf.sprintf
"The source file %s\n\
has been modified but the fast update detection mechanism\n\
failed to detect it. Try running once with the fastcheck\n\
option set to 'no'."
(Fspath.toPrintString (Fspath.concat fspathFrom pathFrom))))
+ end
end else if
@@ -403,6 +408,12 @@
| Some fd ->
+let rsyncReg = Lwt_util.make_region (40 * 1024)
+let rsyncThrottle useRsync sz f =
+ if not useRsync then f () else
+ let l = Transfer.Rsync.memoryFootprint sz in
+ Lwt_util.run_in_region rsyncReg l f
let transferFileContents
connFrom fspathFrom pathFrom fspathTo pathTo realPathTo update
fileKind srcFileSize id =
@@ -412,19 +423,26 @@
let infd = ref None in
let showProgress count =
Uutil.showProgress id (Uutil.Filesize.ofInt count) "r" in
- let (bi, decompr) =
+ let destFileSize =
match update with
- `Update (destFileDataSize, destFileRessSize)
- when Prefs.read rsyncActivated
- &&
- let destFileSize =
- match fileKind with
- `DATA -> destFileDataSize
- | `RESS -> destFileRessSize
- in
- Transfer.Rsync.aboveRsyncThreshold destFileSize
- &&
- Transfer.Rsync.aboveRsyncThreshold srcFileSize ->
+ `Copy ->
+ Uutil.Filesize.zero
+ | `Update (destFileDataSize, destFileRessSize) ->
+ match fileKind with
+ `DATA -> destFileDataSize
+ | `RESS -> destFileRessSize
+ in
+ let useRsync =
+ Prefs.read rsyncActivated
+ &&
+ Transfer.Rsync.aboveRsyncThreshold destFileSize
+ &&
+ Transfer.Rsync.aboveRsyncThreshold srcFileSize
+ in
+ rsyncThrottle useRsync destFileSize (fun () ->
+ let (bi, decompr) =
+ if useRsync then
"preprocessing file"
(fun () ->
@@ -444,7 +462,7 @@
Transfer.Rsync.rsyncDecompress ifd fd showProgress ti
if eof then begin close_out fd; outfd := None end))
- | _ ->
+ else
(* Simple generic decompressor *)
fun ti ->
@@ -452,23 +470,23 @@
destinationFd fspathTo pathTo fileKind srcFileSize outfd id in
let eof = Transfer.receive fd showProgress ti in
if eof then begin close_out fd; outfd := None end)
- in
- let file_id = Remote.newMsgId () in
- Lwt.catch
- (fun () ->
- decompressor := Remote.MsgIdMap.add file_id decompr !decompressor;
- compressRemotely connFrom
- (bi, fspathFrom, pathFrom, fileKind, srcFileSize, id, file_id)
- >>= fun () ->
- decompressor :=
- Remote.MsgIdMap.remove file_id !decompressor; (* For GC *)
- close_all infd outfd;
- Lwt.return ())
- (fun e ->
- decompressor :=
- Remote.MsgIdMap.remove file_id !decompressor; (* For GC *)
- close_all_no_error infd outfd;
- Lwt.fail e)
+ in
+ let file_id = Remote.newMsgId () in
+ Lwt.catch
+ (fun () ->
+ decompressor := Remote.MsgIdMap.add file_id decompr !decompressor;
+ compressRemotely connFrom
+ (bi, fspathFrom, pathFrom, fileKind, srcFileSize, id, file_id)
+ >>= fun () ->
+ decompressor :=
+ Remote.MsgIdMap.remove file_id !decompressor; (* For GC *)
+ close_all infd outfd;
+ Lwt.return ())
+ (fun e ->
+ decompressor :=
+ Remote.MsgIdMap.remove file_id !decompressor; (* For GC *)
+ close_all_no_error infd outfd;
+ Lwt.fail e))
@@ -739,8 +757,6 @@
f ()
let bufSz = bufferSize (max (Props.length desc) (Osx.ressLength ress)) in
- (* This must be on the client: any lock on the server side may result
- in a deadlock under windows *)
Lwt_util.run_in_region transferFileReg bufSz f
Modified: trunk/src/copy.mli
--- trunk/src/copy.mli 2009-07-13 12:38:43 UTC (rev 371)
+++ trunk/src/copy.mli 2009-07-13 22:26:15 UTC (rev 372)
@@ -27,3 +27,8 @@
-> Uutil.Filesize.t (* fork length *)
-> Uutil.File.t option (* file's index in UI (for progress bars), as appropriate *)
-> unit
+(* From update.ml *)
+(* (there is a dependency loop between copy.ml and update.ml...) *)
+val excelFile : (Path.local -> bool) ref
+val markPossiblyUpdated : (Fspath.t -> Path.local -> unit) ref
Modified: trunk/src/lwt/lwt_util.ml
--- trunk/src/lwt/lwt_util.ml 2009-07-13 12:38:43 UTC (rev 371)
+++ trunk/src/lwt/lwt_util.ml 2009-07-13 22:26:15 UTC (rev 372)
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
let leave_region reg sz =
- if reg.count > reg.size then raise Queue.Empty;
+ if reg.count - sz >= reg.size then raise Queue.Empty;
let (w, sz') = Queue.take reg.waiters in
reg.count <- reg.count - sz + sz';
Lwt.wakeup w ()
Modified: trunk/src/mkProjectInfo.ml
--- trunk/src/mkProjectInfo.ml 2009-07-13 12:38:43 UTC (rev 371)
+++ trunk/src/mkProjectInfo.ml 2009-07-13 22:26:15 UTC (rev 372)
@@ -90,3 +90,4 @@
Modified: trunk/src/transfer.ml
--- trunk/src/transfer.ml 2009-07-13 12:38:43 UTC (rev 371)
+++ trunk/src/transfer.ml 2009-07-13 22:26:15 UTC (rev 372)
@@ -364,6 +364,14 @@
Trace.showTimer timer;
+ (* Expected size of the [rsync_block_info] datastructure (in KiB). *)
+ (* The calculation here are for a 64 bit architecture. *)
+ (* When serialized, the datastructure takes currently 24 bytes per block. *)
+ (* In theory, 12 byte per block should be enough! *)
+ let memoryFootprint sz =
+ Int64.to_int
+ (min (Int64.div (Uutil.Filesize.toInt64 sz) 716800L) 16384L)
+ * 72
Modified: trunk/src/transfer.mli
--- trunk/src/transfer.mli 2009-07-13 12:38:43 UTC (rev 371)
+++ trunk/src/transfer.mli 2009-07-13 22:26:15 UTC (rev 372)
@@ -77,6 +77,9 @@
(* Built from the old file by the destination computer *)
type rsync_block_info
+ (* Expected size of the [rsync_block_info] datastructure (in KiB). *)
+ val memoryFootprint : Uutil.Filesize.t -> int
(* Compute block informations from the old file *)
val rsyncPreprocess :
in_channel (* old file descriptor *)
Modified: trunk/src/transport.ml
--- trunk/src/transport.ml 2009-07-13 12:38:43 UTC (rev 371)
+++ trunk/src/transport.ml 2009-07-13 22:26:15 UTC (rev 372)
@@ -36,16 +36,18 @@
assert false
let maxthreads =
- Prefs.createInt "maxthreads" 20
+ Prefs.createInt "maxthreads" 0
"!maximum number of simultaneous file transfers"
- ("This preference controls how much concurrency is allowed during"
- ^ " the transport phase. Normally, it should be set reasonably high "
- ^ "(default is 20) to maximize performance, but when Unison is used "
- ^ "over a low-bandwidth link it may be helpful to set it lower (e.g. "
- ^ "to 1) so that Unison doesn't soak up all the available bandwidth."
- )
+ ("This preference controls how much concurrency is allowed during \
+ the transport phase. Normally, it should be set reasonably high \
+ to maximize performance, but when Unison is used over a \
+ low-bandwidth link it may be helpful to set it lower (e.g. \
+ to 1) so that Unison doesn't soak up all the available bandwidth. \
+ The default is the special value 0, which mean 20 threads \
+ when file content streaming is desactivated and 1000 threads \
+ when it is activated.")
-let actionReg = Lwt_util.make_region (Prefs.read maxthreads)
+let actionReg = Lwt_util.make_region 50
(* Logging for a thread: write a message before and a message after the
execution of the thread. *)
@@ -76,13 +78,16 @@
Printf.sprintf "[END] %s\n" lwtShortDescription)
let doAction fromRoot fromPath fromContents toRoot toPath toContents id =
- Lwt_util.resize_region actionReg (Prefs.read maxthreads);
(* When streaming, we can transfer many file simultaneously:
as the contents of only one file is transferred in one direction
at any time, little ressource is consumed this way. *)
- Lwt_util.resize_region Files.copyReg
- (if Prefs.read Remote.streamingActivated then 4000 else
- Prefs.read maxthreads);
+ let limit =
+ let n = Prefs.read maxthreads in
+ if n > 0 then n else
+ if Prefs.read Remote.streamingActivated then 1000 else 20
+ in
+ Lwt_util.resize_region actionReg limit;
+ Lwt_util.resize_region Files.copyReg limit;
Lwt_util.run_in_region actionReg 1 (fun () ->
if not !Trace.sendLogMsgsToStderr then
Trace.statusDetail (Path.toString toPath);
Modified: trunk/src/uigtk2.ml
--- trunk/src/uigtk2.ml 2009-07-13 12:38:43 UTC (rev 371)
+++ trunk/src/uigtk2.ml 2009-07-13 22:26:15 UTC (rev 372)
@@ -2047,6 +2047,15 @@
~callback:(fun () ->
getLock synchronize) ());
+ (* Does not quite work: too slow, and Files.copy must be modifed to
+ support an interruption without error. *)
+ (*
+ ignore (actionBar#insert_button ~text:"Stop"
+ ~icon:((GMisc.image ~stock:`STOP ())#coerce)
+ ~tooltip:"Exit Unison"
+ ~callback:Abort.all ());
+ *)
Rescan button
Modified: trunk/src/update.ml
--- trunk/src/update.ml 2009-07-13 12:38:43 UTC (rev 371)
+++ trunk/src/update.ml 2009-07-13 22:26:15 UTC (rev 372)
@@ -38,13 +38,10 @@
time the format is modified *)
(*FIX: also make Jerome's suggested change about file times (see his mesg in
unison-pending email folder). *)
-(*FIX: one should also store whether we are in case-insensitive mode
- in the archive and check the mode has not changed when the archive
- is loaded *)
(*FIX: we could also drop the use of 8.3-style filenames on Windows, next
time the format is changed *)
-(* FIX: Another thing we should really consider doing is leaving a flag
- in the archive when a file transfer fails and turning off fastcheck
+(* FIX: use a special stamp rather than the current hack to leave a flag
+ in the archive when a file transfer fails so as to turn off fastcheck
for this file on the next sync. *)
(*FIX: consider changing the way case-sensitivity mode is stored in
the archive *)
@@ -1834,6 +1831,51 @@
(* Make sure no change has happened *)
+let fastCheckMiss path desc ress oldDesc oldRess =
+ useFastChecking()
+ &&
+ Props.same_time desc oldDesc
+ &&
+ Props.length desc = Props.length oldDesc
+ &&
+ not (excelFile path)
+ &&
+ Osx.ressUnchanged oldRess ress None true
+let doMarkPossiblyUpdated arch =
+ match arch with
+ ArchiveFile (desc, dig, stamp, ress) ->
+ (* It would be cleaner to have a special stamp for this *)
+ ArchiveFile (desc, dig, Fileinfo.InodeStamp (-1), ress)
+ | _ ->
+ (* Should not happen, actually. But this is hard to test... *)
+ arch
+let markPossiblyUpdated fspath path =
+ debug (fun() ->
+ Util.msg "markPossiblyUpdated %s %s\n"
+ (Fspath.toDebugString fspath) (Path.toString path));
+ let root = thisRootsGlobalName fspath in
+ let archive = getArchive root in
+ let archive =
+ updatePathInArchive archive fspath Path.empty path
+ (fun arch _ -> doMarkPossiblyUpdated arch) in
+ setArchiveLocal root archive
+let rec markPossiblyUpdatedRec fspath path ui =
+ match ui with
+ Updates (File (desc, ContentsUpdated (_, _, ress)),
+ Previous (`FILE, oldDesc, _, oldRess)) ->
+ if fastCheckMiss path desc ress oldDesc oldRess then
+ markPossiblyUpdated fspath path
+ | Updates (Dir (_, uiChildren, _, _), _) ->
+ List.iter
+ (fun (nm, uiChild) ->
+ markPossiblyUpdatedRec fspath (Path.child path nm) uiChild)
+ uiChildren
+ | _ ->
+ ()
let reportUpdate warnFastCheck explanation =
let msg =
"Destination updated during synchronization\n" ^ explanation ^
@@ -1861,16 +1903,7 @@
(Path.toString path))
| Updates (File (desc, ContentsUpdated (_, _, ress)),
Previous (`FILE, oldDesc, _, oldRess)) ->
- reportUpdate
- (useFastChecking()
- &&
- Props.same_time desc oldDesc
- &&
- Props.length desc = Props.length oldDesc
- &&
- not (excelFile path)
- &&
- Osx.ressUnchanged oldRess ress None true)
+ reportUpdate (fastCheckMiss path desc ress oldDesc oldRess)
(Format.sprintf "The contents of file %s has been modified\n"
(Path.toString path))
| Updates (File (_, ContentsUpdated _), _) ->
@@ -1911,6 +1944,7 @@
let archive = updateArchiveRec ui archive in
(* ...and check that this is a good description of what's out in the world *)
let (_, uiNew) = buildUpdateRec archive fspath localPath false in
+ markPossiblyUpdatedRec fspath pathInArchive uiNew;
explainUpdate pathInArchive uiNew
@@ -1987,3 +2021,10 @@
let archive = getArchive root in
let (_, subArch) = getPathInArchive archive Path.empty path in
updateSizeRec subArch ui
+(* There is a dependency loop between copy.ml and update.ml... *)
+let _ =
+Copy.excelFile := excelFile;
+Copy.markPossiblyUpdated := markPossiblyUpdated
Modified: trunk/src/update.mli
--- trunk/src/update.mli 2009-07-13 12:38:43 UTC (rev 371)
+++ trunk/src/update.mli 2009-07-13 22:26:15 UTC (rev 372)
@@ -38,6 +38,9 @@
(* Check that no updates has taken place in a given place of the filesystem *)
val checkNoUpdates : Fspath.t -> Path.local -> Common.updateItem -> unit
+(* Turn off fastcheck for the given file on the next sync. *)
+val markPossiblyUpdated : Fspath.t -> Path.local -> unit
(* Save to disk the archive updates *)
val commitUpdates : unit -> unit
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