[Unison-hackers] [unison-svn] r379 - in branches/2.32/src: . ubase

vouillon@seas.upenn.edu vouillon at seas.upenn.edu
Tue Jul 21 09:06:29 EDT 2009

Author: vouillon
Date: 2009-07-21 09:06:29 -0400 (Tue, 21 Jul 2009)
New Revision: 379

* GTK UI: Unison now take into account the arguments given (including
  roots if they are given this way) on the command line when rescanning.
* Truncate temporary filename to remain under system limits.
* Fix include directive failure when the line ends by CRLF
  (the CR was not removed)
* Ignore errors when writing to the log file
* Do not print the "Connected" message when the preference "silent" is set.
* Print a warning when running "unison -ui graphic" with a text-only
  build of Unison

Modified: branches/2.32/src/RECENTNEWS
--- branches/2.32/src/RECENTNEWS	2009-07-19 20:07:54 UTC (rev 378)
+++ branches/2.32/src/RECENTNEWS	2009-07-21 13:06:29 UTC (rev 379)
@@ -1,3 +1,16 @@
+* GTK UI: Unison now take into account the arguments given (including
+  roots if they are given this way) on the command line when rescanning.
+* Truncate temporary filename to remain under system limits.
+* Fix include directive failure when the line ends by CRLF
+  (the CR was not removed)
+* Ignore errors when writing to the log file
+* Do not print the "Connected" message when the preference "silent" is set.
+* Print a warning when running "unison -ui graphic" with a text-only
+  build of Unison
 * Describe recent changes in changelog

Modified: branches/2.32/src/mkProjectInfo.ml
--- branches/2.32/src/mkProjectInfo.ml	2009-07-19 20:07:54 UTC (rev 378)
+++ branches/2.32/src/mkProjectInfo.ml	2009-07-21 13:06:29 UTC (rev 379)
@@ -119,3 +119,4 @@

Modified: branches/2.32/src/os.ml
--- branches/2.32/src/os.ml	2009-07-19 20:07:54 UTC (rev 378)
+++ branches/2.32/src/os.ml	2009-07-21 13:06:29 UTC (rev 379)
@@ -334,6 +334,14 @@
 (*                           TEMPORARY FILES                                 *)
+(* Truncate a filename to at most [l] bytes, making sure of not
+   truncating an UTF-8 character *)
+let rec truncate_filename s l =
+  if l >= 0 && Char.code s.[l] land 0xC0 = 0x80 then
+    truncate_filename s (l - 1)
+  else
+    String.sub s 0 l
 (* Generates an unused fspath for a temporary file.                          *)
 let genTempPath fresh fspath path prefix suffix =
   let rec f i =
@@ -341,9 +349,19 @@
       if i=0 then suffix
       else Printf.sprintf "..%03d.%s" i suffix in
     let tempPath =
-      Path.addPrefixToFinalName
-        (Path.addSuffixToFinalName path s)
-        prefix
+      match Path.deconstructRev path with
+        None ->
+          assert false
+      | Some (name, parentPath) ->
+          let name = Name.toString name in
+          let len = String.length name in
+          let maxlen = 64 in
+          let name =
+            if len <= maxlen then name else
+            (truncate_filename name maxlen ^
+             Digest.to_hex (Digest.string name))
+          in
+          Path.child parentPath (Name.fromString (prefix ^ name ^ s))
     if fresh && exists fspath tempPath then f (i + 1) else tempPath
   in f 0

Modified: branches/2.32/src/ubase/prefs.ml
--- branches/2.32/src/ubase/prefs.ml	2009-07-19 20:07:54 UTC (rev 378)
+++ branches/2.32/src/ubase/prefs.ml	2009-07-21 13:06:29 UTC (rev 379)
@@ -276,6 +276,7 @@
     match lines with
       [] -> res
     | theLine :: rest ->
+        let theLine = Util.removeTrailingCR theLine in
         let l = Util.trimWhitespace theLine in
         if l = "" || l.[0]='#' then
           loop rest (lineNum+1) res

Modified: branches/2.32/src/ubase/trace.ml
--- branches/2.32/src/ubase/trace.ml	2009-07-19 20:07:54 UTC (rev 378)
+++ branches/2.32/src/ubase/trace.ml	2009-07-21 13:06:29 UTC (rev 379)
@@ -151,8 +151,10 @@
       | `FormatStdout -> Format.printf "%s " s);
   if Prefs.read logging then begin
     let ch = getLogch() in
-    output_string ch s;
-    flush ch
+    begin try
+      output_string ch s;
+      flush ch
+    with Sys_error _ -> () end
 (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

Modified: branches/2.32/src/ubase/util.ml
--- branches/2.32/src/ubase/util.ml	2009-07-19 20:07:54 UTC (rev 378)
+++ branches/2.32/src/ubase/util.ml	2009-07-21 13:06:29 UTC (rev 379)
@@ -387,6 +387,11 @@
 let concatmap sep f l =
   String.concat sep (Safelist.map f l)
+let removeTrailingCR s =
+  let l = String.length s in
+  if l = 0 || s.[l - 1] <> '\r' then s else
+  String.sub s 0 (l - 1)
 let rec trimWhitespace s =
   let l = String.length s in
   if l=0 then s

Modified: branches/2.32/src/ubase/util.mli
--- branches/2.32/src/ubase/util.mli	2009-07-19 20:07:54 UTC (rev 378)
+++ branches/2.32/src/ubase/util.mli	2009-07-21 13:06:29 UTC (rev 379)
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
 val replacesubstring : string -> string -> string -> string (* IN,FROM,TO *)
 val replacesubstrings : string -> (string * string) list -> string
 val concatmap : string -> ('a -> string) -> 'a list -> string
+val removeTrailingCR : string -> string
 val trimWhitespace : string -> string
 val splitIntoWords : string -> char -> string list
 val splitIntoWordsByString : string -> string -> string list

Modified: branches/2.32/src/uicommon.ml
--- branches/2.32/src/uicommon.ml	2009-07-19 20:07:54 UTC (rev 378)
+++ branches/2.32/src/uicommon.ml	2009-07-21 13:06:29 UTC (rev 379)
@@ -472,11 +472,15 @@
    we ignore the command line *)
 let firstTime = ref(true)
+(* Roots given on the command line *)
+let rawRoots = ref []
 (* BCP: WARNING: Some of the code from here is duplicated in uimacbridge...! *)
 let initPrefs ~profileName ~displayWaitMessage ~getFirstRoot ~getSecondRoot
               ~termInteract =
   (* Restore prefs to their default values, if necessary *)
   if not !firstTime then Prefs.resetToDefaults();
+  Globals.setRawRoots !rawRoots;
   (* Tell the preferences module the name of the profile *)
   Prefs.profileName := Some(profileName);
@@ -505,7 +509,8 @@
   (* Parse the command line.  This will override settings from the profile. *)
-  if !firstTime then begin
+  (* JV (6/09): always reparse the command line *)
+  if true (*!firstTime*) then begin
     debug (fun() -> Util.msg "about to parse command line");
     Prefs.parseCmdLine usageMsg;
@@ -633,9 +638,9 @@
       match Util.StringMap.find "rest" args with
         [] -> ()
       | [profile] -> clprofile := Some profile
-      | [root1;root2] -> Globals.setRawRoots [root1;root2]
+      | [root1;root2] -> rawRoots := [root1;root2]
       | [root1;root2;profile] ->
-          Globals.setRawRoots [root1;root2];
+          rawRoots := [root1;root2];
           clprofile := Some profile
       | _ ->
@@ -653,7 +658,7 @@
     (match !clprofile with
       None -> Util.msg "No profile given on command line"
     | Some s -> Printf.eprintf "Profile '%s' given on command line" s);
-    (match Globals.rawRoots() with
+    (match !rawRoots with
       [] -> Util.msg "No roots given on command line"
     | [root1;root2] ->
         Printf.eprintf "Roots '%s' and '%s' given on command line"
@@ -665,7 +670,7 @@
       None ->
         let dirString = Fspath.toString Os.unisonDir in
         let profiles_exist = (Files.ls dirString "*.prf")<>[] in
-        let clroots_given = (Globals.rawRoots() <> []) in
+        let clroots_given = !rawRoots <> [] in
         let n =
           if profiles_exist && not(clroots_given) then begin
             (* Unison has been used before: at least one profile exists.

Modified: branches/2.32/src/uigtk2.ml
--- branches/2.32/src/uigtk2.ml	2009-07-19 20:07:54 UTC (rev 378)
+++ branches/2.32/src/uigtk2.ml	2009-07-21 13:06:29 UTC (rev 379)
@@ -2019,6 +2019,19 @@
     Restart button
+  let loadProfile p =
+    debug (fun()-> Util.msg "Loading profile %s..." p);
+    Uicommon.initPrefs p displayWaitMessage getFirstRoot getSecondRoot
+      termInteract;
+    displayNewProfileLabel p;
+    setMainWindowColumnHeaders()
+  in
+  let reloadProfile () =
+    match !Prefs.profileName with
+      None -> ()
+    | Some(n) -> loadProfile n in
   let detectCmdName = "Restart" in
   let detectCmd () =
     getLock detectUpdatesAndReconcile;
@@ -2031,7 +2044,7 @@
     (actionBar#insert_button ~text:detectCmdName
        ~icon:((GMisc.image ~stock:`REFRESH ())#coerce)
        ~tooltip:"Check for updates"
-       ~callback: detectCmd ());
+       ~callback: (fun () -> reloadProfile(); detectCmd ()) ());
     Buttons for <--, M, -->, Skip
@@ -2274,19 +2287,6 @@
     Synchronization menu
-  let loadProfile p =
-    debug (fun()-> Util.msg "Loading profile %s..." p);
-    Uicommon.initPrefs p displayWaitMessage getFirstRoot getSecondRoot
-      termInteract;
-    displayNewProfileLabel p;
-    setMainWindowColumnHeaders()
-  in
-  let reloadProfile () =
-    match !Prefs.profileName with
-      None -> ()
-    | Some(n) -> loadProfile n in
   grAdd grGo
     (fileMenu#add_image_item ~key:GdkKeysyms._g
        ~image:(GMisc.image ~stock:`EXECUTE ~icon_size:`MENU () :> GObj.widget)

Modified: branches/2.32/src/uitext.ml
--- branches/2.32/src/uitext.ml	2009-07-19 20:07:54 UTC (rev 378)
+++ branches/2.32/src/uitext.ml	2009-07-21 13:06:29 UTC (rev 379)
@@ -738,14 +738,17 @@
     synchronizeUntilDone ()
-let start _ =
+let start interface =
+  if interface <> Uicommon.Text then
+    Util.msg "This Unison binary only provides the text GUI...\n";
   begin try
     (* Just to make sure something is there... *)
       (fun s -> Util.msg "%s\n%s\n" Uicommon.shortUsageMsg s; exit 1)
       (fun s -> Util.msg "%s" Uicommon.shortUsageMsg; exit 1)
-      (fun () -> if not (Prefs.read silent)
+      (fun () -> if Prefs.read silent then Prefs.set Trace.terse true;
+                 if not (Prefs.read silent)
                  then Util.msg "%s\n" (Uicommon.contactingServerMsg())) 
       (fun () -> Some "default")
       (fun () -> Util.msg "%s" Uicommon.shortUsageMsg; exit 1)

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