[Unison-hackers] Does copyprog option do not work for local files?

Benjamin Pierce bcpierce at cis.upenn.edu
Mon Mar 30 08:21:11 EDT 2009

OK, attached is a hacked version of copy.ml that uses copyprog also  
for local transfers.  It has been tested on exactly one example.

I'm afraid I won't be able to help any more with this -- there's a  
long list of Unison things to be fixed and very limited time for  
working on them.  But I hope it gets you started.


    - Benjamin

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On Mar 30, 2009, at 4:26 AM, netawater wrote:

> Benjamin Pierce <bcpierce at cis.upenn.edu> writes:
>> If you only care about the file contents (not permissions, etc.), you
>> should be able to replace the body of Copy.localFile with an
>> invocation of your external copy program by calling
>> External.runExternalProgram.
>> However, depending on what you feel your time is worth, I wonder
>> whether just replacing the network drive with one that works might  
>> not
>> be a better solution...
>> Best,
>>    - Benjamin
>> On Mar 29, 2009, at 3:37 AM, netawater wrote:
>>> Alan Schmitt <alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org> writes:
>>>> On 28 mars 09, at 06:44, netawater wrote:
>>>>> I try use unison to synchronize my files with copyprog option, I
>>>>> have set copythreshold = 0, but It seems unison does not call my
>>>>> copy program.
>>>>> I have studied the copy.ml, and found these expressions in file
>>>>> function
>>>>> match rootFrom, rootTo with
>>>>>  (Common.Local, fspathFrom), (Common.Local, realFspathTo) ->
>>>>>    localFile
>>>>>      fspathFrom pathFrom fspathTo pathTo realPathTo
>>>>>      update desc (Osx.ressLength ress) (Some id);
>>>>>    Lwt.return ()
>>>>> It means if it found there are local files, it will call localFile
>>>>> function
>>>>> so that copyprog is ignored.
>>>> Yes, it is correct. To be precise, copyprog is called:
>>>> - when one file is remote
>>>> - when the remote file is missing (i.e. it's a file creation, not a
>>>> file modification)
>>>> - when the remote file is bigger than the threshold.
>>>> Alan
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>>>> Unison-hackers mailing list
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>>> Thanks for you reply.
>>> My situation is I want to synchronize my files from my local  
>>> driver C:
>>> to a network driver \\Wua141699 in Windows. The network drive is not
>>> very stable and I need use my copy program to copy and verify files
>>> instead unison's native copy method.
>>> Can I make this happen? I have tried hard but I can not finish it.
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>>> Unison-hackers mailing list
>>> Unison-hackers at lists.seas.upenn.edu
>>> http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/unison-hackers
> Thank you! My network drive is produced by Wuala and I like its p2p
> online storage, so I do not want to change it.
> I have tried modify localfile like this:
> let localFile
>     (* fspathFrom pathFrom fspathTo pathTo realPathTo update desc  
> ressLength ido =
>     *)
>    rootFrom pathFrom fspathTo pathTo realPathTo update desc  
> ressLength ido =
>  (* Plato Wu,2009/03/30: use External.runExternalProgram instead *)
>  targetExistsLocal
>      rootFrom (`MakeWriteableAndCheckNonempty, fspathTo, pathTo) >>=  
> (fun b ->
>   let prog =
>      if b
>        then Prefs.read copyprogrest
>        else Prefs.read copyprog in
>    let fromSpec =
>        (formatConnectionInfo rootFrom)
>      ^ (Fspath.concatToString (snd rootFrom) pathFrom) in
>    let toSpec =
>      (*   (formatConnectionInfo rootTo) ^  *)
>      (Fspath.concatToString fspathTo pathTo) in
>    let cmd = prog ^ " "
>               ^ (Os.quotes fromSpec) ^ " "
>               ^ (Os.quotes toSpec) in
>    Trace.log (Printf.sprintf "%s\n" cmd);
>    let _,log = Os.runExternalProgram cmd in
>    debug (fun() ->
>             let l = Util.trimWhitespace log in
>             Util.msg "transferFileUsingExternalCopyprog %s:  
> returned...\n%s%s"
>               (Path.toString pathFrom)
>               l (if l="" then "" else "\n"));
>    targetExistsLocal
>      rootFrom (`CheckDataSize desc, fspathTo, pathTo)
>>> = (fun b ->
>    if not b then
>      raise (Util.Transient (Printf.sprintf
>        "External copy program did not create target file (or bad  
> length): %s"
>            (Path.toString pathTo)));
> (*     Uutil.showProgress id (Props.length desc) "ext"; *)
> 	  Lwt.return (match update with
>        `Update _ ->
>          Fileinfo.set fspathTo pathTo (`Copy realPathTo) desc
>      | `Copy ->
>          Fileinfo.set fspathTo pathTo (`Set Props.fileDefault)  
> desc) ));
> I know little about Ocaml's grammar and semantic, so I struggled in
> modification and compilation, can you help me to finish this function.
> Thank you very much!
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