[Unison-hackers] [unison-svn] r429 - in trunk: . src src/lwt unicode_utils unicode_utils/codepages

vouillon@seas.upenn.edu vouillon at seas.upenn.edu
Mon Apr 12 05:40:14 EDT 2010

Author: vouillon
Date: 2010-04-12 05:40:14 -0400 (Mon, 12 Apr 2010)
New Revision: 429

* Compare filenames up to decomposition in case sensitive mode when
  one host is running MacOSX and the unicode preference is set to
* Fixed some non-tail recursive functions

Modified: trunk/src/RECENTNEWS
--- trunk/src/RECENTNEWS	2010-04-08 07:43:52 UTC (rev 428)
+++ trunk/src/RECENTNEWS	2010-04-12 09:40:14 UTC (rev 429)
@@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
+* Compare filenames up to decomposition in case sensitive mode when
+  one host is running MacOSX and the unicode preference is set to
+  true.
+* Fixed some non-tail recursive functions
 * GTK UI: typo
 * Fixed Makefile for compilation under Solaris

Modified: trunk/src/case.ml
--- trunk/src/case.ml	2010-04-08 07:43:52 UTC (rev 428)
+++ trunk/src/case.ml	2010-04-12 09:40:14 UTC (rev 429)
@@ -45,8 +45,12 @@
     "When set to {\\tt true}, this flag causes Unison to perform \
      case insensitive file comparisons assuming Unicode encoding.  \
      This is the default.  When the flag is set to {\\tt false}, \
-     a Latin 1 encoding is assumed.  This flag has no effect when \
-     Unison runs in case sensitive mode."
+     a Latin 1 encoding is assumed.  When Unison runs in case sensitive \
+     mode, this flag only makes a difference if one host is running \
+     Windows or Mac OS X.  Under Windows, the flag selects between using \
+     the Unicode or 8bit Windows API for accessing the filesystem. \
+     Under Mac OS X, it selects whether comparing the filenames up to \
+     decomposition, or byte-for-byte."
 let unicodeEncoding =
   Prefs.createBool "unicodeEnc" false
@@ -58,14 +62,19 @@
 let useUnicodeAPI = useUnicode
+let unicodeCaseSensitive =
+  Prefs.createBool "unicodeEnc" ~local:true false
+    "*Pseudo-preference for internal use only" ""
 (* During startup the client determines the case sensitivity of each root.   *)
 (* If any root is case insensitive, all roots must know it; we ensure this   *)
 (* by storing the information in a pref so that it is propagated to the      *)
 (* server with the rest of the prefs.                                        *)
-let init b =
+let init b someHostRunningOsX =
   Prefs.set someHostIsInsensitive
     (Prefs.read caseInsensitiveMode = `True ||
      (Prefs.read caseInsensitiveMode = `Default && b));
+  Prefs.set unicodeCaseSensitive (useUnicode () && someHostRunningOsX);
   Prefs.set unicodeEncoding (useUnicode ())
@@ -116,7 +125,7 @@
-type mode = Sensitive | Insensitive | UnicodeInsensitive
+type mode = Sensitive | Insensitive | UnicodeSensitive | UnicodeInsensitive
 Important invariant:
@@ -151,10 +160,22 @@
   method badEncoding s = false
+let unicodeSensitiveOps = object
+  method mode = UnicodeSensitive
+  method modeDesc = "Unicode case sensitive"
+  method compare s s' = Unicode.case_sensitive_compare s s'
+  method hash s = Hashtbl.hash (Unicode.decompose s)
+  method normalizePattern p = Unicode.decompose p
+  method caseInsensitiveMatch = false
+  method normalizeMatchedString s = Unicode.decompose s
+  method normalizeFilename s = Unicode.compose s
+  method badEncoding s = not (Unicode.check_utf_8 s)
 let unicodeInsensitiveOps = object
   method mode = UnicodeInsensitive
   method modeDesc = "Unicode case insensitive"
-  method compare s s' = Unicode.compare s s'
+  method compare s s' = Unicode.case_insensitive_compare s s'
   method hash s = Hashtbl.hash (Unicode.normalize s)
   method normalizePattern p = Unicode.normalize p
   method caseInsensitiveMatch = false
@@ -171,6 +192,9 @@
   end else
-    sensitiveOps
+    if Prefs.read unicodeCaseSensitive then
+      unicodeSensitiveOps
+    else
+      sensitiveOps
 let caseSensitiveModeDesc = sensitiveOps#modeDesc

Modified: trunk/src/case.mli
--- trunk/src/case.mli	2010-04-08 07:43:52 UTC (rev 428)
+++ trunk/src/case.mli	2010-04-12 09:40:14 UTC (rev 429)
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 val unicodeEncoding : bool Prefs.t
 val useUnicodeAPI : unit -> bool
-type mode = Sensitive | Insensitive | UnicodeInsensitive
+type mode = Sensitive | Insensitive | UnicodeSensitive | UnicodeInsensitive
 val ops : unit ->
   < mode : mode; modeDesc : string;       (* Current mode *)
@@ -25,6 +25,6 @@
     badEncoding : string -> bool >        (* Test whether the string uses
                                              the correct encoding *)
-val init : bool -> unit
+val init : bool -> bool -> unit
 val caseSensitiveModeDesc : string

Modified: trunk/src/lwt/lwt_util.ml
--- trunk/src/lwt/lwt_util.ml	2010-04-08 07:43:52 UTC (rev 428)
+++ trunk/src/lwt/lwt_util.ml	2010-04-12 09:40:14 UTC (rev 429)
@@ -2,12 +2,9 @@
 open Lwt
 let rec iter f l =
-  match l with
-    []     -> return ()
-  | a :: r ->
-      let t = f a in
-      let rt = iter f r in
-      t >>= (fun () -> rt)
+  let l = List.fold_left (fun acc a -> f a :: acc) [] l in
+  let l = List.rev l in
+  List.fold_left (fun rt t -> t >>= fun () -> rt) (Lwt.return ()) l
 let rec map f l =
   match l with
@@ -50,7 +47,7 @@
       return []
   | v :: r ->
       f v >>= (fun v' ->
-      map f r >>= (fun l' ->
+      map_serial f r >>= (fun l' ->
       return (v' :: l')))
 let join l = iter (fun x -> x) l

Modified: trunk/src/mkProjectInfo.ml
--- trunk/src/mkProjectInfo.ml	2010-04-08 07:43:52 UTC (rev 428)
+++ trunk/src/mkProjectInfo.ml	2010-04-12 09:40:14 UTC (rev 429)
@@ -109,3 +109,4 @@

Modified: trunk/src/uicommon.ml
--- trunk/src/uicommon.ml	2010-04-08 07:43:52 UTC (rev 428)
+++ trunk/src/uicommon.ml	2010-04-12 09:40:14 UTC (rev 429)
@@ -434,6 +434,17 @@
 (* ---- *)
+(*FIX: remove when Unison version > 2.40 *)
+let _ = Remote.registerRootCmd "unicodeCaseSensitive" (fun _ -> Lwt.return ())
+let supportUnicodeCaseSensitive () =
+  if Uutil.myMajorVersion > "2.40" (* The test is correct until 2.99... *) then
+    Lwt.return true
+  else begin
+    Globals.allRootsMap
+      (fun r -> Remote.commandAvailable r "unicodeCaseSensitive") >>= fun l ->
+    Lwt.return (List.for_all (fun x -> x) l)
+  end
 (* Determine the case sensitivity of a root (does filename FOO==foo?) *)
 let architecture =
@@ -446,7 +457,9 @@
    Windows (needed for permissions) and does some sanity checking. *) 
 let validateAndFixupPrefs () =
+  let supportUnicodeCaseSensitive = supportUnicodeCaseSensitive () in
   Globals.allRootsMap (fun r -> architecture r ()) >>= (fun archs ->
+  supportUnicodeCaseSensitive >>= fun unicodeCS ->
   let someHostIsRunningWindows =
     Safelist.exists (fun (isWin, _, _) -> isWin) archs in
   let allHostsAreRunningWindows =
@@ -464,7 +477,7 @@
     Prefs.overrideDefault Fileinfo.allowSymlinks `False;
     Prefs.overrideDefault Fileinfo.ignoreInodeNumbers true
-  Case.init someHostIsCaseInsensitive;
+  Case.init someHostIsCaseInsensitive (someHostRunningOsX && unicodeCS);
   Props.init someHostIsRunningWindows;
   Osx.init someHostRunningOsX;
   Fileinfo.init someHostIsRunningBareWindows;

Modified: trunk/src/uitext.ml
--- trunk/src/uitext.ml	2010-04-08 07:43:52 UTC (rev 428)
+++ trunk/src/uitext.ml	2010-04-12 09:40:14 UTC (rev 429)
@@ -163,14 +163,18 @@
-      try find a actions () with Not_found ->
-        newLine ();
-        if a="" then
-          display ("No default command [type '?' for help]\n")
-        else
-          display ("Unrecognized command '" ^ String.escaped a
-                   ^ "': try again  [type '?' for help]\n");
-        tryagainOrLoop()
+      let action = try Some (find a actions) with Not_found -> None in
+      match action with
+        Some action ->
+          action ()
+      | None ->
+          newLine ();
+          if a="" then
+            display ("No default command [type '?' for help]\n")
+          else
+            display ("Unrecognized command '" ^ String.escaped a
+                     ^ "': try again  [type '?' for help]\n");
+          tryagainOrLoop()
   doAction (match batch with
     None   ->

Modified: trunk/src/unicode.ml
--- trunk/src/unicode.ml	2010-04-08 07:43:52 UTC (rev 428)
+++ trunk/src/unicode.ml	2010-04-12 09:40:14 UTC (rev 429)
@@ -849,7 +849,7 @@
   if i < l then begin
     let c = get s i in
     if c < 0x80 then begin
-      set s' j (get ascii_lower c);
+      set s' j (get norm_ascii c);
       norm s (i + 1) l s' (j + 1)
     end else if c < 0xE0 then begin
       (* 80 - 7FF *)
@@ -942,6 +942,99 @@
+let rec decomp s i l s' j =
+  if i < l then begin
+    let c = get s i in
+    if c < 0x80 then begin
+      set s' j (get decomp_ascii c);
+      decomp s (i + 1) l s' (j + 1)
+    end else if c < 0xE0 then begin
+      (* 80 - 7FF *)
+      if c < 0xc2 || i + 1 >= l then raise Invalid;
+      let c1 = get s (i + 1) in
+      if c1 land 0xc0 <> 0x80 then raise Invalid;
+      let idx = get decomp_prim (c - 0xc0) in
+      let idx = idx lsl 6 + c1 - 0x80 in
+      let k = get decomp_second_high idx in
+      if k = 0 then begin
+        set s' j c;
+        set s' (j + 1) c1;
+        decomp s (i + 2) l s' (j + 2)
+      end else begin
+        let k = (k - 2) lsl 8 + get decomp_second_low idx in
+        let n = get decomp_repl k in
+        String.blit decomp_repl (k + 1) s' j n;
+        decomp s (i + 2) l s' (j + n)
+      end
+    end else if c < 0xF0 then begin
+      (* 800 - FFFF *)
+      if i + 2 >= l then raise Invalid;
+      let c1 = get s (i + 1) in
+      if c1 land 0xc0 <> 0x80 then raise Invalid;
+      let idx = c lsl 6 + c1 - 0x3880 in
+      if idx < 0x20 then raise Invalid;
+      let c2 = get s (i + 2) in
+      if c2 land 0xc0 <> 0x80 then raise Invalid;
+      let idx = get decomp_prim idx in
+      let idx = idx lsl 6 + c2 - 0x80 in
+      let k = get decomp_second_high idx in
+      if k = 0 then begin
+        set s' j c;
+        set s' (j + 1) c1;
+        set s' (j + 2) c2;
+        decomp s (i + 3) l s' (j + 3)
+      end else if k = 1 then begin
+        let v = c lsl 12 + c1 lsl 6 + c2 - (0x000E2080 + hangul_sbase) in
+        if v >= hangul_scount then begin
+          set s' j c;
+          set s' (j + 1) c1;
+          set s' (j + 2) c2;
+          decomp s (i + 3) l s' (j + 3)
+        end else begin
+          set_char_3 s' j (v / hangul_ncount + hangul_lbase);
+          set_char_3 s' (j + 3)
+            ((v mod hangul_ncount) / hangul_tcount + hangul_vbase);
+          if v mod hangul_tcount = 0 then
+            decomp s (i + 3) l s' (j + 6)
+          else begin
+            set_char_3 s' (j + 6) ((v mod hangul_tcount) + hangul_tbase);
+            decomp s (i + 3) l s' (j + 9)
+          end
+        end
+      end else begin
+        let k = (k - 2) lsl 8 + get decomp_second_low idx in
+        let n = get decomp_repl k in
+        String.blit decomp_repl (k + 1) s' j n;
+        decomp s (i + 3) l s' (j + n)
+      end
+    end else begin
+      (* 10000 - 10FFFF *)
+      if i + 3 >= l then raise Invalid;
+      let c1 = get s (i + 1) in
+      let c2 = get s (i + 2) in
+      let c3 = get s (i + 3) in
+      if (c1 lor c2 lor c3) land 0xc0 <> 0x80 then raise Invalid;
+      let v = c lsl 18 + c1 lsl 12 + c2 lsl 6 + c3 - 0x03c82080 in
+      if v < 0x10000 || v > 0x10ffff then raise Invalid;
+      set s' j c;
+      set s' (j + 1) c1;
+      set s' (j + 2) c2;
+      set s' (j + 3) c3;
+      decomp s (i + 4) l s' (j + 4)
+    end
+  end else
+    String.sub s' 0 j
+let decompose s =
+  let l = String.length s in
+  let s' = String.create (3 * l) in
+  try
+    let s' = decomp s 0 l s' 0 in order s'; s'
+  with Invalid ->
+    s
 let rec compare_rec s s' i l =
   if i = l then begin
     if l < String.length s then 1 else
@@ -951,17 +1044,37 @@
     let c = get s i in
     let c' = get s' i in
     if c < 0x80 && c' < 0x80 then begin
-      let v = compare (get ascii_lower c) (get ascii_lower c') in
+      let v = compare (get norm_ascii c) (get norm_ascii c') in
       if v <> 0 then v else compare_rec s s' (i + 1) l
     end else
       compare (normalize s) (normalize s')
-let compare s s' =
+let case_insensitive_compare s s' =
   compare_rec s s' 0 (min (String.length s) (String.length s'))
+let rec compare_cs_rec s s' i l =
+  if i = l then begin
+    if l < String.length s then 1 else
+    if l < String.length s' then -1 else
+    0
+  end else begin
+    let c = get s i in
+    let c' = get s' i in
+    if c < 0x80 && c' < 0x80 then begin
+      let v = compare c c' in
+      if v <> 0 then v else compare_cs_rec s s' (i + 1) l
+    end else
+      compare s s'
+  end
+let case_sensitive_compare s s' =
+  compare_rec s s' 0 (min (String.length s) (String.length s'))
 let uniCharPrecompSourceTable = [|
 	0x00000300; 0x00540000; 0x00000301; 0x00750054;
 	0x00000302; 0x002000C9; 0x00000303; 0x001C00E9;

Modified: trunk/src/unicode.mli
--- trunk/src/unicode.mli	2010-04-08 07:43:52 UTC (rev 428)
+++ trunk/src/unicode.mli	2010-04-12 09:40:14 UTC (rev 429)
@@ -6,11 +6,18 @@
 (* Case-insensitive comparison.  If two strings are equal according to
    Mac OS X (Darwin, actually, but the algorithm has hopefully
    remained unchanged) or Windows (Samba), then this function returns 0 *)
-val compare : string -> string -> int
+val case_insensitive_compare : string -> string -> int
 (* Corresponding normalization *)
 val normalize : string -> string
+(* Case-sensitive comparison (but up to decomposition). *)
+val case_sensitive_compare : string -> string -> int
+(* Compose Unicode strings.  This is the decomposition performed
+   by Mac OS X. *)
+val decompose : string -> string
 (* Compose Unicode strings.  This reverts the decomposition performed
    by Mac OS X. *)
 val compose : string -> string

Modified: trunk/src/unicode_tables.ml
--- trunk/src/unicode_tables.ml	2010-04-08 07:43:52 UTC (rev 428)
+++ trunk/src/unicode_tables.ml	2010-04-12 09:40:14 UTC (rev 429)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 (*-*-coding: utf-8;-*-*)
-let ascii_lower =
+let norm_ascii =
   "\000\001\002\003\004\005\006\007\b\t\n\011\012\r\014\015\016\017\018\019\020\021\022\023\024\025\026\027\028\029\030\031 !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~\127"
 let norm_repl =
   "\003aÌ€\003á\003aÌ‚\003ã\003ä\003aÌŠ\002æ\003ç\003eÌ€\003é\003eÌ‚\003ë\003iÌ€\003í\003iÌ‚\003ï\002ð\003ñ\003oÌ€\003ó\003oÌ‚\003õ\003ö\002ø\003uÌ€\003ú\003uÌ‚\003ü\003ý\002þ\003ÿ\003aÌ„\003ă\003ą\003ć\003cÌ‚\003ċ\003cÌŒ\003dÌŒ\002Ä‘\003eÌ„\003ĕ\003ė\003ę\003eÌŒ\003gÌ‚\003ğ\003ġ\003ģ\003hÌ‚\002ħ\003ĩ\003iÌ„\003ĭ\003į\003i̇\002ij\003jÌ‚\003ķ\003ĺ\003ļ\003lÌŒ\002Å€\002Å‚\003ń\003ņ\003nÌŒ\002Å‹\003oÌ„\003ŏ\003oÌ‹\002Å“\003ŕ\003ŗ\003rÌŒ\003ś\003sÌ‚\003ş\003sÌŒ\003ţ\003tÌŒ\002ŧ\003ũ\003uÌ„\003ŭ\003uÌŠ\003uÌ‹\003ų\003wÌ‚\003yÌ‚\003ź\003ż\003zÌŒ\002É“\002ƃ\002Æ…\002É”\002ƈ\002É–\002É—\002ÆŒ\002ǝ\002É™\002É›\002Æ’\002É \002É£\002É©\002ɨ\002Æ™\002ɯ\002ɲ\002ɵ\003oÌ›\002Æ£\002Æ¥\002ƨ\002ʃ\002Æ­\002ʈ\003uÌ›\002ÊŠ\002Ê‹\002Æ´\002ƶ\002Ê’\002ƹ\002ƽ\002dž\002lj\002ÇŒ\003aÌŒ\003iÌŒ\003oÌŒ\003uÌŒ\005ǖ\005ǘ\005ǚ\005ǜ\005ǟ\005ǡ\004ǣ\002Ç¥\003gÌŒ\003kÌŒ\003oÌ!
 \008ᾇ\006ᾐ\006ᾑ\008ᾒ\008ᾓ\008ᾔ\008ᾕ\008ᾖ\008ᾗ\006ᾠ\006ᾡ\008ᾢ\008ᾣ\008ᾤ\008ᾥ\008ᾦ\008ᾧ\004ᾰ\004ᾱ\006ᾲ\004ᾳ\006ᾴ\004ᾶ\006ᾷ\004῁\006ῂ\004ῃ\006ῄ\004ῆ\006ῇ\005῍\005῎\005῏\004ῐ\004ῑ\006ῒ\004ῖ\006ῗ\005῝\005῞\005῟\004ῠ\004Ï…Ì„\006ῢ\004ῤ\004ῥ\004Ï…Í‚\006ῧ\004῭\001`\006ῲ\004ῳ\006ῴ\004ῶ\006ῷ\002´\000\003â…°\003â…±\003â…²\003â…³\003â…´\003â…µ\003â…¶\003â…·\003â…¸\003â…¹\003â…º\003â…»\003â…¼\003â…½\003â…¾\003â…¿\003ⓐ\003â“‘\003â“’\003â““\003â“”\003â“•\003â“–\003â“—\003ⓘ\003â“™\003â“š\003â“›\003â“œ\003ⓝ\003â“ž\003â“Ÿ\003â“ \003â“¡\003â“¢\003â“£\003ⓤ\003â“¥\003ⓦ\003ⓧ\003ⓨ\003â“©\006が\006ぎ\006ぐ\006げ\006ご\006ざ\006じ\006ず\006ぜ\006ぞ\006だ\006ぢ\006づ\006で\006ど\006ã!
 ¸ã‚š\006ぼ\006ぽ\006ゔ\006ゞ\006ã‚«ã‚™\006ã‚­ã‚™\006グ\006ゲ\006ゴ\006ザ\006ã‚·ã‚™\006ズ\006ゼ\006ゾ\006ã‚¿ã‚™\006ヂ\006ヅ\006デ\006ド\006バ\006パ\006ビ\006ピ\006ブ\006プ\006ベ\006ペ\006ボ\006ポ\006ヴ\006ヷ\006ヸ\006ヹ\006ヺ\006ヾ\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001	\001
@@ -11,3 +11,15 @@
 let norm_second_low =
+let decomp_ascii =
+  "\000\001\002\003\004\005\006\007\b\t\n\011\012\r\014\015\016\017\018\019\020\021\022\023\024\025\026\027\028\029\030\031 !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~\127"
+let decomp_repl =
+  "\003À\003Á\003Â\003Ã\003Ä\003Å\002æ\003Ç\003È\003É\003Ê\003Ë\003Ì\003Í\003Î\003Ï\002ð\003Ñ\003Ò\003Ó\003Ô\003Õ\003Ö\002ø\003Ù\003Ú\003Û\003Ü\003Ý\002þ\003à\003á\003â\003ã\003ä\003å\003ç\003è\003é\003ê\003ë\003ì\003í\003î\003ï\003ñ\003ò\003ó\003ô\003õ\003ö\003ù\003ú\003û\003ü\003ý\003ÿ\003Ā\003ā\003Ă\003ă\003Ą\003ą\003Ć\003ć\003Ĉ\003ĉ\003Ċ\003ċ\003Č\003č\003Ď\003ď\002đ\003Ē\003ē\003Ĕ\003ĕ\003Ė\003ė\003Ę\003ę\003Ě\003ě\003Ĝ\003ĝ\003Ğ\003ğ\003Ġ\003ġ\003Ģ\003ģ\003Ĥ\003ĥ\002ħ\003Ĩ\003ĩ\003Ī\003ī\003Ĭ\003ĭ\003Į\003į\003İ\002ij\003Ĵ\003ĵ\003Ķ\003ķ\003Ĺ\003ĺ\003Ļ\003ļ\003Ľ\003ľ\002ŀ\002ł\003Ń\003ń\003Ņ\003ņ\003Ň\003ň\002ŋ\003Ō\003ō\003Ŏ\003ŏ\003Ő\003ő\002œ\003Ŕ\003ŕ\003Ŗ\003ŗ\003Ř\003ř\003Ś\003ś\003Ŝ\003ŝ\003Ş\0!
 ‘̆\004Ᾱ\004Ὰ\004ᾼ\004῁\006ῂ\004ῃ\006ῄ\004ῆ\006ῇ\004Ὲ\004Ὴ\004ῌ\005῍\005῎\005῏\004ῐ\004ῑ\006ῒ\004ῖ\006ῗ\004Ῐ\004Ῑ\004Ὶ\005῝\005῞\005῟\004ῠ\004Ï…Ì„\006ῢ\004ῤ\004ῥ\004Ï…Í‚\006ῧ\004Ῠ\004Ῡ\004Ὺ\004Ῥ\004῭\001`\006ῲ\004ῳ\006ῴ\004ῶ\006ῷ\004Ὸ\004Ὼ\004ῼ\002´\000\003â…°\003â…±\003â…²\003â…³\003â…´\003â…µ\003â…¶\003â…·\003â…¸\003â…¹\003â…º\003â…»\003â…¼\003â…½\003â…¾\003â…¿\003ⓐ\003â“‘\003â“’\003â““\003â“”\003â“•\003â“–\003â“—\003ⓘ\003â“™\003â“š\003â“›\003â“œ\003ⓝ\003â“ž\003â“Ÿ\003â“ \003â“¡\003â“¢\003â“£\003ⓤ\003â“¥\003ⓦ\003ⓧ\003ⓨ\003â“©\006が\006ぎ\006ぐ\006げ\006ご\006ざ\006じ\006ず\006ぜ\006ぞ\006だ\006ぢ\006づ\006で\006ど\006ば\006ぱ\006び\006ぴ\006ぶ\006ぷ\006べ\006ぺ\006ぼ\006ぽ\006ゔ\006ゞ\006ã‚«ã‚™\0!
 06ギ\006グ\006ゲ\006ゴ\006ザ\006ジ\006ズ\006ゼ\006ゾ\006ダ\006ヂ\006ヅ\006デ\006ド\006バ\006パ\006ビ\006ピ\006ブ\006プ\006ベ\006ペ\006ボ\006ポ\006ヴ\006ヷ\006ヸ\006ヹ\006ヺ\006ヾ\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001	\001
+\001\001\001
+\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\"\001*\001:\001<\001>\001?\001\\\001|\001 \001.\004×™Ö´\004ײַ\004שׁ\004שׂ\006שּׁ\006שּׂ\004אַ\004אָ\004אּ\004בּ\004×’Ö¼\004דּ\004×”Ö¼\004וּ\004×–Ö¼\004טּ\004×™Ö¼\004ךּ\004×›Ö¼\004לּ\004מּ\004× Ö¼\004סּ\004×£Ö¼\004פּ\004צּ\004קּ\004רּ\004שּ\004תּ\004וֹ\004בֿ\004×›Ö¿\004פֿ\003a\003b\003c\003d\003ï½…\003f\003g\003h\003i\003j\003k\003l\003m\003n\003o\003p\003q\003ï½’\003s\003ï½”\003u\003ï½–\003ï½—\003x\003ï½™\003z"
+let decomp_prim =
+  "\000\000\000\002\003\004\005\006\007\000\000\000\000\008\009\010\011\012\013\014\015\016\000\000\017\000\000\018\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\019\020\000\021\022\023\000\000\000\024\025\026\000\027\000\028\000\029\000\030\000\000\000\000\000\031\032\000\033\000\034\035\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\036\037\038\039\040\041\042\043\044\045\000\000\000\046\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\047\048\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\049\050\051\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\!
+let decomp_second_high =
+  "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\002\002\002\002\002\002\002\002\002\002\002\002\002\002\002\002\002\002\002\002\002\002\002\000\002\002\002\002\002\002\002\000\002\002\002\002\002\002\000\002\002\002\002\002\002\002\002\002\000\002\002\002\002\002\002\000\000\002\002\002\002\002\000\002\002\002\002\002\002\002\002\002\003\003\003\003\003\003\003\003\003\000\003\003\003\003\003\003\003\003\003\003\003\003\003\003\003\003\003\003\003\003\003\000\003\003\003\003\003\003\003\003\003\000\003\000\003\003\!
+let decomp_second_low =
+  "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\004\008\012\016\020\024\027\031\035\039\043\047\051\055\059\063\066\070\074\078\082\086\000\090\093\097\101\105\109\113\000\116\120\124\128\132\136\000\140\144\148\152\156\160\164\168\172\000\176\180\184\188\192\196\000\000\200\204\208\212\216\000\220\224\228\232\236\240\244\248\252\000\004\008\012\016\020\024\028\032\000\035\039\043\047\051\055\059\063\067\071\075\079\083\087\091\095\099\103\107\111\115\000\118\122\126\130\134\138\142\146\150\000\154\000\157\161\!

Modified: trunk/src/update.ml
--- trunk/src/update.ml	2010-04-08 07:43:52 UTC (rev 428)
+++ trunk/src/update.ml	2010-04-12 09:40:14 UTC (rev 429)
@@ -576,6 +576,7 @@
        makeCaseSensitive (thisRootsGlobalName fspath);
        Lwt.return ())
+(*FIX: remove when Unison version > 2.40 *)
 let canMakeCaseSensitive () =
   Globals.allRootsMap (fun r -> Remote.commandAvailable r "makeCaseSensitive")
     >>= fun l ->

Added: trunk/unicode_utils/README
--- trunk/unicode_utils/README	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/unicode_utils/README	2010-04-12 09:40:14 UTC (rev 429)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+This directory contains the code for building the tables in

Added: trunk/unicode_utils/codepages/lowcase.dat
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/unicode_utils/codepages/lowcase.dat
Added: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/unicode_utils/codepages/upcase.dat
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/unicode_utils/codepages/upcase.dat
Added: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: trunk/unicode_utils/reorder.ml
--- trunk/unicode_utils/reorder.ml	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/unicode_utils/reorder.ml	2010-04-12 09:40:14 UTC (rev 429)
@@ -0,0 +1,738 @@
+let combining_property_bitmap = "\
+let combining_class c =
+  if c > 0xffff then 0 else
+  let v = get combining_property_bitmap (c lsr 8) in
+  if v = 0 then 0 else
+  get combining_property_bitmap (v lsl 8 + c land 0xff)
+let _ =
+for c = 0 to 0xffff do
+  let v = combining_class c in
+  if v <> 0 then
+    Format.printf "%04x => %02x at ." c v
+let rec find_loc s i l p =
+  if i = 0 then i else
+  let i' = prev_char s i in
+  let (v, _) = decode_char s i' l in
+  let p' = combining_class v in
+  if p' <= p then i else
+  find_loc s i' l p
+let rec scan s i l p =
+  if i < l then begin
+    let c = get s i in
+    if c < 0x80 then
+      scan s (i + 1) l 0
+    else if c < 0xE0 then begin
+      (* 80 - 7FF *)
+      if i + 1 >= l then fail () else
+      let c1 = get s (i + 1) in
+      let v = c lsl 6 + c1 - 0x3080 in
+      cont s i l (i + 2) p v
+    end else if c < 0xF0 then begin
+      (* 800 - FFFF *)
+      if i + 2 >= l then fail () else
+      let c1 = get s (i + 1) in
+      let c2 = get s (i + 2) in
+      let v = c lsl 12 + c1 lsl 6 + c2 - 0xe2080 in
+      cont s i l (i + 3) p v
+    end else begin
+      (* 10000 - 10FFFF *)
+      if i + 3 >= l then fail () else
+      scan s (i + 4) l 0
+    end
+  end
+and cont s i l j p v =
+  let p' = combining_class v in
+  if p' = 0 || p <= p' then
+    scan s j l p'
+  else begin
+    (* move char to the right location *)
+    let k = find_loc s i l p' in
+    let d = j - i in
+    let s' = String.sub s i d in
+    String.blit s k s (k + d) (i - k);
+    String.blit s' 0 s k d;
+    scan s j l p
+  end
+let order s =
+  scan s 0 (String.length s) 0

Added: trunk/unicode_utils/unicode.ml
--- trunk/unicode_utils/unicode.ml	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/unicode_utils/unicode.ml	2010-04-12 09:40:14 UTC (rev 429)
@@ -0,0 +1,815 @@
+open Unicode_tables
+exception Invalid
+let fail () = raise Invalid
+let get s i = Char.code (String.unsafe_get s i)
+let set s i v = String.unsafe_set s i (Char.unsafe_chr v)
+let hangul_sbase = 0xAC00
+let hangul_lbase = 0x1100
+let hangul_vbase = 0x1161
+let hangul_tbase = 0x11A7
+let hangul_scount = 11172
+let hangul_lcount = 19
+let hangul_vcount = 21
+let hangul_tcount = 28
+let hangul_ncount = hangul_vcount * hangul_tcount
+let set_char_3 s i c =
+  set s i (c lsr 12 + 0xE0);
+  set s (i + 1) ((c lsr 6) land 0x3f + 0x80);
+  set s (i + 2) (c land 0x3f + 0x80)
+let rec norm s i l s' j =
+  if i < l then begin
+    let c = get s i in
+    if c < 0x80 then begin
+      set s' j (get ascii_lower c);
+      norm s (i + 1) l s' (j + 1)
+    end else if c < 0xE0 then begin
+      (* 80 - 7FF *)
+      if c < 0xc2 || i + 1 >= l then raise Invalid;
+      let c1 = get s (i + 1) in
+      if c1 land 0xc0 <> 0x80 then raise Invalid;
+      let idx = get norm_prim (c - 0xc0) in
+      let idx = idx lsl 6 + c1 - 0x80 in
+      let k = get norm_second_high idx in
+      if k = 0 then begin
+        set s' j c;
+        set s' (j + 1) c1;
+        norm s (i + 2) l s' (j + 2)
+      end else begin
+        let k = (k - 2) lsl 8 + get norm_second_low idx in
+        let n = get norm_repl k in
+        String.blit norm_repl (k + 1) s' j n;
+        norm s (i + 2) l s' (j + n)
+      end
+    end else if c < 0xF0 then begin
+      (* 800 - FFFF *)
+      if i + 2 >= l then raise Invalid;
+      let c1 = get s (i + 1) in
+      if c1 land 0xc0 <> 0x80 then raise Invalid;
+      let idx = c lsl 6 + c1 - 0x3880 in
+      if idx < 0x20 then raise Invalid;
+      let c2 = get s (i + 2) in
+      if c2 land 0xc0 <> 0x80 then raise Invalid;
+      let idx = get norm_prim idx in
+      let idx = idx lsl 6 + c2 - 0x80 in
+      let k = get norm_second_high idx in
+      if k = 0 then begin
+        set s' j c;
+        set s' (j + 1) c1;
+        set s' (j + 2) c2;
+        norm s (i + 3) l s' (j + 3)
+      end else if k = 1 then begin
+        let v = c lsl 12 + c1 lsl 6 + c2 - (0x000E2080 + hangul_sbase) in
+        if v >= hangul_scount then begin
+          set s' j c;
+          set s' (j + 1) c1;
+          set s' (j + 2) c2;
+          norm s (i + 3) l s' (j + 3)
+        end else begin
+          set_char_3 s' j (v / hangul_ncount + hangul_lbase);
+          set_char_3 s' (j + 3)
+            ((v mod hangul_ncount) / hangul_tcount + hangul_vbase);
+          if v mod hangul_tcount = 0 then
+            norm s (i + 3) l s' (j + 6)
+          else begin
+            set_char_3 s' (j + 6) ((v mod hangul_tcount) + hangul_tbase);
+            norm s (i + 3) l s' (j + 9)
+          end
+        end
+      end else begin
+        let k = (k - 2) lsl 8 + get norm_second_low idx in
+        let n = get norm_repl k in
+        String.blit norm_repl (k + 1) s' j n;
+        norm s (i + 3) l s' (j + n)
+      end
+    end else begin
+      (* 10000 - 10FFFF *)
+      if i + 3 >= l then raise Invalid;
+      let c1 = get s (i + 1) in
+      let c2 = get s (i + 2) in
+      let c3 = get s (i + 3) in
+      if (c1 lor c2 lor c3) land 0xc0 <> 0x80 then raise Invalid;
+      let v = c lsl 18 + c1 lsl 12 + c2 lsl 6 + c3 - 0x03c82080 in
+      if v < 0x10000 || v > 0x10ffff then raise Invalid;
+      set s' j c;
+      set s' (j + 1) c1;
+      set s' (j + 2) c2;
+      set s' (j + 3) c3;
+      norm s (i + 4) l s' (j + 4)
+    end
+  end else
+    String.sub s' 0 j
+let normalize s =
+  let l = String.length s in
+  let s' = String.create (3 * l) in
+  try norm s 0 l s' 0 with Invalid -> s
+let rec compare_rec s s' i l =
+  if i = l then begin
+    if l < String.length s then 1 else
+    if l < String.length s' then -1 else
+    0
+  end else begin
+    let c = get s i in
+    let c' = get s' i in
+    if c < 0x80 && c' < 0x80 then begin
+      let v = compare (get ascii_lower c) (get ascii_lower c') in
+      if v <> 0 then v else compare_rec s s' (i + 1) l
+    end else
+      compare (normalize s) (normalize s')
+  end
+let compare s s' =
+  compare_rec s s' 0 (min (String.length s) (String.length s'))
+let rec decode_char s i l =
+  if i = l then fail () else
+  let c = get s i in
+  if c < 0x80 then
+    cont s (i + 1) l c
+  else if c < 0xE0 then begin
+    (* 80 - 7FF *)
+    if c < 0xc2 || i + 1 >= l then fail () else
+    let c1 = get s (i + 1) in
+    if c1 land 0xc0 <> 0x80 then fail () else
+    let v = c lsl 6 + c1 - 0x3080 in
+    cont s (i + 2) l v
+  end else if c < 0xF0 then begin
+    (* 800 - FFFF *)
+    if i + 2 >= l then fail () else
+    let c1 = get s (i + 1) in
+    let c2 = get s (i + 2) in
+    if (c1 lor c2) land 0xc0 <> 0x80 then fail () else
+    let v = c lsl 12 + c1 lsl 6 + c2 - 0xe2080 in
+    if v < 0x800 then fail () else
+    cont s (i + 3) l v
+  end else begin
+    (* 10000 - 10FFFF *)
+    if i + 3 >= l then fail () else
+    let c1 = get s (i + 1) in
+    let c2 = get s (i + 2) in
+    let c3 = get s (i + 3) in
+    if (c1 lor c2 lor c3) land 0xc0 <> 0x80 then fail () else
+    let v = c lsl 18 + c1 lsl 12 + c2 lsl 6 + c3 - 0x03c82080 in
+    if v < 0x10000 || v > 0x10ffff then fail () else
+    cont s (i + 4) l v
+  end
+and cont s i l v = (v, i)
+let encode_char s i l c =
+  if c < 0x80 then begin
+    if i >= l then fail () else begin
+      set s i c;
+      i + 1
+    end
+  end else if c < 0x800 then begin
+    if i + 1 >= l then fail () else begin
+      set s i (c lsr 6 + 0xC0);
+      set s (i + 1) (c land 0x3f + 0x80);
+      i + 2
+    end
+  end else if c < 0x10000 then begin
+    if i + 1 >= l then fail () else begin
+      set s i (c lsr 12 + 0xE0);
+      set s (i + 1) ((c lsr 6) land 0x3f + 0x80);
+      set s (i + 2) (c land 0x3f + 0x80);
+      i + 3
+    end
+  end else begin
+    if i + 1 >= l then fail () else begin
+      set s i (c lsr 18 + 0xF0);
+      set s (i + 1) ((c lsr 12) land 0x3f + 0x80);
+      set s (i + 2) ((c lsr 6) land 0x3f + 0x80);
+      set s (i + 3) (c land 0x3f + 0x80);
+      i + 4
+    end
+  end
+let rec prev_char s i =
+  let i = i - 1 in
+  if i < 0 then fail () else
+  if (get s i) land 0xc0 <> 0x80 then i else prev_char s i
+let uniCharPrecompSourceTable = [|
+	0x00000300; 0x00540000; 0x00000301; 0x00750054;
+	0x00000302; 0x002000C9; 0x00000303; 0x001C00E9;
+	0x00000304; 0x002C0105; 0x00000306; 0x00200131;
+	0x00000307; 0x002E0151; 0x00000308; 0x0036017F;
+	0x00000309; 0x001801B5; 0x0000030A; 0x000601CD;
+	0x0000030B; 0x000601D3; 0x0000030C; 0x002501D9;
+	0x0000030F; 0x000E01FE; 0x00000311; 0x000C020C;
+	0x00000313; 0x000E0218; 0x00000314; 0x00100226;
+	0x0000031B; 0x00040236; 0x00000323; 0x002A023A;
+	0x00000324; 0x00020264; 0x00000325; 0x00020266;
+	0x00000326; 0x00040268; 0x00000327; 0x0016026C;
+	0x00000328; 0x000A0282; 0x0000032D; 0x000C028C;
+	0x0000032E; 0x00020298; 0x00000330; 0x0006029A;
+	0x00000331; 0x001102A0; 0x00000338; 0x002C02B1;
+	0x00000342; 0x001D02DD; 0x00000345; 0x003F02FA;
+	0x00000653; 0x00010339; 0x00000654; 0x0006033A;
+	0x00000655; 0x00010340; 0x0000093C; 0x00030341;
+	0x000009BE; 0x00010344; 0x000009D7; 0x00010345;
+	0x00000B3E; 0x00010346; 0x00000B56; 0x00010347;
+	0x00000B57; 0x00010348; 0x00000BBE; 0x00020349;
+	0x00000BD7; 0x0002034B; 0x00000C56; 0x0001034D;
+	0x00000CC2; 0x0001034E; 0x00000CD5; 0x0003034F;
+	0x00000CD6; 0x00010352; 0x00000D3E; 0x00020353;
+	0x00000D57; 0x00010355; 0x00000DCA; 0x00020356;
+	0x00000DCF; 0x00010358; 0x00000DDF; 0x00010359;
+	0x0000102E; 0x0001035A; 0x00003099; 0x0030035B;
+	0x0000309A; 0x000A038B
+let uniCharBMPPrecompDestinationTable = [|
+	0x0041; 0x00C0; 0x0045; 0x00C8; 0x0049; 0x00CC; 0x004E; 0x01F8;
+	0x004F; 0x00D2; 0x0055; 0x00D9; 0x0057; 0x1E80; 0x0059; 0x1EF2;
+	0x0061; 0x00E0; 0x0065; 0x00E8; 0x0069; 0x00EC; 0x006E; 0x01F9;
+	0x006F; 0x00F2; 0x0075; 0x00F9; 0x0077; 0x1E81; 0x0079; 0x1EF3;
+	0x00A8; 0x1FED; 0x00C2; 0x1EA6; 0x00CA; 0x1EC0; 0x00D4; 0x1ED2;
+	0x00DC; 0x01DB; 0x00E2; 0x1EA7; 0x00EA; 0x1EC1; 0x00F4; 0x1ED3;
+	0x00FC; 0x01DC; 0x0102; 0x1EB0; 0x0103; 0x1EB1; 0x0112; 0x1E14;
+	0x0113; 0x1E15; 0x014C; 0x1E50; 0x014D; 0x1E51; 0x01A0; 0x1EDC;
+	0x01A1; 0x1EDD; 0x01AF; 0x1EEA; 0x01B0; 0x1EEB; 0x0391; 0x1FBA;
+	0x0395; 0x1FC8; 0x0397; 0x1FCA; 0x0399; 0x1FDA; 0x039F; 0x1FF8;
+	0x03A5; 0x1FEA; 0x03A9; 0x1FFA; 0x03B1; 0x1F70; 0x03B5; 0x1F72;
+	0x03B7; 0x1F74; 0x03B9; 0x1F76; 0x03BF; 0x1F78; 0x03C5; 0x1F7A;
+	0x03C9; 0x1F7C; 0x03CA; 0x1FD2; 0x03CB; 0x1FE2; 0x0415; 0x0400;
+	0x0418; 0x040D; 0x0435; 0x0450; 0x0438; 0x045D; 0x1F00; 0x1F02;
+	0x1F01; 0x1F03; 0x1F08; 0x1F0A; 0x1F09; 0x1F0B; 0x1F10; 0x1F12;
+	0x1F11; 0x1F13; 0x1F18; 0x1F1A; 0x1F19; 0x1F1B; 0x1F20; 0x1F22;
+	0x1F21; 0x1F23; 0x1F28; 0x1F2A; 0x1F29; 0x1F2B; 0x1F30; 0x1F32;
+	0x1F31; 0x1F33; 0x1F38; 0x1F3A; 0x1F39; 0x1F3B; 0x1F40; 0x1F42;
+	0x1F41; 0x1F43; 0x1F48; 0x1F4A; 0x1F49; 0x1F4B; 0x1F50; 0x1F52;
+	0x1F51; 0x1F53; 0x1F59; 0x1F5B; 0x1F60; 0x1F62; 0x1F61; 0x1F63;
+	0x1F68; 0x1F6A; 0x1F69; 0x1F6B; 0x1FBF; 0x1FCD; 0x1FFE; 0x1FDD;
+	0x0041; 0x00C1; 0x0043; 0x0106; 0x0045; 0x00C9; 0x0047; 0x01F4;
+	0x0049; 0x00CD; 0x004B; 0x1E30; 0x004C; 0x0139; 0x004D; 0x1E3E;
+	0x004E; 0x0143; 0x004F; 0x00D3; 0x0050; 0x1E54; 0x0052; 0x0154;
+	0x0053; 0x015A; 0x0055; 0x00DA; 0x0057; 0x1E82; 0x0059; 0x00DD;
+	0x005A; 0x0179; 0x0061; 0x00E1; 0x0063; 0x0107; 0x0065; 0x00E9;
+	0x0067; 0x01F5; 0x0069; 0x00ED; 0x006B; 0x1E31; 0x006C; 0x013A;
+	0x006D; 0x1E3F; 0x006E; 0x0144; 0x006F; 0x00F3; 0x0070; 0x1E55;
+	0x0072; 0x0155; 0x0073; 0x015B; 0x0075; 0x00FA; 0x0077; 0x1E83;
+	0x0079; 0x00FD; 0x007A; 0x017A; 0x00A8; 0x0385; 0x00C2; 0x1EA4;
+	0x00C5; 0x01FA; 0x00C6; 0x01FC; 0x00C7; 0x1E08; 0x00CA; 0x1EBE;
+	0x00CF; 0x1E2E; 0x00D4; 0x1ED0; 0x00D5; 0x1E4C; 0x00D8; 0x01FE;
+	0x00DC; 0x01D7; 0x00E2; 0x1EA5; 0x00E5; 0x01FB; 0x00E6; 0x01FD;
+	0x00E7; 0x1E09; 0x00EA; 0x1EBF; 0x00EF; 0x1E2F; 0x00F4; 0x1ED1;
+	0x00F5; 0x1E4D; 0x00F8; 0x01FF; 0x00FC; 0x01D8; 0x0102; 0x1EAE;
+	0x0103; 0x1EAF; 0x0112; 0x1E16; 0x0113; 0x1E17; 0x014C; 0x1E52;
+	0x014D; 0x1E53; 0x0168; 0x1E78; 0x0169; 0x1E79; 0x01A0; 0x1EDA;
+	0x01A1; 0x1EDB; 0x01AF; 0x1EE8; 0x01B0; 0x1EE9; 0x0391; 0x0386;
+	0x0395; 0x0388; 0x0397; 0x0389; 0x0399; 0x038A; 0x039F; 0x038C;
+	0x03A5; 0x038E; 0x03A9; 0x038F; 0x03B1; 0x03AC; 0x03B5; 0x03AD;
+	0x03B7; 0x03AE; 0x03B9; 0x03AF; 0x03BF; 0x03CC; 0x03C5; 0x03CD;
+	0x03C9; 0x03CE; 0x03CA; 0x0390; 0x03CB; 0x03B0; 0x03D2; 0x03D3;
+	0x0413; 0x0403; 0x041A; 0x040C; 0x0433; 0x0453; 0x043A; 0x045C;
+	0x1F00; 0x1F04; 0x1F01; 0x1F05; 0x1F08; 0x1F0C; 0x1F09; 0x1F0D;
+	0x1F10; 0x1F14; 0x1F11; 0x1F15; 0x1F18; 0x1F1C; 0x1F19; 0x1F1D;
+	0x1F20; 0x1F24; 0x1F21; 0x1F25; 0x1F28; 0x1F2C; 0x1F29; 0x1F2D;
+	0x1F30; 0x1F34; 0x1F31; 0x1F35; 0x1F38; 0x1F3C; 0x1F39; 0x1F3D;
+	0x1F40; 0x1F44; 0x1F41; 0x1F45; 0x1F48; 0x1F4C; 0x1F49; 0x1F4D;
+	0x1F50; 0x1F54; 0x1F51; 0x1F55; 0x1F59; 0x1F5D; 0x1F60; 0x1F64;
+	0x1F61; 0x1F65; 0x1F68; 0x1F6C; 0x1F69; 0x1F6D; 0x1FBF; 0x1FCE;
+	0x1FFE; 0x1FDE; 0x0041; 0x00C2; 0x0043; 0x0108; 0x0045; 0x00CA;
+	0x0047; 0x011C; 0x0048; 0x0124; 0x0049; 0x00CE; 0x004A; 0x0134;
+	0x004F; 0x00D4; 0x0053; 0x015C; 0x0055; 0x00DB; 0x0057; 0x0174;
+	0x0059; 0x0176; 0x005A; 0x1E90; 0x0061; 0x00E2; 0x0063; 0x0109;
+	0x0065; 0x00EA; 0x0067; 0x011D; 0x0068; 0x0125; 0x0069; 0x00EE;
+	0x006A; 0x0135; 0x006F; 0x00F4; 0x0073; 0x015D; 0x0075; 0x00FB;
+	0x0077; 0x0175; 0x0079; 0x0177; 0x007A; 0x1E91; 0x1EA0; 0x1EAC;
+	0x1EA1; 0x1EAD; 0x1EB8; 0x1EC6; 0x1EB9; 0x1EC7; 0x1ECC; 0x1ED8;
+	0x1ECD; 0x1ED9; 0x0041; 0x00C3; 0x0045; 0x1EBC; 0x0049; 0x0128;
+	0x004E; 0x00D1; 0x004F; 0x00D5; 0x0055; 0x0168; 0x0056; 0x1E7C;
+	0x0059; 0x1EF8; 0x0061; 0x00E3; 0x0065; 0x1EBD; 0x0069; 0x0129;
+	0x006E; 0x00F1; 0x006F; 0x00F5; 0x0075; 0x0169; 0x0076; 0x1E7D;
+	0x0079; 0x1EF9; 0x00C2; 0x1EAA; 0x00CA; 0x1EC4; 0x00D4; 0x1ED6;
+	0x00E2; 0x1EAB; 0x00EA; 0x1EC5; 0x00F4; 0x1ED7; 0x0102; 0x1EB4;
+	0x0103; 0x1EB5; 0x01A0; 0x1EE0; 0x01A1; 0x1EE1; 0x01AF; 0x1EEE;
+	0x01B0; 0x1EEF; 0x0041; 0x0100; 0x0045; 0x0112; 0x0047; 0x1E20;
+	0x0049; 0x012A; 0x004F; 0x014C; 0x0055; 0x016A; 0x0059; 0x0232;
+	0x0061; 0x0101; 0x0065; 0x0113; 0x0067; 0x1E21; 0x0069; 0x012B;
+	0x006F; 0x014D; 0x0075; 0x016B; 0x0079; 0x0233; 0x00C4; 0x01DE;
+	0x00C6; 0x01E2; 0x00D5; 0x022C; 0x00D6; 0x022A; 0x00DC; 0x01D5;
+	0x00E4; 0x01DF; 0x00E6; 0x01E3; 0x00F5; 0x022D; 0x00F6; 0x022B;
+	0x00FC; 0x01D6; 0x01EA; 0x01EC; 0x01EB; 0x01ED; 0x0226; 0x01E0;
+	0x0227; 0x01E1; 0x022E; 0x0230; 0x022F; 0x0231; 0x0391; 0x1FB9;
+	0x0399; 0x1FD9; 0x03A5; 0x1FE9; 0x03B1; 0x1FB1; 0x03B9; 0x1FD1;
+	0x03C5; 0x1FE1; 0x0418; 0x04E2; 0x0423; 0x04EE; 0x0438; 0x04E3;
+	0x0443; 0x04EF; 0x1E36; 0x1E38; 0x1E37; 0x1E39; 0x1E5A; 0x1E5C;
+	0x1E5B; 0x1E5D; 0x0041; 0x0102; 0x0045; 0x0114; 0x0047; 0x011E;
+	0x0049; 0x012C; 0x004F; 0x014E; 0x0055; 0x016C; 0x0061; 0x0103;
+	0x0065; 0x0115; 0x0067; 0x011F; 0x0069; 0x012D; 0x006F; 0x014F;
+	0x0075; 0x016D; 0x0228; 0x1E1C; 0x0229; 0x1E1D; 0x0391; 0x1FB8;
+	0x0399; 0x1FD8; 0x03A5; 0x1FE8; 0x03B1; 0x1FB0; 0x03B9; 0x1FD0;
+	0x03C5; 0x1FE0; 0x0410; 0x04D0; 0x0415; 0x04D6; 0x0416; 0x04C1;
+	0x0418; 0x0419; 0x0423; 0x040E; 0x0430; 0x04D1; 0x0435; 0x04D7;
+	0x0436; 0x04C2; 0x0438; 0x0439; 0x0443; 0x045E; 0x1EA0; 0x1EB6;
+	0x1EA1; 0x1EB7; 0x0041; 0x0226; 0x0042; 0x1E02; 0x0043; 0x010A;
+	0x0044; 0x1E0A; 0x0045; 0x0116; 0x0046; 0x1E1E; 0x0047; 0x0120;
+	0x0048; 0x1E22; 0x0049; 0x0130; 0x004D; 0x1E40; 0x004E; 0x1E44;
+	0x004F; 0x022E; 0x0050; 0x1E56; 0x0052; 0x1E58; 0x0053; 0x1E60;
+	0x0054; 0x1E6A; 0x0057; 0x1E86; 0x0058; 0x1E8A; 0x0059; 0x1E8E;
+	0x005A; 0x017B; 0x0061; 0x0227; 0x0062; 0x1E03; 0x0063; 0x010B;
+	0x0064; 0x1E0B; 0x0065; 0x0117; 0x0066; 0x1E1F; 0x0067; 0x0121;
+	0x0068; 0x1E23; 0x006D; 0x1E41; 0x006E; 0x1E45; 0x006F; 0x022F;
+	0x0070; 0x1E57; 0x0072; 0x1E59; 0x0073; 0x1E61; 0x0074; 0x1E6B;
+	0x0077; 0x1E87; 0x0078; 0x1E8B; 0x0079; 0x1E8F; 0x007A; 0x017C;
+	0x015A; 0x1E64; 0x015B; 0x1E65; 0x0160; 0x1E66; 0x0161; 0x1E67;
+	0x017F; 0x1E9B; 0x1E62; 0x1E68; 0x1E63; 0x1E69; 0x0041; 0x00C4;
+	0x0045; 0x00CB; 0x0048; 0x1E26; 0x0049; 0x00CF; 0x004F; 0x00D6;
+	0x0055; 0x00DC; 0x0057; 0x1E84; 0x0058; 0x1E8C; 0x0059; 0x0178;
+	0x0061; 0x00E4; 0x0065; 0x00EB; 0x0068; 0x1E27; 0x0069; 0x00EF;
+	0x006F; 0x00F6; 0x0074; 0x1E97; 0x0075; 0x00FC; 0x0077; 0x1E85;
+	0x0078; 0x1E8D; 0x0079; 0x00FF; 0x00D5; 0x1E4E; 0x00F5; 0x1E4F;
+	0x016A; 0x1E7A; 0x016B; 0x1E7B; 0x0399; 0x03AA; 0x03A5; 0x03AB;
+	0x03B9; 0x03CA; 0x03C5; 0x03CB; 0x03D2; 0x03D4; 0x0406; 0x0407;
+	0x0410; 0x04D2; 0x0415; 0x0401; 0x0416; 0x04DC; 0x0417; 0x04DE;
+	0x0418; 0x04E4; 0x041E; 0x04E6; 0x0423; 0x04F0; 0x0427; 0x04F4;
+	0x042B; 0x04F8; 0x042D; 0x04EC; 0x0430; 0x04D3; 0x0435; 0x0451;
+	0x0436; 0x04DD; 0x0437; 0x04DF; 0x0438; 0x04E5; 0x043E; 0x04E7;
+	0x0443; 0x04F1; 0x0447; 0x04F5; 0x044B; 0x04F9; 0x044D; 0x04ED;
+	0x0456; 0x0457; 0x04D8; 0x04DA; 0x04D9; 0x04DB; 0x04E8; 0x04EA;
+	0x04E9; 0x04EB; 0x0041; 0x1EA2; 0x0045; 0x1EBA; 0x0049; 0x1EC8;
+	0x004F; 0x1ECE; 0x0055; 0x1EE6; 0x0059; 0x1EF6; 0x0061; 0x1EA3;
+	0x0065; 0x1EBB; 0x0069; 0x1EC9; 0x006F; 0x1ECF; 0x0075; 0x1EE7;
+	0x0079; 0x1EF7; 0x00C2; 0x1EA8; 0x00CA; 0x1EC2; 0x00D4; 0x1ED4;
+	0x00E2; 0x1EA9; 0x00EA; 0x1EC3; 0x00F4; 0x1ED5; 0x0102; 0x1EB2;
+	0x0103; 0x1EB3; 0x01A0; 0x1EDE; 0x01A1; 0x1EDF; 0x01AF; 0x1EEC;
+	0x01B0; 0x1EED; 0x0041; 0x00C5; 0x0055; 0x016E; 0x0061; 0x00E5;
+	0x0075; 0x016F; 0x0077; 0x1E98; 0x0079; 0x1E99; 0x004F; 0x0150;
+	0x0055; 0x0170; 0x006F; 0x0151; 0x0075; 0x0171; 0x0423; 0x04F2;
+	0x0443; 0x04F3; 0x0041; 0x01CD; 0x0043; 0x010C; 0x0044; 0x010E;
+	0x0045; 0x011A; 0x0047; 0x01E6; 0x0048; 0x021E; 0x0049; 0x01CF;
+	0x004B; 0x01E8; 0x004C; 0x013D; 0x004E; 0x0147; 0x004F; 0x01D1;
+	0x0052; 0x0158; 0x0053; 0x0160; 0x0054; 0x0164; 0x0055; 0x01D3;
+	0x005A; 0x017D; 0x0061; 0x01CE; 0x0063; 0x010D; 0x0064; 0x010F;
+	0x0065; 0x011B; 0x0067; 0x01E7; 0x0068; 0x021F; 0x0069; 0x01D0;
+	0x006A; 0x01F0; 0x006B; 0x01E9; 0x006C; 0x013E; 0x006E; 0x0148;
+	0x006F; 0x01D2; 0x0072; 0x0159; 0x0073; 0x0161; 0x0074; 0x0165;
+	0x0075; 0x01D4; 0x007A; 0x017E; 0x00DC; 0x01D9; 0x00FC; 0x01DA;
+	0x01B7; 0x01EE; 0x0292; 0x01EF; 0x0041; 0x0200; 0x0045; 0x0204;
+	0x0049; 0x0208; 0x004F; 0x020C; 0x0052; 0x0210; 0x0055; 0x0214;
+	0x0061; 0x0201; 0x0065; 0x0205; 0x0069; 0x0209; 0x006F; 0x020D;
+	0x0072; 0x0211; 0x0075; 0x0215; 0x0474; 0x0476; 0x0475; 0x0477;
+	0x0041; 0x0202; 0x0045; 0x0206; 0x0049; 0x020A; 0x004F; 0x020E;
+	0x0052; 0x0212; 0x0055; 0x0216; 0x0061; 0x0203; 0x0065; 0x0207;
+	0x0069; 0x020B; 0x006F; 0x020F; 0x0072; 0x0213; 0x0075; 0x0217;
+	0x0391; 0x1F08; 0x0395; 0x1F18; 0x0397; 0x1F28; 0x0399; 0x1F38;
+	0x039F; 0x1F48; 0x03A9; 0x1F68; 0x03B1; 0x1F00; 0x03B5; 0x1F10;
+	0x03B7; 0x1F20; 0x03B9; 0x1F30; 0x03BF; 0x1F40; 0x03C1; 0x1FE4;
+	0x03C5; 0x1F50; 0x03C9; 0x1F60; 0x0391; 0x1F09; 0x0395; 0x1F19;
+	0x0397; 0x1F29; 0x0399; 0x1F39; 0x039F; 0x1F49; 0x03A1; 0x1FEC;
+	0x03A5; 0x1F59; 0x03A9; 0x1F69; 0x03B1; 0x1F01; 0x03B5; 0x1F11;
+	0x03B7; 0x1F21; 0x03B9; 0x1F31; 0x03BF; 0x1F41; 0x03C1; 0x1FE5;
+	0x03C5; 0x1F51; 0x03C9; 0x1F61; 0x004F; 0x01A0; 0x0055; 0x01AF;
+	0x006F; 0x01A1; 0x0075; 0x01B0; 0x0041; 0x1EA0; 0x0042; 0x1E04;
+	0x0044; 0x1E0C; 0x0045; 0x1EB8; 0x0048; 0x1E24; 0x0049; 0x1ECA;
+	0x004B; 0x1E32; 0x004C; 0x1E36; 0x004D; 0x1E42; 0x004E; 0x1E46;
+	0x004F; 0x1ECC; 0x0052; 0x1E5A; 0x0053; 0x1E62; 0x0054; 0x1E6C;
+	0x0055; 0x1EE4; 0x0056; 0x1E7E; 0x0057; 0x1E88; 0x0059; 0x1EF4;
+	0x005A; 0x1E92; 0x0061; 0x1EA1; 0x0062; 0x1E05; 0x0064; 0x1E0D;
+	0x0065; 0x1EB9; 0x0068; 0x1E25; 0x0069; 0x1ECB; 0x006B; 0x1E33;
+	0x006C; 0x1E37; 0x006D; 0x1E43; 0x006E; 0x1E47; 0x006F; 0x1ECD;
+	0x0072; 0x1E5B; 0x0073; 0x1E63; 0x0074; 0x1E6D; 0x0075; 0x1EE5;
+	0x0076; 0x1E7F; 0x0077; 0x1E89; 0x0079; 0x1EF5; 0x007A; 0x1E93;
+	0x01A0; 0x1EE2; 0x01A1; 0x1EE3; 0x01AF; 0x1EF0; 0x01B0; 0x1EF1;
+	0x0055; 0x1E72; 0x0075; 0x1E73; 0x0041; 0x1E00; 0x0061; 0x1E01;
+	0x0053; 0x0218; 0x0054; 0x021A; 0x0073; 0x0219; 0x0074; 0x021B;
+	0x0043; 0x00C7; 0x0044; 0x1E10; 0x0045; 0x0228; 0x0047; 0x0122;
+	0x0048; 0x1E28; 0x004B; 0x0136; 0x004C; 0x013B; 0x004E; 0x0145;
+	0x0052; 0x0156; 0x0053; 0x015E; 0x0054; 0x0162; 0x0063; 0x00E7;
+	0x0064; 0x1E11; 0x0065; 0x0229; 0x0067; 0x0123; 0x0068; 0x1E29;
+	0x006B; 0x0137; 0x006C; 0x013C; 0x006E; 0x0146; 0x0072; 0x0157;
+	0x0073; 0x015F; 0x0074; 0x0163; 0x0041; 0x0104; 0x0045; 0x0118;
+	0x0049; 0x012E; 0x004F; 0x01EA; 0x0055; 0x0172; 0x0061; 0x0105;
+	0x0065; 0x0119; 0x0069; 0x012F; 0x006F; 0x01EB; 0x0075; 0x0173;
+	0x0044; 0x1E12; 0x0045; 0x1E18; 0x004C; 0x1E3C; 0x004E; 0x1E4A;
+	0x0054; 0x1E70; 0x0055; 0x1E76; 0x0064; 0x1E13; 0x0065; 0x1E19;
+	0x006C; 0x1E3D; 0x006E; 0x1E4B; 0x0074; 0x1E71; 0x0075; 0x1E77;
+	0x0048; 0x1E2A; 0x0068; 0x1E2B; 0x0045; 0x1E1A; 0x0049; 0x1E2C;
+	0x0055; 0x1E74; 0x0065; 0x1E1B; 0x0069; 0x1E2D; 0x0075; 0x1E75;
+	0x0042; 0x1E06; 0x0044; 0x1E0E; 0x004B; 0x1E34; 0x004C; 0x1E3A;
+	0x004E; 0x1E48; 0x0052; 0x1E5E; 0x0054; 0x1E6E; 0x005A; 0x1E94;
+	0x0062; 0x1E07; 0x0064; 0x1E0F; 0x0068; 0x1E96; 0x006B; 0x1E35;
+	0x006C; 0x1E3B; 0x006E; 0x1E49; 0x0072; 0x1E5F; 0x0074; 0x1E6F;
+	0x007A; 0x1E95; 0x003C; 0x226E; 0x003D; 0x2260; 0x003E; 0x226F;
+	0x2190; 0x219A; 0x2192; 0x219B; 0x2194; 0x21AE; 0x21D0; 0x21CD;
+	0x21D2; 0x21CF; 0x21D4; 0x21CE; 0x2203; 0x2204; 0x2208; 0x2209;
+	0x220B; 0x220C; 0x2223; 0x2224; 0x2225; 0x2226; 0x223C; 0x2241;
+	0x2243; 0x2244; 0x2245; 0x2247; 0x2248; 0x2249; 0x224D; 0x226D;
+	0x2261; 0x2262; 0x2264; 0x2270; 0x2265; 0x2271; 0x2272; 0x2274;
+	0x2273; 0x2275; 0x2276; 0x2278; 0x2277; 0x2279; 0x227A; 0x2280;
+	0x227B; 0x2281; 0x227C; 0x22E0; 0x227D; 0x22E1; 0x2282; 0x2284;
+	0x2283; 0x2285; 0x2286; 0x2288; 0x2287; 0x2289; 0x2291; 0x22E2;
+	0x2292; 0x22E3; 0x22A2; 0x22AC; 0x22A8; 0x22AD; 0x22A9; 0x22AE;
+	0x22AB; 0x22AF; 0x22B2; 0x22EA; 0x22B3; 0x22EB; 0x22B4; 0x22EC;
+	0x22B5; 0x22ED; 0x00A8; 0x1FC1; 0x03B1; 0x1FB6; 0x03B7; 0x1FC6;
+	0x03B9; 0x1FD6; 0x03C5; 0x1FE6; 0x03C9; 0x1FF6; 0x03CA; 0x1FD7;
+	0x03CB; 0x1FE7; 0x1F00; 0x1F06; 0x1F01; 0x1F07; 0x1F08; 0x1F0E;
+	0x1F09; 0x1F0F; 0x1F20; 0x1F26; 0x1F21; 0x1F27; 0x1F28; 0x1F2E;
+	0x1F29; 0x1F2F; 0x1F30; 0x1F36; 0x1F31; 0x1F37; 0x1F38; 0x1F3E;
+	0x1F39; 0x1F3F; 0x1F50; 0x1F56; 0x1F51; 0x1F57; 0x1F59; 0x1F5F;
+	0x1F60; 0x1F66; 0x1F61; 0x1F67; 0x1F68; 0x1F6E; 0x1F69; 0x1F6F;
+	0x1FBF; 0x1FCF; 0x1FFE; 0x1FDF; 0x0391; 0x1FBC; 0x0397; 0x1FCC;
+	0x03A9; 0x1FFC; 0x03AC; 0x1FB4; 0x03AE; 0x1FC4; 0x03B1; 0x1FB3;
+	0x03B7; 0x1FC3; 0x03C9; 0x1FF3; 0x03CE; 0x1FF4; 0x1F00; 0x1F80;
+	0x1F01; 0x1F81; 0x1F02; 0x1F82; 0x1F03; 0x1F83; 0x1F04; 0x1F84;
+	0x1F05; 0x1F85; 0x1F06; 0x1F86; 0x1F07; 0x1F87; 0x1F08; 0x1F88;
+	0x1F09; 0x1F89; 0x1F0A; 0x1F8A; 0x1F0B; 0x1F8B; 0x1F0C; 0x1F8C;
+	0x1F0D; 0x1F8D; 0x1F0E; 0x1F8E; 0x1F0F; 0x1F8F; 0x1F20; 0x1F90;
+	0x1F21; 0x1F91; 0x1F22; 0x1F92; 0x1F23; 0x1F93; 0x1F24; 0x1F94;
+	0x1F25; 0x1F95; 0x1F26; 0x1F96; 0x1F27; 0x1F97; 0x1F28; 0x1F98;
+	0x1F29; 0x1F99; 0x1F2A; 0x1F9A; 0x1F2B; 0x1F9B; 0x1F2C; 0x1F9C;
+	0x1F2D; 0x1F9D; 0x1F2E; 0x1F9E; 0x1F2F; 0x1F9F; 0x1F60; 0x1FA0;
+	0x1F61; 0x1FA1; 0x1F62; 0x1FA2; 0x1F63; 0x1FA3; 0x1F64; 0x1FA4;
+	0x1F65; 0x1FA5; 0x1F66; 0x1FA6; 0x1F67; 0x1FA7; 0x1F68; 0x1FA8;
+	0x1F69; 0x1FA9; 0x1F6A; 0x1FAA; 0x1F6B; 0x1FAB; 0x1F6C; 0x1FAC;
+	0x1F6D; 0x1FAD; 0x1F6E; 0x1FAE; 0x1F6F; 0x1FAF; 0x1F70; 0x1FB2;
+	0x1F74; 0x1FC2; 0x1F7C; 0x1FF2; 0x1FB6; 0x1FB7; 0x1FC6; 0x1FC7;
+	0x1FF6; 0x1FF7; 0x0627; 0x0622; 0x0627; 0x0623; 0x0648; 0x0624;
+	0x064A; 0x0626; 0x06C1; 0x06C2; 0x06D2; 0x06D3; 0x06D5; 0x06C0;
+	0x0627; 0x0625; 0x0928; 0x0929; 0x0930; 0x0931; 0x0933; 0x0934;
+	0x09C7; 0x09CB; 0x09C7; 0x09CC; 0x0B47; 0x0B4B; 0x0B47; 0x0B48;
+	0x0B47; 0x0B4C; 0x0BC6; 0x0BCA; 0x0BC7; 0x0BCB; 0x0B92; 0x0B94;
+	0x0BC6; 0x0BCC; 0x0C46; 0x0C48; 0x0CC6; 0x0CCA; 0x0CBF; 0x0CC0;
+	0x0CC6; 0x0CC7; 0x0CCA; 0x0CCB; 0x0CC6; 0x0CC8; 0x0D46; 0x0D4A;
+	0x0D47; 0x0D4B; 0x0D46; 0x0D4C; 0x0DD9; 0x0DDA; 0x0DDC; 0x0DDD;
+	0x0DD9; 0x0DDC; 0x0DD9; 0x0DDE; 0x1025; 0x1026; 0x3046; 0x3094;
+	0x304B; 0x304C; 0x304D; 0x304E; 0x304F; 0x3050; 0x3051; 0x3052;
+	0x3053; 0x3054; 0x3055; 0x3056; 0x3057; 0x3058; 0x3059; 0x305A;
+	0x305B; 0x305C; 0x305D; 0x305E; 0x305F; 0x3060; 0x3061; 0x3062;
+	0x3064; 0x3065; 0x3066; 0x3067; 0x3068; 0x3069; 0x306F; 0x3070;
+	0x3072; 0x3073; 0x3075; 0x3076; 0x3078; 0x3079; 0x307B; 0x307C;
+	0x309D; 0x309E; 0x30A6; 0x30F4; 0x30AB; 0x30AC; 0x30AD; 0x30AE;
+	0x30AF; 0x30B0; 0x30B1; 0x30B2; 0x30B3; 0x30B4; 0x30B5; 0x30B6;
+	0x30B7; 0x30B8; 0x30B9; 0x30BA; 0x30BB; 0x30BC; 0x30BD; 0x30BE;
+	0x30BF; 0x30C0; 0x30C1; 0x30C2; 0x30C4; 0x30C5; 0x30C6; 0x30C7;
+	0x30C8; 0x30C9; 0x30CF; 0x30D0; 0x30D2; 0x30D3; 0x30D5; 0x30D6;
+	0x30D8; 0x30D9; 0x30DB; 0x30DC; 0x30EF; 0x30F7; 0x30F0; 0x30F8;
+	0x30F1; 0x30F9; 0x30F2; 0x30FA; 0x30FD; 0x30FE; 0x306F; 0x3071;
+	0x3072; 0x3074; 0x3075; 0x3077; 0x3078; 0x307A; 0x307B; 0x307D;
+	0x30CF; 0x30D1; 0x30D2; 0x30D4; 0x30D5; 0x30D7; 0x30D8; 0x30DA;
+	0x30DB; 0x30DD
+let uniCharCombiningBitmap = "\
+let bitmap_test base bitmap character =
+  character >= base && character < 0x10000
+    &&
+  (let value = get bitmap ((character lsr 8) land 0xFF) in
+   value = 0xFF
+      ||
+   (value <> 0
+       &&
+    get bitmap ((value - 1) * 32 + 256 + (character land 0xFF) / 8)
+      land (1 lsl (character land 7)) <> 0))
+let unicode_combinable character =
+  bitmap_test 0x0300 uniCharCombiningBitmap character
+let rec find_rec t i j v =
+  if i + 1 = j then begin
+    if t.(i * 2) = v then t.(i * 2 + 1) else 0
+  end else begin
+    let k = (i + j) / 2 in
+    if v < t.(k * 2) then
+      find_rec t i k v
+    else
+      find_rec t k j v
+  end
+let find t i n v =
+  let j = i + n in
+  if v < t.(2 * i) || v > t.(2 * (j - 1)) then 0 else
+  find_rec t i j v
+let uniCharPrecompSourceTableLen = Array.length uniCharPrecompSourceTable / 2
+let combine v v' =
+  if v' >= hangul_vbase && v' < hangul_tbase + hangul_tcount then begin
+    if
+      v' < hangul_vbase + hangul_vcount &&
+      v >= hangul_lbase && v < hangul_lbase + hangul_lcount
+    then
+      hangul_sbase + ((v - hangul_lbase) * (hangul_vcount * hangul_tcount)) +
+                     ((v' - hangul_vbase) * hangul_tcount)
+    else if
+      v' > hangul_tbase &&
+      v >= hangul_sbase && v < hangul_sbase + hangul_scount
+    then
+      if (v - hangul_sbase) mod hangul_tcount <> 0 then 0 else
+      v + v' - hangul_tbase
+    else
+      0
+  end else begin
+    let k =
+      find uniCharPrecompSourceTable 0
+        uniCharPrecompSourceTableLen v'
+    in
+    if k = 0 then 0 else
+    find uniCharBMPPrecompDestinationTable (k land 0xFFFF) (k lsr 16) v
+  end
+let rec scan d s i l =
+  if i < l then begin
+    let c = get s i in
+    if c < 0x80 then
+      cont d s i l (i + 1) c
+    else if c < 0xE0 then begin
+      (* 80 - 7FF *)
+      if c < 0xc2 || i + 1 >= l then fail () else
+      let c1 = get s (i + 1) in
+      if c1 land 0xc0 <> 0x80 then fail () else
+      let v = c lsl 6 + c1 - 0x3080 in
+      cont d s i l (i + 2) v
+    end else if c < 0xF0 then begin
+      (* 800 - FFFF *)
+      if i + 2 >= l then fail () else
+      let c1 = get s (i + 1) in
+      let c2 = get s (i + 2) in
+      if (c1 lor c2) land 0xc0 <> 0x80 then fail () else
+      let v = c lsl 12 + c1 lsl 6 + c2 - 0xe2080 in
+      if v < 0x800 then fail () else
+      cont d s i l (i + 3) v
+    end else begin
+      (* 10000 - 10FFFF *)
+      if i + 3 >= l then fail () else
+      let c1 = get s (i + 1) in
+      let c2 = get s (i + 2) in
+      let c3 = get s (i + 3) in
+      if (c1 lor c2 lor c3) land 0xc0 <> 0x80 then fail () else
+      let v = c lsl 18 + c1 lsl 12 + c2 lsl 6 + c3 - 0x03c82080 in
+      if v < 0x10000 || v > 0x10ffff then fail () else
+      cont d s i l (i + 4) v
+    end
+  end else begin
+    let (i1, i2) = d in
+    String.blit s i2 s i1 (l - i2);
+    String.sub s 0 (i1 + l - i2)
+  end
+and cont d s i l j v' =
+  if unicode_combinable v' then begin
+    let i = prev_char s i in
+    let (v, _) = decode_char s i l in
+    let v'' = combine v v' in
+    if v'' = 0 then
+      scan d s j l
+    else begin
+      let (i1, i2) = d in
+      String.blit s i2 s i1 (i - i2);
+      let i1 = i1 + i - i2 in
+      let (v'', i) = compose_rec s j l v'' in
+      let i1 = encode_char s i1 l v'' in
+      scan (i1, i) s i l
+    end
+  end else
+    scan d s j l
+and compose_rec s i l v =
+  try
+    let (v', j) = decode_char s i l in
+    if unicode_combinable v' then begin
+      let v'' = combine v v' in
+      if v'' = 0 then
+        (v, i)
+      else
+        compose_rec s j l v''
+    end else
+      (v, i)
+  with Invalid ->
+    (v, i)
+let compose s =
+  try scan (0, 0) (String.copy s) 0 (String.length s) with Invalid -> s
+let set_2 s i v =
+  set s i (v land 0xff);
+  set s (i + 1) (v lsr 8)
+let get_2 s i = (get s (i + 1)) lsl 8 + get s i
+let rec scan s' j s i l =
+  if i < l then begin
+    let c = get s i in
+    if c < 0x80 then
+      cont s' j s (i + 1) l c
+    else if c < 0xE0 then begin
+      (* 80 - 7FF *)
+      if c < 0xc2 || i + 1 >= l then fail () else
+      let c1 = get s (i + 1) in
+      if c1 land 0xc0 <> 0x80 then fail () else
+      let v = c lsl 6 + c1 - 0x3080 in
+      cont s' j s (i + 2) l v
+    end else if c < 0xF0 then begin
+      (* 800 - FFFF *)
+      if i + 2 >= l then fail () else
+      let c1 = get s (i + 1) in
+      let c2 = get s (i + 2) in
+      if (c1 lor c2) land 0xc0 <> 0x80 then fail () else
+      let v = c lsl 12 + c1 lsl 6 + c2 - 0xe2080 in
+      if v < 0x800 then fail () else
+      cont s' j s (i + 3) l v
+    end else begin
+      (* 10000 - 10FFFF *)
+      if i + 3 >= l then fail () else
+      let c1 = get s (i + 1) in
+      let c2 = get s (i + 2) in
+      let c3 = get s (i + 3) in
+      if (c1 lor c2 lor c3) land 0xc0 <> 0x80 then fail () else
+      let v = c lsl 18 + c1 lsl 12 + c2 lsl 6 + c3 - 0x03c82080 in
+      if v < 0x10000 || v > 0x10ffff then fail () else
+      cont s' j s (i + 4) l v
+    end
+  end else
+    String.sub s' 0 j
+and cont s' j s i l v =
+  if v < 0x10000 then begin
+    set_2 s' j v;
+    scan s' (j + 2) s i l
+  end else begin
+   let v = v - 0x10000 in
+   set_2 s' j (v lsr 10 + 0xD800);
+   set_2 s' (j + 2) (v land 0x3FF + 0xDC00);
+   scan s' (j + 4) s i l
+  end
+let to_utf_16 s =
+  let l = String.length s in
+  let s' = String.create (2 * l) in
+  scan s' 0 s 0 l
+let rec scan s' i' l' s i l =
+  if i + 2 <= l then begin
+    let v = get_2 s i in
+    if v < 0xD800 || v > 0xDFFF then
+      let i' = encode_char s' i' l' v in
+      scan s' i' l' s (i + 2) l
+    else if v >= 0xdc00 || i + 4 > l then
+      fail ()
+    else begin
+      let v' = get_2 s (i + 2) in
+      if v' < 0xDC00 || v' > 0XDFFF then fail () else
+      let i' =
+        encode_char s' i' l' ((v - 0xD800) lsl 10 + (v' - 0xDC00) + 0x10000)
+      in
+      scan s' i' l' s (i + 4) l
+    end
+  end else if i < l then
+    fail ()
+  else
+    String.sub s' 0 i'
+let from_utf_16 s =
+  let l = String.length s in
+  let l' = 3 * l / 2 in
+  let s' = String.create l' in
+  scan s' 0 l' s 0 l
+2 bytes -> 3 bytes
+4 bytes -> 4 bytes
\ No newline at end of file

Added: trunk/unicode_utils/unicode_build.ml
--- trunk/unicode_utils/unicode_build.ml	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/unicode_utils/unicode_build.ml	2010-04-12 09:40:14 UTC (rev 429)
@@ -0,0 +1,2045 @@
+let pr_utf8 = false
+let encode_utf8 c =
+  if c < 0x80 then
+    String.make 1 (Char.chr c)
+  else if c < 0x800 then
+    let s = String.create 2 in
+    s.[0] <- Char.chr (c lsr 6 + 0xC0);
+    s.[1] <- Char.chr (c land 0x3f + 0x80);
+    s
+  else if c < 0x10000 then
+    let s = String.create 3 in
+    s.[0] <- Char.chr (c lsr 12 + 0xE0);
+    s.[1] <- Char.chr ((c lsr 6) land 0x3f + 0x80);
+    s.[2] <- Char.chr (c land 0x3f + 0x80);
+    s
+  else
+    let s = String.create 4 in
+    s.[0] <- Char.chr (c lsr 18 + 0xF0);
+    s.[1] <- Char.chr ((c lsr 12) land 0x3f + 0x80);
+    s.[2] <- Char.chr ((c lsr 6) land 0x3f + 0x80);
+    s.[3] <- Char.chr (c land 0x3f + 0x80);
+    s
+let print_uni ch c =
+  if pr_utf8 then
+    let s = encode_utf8 c in
+    Format.fprintf ch "%02x" (Char.code s.[0]);
+    for i = 1 to String.length s - 1 do
+      Format.fprintf ch ",%02x" (Char.code s.[i]);
+    done
+  else
+    Format.fprintf ch "%04x" c
+(*let print_uni ch c = Format.fprintf ch "%s" (encode_utf8 c)*)
+let rec print_chars ch s =
+    match s with
+      []     -> ()
+    | [c]    -> Format.fprintf ch "%a" print_uni c
+    | c :: r -> Format.fprintf ch "%a,%a" print_uni c print_chars r
+module IntMap = Map.Make (struct type t = int let compare = compare end)
+let convert m c = try IntMap.find c m with Not_found -> [c]
+let convert_list m l = List.flatten (List.map (convert m) l)
+let compose m m' = IntMap.map (fun l -> convert_list m l) m'
+let add m c l =
+  let l = if l = [0xffff] then [0] else l in
+  Format.printf "%a -> %a at ." print_uni c print_chars l;
+  m := IntMap.add c l !m
+let empty () = ref (IntMap.empty)
+(**** From vfs_utfconvdata.h *)
+let uniCharDecompositionTable = [|
+	0x00C0; 0x2000;   0x00C1; 0x2002;   0x00C2; 0x2004;   0x00C3; 0x2006;
+	0x00C4; 0x2008;   0x00C5; 0x200A;   0x00C7; 0x200C;   0x00C8; 0x200E;
+	0x00C9; 0x2010;   0x00CA; 0x2012;   0x00CB; 0x2014;   0x00CC; 0x2016;
+	0x00CD; 0x2018;   0x00CE; 0x201A;   0x00CF; 0x201C;   0x00D1; 0x201E;
+	0x00D2; 0x2020;   0x00D3; 0x2022;   0x00D4; 0x2024;   0x00D5; 0x2026;
+	0x00D6; 0x2028;   0x00D9; 0x202A;   0x00DA; 0x202C;   0x00DB; 0x202E;
+	0x00DC; 0x2030;   0x00DD; 0x2032;   0x00E0; 0x2034;   0x00E1; 0x2036;
+	0x00E2; 0x2038;   0x00E3; 0x203A;   0x00E4; 0x203C;   0x00E5; 0x203E;
+	0x00E7; 0x2040;   0x00E8; 0x2042;   0x00E9; 0x2044;   0x00EA; 0x2046;
+	0x00EB; 0x2048;   0x00EC; 0x204A;   0x00ED; 0x204C;   0x00EE; 0x204E;
+	0x00EF; 0x2050;   0x00F1; 0x2052;   0x00F2; 0x2054;   0x00F3; 0x2056;
+	0x00F4; 0x2058;   0x00F5; 0x205A;   0x00F6; 0x205C;   0x00F9; 0x205E;
+	0x00FA; 0x2060;   0x00FB; 0x2062;   0x00FC; 0x2064;   0x00FD; 0x2066;
+	0x00FF; 0x2068;   0x0100; 0x206A;   0x0101; 0x206C;   0x0102; 0x206E;
+	0x0103; 0x2070;   0x0104; 0x2072;   0x0105; 0x2074;   0x0106; 0x2076;
+	0x0107; 0x2078;   0x0108; 0x207A;   0x0109; 0x207C;   0x010A; 0x207E;
+	0x010B; 0x2080;   0x010C; 0x2082;   0x010D; 0x2084;   0x010E; 0x2086;
+	0x010F; 0x2088;   0x0112; 0x208A;   0x0113; 0x208C;   0x0114; 0x208E;
+	0x0115; 0x2090;   0x0116; 0x2092;   0x0117; 0x2094;   0x0118; 0x2096;
+	0x0119; 0x2098;   0x011A; 0x209A;   0x011B; 0x209C;   0x011C; 0x209E;
+	0x011D; 0x20A0;   0x011E; 0x20A2;   0x011F; 0x20A4;   0x0120; 0x20A6;
+	0x0121; 0x20A8;   0x0122; 0x20AA;   0x0123; 0x20AC;   0x0124; 0x20AE;
+	0x0125; 0x20B0;   0x0128; 0x20B2;   0x0129; 0x20B4;   0x012A; 0x20B6;
+	0x012B; 0x20B8;   0x012C; 0x20BA;   0x012D; 0x20BC;   0x012E; 0x20BE;
+	0x012F; 0x20C0;   0x0130; 0x20C2;   0x0134; 0x20C4;   0x0135; 0x20C6;
+	0x0136; 0x20C8;   0x0137; 0x20CA;   0x0139; 0x20CC;   0x013A; 0x20CE;
+	0x013B; 0x20D0;   0x013C; 0x20D2;   0x013D; 0x20D4;   0x013E; 0x20D6;
+	0x0143; 0x20D8;   0x0144; 0x20DA;   0x0145; 0x20DC;   0x0146; 0x20DE;
+	0x0147; 0x20E0;   0x0148; 0x20E2;   0x014C; 0x20E4;   0x014D; 0x20E6;
+	0x014E; 0x20E8;   0x014F; 0x20EA;   0x0150; 0x20EC;   0x0151; 0x20EE;
+	0x0154; 0x20F0;   0x0155; 0x20F2;   0x0156; 0x20F4;   0x0157; 0x20F6;
+	0x0158; 0x20F8;   0x0159; 0x20FA;   0x015A; 0x20FC;   0x015B; 0x20FE;
+	0x015C; 0x2100;   0x015D; 0x2102;   0x015E; 0x2104;   0x015F; 0x2106;
+	0x0160; 0x2108;   0x0161; 0x210A;   0x0162; 0x210C;   0x0163; 0x210E;
+	0x0164; 0x2110;   0x0165; 0x2112;   0x0168; 0x2114;   0x0169; 0x2116;
+	0x016A; 0x2118;   0x016B; 0x211A;   0x016C; 0x211C;   0x016D; 0x211E;
+	0x016E; 0x2120;   0x016F; 0x2122;   0x0170; 0x2124;   0x0171; 0x2126;
+	0x0172; 0x2128;   0x0173; 0x212A;   0x0174; 0x212C;   0x0175; 0x212E;
+	0x0176; 0x2130;   0x0177; 0x2132;   0x0178; 0x2134;   0x0179; 0x2136;
+	0x017A; 0x2138;   0x017B; 0x213A;   0x017C; 0x213C;   0x017D; 0x213E;
+	0x017E; 0x2140;   0x01A0; 0x2142;   0x01A1; 0x2144;   0x01AF; 0x2146;
+	0x01B0; 0x2148;   0x01CD; 0x214A;   0x01CE; 0x214C;   0x01CF; 0x214E;
+	0x01D0; 0x2150;   0x01D1; 0x2152;   0x01D2; 0x2154;   0x01D3; 0x2156;
+	0x01D4; 0x2158;   0x01D5; 0xA15A;   0x01D6; 0xA15C;   0x01D7; 0xA15E;
+	0x01D8; 0xA160;   0x01D9; 0xA162;   0x01DA; 0xA164;   0x01DB; 0xA166;
+	0x01DC; 0xA168;   0x01DE; 0xA16A;   0x01DF; 0xA16C;   0x01E0; 0xA16E;
+	0x01E1; 0xA170;   0x01E2; 0x2172;   0x01E3; 0x2174;   0x01E6; 0x2176;
+	0x01E7; 0x2178;   0x01E8; 0x217A;   0x01E9; 0x217C;   0x01EA; 0x217E;
+	0x01EB; 0x2180;   0x01EC; 0xA182;   0x01ED; 0xA184;   0x01EE; 0x2186;
+	0x01EF; 0x2188;   0x01F0; 0x218A;   0x01F4; 0x218C;   0x01F5; 0x218E;
+	0x01F8; 0x2190;   0x01F9; 0x2192;   0x01FA; 0xA194;   0x01FB; 0xA196;
+	0x01FC; 0x2198;   0x01FD; 0x219A;   0x01FE; 0x219C;   0x01FF; 0x219E;
+	0x0200; 0x21A0;   0x0201; 0x21A2;   0x0202; 0x21A4;   0x0203; 0x21A6;
+	0x0204; 0x21A8;   0x0205; 0x21AA;   0x0206; 0x21AC;   0x0207; 0x21AE;
+	0x0208; 0x21B0;   0x0209; 0x21B2;   0x020A; 0x21B4;   0x020B; 0x21B6;
+	0x020C; 0x21B8;   0x020D; 0x21BA;   0x020E; 0x21BC;   0x020F; 0x21BE;
+	0x0210; 0x21C0;   0x0211; 0x21C2;   0x0212; 0x21C4;   0x0213; 0x21C6;
+	0x0214; 0x21C8;   0x0215; 0x21CA;   0x0216; 0x21CC;   0x0217; 0x21CE;
+	0x0218; 0x21D0;   0x0219; 0x21D2;   0x021A; 0x21D4;   0x021B; 0x21D6;
+	0x021E; 0x21D8;   0x021F; 0x21DA;   0x0226; 0x21DC;   0x0227; 0x21DE;
+	0x0228; 0x21E0;   0x0229; 0x21E2;   0x022A; 0xA1E4;   0x022B; 0xA1E6;
+	0x022C; 0xA1E8;   0x022D; 0xA1EA;   0x022E; 0x21EC;   0x022F; 0x21EE;
+	0x0230; 0xA1F0;   0x0231; 0xA1F2;   0x0232; 0x21F4;   0x0233; 0x21F6;
+	0x0340; 0x1300;   0x0341; 0x1301;   0x0343; 0x1313;   0x0344; 0x21F8;
+	0x0374; 0x12B9;   0x037E; 0x103B;   0x0385; 0x21FA;   0x0386; 0x21FC;
+	0x0387; 0x10B7;   0x0388; 0x21FE;   0x0389; 0x2200;   0x038A; 0x2202;
+	0x038C; 0x2204;   0x038E; 0x2206;   0x038F; 0x2208;   0x0390; 0xA20A;
+	0x03AA; 0x220C;   0x03AB; 0x220E;   0x03AC; 0x2210;   0x03AD; 0x2212;
+	0x03AE; 0x2214;   0x03AF; 0x2216;   0x03B0; 0xA218;   0x03CA; 0x221A;
+	0x03CB; 0x221C;   0x03CC; 0x221E;   0x03CD; 0x2220;   0x03CE; 0x2222;
+	0x03D3; 0x2224;   0x03D4; 0x2226;   0x0400; 0x2228;   0x0401; 0x222A;
+	0x0403; 0x222C;   0x0407; 0x222E;   0x040C; 0x2230;   0x040D; 0x2232;
+	0x040E; 0x2234;   0x0419; 0x2236;   0x0439; 0x2238;   0x0450; 0x223A;
+	0x0451; 0x223C;   0x0453; 0x223E;   0x0457; 0x2240;   0x045C; 0x2242;
+	0x045D; 0x2244;   0x045E; 0x2246;   0x0476; 0x2248;   0x0477; 0x224A;
+	0x04C1; 0x224C;   0x04C2; 0x224E;   0x04D0; 0x2250;   0x04D1; 0x2252;
+	0x04D2; 0x2254;   0x04D3; 0x2256;   0x04D6; 0x2258;   0x04D7; 0x225A;
+	0x04DA; 0x225C;   0x04DB; 0x225E;   0x04DC; 0x2260;   0x04DD; 0x2262;
+	0x04DE; 0x2264;   0x04DF; 0x2266;   0x04E2; 0x2268;   0x04E3; 0x226A;
+	0x04E4; 0x226C;   0x04E5; 0x226E;   0x04E6; 0x2270;   0x04E7; 0x2272;
+	0x04EA; 0x2274;   0x04EB; 0x2276;   0x04EC; 0x2278;   0x04ED; 0x227A;
+	0x04EE; 0x227C;   0x04EF; 0x227E;   0x04F0; 0x2280;   0x04F1; 0x2282;
+	0x04F2; 0x2284;   0x04F3; 0x2286;   0x04F4; 0x2288;   0x04F5; 0x228A;
+	0x04F8; 0x228C;   0x04F9; 0x228E;   0x0622; 0x2290;   0x0623; 0x2292;
+	0x0624; 0x2294;   0x0625; 0x2296;   0x0626; 0x2298;   0x06C0; 0x229A;
+	0x06C2; 0x229C;   0x06D3; 0x229E;   0x0929; 0x22A0;   0x0931; 0x22A2;
+	0x0934; 0x22A4;   0x0958; 0x22A6;   0x0959; 0x22A8;   0x095A; 0x22AA;
+	0x095B; 0x22AC;   0x095C; 0x22AE;   0x095D; 0x22B0;   0x095E; 0x22B2;
+	0x095F; 0x22B4;   0x09CB; 0x22B6;   0x09CC; 0x22B8;   0x09DC; 0x22BA;
+	0x09DD; 0x22BC;   0x09DF; 0x22BE;   0x0A33; 0x22C0;   0x0A36; 0x22C2;
+	0x0A59; 0x22C4;   0x0A5A; 0x22C6;   0x0A5B; 0x22C8;   0x0A5E; 0x22CA;
+	0x0B48; 0x22CC;   0x0B4B; 0x22CE;   0x0B4C; 0x22D0;   0x0B5C; 0x22D2;
+	0x0B5D; 0x22D4;   0x0B94; 0x22D6;   0x0BCA; 0x22D8;   0x0BCB; 0x22DA;
+	0x0BCC; 0x22DC;   0x0C48; 0x22DE;   0x0CC0; 0x22E0;   0x0CC7; 0x22E2;
+	0x0CC8; 0x22E4;   0x0CCA; 0x22E6;   0x0CCB; 0xA2E8;   0x0D4A; 0x22EA;
+	0x0D4B; 0x22EC;   0x0D4C; 0x22EE;   0x0DDA; 0x22F0;   0x0DDC; 0x22F2;
+	0x0DDD; 0xA2F4;   0x0DDE; 0x22F6;   0x0F43; 0x22F8;   0x0F4D; 0x22FA;
+	0x0F52; 0x22FC;   0x0F57; 0x22FE;   0x0F5C; 0x2300;   0x0F69; 0x2302;
+	0x0F73; 0x2304;   0x0F75; 0x2306;   0x0F76; 0x2308;   0x0F78; 0x230A;
+	0x0F81; 0x230C;   0x0F93; 0x230E;   0x0F9D; 0x2310;   0x0FA2; 0x2312;
+	0x0FA7; 0x2314;   0x0FAC; 0x2316;   0x0FB9; 0x2318;   0x1026; 0x231A;
+	0x1E00; 0x231C;   0x1E01; 0x231E;   0x1E02; 0x2320;   0x1E03; 0x2322;
+	0x1E04; 0x2324;   0x1E05; 0x2326;   0x1E06; 0x2328;   0x1E07; 0x232A;
+	0x1E08; 0xA32C;   0x1E09; 0xA32E;   0x1E0A; 0x2330;   0x1E0B; 0x2332;
+	0x1E0C; 0x2334;   0x1E0D; 0x2336;   0x1E0E; 0x2338;   0x1E0F; 0x233A;
+	0x1E10; 0x233C;   0x1E11; 0x233E;   0x1E12; 0x2340;   0x1E13; 0x2342;
+	0x1E14; 0xA344;   0x1E15; 0xA346;   0x1E16; 0xA348;   0x1E17; 0xA34A;
+	0x1E18; 0x234C;   0x1E19; 0x234E;   0x1E1A; 0x2350;   0x1E1B; 0x2352;
+	0x1E1C; 0xA354;   0x1E1D; 0xA356;   0x1E1E; 0x2358;   0x1E1F; 0x235A;
+	0x1E20; 0x235C;   0x1E21; 0x235E;   0x1E22; 0x2360;   0x1E23; 0x2362;
+	0x1E24; 0x2364;   0x1E25; 0x2366;   0x1E26; 0x2368;   0x1E27; 0x236A;
+	0x1E28; 0x236C;   0x1E29; 0x236E;   0x1E2A; 0x2370;   0x1E2B; 0x2372;
+	0x1E2C; 0x2374;   0x1E2D; 0x2376;   0x1E2E; 0xA378;   0x1E2F; 0xA37A;
+	0x1E30; 0x237C;   0x1E31; 0x237E;   0x1E32; 0x2380;   0x1E33; 0x2382;
+	0x1E34; 0x2384;   0x1E35; 0x2386;   0x1E36; 0x2388;   0x1E37; 0x238A;
+	0x1E38; 0xA38C;   0x1E39; 0xA38E;   0x1E3A; 0x2390;   0x1E3B; 0x2392;
+	0x1E3C; 0x2394;   0x1E3D; 0x2396;   0x1E3E; 0x2398;   0x1E3F; 0x239A;
+	0x1E40; 0x239C;   0x1E41; 0x239E;   0x1E42; 0x23A0;   0x1E43; 0x23A2;
+	0x1E44; 0x23A4;   0x1E45; 0x23A6;   0x1E46; 0x23A8;   0x1E47; 0x23AA;
+	0x1E48; 0x23AC;   0x1E49; 0x23AE;   0x1E4A; 0x23B0;   0x1E4B; 0x23B2;
+	0x1E4C; 0xA3B4;   0x1E4D; 0xA3B6;   0x1E4E; 0xA3B8;   0x1E4F; 0xA3BA;
+	0x1E50; 0xA3BC;   0x1E51; 0xA3BE;   0x1E52; 0xA3C0;   0x1E53; 0xA3C2;
+	0x1E54; 0x23C4;   0x1E55; 0x23C6;   0x1E56; 0x23C8;   0x1E57; 0x23CA;
+	0x1E58; 0x23CC;   0x1E59; 0x23CE;   0x1E5A; 0x23D0;   0x1E5B; 0x23D2;
+	0x1E5C; 0xA3D4;   0x1E5D; 0xA3D6;   0x1E5E; 0x23D8;   0x1E5F; 0x23DA;
+	0x1E60; 0x23DC;   0x1E61; 0x23DE;   0x1E62; 0x23E0;   0x1E63; 0x23E2;
+	0x1E64; 0xA3E4;   0x1E65; 0xA3E6;   0x1E66; 0xA3E8;   0x1E67; 0xA3EA;
+	0x1E68; 0xA3EC;   0x1E69; 0xA3EE;   0x1E6A; 0x23F0;   0x1E6B; 0x23F2;
+	0x1E6C; 0x23F4;   0x1E6D; 0x23F6;   0x1E6E; 0x23F8;   0x1E6F; 0x23FA;
+	0x1E70; 0x23FC;   0x1E71; 0x23FE;   0x1E72; 0x2400;   0x1E73; 0x2402;
+	0x1E74; 0x2404;   0x1E75; 0x2406;   0x1E76; 0x2408;   0x1E77; 0x240A;
+	0x1E78; 0xA40C;   0x1E79; 0xA40E;   0x1E7A; 0xA410;   0x1E7B; 0xA412;
+	0x1E7C; 0x2414;   0x1E7D; 0x2416;   0x1E7E; 0x2418;   0x1E7F; 0x241A;
+	0x1E80; 0x241C;   0x1E81; 0x241E;   0x1E82; 0x2420;   0x1E83; 0x2422;
+	0x1E84; 0x2424;   0x1E85; 0x2426;   0x1E86; 0x2428;   0x1E87; 0x242A;
+	0x1E88; 0x242C;   0x1E89; 0x242E;   0x1E8A; 0x2430;   0x1E8B; 0x2432;
+	0x1E8C; 0x2434;   0x1E8D; 0x2436;   0x1E8E; 0x2438;   0x1E8F; 0x243A;
+	0x1E90; 0x243C;   0x1E91; 0x243E;   0x1E92; 0x2440;   0x1E93; 0x2442;
+	0x1E94; 0x2444;   0x1E95; 0x2446;   0x1E96; 0x2448;   0x1E97; 0x244A;
+	0x1E98; 0x244C;   0x1E99; 0x244E;   0x1E9B; 0x2450;   0x1EA0; 0x2452;
+	0x1EA1; 0x2454;   0x1EA2; 0x2456;   0x1EA3; 0x2458;   0x1EA4; 0xA45A;
+	0x1EA5; 0xA45C;   0x1EA6; 0xA45E;   0x1EA7; 0xA460;   0x1EA8; 0xA462;
+	0x1EA9; 0xA464;   0x1EAA; 0xA466;   0x1EAB; 0xA468;   0x1EAC; 0xA46A;
+	0x1EAD; 0xA46C;   0x1EAE; 0xA46E;   0x1EAF; 0xA470;   0x1EB0; 0xA472;
+	0x1EB1; 0xA474;   0x1EB2; 0xA476;   0x1EB3; 0xA478;   0x1EB4; 0xA47A;
+	0x1EB5; 0xA47C;   0x1EB6; 0xA47E;   0x1EB7; 0xA480;   0x1EB8; 0x2482;
+	0x1EB9; 0x2484;   0x1EBA; 0x2486;   0x1EBB; 0x2488;   0x1EBC; 0x248A;
+	0x1EBD; 0x248C;   0x1EBE; 0xA48E;   0x1EBF; 0xA490;   0x1EC0; 0xA492;
+	0x1EC1; 0xA494;   0x1EC2; 0xA496;   0x1EC3; 0xA498;   0x1EC4; 0xA49A;
+	0x1EC5; 0xA49C;   0x1EC6; 0xA49E;   0x1EC7; 0xA4A0;   0x1EC8; 0x24A2;
+	0x1EC9; 0x24A4;   0x1ECA; 0x24A6;   0x1ECB; 0x24A8;   0x1ECC; 0x24AA;
+	0x1ECD; 0x24AC;   0x1ECE; 0x24AE;   0x1ECF; 0x24B0;   0x1ED0; 0xA4B2;
+	0x1ED1; 0xA4B4;   0x1ED2; 0xA4B6;   0x1ED3; 0xA4B8;   0x1ED4; 0xA4BA;
+	0x1ED5; 0xA4BC;   0x1ED6; 0xA4BE;   0x1ED7; 0xA4C0;   0x1ED8; 0xA4C2;
+	0x1ED9; 0xA4C4;   0x1EDA; 0xA4C6;   0x1EDB; 0xA4C8;   0x1EDC; 0xA4CA;
+	0x1EDD; 0xA4CC;   0x1EDE; 0xA4CE;   0x1EDF; 0xA4D0;   0x1EE0; 0xA4D2;
+	0x1EE1; 0xA4D4;   0x1EE2; 0xA4D6;   0x1EE3; 0xA4D8;   0x1EE4; 0x24DA;
+	0x1EE5; 0x24DC;   0x1EE6; 0x24DE;   0x1EE7; 0x24E0;   0x1EE8; 0xA4E2;
+	0x1EE9; 0xA4E4;   0x1EEA; 0xA4E6;   0x1EEB; 0xA4E8;   0x1EEC; 0xA4EA;
+	0x1EED; 0xA4EC;   0x1EEE; 0xA4EE;   0x1EEF; 0xA4F0;   0x1EF0; 0xA4F2;
+	0x1EF1; 0xA4F4;   0x1EF2; 0x24F6;   0x1EF3; 0x24F8;   0x1EF4; 0x24FA;
+	0x1EF5; 0x24FC;   0x1EF6; 0x24FE;   0x1EF7; 0x2500;   0x1EF8; 0x2502;
+	0x1EF9; 0x2504;   0x1F00; 0x2506;   0x1F01; 0x2508;   0x1F02; 0xA50A;
+	0x1F03; 0xA50C;   0x1F04; 0xA50E;   0x1F05; 0xA510;   0x1F06; 0xA512;
+	0x1F07; 0xA514;   0x1F08; 0x2516;   0x1F09; 0x2518;   0x1F0A; 0xA51A;
+	0x1F0B; 0xA51C;   0x1F0C; 0xA51E;   0x1F0D; 0xA520;   0x1F0E; 0xA522;
+	0x1F0F; 0xA524;   0x1F10; 0x2526;   0x1F11; 0x2528;   0x1F12; 0xA52A;
+	0x1F13; 0xA52C;   0x1F14; 0xA52E;   0x1F15; 0xA530;   0x1F18; 0x2532;
+	0x1F19; 0x2534;   0x1F1A; 0xA536;   0x1F1B; 0xA538;   0x1F1C; 0xA53A;
+	0x1F1D; 0xA53C;   0x1F20; 0x253E;   0x1F21; 0x2540;   0x1F22; 0xA542;
+	0x1F23; 0xA544;   0x1F24; 0xA546;   0x1F25; 0xA548;   0x1F26; 0xA54A;
+	0x1F27; 0xA54C;   0x1F28; 0x254E;   0x1F29; 0x2550;   0x1F2A; 0xA552;
+	0x1F2B; 0xA554;   0x1F2C; 0xA556;   0x1F2D; 0xA558;   0x1F2E; 0xA55A;
+	0x1F2F; 0xA55C;   0x1F30; 0x255E;   0x1F31; 0x2560;   0x1F32; 0xA562;
+	0x1F33; 0xA564;   0x1F34; 0xA566;   0x1F35; 0xA568;   0x1F36; 0xA56A;
+	0x1F37; 0xA56C;   0x1F38; 0x256E;   0x1F39; 0x2570;   0x1F3A; 0xA572;
+	0x1F3B; 0xA574;   0x1F3C; 0xA576;   0x1F3D; 0xA578;   0x1F3E; 0xA57A;
+	0x1F3F; 0xA57C;   0x1F40; 0x257E;   0x1F41; 0x2580;   0x1F42; 0xA582;
+	0x1F43; 0xA584;   0x1F44; 0xA586;   0x1F45; 0xA588;   0x1F48; 0x258A;
+	0x1F49; 0x258C;   0x1F4A; 0xA58E;   0x1F4B; 0xA590;   0x1F4C; 0xA592;
+	0x1F4D; 0xA594;   0x1F50; 0x2596;   0x1F51; 0x2598;   0x1F52; 0xA59A;
+	0x1F53; 0xA59C;   0x1F54; 0xA59E;   0x1F55; 0xA5A0;   0x1F56; 0xA5A2;
+	0x1F57; 0xA5A4;   0x1F59; 0x25A6;   0x1F5B; 0xA5A8;   0x1F5D; 0xA5AA;
+	0x1F5F; 0xA5AC;   0x1F60; 0x25AE;   0x1F61; 0x25B0;   0x1F62; 0xA5B2;
+	0x1F63; 0xA5B4;   0x1F64; 0xA5B6;   0x1F65; 0xA5B8;   0x1F66; 0xA5BA;
+	0x1F67; 0xA5BC;   0x1F68; 0x25BE;   0x1F69; 0x25C0;   0x1F6A; 0xA5C2;
+	0x1F6B; 0xA5C4;   0x1F6C; 0xA5C6;   0x1F6D; 0xA5C8;   0x1F6E; 0xA5CA;
+	0x1F6F; 0xA5CC;   0x1F70; 0x25CE;   0x1F71; 0x93AC;   0x1F72; 0x25D0;
+	0x1F73; 0x93AD;   0x1F74; 0x25D2;   0x1F75; 0x93AE;   0x1F76; 0x25D4;
+	0x1F77; 0x93AF;   0x1F78; 0x25D6;   0x1F79; 0x93CC;   0x1F7A; 0x25D8;
+	0x1F7B; 0x93CD;   0x1F7C; 0x25DA;   0x1F7D; 0x93CE;   0x1F80; 0xA5DC;
+	0x1F81; 0xA5DE;   0x1F82; 0xA5E0;   0x1F83; 0xA5E2;   0x1F84; 0xA5E4;
+	0x1F85; 0xA5E6;   0x1F86; 0xA5E8;   0x1F87; 0xA5EA;   0x1F88; 0xA5EC;
+	0x1F89; 0xA5EE;   0x1F8A; 0xA5F0;   0x1F8B; 0xA5F2;   0x1F8C; 0xA5F4;
+	0x1F8D; 0xA5F6;   0x1F8E; 0xA5F8;   0x1F8F; 0xA5FA;   0x1F90; 0xA5FC;
+	0x1F91; 0xA5FE;   0x1F92; 0xA600;   0x1F93; 0xA602;   0x1F94; 0xA604;
+	0x1F95; 0xA606;   0x1F96; 0xA608;   0x1F97; 0xA60A;   0x1F98; 0xA60C;
+	0x1F99; 0xA60E;   0x1F9A; 0xA610;   0x1F9B; 0xA612;   0x1F9C; 0xA614;
+	0x1F9D; 0xA616;   0x1F9E; 0xA618;   0x1F9F; 0xA61A;   0x1FA0; 0xA61C;
+	0x1FA1; 0xA61E;   0x1FA2; 0xA620;   0x1FA3; 0xA622;   0x1FA4; 0xA624;
+	0x1FA5; 0xA626;   0x1FA6; 0xA628;   0x1FA7; 0xA62A;   0x1FA8; 0xA62C;
+	0x1FA9; 0xA62E;   0x1FAA; 0xA630;   0x1FAB; 0xA632;   0x1FAC; 0xA634;
+	0x1FAD; 0xA636;   0x1FAE; 0xA638;   0x1FAF; 0xA63A;   0x1FB0; 0x263C;
+	0x1FB1; 0x263E;   0x1FB2; 0xA640;   0x1FB3; 0x2642;   0x1FB4; 0xA644;
+	0x1FB6; 0x2646;   0x1FB7; 0xA648;   0x1FB8; 0x264A;   0x1FB9; 0x264C;
+	0x1FBA; 0x264E;   0x1FBB; 0x9386;   0x1FBC; 0x2650;   0x1FBE; 0x13B9;
+	0x1FC1; 0x2652;   0x1FC2; 0xA654;   0x1FC3; 0x2656;   0x1FC4; 0xA658;
+	0x1FC6; 0x265A;   0x1FC7; 0xA65C;   0x1FC8; 0x265E;   0x1FC9; 0x9388;
+	0x1FCA; 0x2660;   0x1FCB; 0x9389;   0x1FCC; 0x2662;   0x1FCD; 0x2664;
+	0x1FCE; 0x2666;   0x1FCF; 0x2668;   0x1FD0; 0x266A;   0x1FD1; 0x266C;
+	0x1FD2; 0xA66E;   0x1FD3; 0x9390;   0x1FD6; 0x2670;   0x1FD7; 0xA672;
+	0x1FD8; 0x2674;   0x1FD9; 0x2676;   0x1FDA; 0x2678;   0x1FDB; 0x938A;
+	0x1FDD; 0x267A;   0x1FDE; 0x267C;   0x1FDF; 0x267E;   0x1FE0; 0x2680;
+	0x1FE1; 0x2682;   0x1FE2; 0xA684;   0x1FE3; 0x93B0;   0x1FE4; 0x2686;
+	0x1FE5; 0x2688;   0x1FE6; 0x268A;   0x1FE7; 0xA68C;   0x1FE8; 0x268E;
+	0x1FE9; 0x2690;   0x1FEA; 0x2692;   0x1FEB; 0x938E;   0x1FEC; 0x2694;
+	0x1FED; 0x2696;   0x1FEE; 0x9385;   0x1FEF; 0x1060;   0x1FF2; 0xA698;
+	0x1FF3; 0x269A;   0x1FF4; 0xA69C;   0x1FF6; 0x269E;   0x1FF7; 0xA6A0;
+	0x1FF8; 0x26A2;   0x1FF9; 0x938C;   0x1FFA; 0x26A4;   0x1FFB; 0x938F;
+	0x1FFC; 0x26A6;   0x1FFD; 0x10B4;   0x304C; 0x26A8;   0x304E; 0x26AA;
+	0x3050; 0x26AC;   0x3052; 0x26AE;   0x3054; 0x26B0;   0x3056; 0x26B2;
+	0x3058; 0x26B4;   0x305A; 0x26B6;   0x305C; 0x26B8;   0x305E; 0x26BA;
+	0x3060; 0x26BC;   0x3062; 0x26BE;   0x3065; 0x26C0;   0x3067; 0x26C2;
+	0x3069; 0x26C4;   0x3070; 0x26C6;   0x3071; 0x26C8;   0x3073; 0x26CA;
+	0x3074; 0x26CC;   0x3076; 0x26CE;   0x3077; 0x26D0;   0x3079; 0x26D2;
+	0x307A; 0x26D4;   0x307C; 0x26D6;   0x307D; 0x26D8;   0x3094; 0x26DA;
+	0x309E; 0x26DC;   0x30AC; 0x26DE;   0x30AE; 0x26E0;   0x30B0; 0x26E2;
+	0x30B2; 0x26E4;   0x30B4; 0x26E6;   0x30B6; 0x26E8;   0x30B8; 0x26EA;
+	0x30BA; 0x26EC;   0x30BC; 0x26EE;   0x30BE; 0x26F0;   0x30C0; 0x26F2;
+	0x30C2; 0x26F4;   0x30C5; 0x26F6;   0x30C7; 0x26F8;   0x30C9; 0x26FA;
+	0x30D0; 0x26FC;   0x30D1; 0x26FE;   0x30D3; 0x2700;   0x30D4; 0x2702;
+	0x30D6; 0x2704;   0x30D7; 0x2706;   0x30D9; 0x2708;   0x30DA; 0x270A;
+	0x30DC; 0x270C;   0x30DD; 0x270E;   0x30F4; 0x2710;   0x30F7; 0x2712;
+	0x30F8; 0x2714;   0x30F9; 0x2716;   0x30FA; 0x2718;   0x30FE; 0x271A;
+	0xFB1D; 0x271C;   0xFB1F; 0x271E;   0xFB2A; 0x2720;   0xFB2B; 0x2722;
+	0xFB2C; 0xA724;   0xFB2D; 0xA726;   0xFB2E; 0x2728;   0xFB2F; 0x272A;
+	0xFB30; 0x272C;   0xFB31; 0x272E;   0xFB32; 0x2730;   0xFB33; 0x2732;
+	0xFB34; 0x2734;   0xFB35; 0x2736;   0xFB36; 0x2738;   0xFB38; 0x273A;
+	0xFB39; 0x273C;   0xFB3A; 0x273E;   0xFB3B; 0x2740;   0xFB3C; 0x2742;
+	0xFB3E; 0x2744;   0xFB40; 0x2746;   0xFB41; 0x2748;   0xFB43; 0x274A;
+	0xFB44; 0x274C;   0xFB46; 0x274E;   0xFB47; 0x2750;   0xFB48; 0x2752;
+	0xFB49; 0x2754;   0xFB4A; 0x2756;   0xFB4B; 0x2758;   0xFB4C; 0x275A;
+	0xFB4D; 0x275C;   0xFB4E; 0x275E
+let uniCharMultipleDecompositionTable = [|
+	0x0041; 0x0300; 0x0041; 0x0301; 0x0041; 0x0302; 0x0041; 0x0303;
+	0x0041; 0x0308; 0x0041; 0x030A; 0x0043; 0x0327; 0x0045; 0x0300;
+	0x0045; 0x0301; 0x0045; 0x0302; 0x0045; 0x0308; 0x0049; 0x0300;
+	0x0049; 0x0301; 0x0049; 0x0302; 0x0049; 0x0308; 0x004E; 0x0303;
+	0x004F; 0x0300; 0x004F; 0x0301; 0x004F; 0x0302; 0x004F; 0x0303;
+	0x004F; 0x0308; 0x0055; 0x0300; 0x0055; 0x0301; 0x0055; 0x0302;
+	0x0055; 0x0308; 0x0059; 0x0301; 0x0061; 0x0300; 0x0061; 0x0301;
+	0x0061; 0x0302; 0x0061; 0x0303; 0x0061; 0x0308; 0x0061; 0x030A;
+	0x0063; 0x0327; 0x0065; 0x0300; 0x0065; 0x0301; 0x0065; 0x0302;
+	0x0065; 0x0308; 0x0069; 0x0300; 0x0069; 0x0301; 0x0069; 0x0302;
+	0x0069; 0x0308; 0x006E; 0x0303; 0x006F; 0x0300; 0x006F; 0x0301;
+	0x006F; 0x0302; 0x006F; 0x0303; 0x006F; 0x0308; 0x0075; 0x0300;
+	0x0075; 0x0301; 0x0075; 0x0302; 0x0075; 0x0308; 0x0079; 0x0301;
+	0x0079; 0x0308; 0x0041; 0x0304; 0x0061; 0x0304; 0x0041; 0x0306;
+	0x0061; 0x0306; 0x0041; 0x0328; 0x0061; 0x0328; 0x0043; 0x0301;
+	0x0063; 0x0301; 0x0043; 0x0302; 0x0063; 0x0302; 0x0043; 0x0307;
+	0x0063; 0x0307; 0x0043; 0x030C; 0x0063; 0x030C; 0x0044; 0x030C;
+	0x0064; 0x030C; 0x0045; 0x0304; 0x0065; 0x0304; 0x0045; 0x0306;
+	0x0065; 0x0306; 0x0045; 0x0307; 0x0065; 0x0307; 0x0045; 0x0328;
+	0x0065; 0x0328; 0x0045; 0x030C; 0x0065; 0x030C; 0x0047; 0x0302;
+	0x0067; 0x0302; 0x0047; 0x0306; 0x0067; 0x0306; 0x0047; 0x0307;
+	0x0067; 0x0307; 0x0047; 0x0327; 0x0067; 0x0327; 0x0048; 0x0302;
+	0x0068; 0x0302; 0x0049; 0x0303; 0x0069; 0x0303; 0x0049; 0x0304;
+	0x0069; 0x0304; 0x0049; 0x0306; 0x0069; 0x0306; 0x0049; 0x0328;
+	0x0069; 0x0328; 0x0049; 0x0307; 0x004A; 0x0302; 0x006A; 0x0302;
+	0x004B; 0x0327; 0x006B; 0x0327; 0x004C; 0x0301; 0x006C; 0x0301;
+	0x004C; 0x0327; 0x006C; 0x0327; 0x004C; 0x030C; 0x006C; 0x030C;
+	0x004E; 0x0301; 0x006E; 0x0301; 0x004E; 0x0327; 0x006E; 0x0327;
+	0x004E; 0x030C; 0x006E; 0x030C; 0x004F; 0x0304; 0x006F; 0x0304;
+	0x004F; 0x0306; 0x006F; 0x0306; 0x004F; 0x030B; 0x006F; 0x030B;
+	0x0052; 0x0301; 0x0072; 0x0301; 0x0052; 0x0327; 0x0072; 0x0327;
+	0x0052; 0x030C; 0x0072; 0x030C; 0x0053; 0x0301; 0x0073; 0x0301;
+	0x0053; 0x0302; 0x0073; 0x0302; 0x0053; 0x0327; 0x0073; 0x0327;
+	0x0053; 0x030C; 0x0073; 0x030C; 0x0054; 0x0327; 0x0074; 0x0327;
+	0x0054; 0x030C; 0x0074; 0x030C; 0x0055; 0x0303; 0x0075; 0x0303;
+	0x0055; 0x0304; 0x0075; 0x0304; 0x0055; 0x0306; 0x0075; 0x0306;
+	0x0055; 0x030A; 0x0075; 0x030A; 0x0055; 0x030B; 0x0075; 0x030B;
+	0x0055; 0x0328; 0x0075; 0x0328; 0x0057; 0x0302; 0x0077; 0x0302;
+	0x0059; 0x0302; 0x0079; 0x0302; 0x0059; 0x0308; 0x005A; 0x0301;
+	0x007A; 0x0301; 0x005A; 0x0307; 0x007A; 0x0307; 0x005A; 0x030C;
+	0x007a; 0x030C; 0x004F; 0x031B; 0x006F; 0x031B; 0x0055; 0x031B;
+	0x0075; 0x031B; 0x0041; 0x030C; 0x0061; 0x030C; 0x0049; 0x030C;
+	0x0069; 0x030C; 0x004F; 0x030C; 0x006F; 0x030C; 0x0055; 0x030C;
+	0x0075; 0x030C; 0x00DC; 0x0304; 0x00FC; 0x0304; 0x00DC; 0x0301;
+	0x00FC; 0x0301; 0x00DC; 0x030C; 0x00FC; 0x030C; 0x00DC; 0x0300;
+	0x00FC; 0x0300; 0x00C4; 0x0304; 0x00E4; 0x0304; 0x0226; 0x0304;
+	0x0227; 0x0304; 0x00C6; 0x0304; 0x00E6; 0x0304; 0x0047; 0x030C;
+	0x0067; 0x030C; 0x004B; 0x030C; 0x006B; 0x030C; 0x004F; 0x0328;
+	0x006F; 0x0328; 0x01EA; 0x0304; 0x01EB; 0x0304; 0x01B7; 0x030C;
+	0x0292; 0x030C; 0x006A; 0x030C; 0x0047; 0x0301; 0x0067; 0x0301;
+	0x004E; 0x0300; 0x006E; 0x0300; 0x00C5; 0x0301; 0x00E5; 0x0301;
+	0x00C6; 0x0301; 0x00E6; 0x0301; 0x00D8; 0x0301; 0x00F8; 0x0301;
+	0x0041; 0x030F; 0x0061; 0x030F; 0x0041; 0x0311; 0x0061; 0x0311;
+	0x0045; 0x030F; 0x0065; 0x030F; 0x0045; 0x0311; 0x0065; 0x0311;
+	0x0049; 0x030F; 0x0069; 0x030F; 0x0049; 0x0311; 0x0069; 0x0311;
+	0x004F; 0x030F; 0x006F; 0x030F; 0x004F; 0x0311; 0x006F; 0x0311;
+	0x0052; 0x030F; 0x0072; 0x030F; 0x0052; 0x0311; 0x0072; 0x0311;
+	0x0055; 0x030F; 0x0075; 0x030F; 0x0055; 0x0311; 0x0075; 0x0311;
+	0x0053; 0x0326; 0x0073; 0x0326; 0x0054; 0x0326; 0x0074; 0x0326;
+	0x0048; 0x030C; 0x0068; 0x030C; 0x0041; 0x0307; 0x0061; 0x0307;
+	0x0045; 0x0327; 0x0065; 0x0327; 0x00D6; 0x0304; 0x00F6; 0x0304;
+	0x00D5; 0x0304; 0x00F5; 0x0304; 0x004F; 0x0307; 0x006F; 0x0307;
+	0x022E; 0x0304; 0x022F; 0x0304; 0x0059; 0x0304; 0x0079; 0x0304;
+	0x0308; 0x0301; 0x00A8; 0x0301; 0x0391; 0x0301; 0x0395; 0x0301;
+	0x0397; 0x0301; 0x0399; 0x0301; 0x039F; 0x0301; 0x03A5; 0x0301;
+	0x03A9; 0x0301; 0x03CA; 0x0301; 0x0399; 0x0308; 0x03A5; 0x0308;
+	0x03B1; 0x0301; 0x03B5; 0x0301; 0x03B7; 0x0301; 0x03B9; 0x0301;
+	0x03CB; 0x0301; 0x03B9; 0x0308; 0x03C5; 0x0308; 0x03BF; 0x0301;
+	0x03C5; 0x0301; 0x03C9; 0x0301; 0x03D2; 0x0301; 0x03D2; 0x0308;
+	0x0415; 0x0300; 0x0415; 0x0308; 0x0413; 0x0301; 0x0406; 0x0308;
+	0x041A; 0x0301; 0x0418; 0x0300; 0x0423; 0x0306; 0x0418; 0x0306;
+	0x0438; 0x0306; 0x0435; 0x0300; 0x0435; 0x0308; 0x0433; 0x0301;
+	0x0456; 0x0308; 0x043A; 0x0301; 0x0438; 0x0300; 0x0443; 0x0306;
+	0x0474; 0x030F; 0x0475; 0x030F; 0x0416; 0x0306; 0x0436; 0x0306;
+	0x0410; 0x0306; 0x0430; 0x0306; 0x0410; 0x0308; 0x0430; 0x0308;
+	0x0415; 0x0306; 0x0435; 0x0306; 0x04D8; 0x0308; 0x04D9; 0x0308;
+	0x0416; 0x0308; 0x0436; 0x0308; 0x0417; 0x0308; 0x0437; 0x0308;
+	0x0418; 0x0304; 0x0438; 0x0304; 0x0418; 0x0308; 0x0438; 0x0308;
+	0x041E; 0x0308; 0x043E; 0x0308; 0x04E8; 0x0308; 0x04E9; 0x0308;
+	0x042D; 0x0308; 0x044D; 0x0308; 0x0423; 0x0304; 0x0443; 0x0304;
+	0x0423; 0x0308; 0x0443; 0x0308; 0x0423; 0x030B; 0x0443; 0x030B;
+	0x0427; 0x0308; 0x0447; 0x0308; 0x042B; 0x0308; 0x044B; 0x0308;
+	0x0627; 0x0653; 0x0627; 0x0654; 0x0648; 0x0654; 0x0627; 0x0655;
+	0x064A; 0x0654; 0x06D5; 0x0654; 0x06C1; 0x0654; 0x06D2; 0x0654;
+	0x0928; 0x093C; 0x0930; 0x093C; 0x0933; 0x093C; 0x0915; 0x093C;
+	0x0916; 0x093C; 0x0917; 0x093C; 0x091C; 0x093C; 0x0921; 0x093C;
+	0x0922; 0x093C; 0x092B; 0x093C; 0x092F; 0x093C; 0x09C7; 0x09BE;
+	0x09C7; 0x09D7; 0x09A1; 0x09BC; 0x09A2; 0x09BC; 0x09AF; 0x09BC;
+	0x0A32; 0x0A3C; 0x0A38; 0x0A3C; 0x0A16; 0x0A3C; 0x0A17; 0x0A3C;
+	0x0A1C; 0x0A3C; 0x0A2B; 0x0A3C; 0x0B47; 0x0B56; 0x0B47; 0x0B3E;
+	0x0B47; 0x0B57; 0x0B21; 0x0B3C; 0x0B22; 0x0B3C; 0x0B92; 0x0BD7;
+	0x0BC6; 0x0BBE; 0x0BC7; 0x0BBE; 0x0BC6; 0x0BD7; 0x0C46; 0x0C56;
+	0x0CBF; 0x0CD5; 0x0CC6; 0x0CD5; 0x0CC6; 0x0CD6; 0x0CC6; 0x0CC2;
+	0x0CCA; 0x0CD5; 0x0D46; 0x0D3E; 0x0D47; 0x0D3E; 0x0D46; 0x0D57;
+	0x0DD9; 0x0DCA; 0x0DD9; 0x0DCF; 0x0DDC; 0x0DCA; 0x0DD9; 0x0DDF;
+	0x0F42; 0x0FB7; 0x0F4C; 0x0FB7; 0x0F51; 0x0FB7; 0x0F56; 0x0FB7;
+	0x0F5B; 0x0FB7; 0x0F40; 0x0FB5; 0x0F71; 0x0F72; 0x0F71; 0x0F74;
+	0x0FB2; 0x0F80; 0x0FB3; 0x0F80; 0x0F71; 0x0F80; 0x0F92; 0x0FB7;
+	0x0F9C; 0x0FB7; 0x0FA1; 0x0FB7; 0x0FA6; 0x0FB7; 0x0FAB; 0x0FB7;
+	0x0F90; 0x0FB5; 0x1025; 0x102E; 0x0041; 0x0325; 0x0061; 0x0325;
+	0x0042; 0x0307; 0x0062; 0x0307; 0x0042; 0x0323; 0x0062; 0x0323;
+	0x0042; 0x0331; 0x0062; 0x0331; 0x00C7; 0x0301; 0x00E7; 0x0301;
+	0x0044; 0x0307; 0x0064; 0x0307; 0x0044; 0x0323; 0x0064; 0x0323;
+	0x0044; 0x0331; 0x0064; 0x0331; 0x0044; 0x0327; 0x0064; 0x0327;
+	0x0044; 0x032D; 0x0064; 0x032D; 0x0112; 0x0300; 0x0113; 0x0300;
+	0x0112; 0x0301; 0x0113; 0x0301; 0x0045; 0x032D; 0x0065; 0x032D;
+	0x0045; 0x0330; 0x0065; 0x0330; 0x0228; 0x0306; 0x0229; 0x0306;
+	0x0046; 0x0307; 0x0066; 0x0307; 0x0047; 0x0304; 0x0067; 0x0304;
+	0x0048; 0x0307; 0x0068; 0x0307; 0x0048; 0x0323; 0x0068; 0x0323;
+	0x0048; 0x0308; 0x0068; 0x0308; 0x0048; 0x0327; 0x0068; 0x0327;
+	0x0048; 0x032E; 0x0068; 0x032E; 0x0049; 0x0330; 0x0069; 0x0330;
+	0x00CF; 0x0301; 0x00EF; 0x0301; 0x004B; 0x0301; 0x006B; 0x0301;
+	0x004B; 0x0323; 0x006B; 0x0323; 0x004B; 0x0331; 0x006B; 0x0331;
+	0x004C; 0x0323; 0x006C; 0x0323; 0x1E36; 0x0304; 0x1E37; 0x0304;
+	0x004C; 0x0331; 0x006C; 0x0331; 0x004C; 0x032D; 0x006C; 0x032D;
+	0x004D; 0x0301; 0x006D; 0x0301; 0x004D; 0x0307; 0x006D; 0x0307;
+	0x004D; 0x0323; 0x006D; 0x0323; 0x004E; 0x0307; 0x006E; 0x0307;
+	0x004E; 0x0323; 0x006E; 0x0323; 0x004E; 0x0331; 0x006E; 0x0331;
+	0x004E; 0x032D; 0x006E; 0x032D; 0x00D5; 0x0301; 0x00F5; 0x0301;
+	0x00D5; 0x0308; 0x00F5; 0x0308; 0x014C; 0x0300; 0x014D; 0x0300;
+	0x014C; 0x0301; 0x014D; 0x0301; 0x0050; 0x0301; 0x0070; 0x0301;
+	0x0050; 0x0307; 0x0070; 0x0307; 0x0052; 0x0307; 0x0072; 0x0307;
+	0x0052; 0x0323; 0x0072; 0x0323; 0x1E5A; 0x0304; 0x1E5B; 0x0304;
+	0x0052; 0x0331; 0x0072; 0x0331; 0x0053; 0x0307; 0x0073; 0x0307;
+	0x0053; 0x0323; 0x0073; 0x0323; 0x015A; 0x0307; 0x015B; 0x0307;
+	0x0160; 0x0307; 0x0161; 0x0307; 0x1E62; 0x0307; 0x1E63; 0x0307;
+	0x0054; 0x0307; 0x0074; 0x0307; 0x0054; 0x0323; 0x0074; 0x0323;
+	0x0054; 0x0331; 0x0074; 0x0331; 0x0054; 0x032D; 0x0074; 0x032D;
+	0x0055; 0x0324; 0x0075; 0x0324; 0x0055; 0x0330; 0x0075; 0x0330;
+	0x0055; 0x032D; 0x0075; 0x032D; 0x0168; 0x0301; 0x0169; 0x0301;
+	0x016A; 0x0308; 0x016B; 0x0308; 0x0056; 0x0303; 0x0076; 0x0303;
+	0x0056; 0x0323; 0x0076; 0x0323; 0x0057; 0x0300; 0x0077; 0x0300;
+	0x0057; 0x0301; 0x0077; 0x0301; 0x0057; 0x0308; 0x0077; 0x0308;
+	0x0057; 0x0307; 0x0077; 0x0307; 0x0057; 0x0323; 0x0077; 0x0323;
+	0x0058; 0x0307; 0x0078; 0x0307; 0x0058; 0x0308; 0x0078; 0x0308;
+	0x0059; 0x0307; 0x0079; 0x0307; 0x005A; 0x0302; 0x007A; 0x0302;
+	0x005A; 0x0323; 0x007A; 0x0323; 0x005A; 0x0331; 0x007A; 0x0331;
+	0x0068; 0x0331; 0x0074; 0x0308; 0x0077; 0x030A; 0x0079; 0x030A;
+	0x017F; 0x0307; 0x0041; 0x0323; 0x0061; 0x0323; 0x0041; 0x0309;
+	0x0061; 0x0309; 0x00C2; 0x0301; 0x00E2; 0x0301; 0x00C2; 0x0300;
+	0x00E2; 0x0300; 0x00C2; 0x0309; 0x00E2; 0x0309; 0x00C2; 0x0303;
+	0x00E2; 0x0303; 0x1EA0; 0x0302; 0x1EA1; 0x0302; 0x0102; 0x0301;
+	0x0103; 0x0301; 0x0102; 0x0300; 0x0103; 0x0300; 0x0102; 0x0309;
+	0x0103; 0x0309; 0x0102; 0x0303; 0x0103; 0x0303; 0x1EA0; 0x0306;
+	0x1EA1; 0x0306; 0x0045; 0x0323; 0x0065; 0x0323; 0x0045; 0x0309;
+	0x0065; 0x0309; 0x0045; 0x0303; 0x0065; 0x0303; 0x00CA; 0x0301;
+	0x00EA; 0x0301; 0x00CA; 0x0300; 0x00EA; 0x0300; 0x00CA; 0x0309;
+	0x00EA; 0x0309; 0x00CA; 0x0303; 0x00EA; 0x0303; 0x1EB8; 0x0302;
+	0x1EB9; 0x0302; 0x0049; 0x0309; 0x0069; 0x0309; 0x0049; 0x0323;
+	0x0069; 0x0323; 0x004F; 0x0323; 0x006F; 0x0323; 0x004F; 0x0309;
+	0x006F; 0x0309; 0x00D4; 0x0301; 0x00F4; 0x0301; 0x00D4; 0x0300;
+	0x00F4; 0x0300; 0x00D4; 0x0309; 0x00F4; 0x0309; 0x00D4; 0x0303;
+	0x00F4; 0x0303; 0x1ECC; 0x0302; 0x1ECD; 0x0302; 0x01A0; 0x0301;
+	0x01A1; 0x0301; 0x01A0; 0x0300; 0x01A1; 0x0300; 0x01A0; 0x0309;
+	0x01A1; 0x0309; 0x01A0; 0x0303; 0x01A1; 0x0303; 0x01A0; 0x0323;
+	0x01A1; 0x0323; 0x0055; 0x0323; 0x0075; 0x0323; 0x0055; 0x0309;
+	0x0075; 0x0309; 0x01AF; 0x0301; 0x01B0; 0x0301; 0x01AF; 0x0300;
+	0x01B0; 0x0300; 0x01AF; 0x0309; 0x01B0; 0x0309; 0x01AF; 0x0303;
+	0x01B0; 0x0303; 0x01AF; 0x0323; 0x01B0; 0x0323; 0x0059; 0x0300;
+	0x0079; 0x0300; 0x0059; 0x0323; 0x0079; 0x0323; 0x0059; 0x0309;
+	0x0079; 0x0309; 0x0059; 0x0303; 0x0079; 0x0303; 0x03B1; 0x0313;
+	0x03B1; 0x0314; 0x1F00; 0x0300; 0x1F01; 0x0300; 0x1F00; 0x0301;
+	0x1F01; 0x0301; 0x1F00; 0x0342; 0x1F01; 0x0342; 0x0391; 0x0313;
+	0x0391; 0x0314; 0x1F08; 0x0300; 0x1F09; 0x0300; 0x1F08; 0x0301;
+	0x1F09; 0x0301; 0x1F08; 0x0342; 0x1F09; 0x0342; 0x03B5; 0x0313;
+	0x03B5; 0x0314; 0x1F10; 0x0300; 0x1F11; 0x0300; 0x1F10; 0x0301;
+	0x1F11; 0x0301; 0x0395; 0x0313; 0x0395; 0x0314; 0x1F18; 0x0300;
+	0x1F19; 0x0300; 0x1F18; 0x0301; 0x1F19; 0x0301; 0x03B7; 0x0313;
+	0x03B7; 0x0314; 0x1F20; 0x0300; 0x1F21; 0x0300; 0x1F20; 0x0301;
+	0x1F21; 0x0301; 0x1F20; 0x0342; 0x1F21; 0x0342; 0x0397; 0x0313;
+	0x0397; 0x0314; 0x1F28; 0x0300; 0x1F29; 0x0300; 0x1F28; 0x0301;
+	0x1F29; 0x0301; 0x1F28; 0x0342; 0x1F29; 0x0342; 0x03B9; 0x0313;
+	0x03B9; 0x0314; 0x1F30; 0x0300; 0x1F31; 0x0300; 0x1F30; 0x0301;
+	0x1F31; 0x0301; 0x1F30; 0x0342; 0x1F31; 0x0342; 0x0399; 0x0313;
+	0x0399; 0x0314; 0x1F38; 0x0300; 0x1F39; 0x0300; 0x1F38; 0x0301;
+	0x1F39; 0x0301; 0x1F38; 0x0342; 0x1F39; 0x0342; 0x03BF; 0x0313;
+	0x03BF; 0x0314; 0x1F40; 0x0300; 0x1F41; 0x0300; 0x1F40; 0x0301;
+	0x1F41; 0x0301; 0x039F; 0x0313; 0x039F; 0x0314; 0x1F48; 0x0300;
+	0x1F49; 0x0300; 0x1F48; 0x0301; 0x1F49; 0x0301; 0x03C5; 0x0313;
+	0x03C5; 0x0314; 0x1F50; 0x0300; 0x1F51; 0x0300; 0x1F50; 0x0301;
+	0x1F51; 0x0301; 0x1F50; 0x0342; 0x1F51; 0x0342; 0x03A5; 0x0314;
+	0x1F59; 0x0300; 0x1F59; 0x0301; 0x1F59; 0x0342; 0x03C9; 0x0313;
+	0x03C9; 0x0314; 0x1F60; 0x0300; 0x1F61; 0x0300; 0x1F60; 0x0301;
+	0x1F61; 0x0301; 0x1F60; 0x0342; 0x1F61; 0x0342; 0x03A9; 0x0313;
+	0x03A9; 0x0314; 0x1F68; 0x0300; 0x1F69; 0x0300; 0x1F68; 0x0301;
+	0x1F69; 0x0301; 0x1F68; 0x0342; 0x1F69; 0x0342; 0x03B1; 0x0300;
+	0x03B5; 0x0300; 0x03B7; 0x0300; 0x03B9; 0x0300; 0x03BF; 0x0300;
+	0x03C5; 0x0300; 0x03C9; 0x0300; 0x1F00; 0x0345; 0x1F01; 0x0345;
+	0x1F02; 0x0345; 0x1F03; 0x0345; 0x1F04; 0x0345; 0x1F05; 0x0345;
+	0x1F06; 0x0345; 0x1F07; 0x0345; 0x1F08; 0x0345; 0x1F09; 0x0345;
+	0x1F0A; 0x0345; 0x1F0B; 0x0345; 0x1F0C; 0x0345; 0x1F0D; 0x0345;
+	0x1F0E; 0x0345; 0x1F0F; 0x0345; 0x1F20; 0x0345; 0x1F21; 0x0345;
+	0x1F22; 0x0345; 0x1F23; 0x0345; 0x1F24; 0x0345; 0x1F25; 0x0345;
+	0x1F26; 0x0345; 0x1F27; 0x0345; 0x1F28; 0x0345; 0x1F29; 0x0345;
+	0x1F2A; 0x0345; 0x1F2B; 0x0345; 0x1F2C; 0x0345; 0x1F2D; 0x0345;
+	0x1F2E; 0x0345; 0x1F2F; 0x0345; 0x1F60; 0x0345; 0x1F61; 0x0345;
+	0x1F62; 0x0345; 0x1F63; 0x0345; 0x1F64; 0x0345; 0x1F65; 0x0345;
+	0x1F66; 0x0345; 0x1F67; 0x0345; 0x1F68; 0x0345; 0x1F69; 0x0345;
+	0x1F6A; 0x0345; 0x1F6B; 0x0345; 0x1F6C; 0x0345; 0x1F6D; 0x0345;
+	0x1F6E; 0x0345; 0x1F6F; 0x0345; 0x03B1; 0x0306; 0x03B1; 0x0304;
+	0x1F70; 0x0345; 0x03B1; 0x0345; 0x03AC; 0x0345; 0x03B1; 0x0342;
+	0x1FB6; 0x0345; 0x0391; 0x0306; 0x0391; 0x0304; 0x0391; 0x0300;
+	0x0391; 0x0345; 0x00A8; 0x0342; 0x1F74; 0x0345; 0x03B7; 0x0345;
+	0x03AE; 0x0345; 0x03B7; 0x0342; 0x1FC6; 0x0345; 0x0395; 0x0300;
+	0x0397; 0x0300; 0x0397; 0x0345; 0x1FBF; 0x0300; 0x1FBF; 0x0301;
+	0x1FBF; 0x0342; 0x03B9; 0x0306; 0x03B9; 0x0304; 0x03CA; 0x0300;
+	0x03B9; 0x0342; 0x03CA; 0x0342; 0x0399; 0x0306; 0x0399; 0x0304;
+	0x0399; 0x0300; 0x1FFE; 0x0300; 0x1FFE; 0x0301; 0x1FFE; 0x0342;
+	0x03C5; 0x0306; 0x03C5; 0x0304; 0x03CB; 0x0300; 0x03C1; 0x0313;
+	0x03C1; 0x0314; 0x03C5; 0x0342; 0x03CB; 0x0342; 0x03A5; 0x0306;
+	0x03A5; 0x0304; 0x03A5; 0x0300; 0x03A1; 0x0314; 0x00A8; 0x0300;
+	0x1F7C; 0x0345; 0x03C9; 0x0345; 0x03CE; 0x0345; 0x03C9; 0x0342;
+	0x1FF6; 0x0345; 0x039F; 0x0300; 0x03A9; 0x0300; 0x03A9; 0x0345;
+	0x304B; 0x3099; 0x304D; 0x3099; 0x304F; 0x3099; 0x3051; 0x3099;
+	0x3053; 0x3099; 0x3055; 0x3099; 0x3057; 0x3099; 0x3059; 0x3099;
+	0x305B; 0x3099; 0x305D; 0x3099; 0x305F; 0x3099; 0x3061; 0x3099;
+	0x3064; 0x3099; 0x3066; 0x3099; 0x3068; 0x3099; 0x306F; 0x3099;
+	0x306F; 0x309A; 0x3072; 0x3099; 0x3072; 0x309A; 0x3075; 0x3099;
+	0x3075; 0x309A; 0x3078; 0x3099; 0x3078; 0x309A; 0x307B; 0x3099;
+	0x307B; 0x309A; 0x3046; 0x3099; 0x309D; 0x3099; 0x30AB; 0x3099;
+	0x30AD; 0x3099; 0x30AF; 0x3099; 0x30B1; 0x3099; 0x30B3; 0x3099;
+	0x30B5; 0x3099; 0x30B7; 0x3099; 0x30B9; 0x3099; 0x30BB; 0x3099;
+	0x30BD; 0x3099; 0x30BF; 0x3099; 0x30C1; 0x3099; 0x30C4; 0x3099;
+	0x30C6; 0x3099; 0x30C8; 0x3099; 0x30CF; 0x3099; 0x30CF; 0x309A;
+	0x30D2; 0x3099; 0x30D2; 0x309A; 0x30D5; 0x3099; 0x30D5; 0x309A;
+	0x30D8; 0x3099; 0x30D8; 0x309A; 0x30DB; 0x3099; 0x30DB; 0x309A;
+	0x30A6; 0x3099; 0x30EF; 0x3099; 0x30F0; 0x3099; 0x30F1; 0x3099;
+	0x30F2; 0x3099; 0x30FD; 0x3099; 0x05D9; 0x05B4; 0x05F2; 0x05B7;
+	0x05E9; 0x05C1; 0x05E9; 0x05C2; 0xFB49; 0x05C1; 0xFB49; 0x05C2;
+	0x05D0; 0x05B7; 0x05D0; 0x05B8; 0x05D0; 0x05BC; 0x05D1; 0x05BC;
+	0x05D2; 0x05BC; 0x05D3; 0x05BC; 0x05D4; 0x05BC; 0x05D5; 0x05BC;
+	0x05D6; 0x05BC; 0x05D8; 0x05BC; 0x05D9; 0x05BC; 0x05DA; 0x05BC;
+	0x05DB; 0x05BC; 0x05DC; 0x05BC; 0x05DE; 0x05BC; 0x05E0; 0x05BC;
+	0x05E1; 0x05BC; 0x05E3; 0x05BC; 0x05E4; 0x05BC; 0x05E6; 0x05BC;
+	0x05E7; 0x05BC; 0x05E8; 0x05BC; 0x05E9; 0x05BC; 0x05EA; 0x05BC;
+	0x05D5; 0x05B9; 0x05D1; 0x05BF; 0x05DB; 0x05BF; 0x05E4; 0x05BF
+let uniCharDecomposableBitmap = [|
+	0x01; 0x02; 0x03; 0x04; 0x05; 0x00; 0x06; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x07; 0x08; 0x09; 0x0A; 0x0B; 0x00; 0x0C;
+	0x0D; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x0E; 0x0F;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x10; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF;
+	0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF;
+	0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF;
+	0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF;
+	0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF;
+	0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0x11;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x12; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0xBF; 0xFF; 0x7E; 0x3E; 0xBF; 0xFF; 0x7E; 0xBE;
+	0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFC; 0xFF; 0x3F; 0xFF; 0xF1; 0x7E;
+	0xF8; 0xF1; 0xF3; 0xFF; 0x3F; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0x7F;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x03; 0x80; 0x01; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0xE0; 0xFF; 0xDF; 0xCF; 0xFF; 0x31; 0xFF;
+	0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xCF; 0xC0; 0xFF; 0x0F; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x1B; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x10; 0x40;
+	0xE0; 0xD7; 0x01; 0x00; 0x00; 0xFC; 0x01; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x7C; 0x18; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x8B; 0x70; 0x00; 0x02; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x02;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x8B; 0x70; 0x00; 0x00; 0xC0; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x06; 0x00; 0xCF; 0xFC; 0xFC; 0xFC; 0x3F; 0x03;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x7C; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x05; 0x00; 0x08; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x02; 0x12; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0xFF; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x18; 0x00; 0xB0; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x48; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x4E; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x19; 0x00; 0x30; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x10; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x1C; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x01; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x81; 0x0D; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x1C; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x74; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x08; 0x20; 0x84; 0x10; 0x00; 0x02; 0x68; 0x01;
+	0x02; 0x00; 0x08; 0x20; 0x84; 0x10; 0x00; 0x02;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x40; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF;
+	0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF;
+	0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0x0B; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF;
+	0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0x03;
+	0xFF; 0xFF; 0x3F; 0x3F; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF;
+	0x3F; 0x3F; 0xFF; 0xAA; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0x3F;
+	0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xDF; 0x5F;
+	0xDE; 0xFF; 0xCF; 0xEF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xDC; 0x3F;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x50; 0x55; 0x55; 0xA5; 0x02; 0xDB; 0x36;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x10; 0x40; 0x00; 0x50; 0x55; 0x55;
+	0xA5; 0x02; 0xDB; 0x36; 0x00; 0x00; 0x90; 0x47;
+	0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF;
+	0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF;
+	0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0x0F; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0xA0; 0x00; 0xFC; 0x7F; 0x5F;
+	0xDB; 0x7F; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00
+let uniCharPrecompSourceTable = [|
+	0x00000300; 0x00540000; 0x00000301; 0x00750054;
+	0x00000302; 0x002000C9; 0x00000303; 0x001C00E9;
+	0x00000304; 0x002C0105; 0x00000306; 0x00200131;
+	0x00000307; 0x002E0151; 0x00000308; 0x0036017F;
+	0x00000309; 0x001801B5; 0x0000030A; 0x000601CD;
+	0x0000030B; 0x000601D3; 0x0000030C; 0x002501D9;
+	0x0000030F; 0x000E01FE; 0x00000311; 0x000C020C;
+	0x00000313; 0x000E0218; 0x00000314; 0x00100226;
+	0x0000031B; 0x00040236; 0x00000323; 0x002A023A;
+	0x00000324; 0x00020264; 0x00000325; 0x00020266;
+	0x00000326; 0x00040268; 0x00000327; 0x0016026C;
+	0x00000328; 0x000A0282; 0x0000032D; 0x000C028C;
+	0x0000032E; 0x00020298; 0x00000330; 0x0006029A;
+	0x00000331; 0x001102A0; 0x00000338; 0x002C02B1;
+	0x00000342; 0x001D02DD; 0x00000345; 0x003F02FA;
+	0x00000653; 0x00010339; 0x00000654; 0x0006033A;
+	0x00000655; 0x00010340; 0x0000093C; 0x00030341;
+	0x000009BE; 0x00010344; 0x000009D7; 0x00010345;
+	0x00000B3E; 0x00010346; 0x00000B56; 0x00010347;
+	0x00000B57; 0x00010348; 0x00000BBE; 0x00020349;
+	0x00000BD7; 0x0002034B; 0x00000C56; 0x0001034D;
+	0x00000CC2; 0x0001034E; 0x00000CD5; 0x0003034F;
+	0x00000CD6; 0x00010352; 0x00000D3E; 0x00020353;
+	0x00000D57; 0x00010355; 0x00000DCA; 0x00020356;
+	0x00000DCF; 0x00010358; 0x00000DDF; 0x00010359;
+	0x0000102E; 0x0001035A; 0x00003099; 0x0030035B;
+	0x0000309A; 0x000A038B
+let uniCharBMPPrecompDestinationTable = [|
+	0x0041; 0x00C0; 0x0045; 0x00C8; 0x0049; 0x00CC; 0x004E; 0x01F8;
+	0x004F; 0x00D2; 0x0055; 0x00D9; 0x0057; 0x1E80; 0x0059; 0x1EF2;
+	0x0061; 0x00E0; 0x0065; 0x00E8; 0x0069; 0x00EC; 0x006E; 0x01F9;
+	0x006F; 0x00F2; 0x0075; 0x00F9; 0x0077; 0x1E81; 0x0079; 0x1EF3;
+	0x00A8; 0x1FED; 0x00C2; 0x1EA6; 0x00CA; 0x1EC0; 0x00D4; 0x1ED2;
+	0x00DC; 0x01DB; 0x00E2; 0x1EA7; 0x00EA; 0x1EC1; 0x00F4; 0x1ED3;
+	0x00FC; 0x01DC; 0x0102; 0x1EB0; 0x0103; 0x1EB1; 0x0112; 0x1E14;
+	0x0113; 0x1E15; 0x014C; 0x1E50; 0x014D; 0x1E51; 0x01A0; 0x1EDC;
+	0x01A1; 0x1EDD; 0x01AF; 0x1EEA; 0x01B0; 0x1EEB; 0x0391; 0x1FBA;
+	0x0395; 0x1FC8; 0x0397; 0x1FCA; 0x0399; 0x1FDA; 0x039F; 0x1FF8;
+	0x03A5; 0x1FEA; 0x03A9; 0x1FFA; 0x03B1; 0x1F70; 0x03B5; 0x1F72;
+	0x03B7; 0x1F74; 0x03B9; 0x1F76; 0x03BF; 0x1F78; 0x03C5; 0x1F7A;
+	0x03C9; 0x1F7C; 0x03CA; 0x1FD2; 0x03CB; 0x1FE2; 0x0415; 0x0400;
+	0x0418; 0x040D; 0x0435; 0x0450; 0x0438; 0x045D; 0x1F00; 0x1F02;
+	0x1F01; 0x1F03; 0x1F08; 0x1F0A; 0x1F09; 0x1F0B; 0x1F10; 0x1F12;
+	0x1F11; 0x1F13; 0x1F18; 0x1F1A; 0x1F19; 0x1F1B; 0x1F20; 0x1F22;
+	0x1F21; 0x1F23; 0x1F28; 0x1F2A; 0x1F29; 0x1F2B; 0x1F30; 0x1F32;
+	0x1F31; 0x1F33; 0x1F38; 0x1F3A; 0x1F39; 0x1F3B; 0x1F40; 0x1F42;
+	0x1F41; 0x1F43; 0x1F48; 0x1F4A; 0x1F49; 0x1F4B; 0x1F50; 0x1F52;
+	0x1F51; 0x1F53; 0x1F59; 0x1F5B; 0x1F60; 0x1F62; 0x1F61; 0x1F63;
+	0x1F68; 0x1F6A; 0x1F69; 0x1F6B; 0x1FBF; 0x1FCD; 0x1FFE; 0x1FDD;
+	0x0041; 0x00C1; 0x0043; 0x0106; 0x0045; 0x00C9; 0x0047; 0x01F4;
+	0x0049; 0x00CD; 0x004B; 0x1E30; 0x004C; 0x0139; 0x004D; 0x1E3E;
+	0x004E; 0x0143; 0x004F; 0x00D3; 0x0050; 0x1E54; 0x0052; 0x0154;
+	0x0053; 0x015A; 0x0055; 0x00DA; 0x0057; 0x1E82; 0x0059; 0x00DD;
+	0x005A; 0x0179; 0x0061; 0x00E1; 0x0063; 0x0107; 0x0065; 0x00E9;
+	0x0067; 0x01F5; 0x0069; 0x00ED; 0x006B; 0x1E31; 0x006C; 0x013A;
+	0x006D; 0x1E3F; 0x006E; 0x0144; 0x006F; 0x00F3; 0x0070; 0x1E55;
+	0x0072; 0x0155; 0x0073; 0x015B; 0x0075; 0x00FA; 0x0077; 0x1E83;
+	0x0079; 0x00FD; 0x007A; 0x017A; 0x00A8; 0x0385; 0x00C2; 0x1EA4;
+	0x00C5; 0x01FA; 0x00C6; 0x01FC; 0x00C7; 0x1E08; 0x00CA; 0x1EBE;
+	0x00CF; 0x1E2E; 0x00D4; 0x1ED0; 0x00D5; 0x1E4C; 0x00D8; 0x01FE;
+	0x00DC; 0x01D7; 0x00E2; 0x1EA5; 0x00E5; 0x01FB; 0x00E6; 0x01FD;
+	0x00E7; 0x1E09; 0x00EA; 0x1EBF; 0x00EF; 0x1E2F; 0x00F4; 0x1ED1;
+	0x00F5; 0x1E4D; 0x00F8; 0x01FF; 0x00FC; 0x01D8; 0x0102; 0x1EAE;
+	0x0103; 0x1EAF; 0x0112; 0x1E16; 0x0113; 0x1E17; 0x014C; 0x1E52;
+	0x014D; 0x1E53; 0x0168; 0x1E78; 0x0169; 0x1E79; 0x01A0; 0x1EDA;
+	0x01A1; 0x1EDB; 0x01AF; 0x1EE8; 0x01B0; 0x1EE9; 0x0391; 0x0386;
+	0x0395; 0x0388; 0x0397; 0x0389; 0x0399; 0x038A; 0x039F; 0x038C;
+	0x03A5; 0x038E; 0x03A9; 0x038F; 0x03B1; 0x03AC; 0x03B5; 0x03AD;
+	0x03B7; 0x03AE; 0x03B9; 0x03AF; 0x03BF; 0x03CC; 0x03C5; 0x03CD;
+	0x03C9; 0x03CE; 0x03CA; 0x0390; 0x03CB; 0x03B0; 0x03D2; 0x03D3;
+	0x0413; 0x0403; 0x041A; 0x040C; 0x0433; 0x0453; 0x043A; 0x045C;
+	0x1F00; 0x1F04; 0x1F01; 0x1F05; 0x1F08; 0x1F0C; 0x1F09; 0x1F0D;
+	0x1F10; 0x1F14; 0x1F11; 0x1F15; 0x1F18; 0x1F1C; 0x1F19; 0x1F1D;
+	0x1F20; 0x1F24; 0x1F21; 0x1F25; 0x1F28; 0x1F2C; 0x1F29; 0x1F2D;
+	0x1F30; 0x1F34; 0x1F31; 0x1F35; 0x1F38; 0x1F3C; 0x1F39; 0x1F3D;
+	0x1F40; 0x1F44; 0x1F41; 0x1F45; 0x1F48; 0x1F4C; 0x1F49; 0x1F4D;
+	0x1F50; 0x1F54; 0x1F51; 0x1F55; 0x1F59; 0x1F5D; 0x1F60; 0x1F64;
+	0x1F61; 0x1F65; 0x1F68; 0x1F6C; 0x1F69; 0x1F6D; 0x1FBF; 0x1FCE;
+	0x1FFE; 0x1FDE; 0x0041; 0x00C2; 0x0043; 0x0108; 0x0045; 0x00CA;
+	0x0047; 0x011C; 0x0048; 0x0124; 0x0049; 0x00CE; 0x004A; 0x0134;
+	0x004F; 0x00D4; 0x0053; 0x015C; 0x0055; 0x00DB; 0x0057; 0x0174;
+	0x0059; 0x0176; 0x005A; 0x1E90; 0x0061; 0x00E2; 0x0063; 0x0109;
+	0x0065; 0x00EA; 0x0067; 0x011D; 0x0068; 0x0125; 0x0069; 0x00EE;
+	0x006A; 0x0135; 0x006F; 0x00F4; 0x0073; 0x015D; 0x0075; 0x00FB;
+	0x0077; 0x0175; 0x0079; 0x0177; 0x007A; 0x1E91; 0x1EA0; 0x1EAC;
+	0x1EA1; 0x1EAD; 0x1EB8; 0x1EC6; 0x1EB9; 0x1EC7; 0x1ECC; 0x1ED8;
+	0x1ECD; 0x1ED9; 0x0041; 0x00C3; 0x0045; 0x1EBC; 0x0049; 0x0128;
+	0x004E; 0x00D1; 0x004F; 0x00D5; 0x0055; 0x0168; 0x0056; 0x1E7C;
+	0x0059; 0x1EF8; 0x0061; 0x00E3; 0x0065; 0x1EBD; 0x0069; 0x0129;
+	0x006E; 0x00F1; 0x006F; 0x00F5; 0x0075; 0x0169; 0x0076; 0x1E7D;
+	0x0079; 0x1EF9; 0x00C2; 0x1EAA; 0x00CA; 0x1EC4; 0x00D4; 0x1ED6;
+	0x00E2; 0x1EAB; 0x00EA; 0x1EC5; 0x00F4; 0x1ED7; 0x0102; 0x1EB4;
+	0x0103; 0x1EB5; 0x01A0; 0x1EE0; 0x01A1; 0x1EE1; 0x01AF; 0x1EEE;
+	0x01B0; 0x1EEF; 0x0041; 0x0100; 0x0045; 0x0112; 0x0047; 0x1E20;
+	0x0049; 0x012A; 0x004F; 0x014C; 0x0055; 0x016A; 0x0059; 0x0232;
+	0x0061; 0x0101; 0x0065; 0x0113; 0x0067; 0x1E21; 0x0069; 0x012B;
+	0x006F; 0x014D; 0x0075; 0x016B; 0x0079; 0x0233; 0x00C4; 0x01DE;
+	0x00C6; 0x01E2; 0x00D5; 0x022C; 0x00D6; 0x022A; 0x00DC; 0x01D5;
+	0x00E4; 0x01DF; 0x00E6; 0x01E3; 0x00F5; 0x022D; 0x00F6; 0x022B;
+	0x00FC; 0x01D6; 0x01EA; 0x01EC; 0x01EB; 0x01ED; 0x0226; 0x01E0;
+	0x0227; 0x01E1; 0x022E; 0x0230; 0x022F; 0x0231; 0x0391; 0x1FB9;
+	0x0399; 0x1FD9; 0x03A5; 0x1FE9; 0x03B1; 0x1FB1; 0x03B9; 0x1FD1;
+	0x03C5; 0x1FE1; 0x0418; 0x04E2; 0x0423; 0x04EE; 0x0438; 0x04E3;
+	0x0443; 0x04EF; 0x1E36; 0x1E38; 0x1E37; 0x1E39; 0x1E5A; 0x1E5C;
+	0x1E5B; 0x1E5D; 0x0041; 0x0102; 0x0045; 0x0114; 0x0047; 0x011E;
+	0x0049; 0x012C; 0x004F; 0x014E; 0x0055; 0x016C; 0x0061; 0x0103;
+	0x0065; 0x0115; 0x0067; 0x011F; 0x0069; 0x012D; 0x006F; 0x014F;
+	0x0075; 0x016D; 0x0228; 0x1E1C; 0x0229; 0x1E1D; 0x0391; 0x1FB8;
+	0x0399; 0x1FD8; 0x03A5; 0x1FE8; 0x03B1; 0x1FB0; 0x03B9; 0x1FD0;
+	0x03C5; 0x1FE0; 0x0410; 0x04D0; 0x0415; 0x04D6; 0x0416; 0x04C1;
+	0x0418; 0x0419; 0x0423; 0x040E; 0x0430; 0x04D1; 0x0435; 0x04D7;
+	0x0436; 0x04C2; 0x0438; 0x0439; 0x0443; 0x045E; 0x1EA0; 0x1EB6;
+	0x1EA1; 0x1EB7; 0x0041; 0x0226; 0x0042; 0x1E02; 0x0043; 0x010A;
+	0x0044; 0x1E0A; 0x0045; 0x0116; 0x0046; 0x1E1E; 0x0047; 0x0120;
+	0x0048; 0x1E22; 0x0049; 0x0130; 0x004D; 0x1E40; 0x004E; 0x1E44;
+	0x004F; 0x022E; 0x0050; 0x1E56; 0x0052; 0x1E58; 0x0053; 0x1E60;
+	0x0054; 0x1E6A; 0x0057; 0x1E86; 0x0058; 0x1E8A; 0x0059; 0x1E8E;
+	0x005A; 0x017B; 0x0061; 0x0227; 0x0062; 0x1E03; 0x0063; 0x010B;
+	0x0064; 0x1E0B; 0x0065; 0x0117; 0x0066; 0x1E1F; 0x0067; 0x0121;
+	0x0068; 0x1E23; 0x006D; 0x1E41; 0x006E; 0x1E45; 0x006F; 0x022F;
+	0x0070; 0x1E57; 0x0072; 0x1E59; 0x0073; 0x1E61; 0x0074; 0x1E6B;
+	0x0077; 0x1E87; 0x0078; 0x1E8B; 0x0079; 0x1E8F; 0x007A; 0x017C;
+	0x015A; 0x1E64; 0x015B; 0x1E65; 0x0160; 0x1E66; 0x0161; 0x1E67;
+	0x017F; 0x1E9B; 0x1E62; 0x1E68; 0x1E63; 0x1E69; 0x0041; 0x00C4;
+	0x0045; 0x00CB; 0x0048; 0x1E26; 0x0049; 0x00CF; 0x004F; 0x00D6;
+	0x0055; 0x00DC; 0x0057; 0x1E84; 0x0058; 0x1E8C; 0x0059; 0x0178;
+	0x0061; 0x00E4; 0x0065; 0x00EB; 0x0068; 0x1E27; 0x0069; 0x00EF;
+	0x006F; 0x00F6; 0x0074; 0x1E97; 0x0075; 0x00FC; 0x0077; 0x1E85;
+	0x0078; 0x1E8D; 0x0079; 0x00FF; 0x00D5; 0x1E4E; 0x00F5; 0x1E4F;
+	0x016A; 0x1E7A; 0x016B; 0x1E7B; 0x0399; 0x03AA; 0x03A5; 0x03AB;
+	0x03B9; 0x03CA; 0x03C5; 0x03CB; 0x03D2; 0x03D4; 0x0406; 0x0407;
+	0x0410; 0x04D2; 0x0415; 0x0401; 0x0416; 0x04DC; 0x0417; 0x04DE;
+	0x0418; 0x04E4; 0x041E; 0x04E6; 0x0423; 0x04F0; 0x0427; 0x04F4;
+	0x042B; 0x04F8; 0x042D; 0x04EC; 0x0430; 0x04D3; 0x0435; 0x0451;
+	0x0436; 0x04DD; 0x0437; 0x04DF; 0x0438; 0x04E5; 0x043E; 0x04E7;
+	0x0443; 0x04F1; 0x0447; 0x04F5; 0x044B; 0x04F9; 0x044D; 0x04ED;
+	0x0456; 0x0457; 0x04D8; 0x04DA; 0x04D9; 0x04DB; 0x04E8; 0x04EA;
+	0x04E9; 0x04EB; 0x0041; 0x1EA2; 0x0045; 0x1EBA; 0x0049; 0x1EC8;
+	0x004F; 0x1ECE; 0x0055; 0x1EE6; 0x0059; 0x1EF6; 0x0061; 0x1EA3;
+	0x0065; 0x1EBB; 0x0069; 0x1EC9; 0x006F; 0x1ECF; 0x0075; 0x1EE7;
+	0x0079; 0x1EF7; 0x00C2; 0x1EA8; 0x00CA; 0x1EC2; 0x00D4; 0x1ED4;
+	0x00E2; 0x1EA9; 0x00EA; 0x1EC3; 0x00F4; 0x1ED5; 0x0102; 0x1EB2;
+	0x0103; 0x1EB3; 0x01A0; 0x1EDE; 0x01A1; 0x1EDF; 0x01AF; 0x1EEC;
+	0x01B0; 0x1EED; 0x0041; 0x00C5; 0x0055; 0x016E; 0x0061; 0x00E5;
+	0x0075; 0x016F; 0x0077; 0x1E98; 0x0079; 0x1E99; 0x004F; 0x0150;
+	0x0055; 0x0170; 0x006F; 0x0151; 0x0075; 0x0171; 0x0423; 0x04F2;
+	0x0443; 0x04F3; 0x0041; 0x01CD; 0x0043; 0x010C; 0x0044; 0x010E;
+	0x0045; 0x011A; 0x0047; 0x01E6; 0x0048; 0x021E; 0x0049; 0x01CF;
+	0x004B; 0x01E8; 0x004C; 0x013D; 0x004E; 0x0147; 0x004F; 0x01D1;
+	0x0052; 0x0158; 0x0053; 0x0160; 0x0054; 0x0164; 0x0055; 0x01D3;
+	0x005A; 0x017D; 0x0061; 0x01CE; 0x0063; 0x010D; 0x0064; 0x010F;
+	0x0065; 0x011B; 0x0067; 0x01E7; 0x0068; 0x021F; 0x0069; 0x01D0;
+	0x006A; 0x01F0; 0x006B; 0x01E9; 0x006C; 0x013E; 0x006E; 0x0148;
+	0x006F; 0x01D2; 0x0072; 0x0159; 0x0073; 0x0161; 0x0074; 0x0165;
+	0x0075; 0x01D4; 0x007A; 0x017E; 0x00DC; 0x01D9; 0x00FC; 0x01DA;
+	0x01B7; 0x01EE; 0x0292; 0x01EF; 0x0041; 0x0200; 0x0045; 0x0204;
+	0x0049; 0x0208; 0x004F; 0x020C; 0x0052; 0x0210; 0x0055; 0x0214;
+	0x0061; 0x0201; 0x0065; 0x0205; 0x0069; 0x0209; 0x006F; 0x020D;
+	0x0072; 0x0211; 0x0075; 0x0215; 0x0474; 0x0476; 0x0475; 0x0477;
+	0x0041; 0x0202; 0x0045; 0x0206; 0x0049; 0x020A; 0x004F; 0x020E;
+	0x0052; 0x0212; 0x0055; 0x0216; 0x0061; 0x0203; 0x0065; 0x0207;
+	0x0069; 0x020B; 0x006F; 0x020F; 0x0072; 0x0213; 0x0075; 0x0217;
+	0x0391; 0x1F08; 0x0395; 0x1F18; 0x0397; 0x1F28; 0x0399; 0x1F38;
+	0x039F; 0x1F48; 0x03A9; 0x1F68; 0x03B1; 0x1F00; 0x03B5; 0x1F10;
+	0x03B7; 0x1F20; 0x03B9; 0x1F30; 0x03BF; 0x1F40; 0x03C1; 0x1FE4;
+	0x03C5; 0x1F50; 0x03C9; 0x1F60; 0x0391; 0x1F09; 0x0395; 0x1F19;
+	0x0397; 0x1F29; 0x0399; 0x1F39; 0x039F; 0x1F49; 0x03A1; 0x1FEC;
+	0x03A5; 0x1F59; 0x03A9; 0x1F69; 0x03B1; 0x1F01; 0x03B5; 0x1F11;
+	0x03B7; 0x1F21; 0x03B9; 0x1F31; 0x03BF; 0x1F41; 0x03C1; 0x1FE5;
+	0x03C5; 0x1F51; 0x03C9; 0x1F61; 0x004F; 0x01A0; 0x0055; 0x01AF;
+	0x006F; 0x01A1; 0x0075; 0x01B0; 0x0041; 0x1EA0; 0x0042; 0x1E04;
+	0x0044; 0x1E0C; 0x0045; 0x1EB8; 0x0048; 0x1E24; 0x0049; 0x1ECA;
+	0x004B; 0x1E32; 0x004C; 0x1E36; 0x004D; 0x1E42; 0x004E; 0x1E46;
+	0x004F; 0x1ECC; 0x0052; 0x1E5A; 0x0053; 0x1E62; 0x0054; 0x1E6C;
+	0x0055; 0x1EE4; 0x0056; 0x1E7E; 0x0057; 0x1E88; 0x0059; 0x1EF4;
+	0x005A; 0x1E92; 0x0061; 0x1EA1; 0x0062; 0x1E05; 0x0064; 0x1E0D;
+	0x0065; 0x1EB9; 0x0068; 0x1E25; 0x0069; 0x1ECB; 0x006B; 0x1E33;
+	0x006C; 0x1E37; 0x006D; 0x1E43; 0x006E; 0x1E47; 0x006F; 0x1ECD;
+	0x0072; 0x1E5B; 0x0073; 0x1E63; 0x0074; 0x1E6D; 0x0075; 0x1EE5;
+	0x0076; 0x1E7F; 0x0077; 0x1E89; 0x0079; 0x1EF5; 0x007A; 0x1E93;
+	0x01A0; 0x1EE2; 0x01A1; 0x1EE3; 0x01AF; 0x1EF0; 0x01B0; 0x1EF1;
+	0x0055; 0x1E72; 0x0075; 0x1E73; 0x0041; 0x1E00; 0x0061; 0x1E01;
+	0x0053; 0x0218; 0x0054; 0x021A; 0x0073; 0x0219; 0x0074; 0x021B;
+	0x0043; 0x00C7; 0x0044; 0x1E10; 0x0045; 0x0228; 0x0047; 0x0122;
+	0x0048; 0x1E28; 0x004B; 0x0136; 0x004C; 0x013B; 0x004E; 0x0145;
+	0x0052; 0x0156; 0x0053; 0x015E; 0x0054; 0x0162; 0x0063; 0x00E7;
+	0x0064; 0x1E11; 0x0065; 0x0229; 0x0067; 0x0123; 0x0068; 0x1E29;
+	0x006B; 0x0137; 0x006C; 0x013C; 0x006E; 0x0146; 0x0072; 0x0157;
+	0x0073; 0x015F; 0x0074; 0x0163; 0x0041; 0x0104; 0x0045; 0x0118;
+	0x0049; 0x012E; 0x004F; 0x01EA; 0x0055; 0x0172; 0x0061; 0x0105;
+	0x0065; 0x0119; 0x0069; 0x012F; 0x006F; 0x01EB; 0x0075; 0x0173;
+	0x0044; 0x1E12; 0x0045; 0x1E18; 0x004C; 0x1E3C; 0x004E; 0x1E4A;
+	0x0054; 0x1E70; 0x0055; 0x1E76; 0x0064; 0x1E13; 0x0065; 0x1E19;
+	0x006C; 0x1E3D; 0x006E; 0x1E4B; 0x0074; 0x1E71; 0x0075; 0x1E77;
+	0x0048; 0x1E2A; 0x0068; 0x1E2B; 0x0045; 0x1E1A; 0x0049; 0x1E2C;
+	0x0055; 0x1E74; 0x0065; 0x1E1B; 0x0069; 0x1E2D; 0x0075; 0x1E75;
+	0x0042; 0x1E06; 0x0044; 0x1E0E; 0x004B; 0x1E34; 0x004C; 0x1E3A;
+	0x004E; 0x1E48; 0x0052; 0x1E5E; 0x0054; 0x1E6E; 0x005A; 0x1E94;
+	0x0062; 0x1E07; 0x0064; 0x1E0F; 0x0068; 0x1E96; 0x006B; 0x1E35;
+	0x006C; 0x1E3B; 0x006E; 0x1E49; 0x0072; 0x1E5F; 0x0074; 0x1E6F;
+	0x007A; 0x1E95; 0x003C; 0x226E; 0x003D; 0x2260; 0x003E; 0x226F;
+	0x2190; 0x219A; 0x2192; 0x219B; 0x2194; 0x21AE; 0x21D0; 0x21CD;
+	0x21D2; 0x21CF; 0x21D4; 0x21CE; 0x2203; 0x2204; 0x2208; 0x2209;
+	0x220B; 0x220C; 0x2223; 0x2224; 0x2225; 0x2226; 0x223C; 0x2241;
+	0x2243; 0x2244; 0x2245; 0x2247; 0x2248; 0x2249; 0x224D; 0x226D;
+	0x2261; 0x2262; 0x2264; 0x2270; 0x2265; 0x2271; 0x2272; 0x2274;
+	0x2273; 0x2275; 0x2276; 0x2278; 0x2277; 0x2279; 0x227A; 0x2280;
+	0x227B; 0x2281; 0x227C; 0x22E0; 0x227D; 0x22E1; 0x2282; 0x2284;
+	0x2283; 0x2285; 0x2286; 0x2288; 0x2287; 0x2289; 0x2291; 0x22E2;
+	0x2292; 0x22E3; 0x22A2; 0x22AC; 0x22A8; 0x22AD; 0x22A9; 0x22AE;
+	0x22AB; 0x22AF; 0x22B2; 0x22EA; 0x22B3; 0x22EB; 0x22B4; 0x22EC;
+	0x22B5; 0x22ED; 0x00A8; 0x1FC1; 0x03B1; 0x1FB6; 0x03B7; 0x1FC6;
+	0x03B9; 0x1FD6; 0x03C5; 0x1FE6; 0x03C9; 0x1FF6; 0x03CA; 0x1FD7;
+	0x03CB; 0x1FE7; 0x1F00; 0x1F06; 0x1F01; 0x1F07; 0x1F08; 0x1F0E;
+	0x1F09; 0x1F0F; 0x1F20; 0x1F26; 0x1F21; 0x1F27; 0x1F28; 0x1F2E;
+	0x1F29; 0x1F2F; 0x1F30; 0x1F36; 0x1F31; 0x1F37; 0x1F38; 0x1F3E;
+	0x1F39; 0x1F3F; 0x1F50; 0x1F56; 0x1F51; 0x1F57; 0x1F59; 0x1F5F;
+	0x1F60; 0x1F66; 0x1F61; 0x1F67; 0x1F68; 0x1F6E; 0x1F69; 0x1F6F;
+	0x1FBF; 0x1FCF; 0x1FFE; 0x1FDF; 0x0391; 0x1FBC; 0x0397; 0x1FCC;
+	0x03A9; 0x1FFC; 0x03AC; 0x1FB4; 0x03AE; 0x1FC4; 0x03B1; 0x1FB3;
+	0x03B7; 0x1FC3; 0x03C9; 0x1FF3; 0x03CE; 0x1FF4; 0x1F00; 0x1F80;
+	0x1F01; 0x1F81; 0x1F02; 0x1F82; 0x1F03; 0x1F83; 0x1F04; 0x1F84;
+	0x1F05; 0x1F85; 0x1F06; 0x1F86; 0x1F07; 0x1F87; 0x1F08; 0x1F88;
+	0x1F09; 0x1F89; 0x1F0A; 0x1F8A; 0x1F0B; 0x1F8B; 0x1F0C; 0x1F8C;
+	0x1F0D; 0x1F8D; 0x1F0E; 0x1F8E; 0x1F0F; 0x1F8F; 0x1F20; 0x1F90;
+	0x1F21; 0x1F91; 0x1F22; 0x1F92; 0x1F23; 0x1F93; 0x1F24; 0x1F94;
+	0x1F25; 0x1F95; 0x1F26; 0x1F96; 0x1F27; 0x1F97; 0x1F28; 0x1F98;
+	0x1F29; 0x1F99; 0x1F2A; 0x1F9A; 0x1F2B; 0x1F9B; 0x1F2C; 0x1F9C;
+	0x1F2D; 0x1F9D; 0x1F2E; 0x1F9E; 0x1F2F; 0x1F9F; 0x1F60; 0x1FA0;
+	0x1F61; 0x1FA1; 0x1F62; 0x1FA2; 0x1F63; 0x1FA3; 0x1F64; 0x1FA4;
+	0x1F65; 0x1FA5; 0x1F66; 0x1FA6; 0x1F67; 0x1FA7; 0x1F68; 0x1FA8;
+	0x1F69; 0x1FA9; 0x1F6A; 0x1FAA; 0x1F6B; 0x1FAB; 0x1F6C; 0x1FAC;
+	0x1F6D; 0x1FAD; 0x1F6E; 0x1FAE; 0x1F6F; 0x1FAF; 0x1F70; 0x1FB2;
+	0x1F74; 0x1FC2; 0x1F7C; 0x1FF2; 0x1FB6; 0x1FB7; 0x1FC6; 0x1FC7;
+	0x1FF6; 0x1FF7; 0x0627; 0x0622; 0x0627; 0x0623; 0x0648; 0x0624;
+	0x064A; 0x0626; 0x06C1; 0x06C2; 0x06D2; 0x06D3; 0x06D5; 0x06C0;
+	0x0627; 0x0625; 0x0928; 0x0929; 0x0930; 0x0931; 0x0933; 0x0934;
+	0x09C7; 0x09CB; 0x09C7; 0x09CC; 0x0B47; 0x0B4B; 0x0B47; 0x0B48;
+	0x0B47; 0x0B4C; 0x0BC6; 0x0BCA; 0x0BC7; 0x0BCB; 0x0B92; 0x0B94;
+	0x0BC6; 0x0BCC; 0x0C46; 0x0C48; 0x0CC6; 0x0CCA; 0x0CBF; 0x0CC0;
+	0x0CC6; 0x0CC7; 0x0CCA; 0x0CCB; 0x0CC6; 0x0CC8; 0x0D46; 0x0D4A;
+	0x0D47; 0x0D4B; 0x0D46; 0x0D4C; 0x0DD9; 0x0DDA; 0x0DDC; 0x0DDD;
+	0x0DD9; 0x0DDC; 0x0DD9; 0x0DDE; 0x1025; 0x1026; 0x3046; 0x3094;
+	0x304B; 0x304C; 0x304D; 0x304E; 0x304F; 0x3050; 0x3051; 0x3052;
+	0x3053; 0x3054; 0x3055; 0x3056; 0x3057; 0x3058; 0x3059; 0x305A;
+	0x305B; 0x305C; 0x305D; 0x305E; 0x305F; 0x3060; 0x3061; 0x3062;
+	0x3064; 0x3065; 0x3066; 0x3067; 0x3068; 0x3069; 0x306F; 0x3070;
+	0x3072; 0x3073; 0x3075; 0x3076; 0x3078; 0x3079; 0x307B; 0x307C;
+	0x309D; 0x309E; 0x30A6; 0x30F4; 0x30AB; 0x30AC; 0x30AD; 0x30AE;
+	0x30AF; 0x30B0; 0x30B1; 0x30B2; 0x30B3; 0x30B4; 0x30B5; 0x30B6;
+	0x30B7; 0x30B8; 0x30B9; 0x30BA; 0x30BB; 0x30BC; 0x30BD; 0x30BE;
+	0x30BF; 0x30C0; 0x30C1; 0x30C2; 0x30C4; 0x30C5; 0x30C6; 0x30C7;
+	0x30C8; 0x30C9; 0x30CF; 0x30D0; 0x30D2; 0x30D3; 0x30D5; 0x30D6;
+	0x30D8; 0x30D9; 0x30DB; 0x30DC; 0x30EF; 0x30F7; 0x30F0; 0x30F8;
+	0x30F1; 0x30F9; 0x30F2; 0x30FA; 0x30FD; 0x30FE; 0x306F; 0x3071;
+	0x3072; 0x3074; 0x3075; 0x3077; 0x3078; 0x307A; 0x307B; 0x307D;
+	0x30CF; 0x30D1; 0x30D2; 0x30D4; 0x30D5; 0x30D7; 0x30D8; 0x30DA;
+	0x30DB; 0x30DD
+let uniCharCombiningBitmap = [|
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x01; 0x02; 0x03; 0x04; 0x05;
+	0x00; 0x06; 0x07; 0x08; 0x09; 0x0A; 0x0B; 0x0C;
+	0x0D; 0x14; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x0E;
+	0x0F; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x10; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x11; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x12; 0x00; 0x00; 0x13; 0x00;
+	0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF;
+	0xFF; 0xFF; 0x00; 0x00; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x78; 0x03; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0xFE; 0xFF; 0xFB; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xBB;
+	0x16; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0xF8; 0x3F; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x01; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0xC0; 0xFF; 0x9F; 0x3D; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x02; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0xFF; 0xFF;
+	0xFF; 0x07; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0xC0; 0xFF; 0x01; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x0E; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0xD0;
+	0xFF; 0x3F; 0x1E; 0x00; 0x0C; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x0E; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0xD0;
+	0x9F; 0x39; 0x80; 0x00; 0x0C; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x04; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0xD0;
+	0x87; 0x39; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x03; 0x00;
+	0x0E; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0xD0;
+	0xBF; 0x3B; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x0E; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0xD0;
+	0x8F; 0x39; 0xC0; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x04; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0xC0;
+	0xC7; 0x3D; 0x80; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x0E; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0xC0;
+	0xDF; 0x3D; 0x60; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x0C; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0xC0;
+	0xDF; 0x3D; 0x60; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x0C; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0xC0;
+	0xCF; 0x3D; 0x80; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x0C; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x84; 0x5F; 0xFF; 0x00; 0x00; 0x0C; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0xF2; 0x07;
+	0x80; 0x7F; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0xF2; 0x1B;
+	0x00; 0x3F; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x03; 0x00; 0x00; 0xA0; 0xC2;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0xFE; 0xFF;
+	0xDF; 0x00; 0xFF; 0xFE; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0x1F;
+	0x40; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0xF0; 0xC7; 0x03;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0xC0; 0x03; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x1C; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x1C; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x0C; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x0C; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0xF0; 0xFF;
+	0xFF; 0xFF; 0x0F; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x38; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x02; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0x07; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0xFC; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x06; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x40; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0xFF; 0xFF; 0x00; 0x00; 0x0F; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0xFE; 0xFF; 0x3F; 0x00;
+	0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0xFF; 0xFF; 0xFF;
+	0x07; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00; 0x00
+(**** From FastUnicodeCompare.c;
+      I checked they are equivalent to the tables in UCStringCompareData.h *)
+let lowerCaseTable = [|
+    (* High-byte indices ( == 0 iff no case mapping and no ignorables ) *)
+    (* 0 *) 0x0100; 0x0200; 0x0000; 0x0300; 0x0400; 0x0500; 0x0000; 0x0000;
+            0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000;
+    (* 1 *) 0x0600; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000;
+            0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000;
+    (* 2 *) 0x0700; 0x0800; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000;
+            0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000;
+    (* 3 *) 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000;
+            0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000;
+    (* 4 *) 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000;
+            0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000;
+    (* 5 *) 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000;
+            0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000;
+    (* 6 *) 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000;
+            0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000;
+    (* 7 *) 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000;
+            0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000;
+    (* 8 *) 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000;
+            0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000;
+    (* 9 *) 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000;
+            0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000;
+    (* A *) 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000;
+            0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000;
+    (* B *) 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000;
+            0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000;
+    (* C *) 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000;
+            0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000;
+    (* D *) 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000;
+            0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000;
+    (* E *) 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000;
+            0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000;
+    (* F *) 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000;
+            0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0900; 0x0A00;
+    (* Table 1 (for high byte 0x00) *)
+    (* 0 *) 0xFFFF; 0x0001; 0x0002; 0x0003; 0x0004; 0x0005; 0x0006; 0x0007;
+            0x0008; 0x0009; 0x000A; 0x000B; 0x000C; 0x000D; 0x000E; 0x000F;
+    (* 1 *) 0x0010; 0x0011; 0x0012; 0x0013; 0x0014; 0x0015; 0x0016; 0x0017;
+            0x0018; 0x0019; 0x001A; 0x001B; 0x001C; 0x001D; 0x001E; 0x001F;
+    (* 2 *) 0x0020; 0x0021; 0x0022; 0x0023; 0x0024; 0x0025; 0x0026; 0x0027;
+            0x0028; 0x0029; 0x002A; 0x002B; 0x002C; 0x002D; 0x002E; 0x002F;
+    (* 3 *) 0x0030; 0x0031; 0x0032; 0x0033; 0x0034; 0x0035; 0x0036; 0x0037;
+            0x0038; 0x0039; 0x003A; 0x003B; 0x003C; 0x003D; 0x003E; 0x003F;
+    (* 4 *) 0x0040; 0x0061; 0x0062; 0x0063; 0x0064; 0x0065; 0x0066; 0x0067;
+            0x0068; 0x0069; 0x006A; 0x006B; 0x006C; 0x006D; 0x006E; 0x006F;
+    (* 5 *) 0x0070; 0x0071; 0x0072; 0x0073; 0x0074; 0x0075; 0x0076; 0x0077;
+            0x0078; 0x0079; 0x007A; 0x005B; 0x005C; 0x005D; 0x005E; 0x005F;
+    (* 6 *) 0x0060; 0x0061; 0x0062; 0x0063; 0x0064; 0x0065; 0x0066; 0x0067;
+            0x0068; 0x0069; 0x006A; 0x006B; 0x006C; 0x006D; 0x006E; 0x006F;
+    (* 7 *) 0x0070; 0x0071; 0x0072; 0x0073; 0x0074; 0x0075; 0x0076; 0x0077;
+            0x0078; 0x0079; 0x007A; 0x007B; 0x007C; 0x007D; 0x007E; 0x007F;
+    (* 8 *) 0x0080; 0x0081; 0x0082; 0x0083; 0x0084; 0x0085; 0x0086; 0x0087;
+            0x0088; 0x0089; 0x008A; 0x008B; 0x008C; 0x008D; 0x008E; 0x008F;
+    (* 9 *) 0x0090; 0x0091; 0x0092; 0x0093; 0x0094; 0x0095; 0x0096; 0x0097;
+            0x0098; 0x0099; 0x009A; 0x009B; 0x009C; 0x009D; 0x009E; 0x009F;
+    (* A *) 0x00A0; 0x00A1; 0x00A2; 0x00A3; 0x00A4; 0x00A5; 0x00A6; 0x00A7;
+            0x00A8; 0x00A9; 0x00AA; 0x00AB; 0x00AC; 0x00AD; 0x00AE; 0x00AF;
+    (* B *) 0x00B0; 0x00B1; 0x00B2; 0x00B3; 0x00B4; 0x00B5; 0x00B6; 0x00B7;
+            0x00B8; 0x00B9; 0x00BA; 0x00BB; 0x00BC; 0x00BD; 0x00BE; 0x00BF;
+    (* C *) 0x00C0; 0x00C1; 0x00C2; 0x00C3; 0x00C4; 0x00C5; 0x00E6; 0x00C7;
+            0x00C8; 0x00C9; 0x00CA; 0x00CB; 0x00CC; 0x00CD; 0x00CE; 0x00CF;
+    (* D *) 0x00F0; 0x00D1; 0x00D2; 0x00D3; 0x00D4; 0x00D5; 0x00D6; 0x00D7;
+            0x00F8; 0x00D9; 0x00DA; 0x00DB; 0x00DC; 0x00DD; 0x00FE; 0x00DF;
+    (* E *) 0x00E0; 0x00E1; 0x00E2; 0x00E3; 0x00E4; 0x00E5; 0x00E6; 0x00E7;
+            0x00E8; 0x00E9; 0x00EA; 0x00EB; 0x00EC; 0x00ED; 0x00EE; 0x00EF;
+    (* F *) 0x00F0; 0x00F1; 0x00F2; 0x00F3; 0x00F4; 0x00F5; 0x00F6; 0x00F7;
+            0x00F8; 0x00F9; 0x00FA; 0x00FB; 0x00FC; 0x00FD; 0x00FE; 0x00FF;
+    (* Table 2 (for high byte 0x01) *)
+    (* 0 *) 0x0100; 0x0101; 0x0102; 0x0103; 0x0104; 0x0105; 0x0106; 0x0107;
+            0x0108; 0x0109; 0x010A; 0x010B; 0x010C; 0x010D; 0x010E; 0x010F;
+    (* 1 *) 0x0111; 0x0111; 0x0112; 0x0113; 0x0114; 0x0115; 0x0116; 0x0117;
+            0x0118; 0x0119; 0x011A; 0x011B; 0x011C; 0x011D; 0x011E; 0x011F;
+    (* 2 *) 0x0120; 0x0121; 0x0122; 0x0123; 0x0124; 0x0125; 0x0127; 0x0127;
+            0x0128; 0x0129; 0x012A; 0x012B; 0x012C; 0x012D; 0x012E; 0x012F;
+    (* 3 *) 0x0130; 0x0131; 0x0133; 0x0133; 0x0134; 0x0135; 0x0136; 0x0137;
+            0x0138; 0x0139; 0x013A; 0x013B; 0x013C; 0x013D; 0x013E; 0x0140;
+    (* 4 *) 0x0140; 0x0142; 0x0142; 0x0143; 0x0144; 0x0145; 0x0146; 0x0147;
+            0x0148; 0x0149; 0x014B; 0x014B; 0x014C; 0x014D; 0x014E; 0x014F;
+    (* 5 *) 0x0150; 0x0151; 0x0153; 0x0153; 0x0154; 0x0155; 0x0156; 0x0157;
+            0x0158; 0x0159; 0x015A; 0x015B; 0x015C; 0x015D; 0x015E; 0x015F;
+    (* 6 *) 0x0160; 0x0161; 0x0162; 0x0163; 0x0164; 0x0165; 0x0167; 0x0167;
+            0x0168; 0x0169; 0x016A; 0x016B; 0x016C; 0x016D; 0x016E; 0x016F;
+    (* 7 *) 0x0170; 0x0171; 0x0172; 0x0173; 0x0174; 0x0175; 0x0176; 0x0177;
+            0x0178; 0x0179; 0x017A; 0x017B; 0x017C; 0x017D; 0x017E; 0x017F;
+    (* 8 *) 0x0180; 0x0253; 0x0183; 0x0183; 0x0185; 0x0185; 0x0254; 0x0188;
+            0x0188; 0x0256; 0x0257; 0x018C; 0x018C; 0x018D; 0x01DD; 0x0259;
+    (* 9 *) 0x025B; 0x0192; 0x0192; 0x0260; 0x0263; 0x0195; 0x0269; 0x0268;
+            0x0199; 0x0199; 0x019A; 0x019B; 0x026F; 0x0272; 0x019E; 0x0275;
+    (* A *) 0x01A0; 0x01A1; 0x01A3; 0x01A3; 0x01A5; 0x01A5; 0x01A6; 0x01A8;
+            0x01A8; 0x0283; 0x01AA; 0x01AB; 0x01AD; 0x01AD; 0x0288; 0x01AF;
+    (* B *) 0x01B0; 0x028A; 0x028B; 0x01B4; 0x01B4; 0x01B6; 0x01B6; 0x0292;
+            0x01B9; 0x01B9; 0x01BA; 0x01BB; 0x01BD; 0x01BD; 0x01BE; 0x01BF;
+    (* C *) 0x01C0; 0x01C1; 0x01C2; 0x01C3; 0x01C6; 0x01C6; 0x01C6; 0x01C9;
+            0x01C9; 0x01C9; 0x01CC; 0x01CC; 0x01CC; 0x01CD; 0x01CE; 0x01CF;
+    (* D *) 0x01D0; 0x01D1; 0x01D2; 0x01D3; 0x01D4; 0x01D5; 0x01D6; 0x01D7;
+            0x01D8; 0x01D9; 0x01DA; 0x01DB; 0x01DC; 0x01DD; 0x01DE; 0x01DF;
+    (* E *) 0x01E0; 0x01E1; 0x01E2; 0x01E3; 0x01E5; 0x01E5; 0x01E6; 0x01E7;
+            0x01E8; 0x01E9; 0x01EA; 0x01EB; 0x01EC; 0x01ED; 0x01EE; 0x01EF;
+    (* F *) 0x01F0; 0x01F3; 0x01F3; 0x01F3; 0x01F4; 0x01F5; 0x01F6; 0x01F7;
+            0x01F8; 0x01F9; 0x01FA; 0x01FB; 0x01FC; 0x01FD; 0x01FE; 0x01FF;
+    (* Table 3 (for high byte 0x03) *)
+    (* 0 *) 0x0300; 0x0301; 0x0302; 0x0303; 0x0304; 0x0305; 0x0306; 0x0307;
+            0x0308; 0x0309; 0x030A; 0x030B; 0x030C; 0x030D; 0x030E; 0x030F;
+    (* 1 *) 0x0310; 0x0311; 0x0312; 0x0313; 0x0314; 0x0315; 0x0316; 0x0317;
+            0x0318; 0x0319; 0x031A; 0x031B; 0x031C; 0x031D; 0x031E; 0x031F;
+    (* 2 *) 0x0320; 0x0321; 0x0322; 0x0323; 0x0324; 0x0325; 0x0326; 0x0327;
+            0x0328; 0x0329; 0x032A; 0x032B; 0x032C; 0x032D; 0x032E; 0x032F;
+    (* 3 *) 0x0330; 0x0331; 0x0332; 0x0333; 0x0334; 0x0335; 0x0336; 0x0337;
+            0x0338; 0x0339; 0x033A; 0x033B; 0x033C; 0x033D; 0x033E; 0x033F;
+    (* 4 *) 0x0340; 0x0341; 0x0342; 0x0343; 0x0344; 0x0345; 0x0346; 0x0347;
+            0x0348; 0x0349; 0x034A; 0x034B; 0x034C; 0x034D; 0x034E; 0x034F;
+    (* 5 *) 0x0350; 0x0351; 0x0352; 0x0353; 0x0354; 0x0355; 0x0356; 0x0357;
+            0x0358; 0x0359; 0x035A; 0x035B; 0x035C; 0x035D; 0x035E; 0x035F;
+    (* 6 *) 0x0360; 0x0361; 0x0362; 0x0363; 0x0364; 0x0365; 0x0366; 0x0367;
+            0x0368; 0x0369; 0x036A; 0x036B; 0x036C; 0x036D; 0x036E; 0x036F;
+    (* 7 *) 0x0370; 0x0371; 0x0372; 0x0373; 0x0374; 0x0375; 0x0376; 0x0377;
+            0x0378; 0x0379; 0x037A; 0x037B; 0x037C; 0x037D; 0x037E; 0x037F;
+    (* 8 *) 0x0380; 0x0381; 0x0382; 0x0383; 0x0384; 0x0385; 0x0386; 0x0387;
+            0x0388; 0x0389; 0x038A; 0x038B; 0x038C; 0x038D; 0x038E; 0x038F;
+    (* 9 *) 0x0390; 0x03B1; 0x03B2; 0x03B3; 0x03B4; 0x03B5; 0x03B6; 0x03B7;
+            0x03B8; 0x03B9; 0x03BA; 0x03BB; 0x03BC; 0x03BD; 0x03BE; 0x03BF;
+    (* A *) 0x03C0; 0x03C1; 0x03A2; 0x03C3; 0x03C4; 0x03C5; 0x03C6; 0x03C7;
+            0x03C8; 0x03C9; 0x03AA; 0x03AB; 0x03AC; 0x03AD; 0x03AE; 0x03AF;
+    (* B *) 0x03B0; 0x03B1; 0x03B2; 0x03B3; 0x03B4; 0x03B5; 0x03B6; 0x03B7;
+            0x03B8; 0x03B9; 0x03BA; 0x03BB; 0x03BC; 0x03BD; 0x03BE; 0x03BF;
+    (* C *) 0x03C0; 0x03C1; 0x03C2; 0x03C3; 0x03C4; 0x03C5; 0x03C6; 0x03C7;
+            0x03C8; 0x03C9; 0x03CA; 0x03CB; 0x03CC; 0x03CD; 0x03CE; 0x03CF;
+    (* D *) 0x03D0; 0x03D1; 0x03D2; 0x03D3; 0x03D4; 0x03D5; 0x03D6; 0x03D7;
+            0x03D8; 0x03D9; 0x03DA; 0x03DB; 0x03DC; 0x03DD; 0x03DE; 0x03DF;
+    (* E *) 0x03E0; 0x03E1; 0x03E3; 0x03E3; 0x03E5; 0x03E5; 0x03E7; 0x03E7;
+            0x03E9; 0x03E9; 0x03EB; 0x03EB; 0x03ED; 0x03ED; 0x03EF; 0x03EF;
+    (* F *) 0x03F0; 0x03F1; 0x03F2; 0x03F3; 0x03F4; 0x03F5; 0x03F6; 0x03F7;
+            0x03F8; 0x03F9; 0x03FA; 0x03FB; 0x03FC; 0x03FD; 0x03FE; 0x03FF;
+    (* Table 4 (for high byte 0x04) *)
+    (* 0 *) 0x0400; 0x0401; 0x0452; 0x0403; 0x0454; 0x0455; 0x0456; 0x0407;
+            0x0458; 0x0459; 0x045A; 0x045B; 0x040C; 0x040D; 0x040E; 0x045F;
+    (* 1 *) 0x0430; 0x0431; 0x0432; 0x0433; 0x0434; 0x0435; 0x0436; 0x0437;
+            0x0438; 0x0419; 0x043A; 0x043B; 0x043C; 0x043D; 0x043E; 0x043F;
+    (* 2 *) 0x0440; 0x0441; 0x0442; 0x0443; 0x0444; 0x0445; 0x0446; 0x0447;
+            0x0448; 0x0449; 0x044A; 0x044B; 0x044C; 0x044D; 0x044E; 0x044F;
+    (* 3 *) 0x0430; 0x0431; 0x0432; 0x0433; 0x0434; 0x0435; 0x0436; 0x0437;
+            0x0438; 0x0439; 0x043A; 0x043B; 0x043C; 0x043D; 0x043E; 0x043F;
+    (* 4 *) 0x0440; 0x0441; 0x0442; 0x0443; 0x0444; 0x0445; 0x0446; 0x0447;
+            0x0448; 0x0449; 0x044A; 0x044B; 0x044C; 0x044D; 0x044E; 0x044F;
+    (* 5 *) 0x0450; 0x0451; 0x0452; 0x0453; 0x0454; 0x0455; 0x0456; 0x0457;
+            0x0458; 0x0459; 0x045A; 0x045B; 0x045C; 0x045D; 0x045E; 0x045F;
+    (* 6 *) 0x0461; 0x0461; 0x0463; 0x0463; 0x0465; 0x0465; 0x0467; 0x0467;
+            0x0469; 0x0469; 0x046B; 0x046B; 0x046D; 0x046D; 0x046F; 0x046F;
+    (* 7 *) 0x0471; 0x0471; 0x0473; 0x0473; 0x0475; 0x0475; 0x0476; 0x0477;
+            0x0479; 0x0479; 0x047B; 0x047B; 0x047D; 0x047D; 0x047F; 0x047F;
+    (* 8 *) 0x0481; 0x0481; 0x0482; 0x0483; 0x0484; 0x0485; 0x0486; 0x0487;
+            0x0488; 0x0489; 0x048A; 0x048B; 0x048C; 0x048D; 0x048E; 0x048F;
+    (* 9 *) 0x0491; 0x0491; 0x0493; 0x0493; 0x0495; 0x0495; 0x0497; 0x0497;
+            0x0499; 0x0499; 0x049B; 0x049B; 0x049D; 0x049D; 0x049F; 0x049F;
+    (* A *) 0x04A1; 0x04A1; 0x04A3; 0x04A3; 0x04A5; 0x04A5; 0x04A7; 0x04A7;
+            0x04A9; 0x04A9; 0x04AB; 0x04AB; 0x04AD; 0x04AD; 0x04AF; 0x04AF;
+    (* B *) 0x04B1; 0x04B1; 0x04B3; 0x04B3; 0x04B5; 0x04B5; 0x04B7; 0x04B7;
+            0x04B9; 0x04B9; 0x04BB; 0x04BB; 0x04BD; 0x04BD; 0x04BF; 0x04BF;
+    (* C *) 0x04C0; 0x04C1; 0x04C2; 0x04C4; 0x04C4; 0x04C5; 0x04C6; 0x04C8;
+            0x04C8; 0x04C9; 0x04CA; 0x04CC; 0x04CC; 0x04CD; 0x04CE; 0x04CF;
+    (* D *) 0x04D0; 0x04D1; 0x04D2; 0x04D3; 0x04D4; 0x04D5; 0x04D6; 0x04D7;
+            0x04D8; 0x04D9; 0x04DA; 0x04DB; 0x04DC; 0x04DD; 0x04DE; 0x04DF;
+    (* E *) 0x04E0; 0x04E1; 0x04E2; 0x04E3; 0x04E4; 0x04E5; 0x04E6; 0x04E7;
+            0x04E8; 0x04E9; 0x04EA; 0x04EB; 0x04EC; 0x04ED; 0x04EE; 0x04EF;
+    (* F *) 0x04F0; 0x04F1; 0x04F2; 0x04F3; 0x04F4; 0x04F5; 0x04F6; 0x04F7;
+            0x04F8; 0x04F9; 0x04FA; 0x04FB; 0x04FC; 0x04FD; 0x04FE; 0x04FF;
+    (* Table 5 (for high byte 0x05) *)
+    (* 0 *) 0x0500; 0x0501; 0x0502; 0x0503; 0x0504; 0x0505; 0x0506; 0x0507;
+            0x0508; 0x0509; 0x050A; 0x050B; 0x050C; 0x050D; 0x050E; 0x050F;
+    (* 1 *) 0x0510; 0x0511; 0x0512; 0x0513; 0x0514; 0x0515; 0x0516; 0x0517;
+            0x0518; 0x0519; 0x051A; 0x051B; 0x051C; 0x051D; 0x051E; 0x051F;
+    (* 2 *) 0x0520; 0x0521; 0x0522; 0x0523; 0x0524; 0x0525; 0x0526; 0x0527;
+            0x0528; 0x0529; 0x052A; 0x052B; 0x052C; 0x052D; 0x052E; 0x052F;
+    (* 3 *) 0x0530; 0x0561; 0x0562; 0x0563; 0x0564; 0x0565; 0x0566; 0x0567;
+            0x0568; 0x0569; 0x056A; 0x056B; 0x056C; 0x056D; 0x056E; 0x056F;
+    (* 4 *) 0x0570; 0x0571; 0x0572; 0x0573; 0x0574; 0x0575; 0x0576; 0x0577;
+            0x0578; 0x0579; 0x057A; 0x057B; 0x057C; 0x057D; 0x057E; 0x057F;
+    (* 5 *) 0x0580; 0x0581; 0x0582; 0x0583; 0x0584; 0x0585; 0x0586; 0x0557;
+            0x0558; 0x0559; 0x055A; 0x055B; 0x055C; 0x055D; 0x055E; 0x055F;
+    (* 6 *) 0x0560; 0x0561; 0x0562; 0x0563; 0x0564; 0x0565; 0x0566; 0x0567;
+            0x0568; 0x0569; 0x056A; 0x056B; 0x056C; 0x056D; 0x056E; 0x056F;
+    (* 7 *) 0x0570; 0x0571; 0x0572; 0x0573; 0x0574; 0x0575; 0x0576; 0x0577;
+            0x0578; 0x0579; 0x057A; 0x057B; 0x057C; 0x057D; 0x057E; 0x057F;
+    (* 8 *) 0x0580; 0x0581; 0x0582; 0x0583; 0x0584; 0x0585; 0x0586; 0x0587;
+            0x0588; 0x0589; 0x058A; 0x058B; 0x058C; 0x058D; 0x058E; 0x058F;
+    (* 9 *) 0x0590; 0x0591; 0x0592; 0x0593; 0x0594; 0x0595; 0x0596; 0x0597;
+            0x0598; 0x0599; 0x059A; 0x059B; 0x059C; 0x059D; 0x059E; 0x059F;
+    (* A *) 0x05A0; 0x05A1; 0x05A2; 0x05A3; 0x05A4; 0x05A5; 0x05A6; 0x05A7;
+            0x05A8; 0x05A9; 0x05AA; 0x05AB; 0x05AC; 0x05AD; 0x05AE; 0x05AF;
+    (* B *) 0x05B0; 0x05B1; 0x05B2; 0x05B3; 0x05B4; 0x05B5; 0x05B6; 0x05B7;
+            0x05B8; 0x05B9; 0x05BA; 0x05BB; 0x05BC; 0x05BD; 0x05BE; 0x05BF;
+    (* C *) 0x05C0; 0x05C1; 0x05C2; 0x05C3; 0x05C4; 0x05C5; 0x05C6; 0x05C7;
+            0x05C8; 0x05C9; 0x05CA; 0x05CB; 0x05CC; 0x05CD; 0x05CE; 0x05CF;
+    (* D *) 0x05D0; 0x05D1; 0x05D2; 0x05D3; 0x05D4; 0x05D5; 0x05D6; 0x05D7;
+            0x05D8; 0x05D9; 0x05DA; 0x05DB; 0x05DC; 0x05DD; 0x05DE; 0x05DF;
+    (* E *) 0x05E0; 0x05E1; 0x05E2; 0x05E3; 0x05E4; 0x05E5; 0x05E6; 0x05E7;
+            0x05E8; 0x05E9; 0x05EA; 0x05EB; 0x05EC; 0x05ED; 0x05EE; 0x05EF;
+    (* F *) 0x05F0; 0x05F1; 0x05F2; 0x05F3; 0x05F4; 0x05F5; 0x05F6; 0x05F7;
+            0x05F8; 0x05F9; 0x05FA; 0x05FB; 0x05FC; 0x05FD; 0x05FE; 0x05FF;
+    (* Table 6 (for high byte 0x10) *)
+    (* 0 *) 0x1000; 0x1001; 0x1002; 0x1003; 0x1004; 0x1005; 0x1006; 0x1007;
+            0x1008; 0x1009; 0x100A; 0x100B; 0x100C; 0x100D; 0x100E; 0x100F;
+    (* 1 *) 0x1010; 0x1011; 0x1012; 0x1013; 0x1014; 0x1015; 0x1016; 0x1017;
+            0x1018; 0x1019; 0x101A; 0x101B; 0x101C; 0x101D; 0x101E; 0x101F;
+    (* 2 *) 0x1020; 0x1021; 0x1022; 0x1023; 0x1024; 0x1025; 0x1026; 0x1027;
+            0x1028; 0x1029; 0x102A; 0x102B; 0x102C; 0x102D; 0x102E; 0x102F;
+    (* 3 *) 0x1030; 0x1031; 0x1032; 0x1033; 0x1034; 0x1035; 0x1036; 0x1037;
+            0x1038; 0x1039; 0x103A; 0x103B; 0x103C; 0x103D; 0x103E; 0x103F;
+    (* 4 *) 0x1040; 0x1041; 0x1042; 0x1043; 0x1044; 0x1045; 0x1046; 0x1047;
+            0x1048; 0x1049; 0x104A; 0x104B; 0x104C; 0x104D; 0x104E; 0x104F;
+    (* 5 *) 0x1050; 0x1051; 0x1052; 0x1053; 0x1054; 0x1055; 0x1056; 0x1057;
+            0x1058; 0x1059; 0x105A; 0x105B; 0x105C; 0x105D; 0x105E; 0x105F;
+    (* 6 *) 0x1060; 0x1061; 0x1062; 0x1063; 0x1064; 0x1065; 0x1066; 0x1067;
+            0x1068; 0x1069; 0x106A; 0x106B; 0x106C; 0x106D; 0x106E; 0x106F;
+    (* 7 *) 0x1070; 0x1071; 0x1072; 0x1073; 0x1074; 0x1075; 0x1076; 0x1077;
+            0x1078; 0x1079; 0x107A; 0x107B; 0x107C; 0x107D; 0x107E; 0x107F;
+    (* 8 *) 0x1080; 0x1081; 0x1082; 0x1083; 0x1084; 0x1085; 0x1086; 0x1087;
+            0x1088; 0x1089; 0x108A; 0x108B; 0x108C; 0x108D; 0x108E; 0x108F;
+    (* 9 *) 0x1090; 0x1091; 0x1092; 0x1093; 0x1094; 0x1095; 0x1096; 0x1097;
+            0x1098; 0x1099; 0x109A; 0x109B; 0x109C; 0x109D; 0x109E; 0x109F;
+    (* A *) 0x10D0; 0x10D1; 0x10D2; 0x10D3; 0x10D4; 0x10D5; 0x10D6; 0x10D7;
+            0x10D8; 0x10D9; 0x10DA; 0x10DB; 0x10DC; 0x10DD; 0x10DE; 0x10DF;
+    (* B *) 0x10E0; 0x10E1; 0x10E2; 0x10E3; 0x10E4; 0x10E5; 0x10E6; 0x10E7;
+            0x10E8; 0x10E9; 0x10EA; 0x10EB; 0x10EC; 0x10ED; 0x10EE; 0x10EF;
+    (* C *) 0x10F0; 0x10F1; 0x10F2; 0x10F3; 0x10F4; 0x10F5; 0x10C6; 0x10C7;
+            0x10C8; 0x10C9; 0x10CA; 0x10CB; 0x10CC; 0x10CD; 0x10CE; 0x10CF;
+    (* D *) 0x10D0; 0x10D1; 0x10D2; 0x10D3; 0x10D4; 0x10D5; 0x10D6; 0x10D7;
+            0x10D8; 0x10D9; 0x10DA; 0x10DB; 0x10DC; 0x10DD; 0x10DE; 0x10DF;
+    (* E *) 0x10E0; 0x10E1; 0x10E2; 0x10E3; 0x10E4; 0x10E5; 0x10E6; 0x10E7;
+            0x10E8; 0x10E9; 0x10EA; 0x10EB; 0x10EC; 0x10ED; 0x10EE; 0x10EF;
+    (* F *) 0x10F0; 0x10F1; 0x10F2; 0x10F3; 0x10F4; 0x10F5; 0x10F6; 0x10F7;
+            0x10F8; 0x10F9; 0x10FA; 0x10FB; 0x10FC; 0x10FD; 0x10FE; 0x10FF;
+    (* Table 7 (for high byte 0x20) *)
+    (* 0 *) 0x2000; 0x2001; 0x2002; 0x2003; 0x2004; 0x2005; 0x2006; 0x2007;
+            0x2008; 0x2009; 0x200A; 0x200B; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000;
+    (* 1 *) 0x2010; 0x2011; 0x2012; 0x2013; 0x2014; 0x2015; 0x2016; 0x2017;
+            0x2018; 0x2019; 0x201A; 0x201B; 0x201C; 0x201D; 0x201E; 0x201F;
+    (* 2 *) 0x2020; 0x2021; 0x2022; 0x2023; 0x2024; 0x2025; 0x2026; 0x2027;
+            0x2028; 0x2029; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x202F;
+    (* 3 *) 0x2030; 0x2031; 0x2032; 0x2033; 0x2034; 0x2035; 0x2036; 0x2037;
+            0x2038; 0x2039; 0x203A; 0x203B; 0x203C; 0x203D; 0x203E; 0x203F;
+    (* 4 *) 0x2040; 0x2041; 0x2042; 0x2043; 0x2044; 0x2045; 0x2046; 0x2047;
+            0x2048; 0x2049; 0x204A; 0x204B; 0x204C; 0x204D; 0x204E; 0x204F;
+    (* 5 *) 0x2050; 0x2051; 0x2052; 0x2053; 0x2054; 0x2055; 0x2056; 0x2057;
+            0x2058; 0x2059; 0x205A; 0x205B; 0x205C; 0x205D; 0x205E; 0x205F;
+    (* 6 *) 0x2060; 0x2061; 0x2062; 0x2063; 0x2064; 0x2065; 0x2066; 0x2067;
+            0x2068; 0x2069; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000; 0x0000;
+    (* 7 *) 0x2070; 0x2071; 0x2072; 0x2073; 0x2074; 0x2075; 0x2076; 0x2077;
+            0x2078; 0x2079; 0x207A; 0x207B; 0x207C; 0x207D; 0x207E; 0x207F;
+    (* 8 *) 0x2080; 0x2081; 0x2082; 0x2083; 0x2084; 0x2085; 0x2086; 0x2087;
+            0x2088; 0x2089; 0x208A; 0x208B; 0x208C; 0x208D; 0x208E; 0x208F;
+    (* 9 *) 0x2090; 0x2091; 0x2092; 0x2093; 0x2094; 0x2095; 0x2096; 0x2097;
+            0x2098; 0x2099; 0x209A; 0x209B; 0x209C; 0x209D; 0x209E; 0x209F;
+    (* A *) 0x20A0; 0x20A1; 0x20A2; 0x20A3; 0x20A4; 0x20A5; 0x20A6; 0x20A7;
+            0x20A8; 0x20A9; 0x20AA; 0x20AB; 0x20AC; 0x20AD; 0x20AE; 0x20AF;
+    (* B *) 0x20B0; 0x20B1; 0x20B2; 0x20B3; 0x20B4; 0x20B5; 0x20B6; 0x20B7;
+            0x20B8; 0x20B9; 0x20BA; 0x20BB; 0x20BC; 0x20BD; 0x20BE; 0x20BF;
+    (* C *) 0x20C0; 0x20C1; 0x20C2; 0x20C3; 0x20C4; 0x20C5; 0x20C6; 0x20C7;
+            0x20C8; 0x20C9; 0x20CA; 0x20CB; 0x20CC; 0x20CD; 0x20CE; 0x20CF;
+    (* D *) 0x20D0; 0x20D1; 0x20D2; 0x20D3; 0x20D4; 0x20D5; 0x20D6; 0x20D7;
+            0x20D8; 0x20D9; 0x20DA; 0x20DB; 0x20DC; 0x20DD; 0x20DE; 0x20DF;
+    (* E *) 0x20E0; 0x20E1; 0x20E2; 0x20E3; 0x20E4; 0x20E5; 0x20E6; 0x20E7;
+            0x20E8; 0x20E9; 0x20EA; 0x20EB; 0x20EC; 0x20ED; 0x20EE; 0x20EF;
+    (* F *) 0x20F0; 0x20F1; 0x20F2; 0x20F3; 0x20F4; 0x20F5; 0x20F6; 0x20F7;
+            0x20F8; 0x20F9; 0x20FA; 0x20FB; 0x20FC; 0x20FD; 0x20FE; 0x20FF;
+    (* Table 8 (for high byte 0x21) *)
+    (* 0 *) 0x2100; 0x2101; 0x2102; 0x2103; 0x2104; 0x2105; 0x2106; 0x2107;
+            0x2108; 0x2109; 0x210A; 0x210B; 0x210C; 0x210D; 0x210E; 0x210F;
+    (* 1 *) 0x2110; 0x2111; 0x2112; 0x2113; 0x2114; 0x2115; 0x2116; 0x2117;
+            0x2118; 0x2119; 0x211A; 0x211B; 0x211C; 0x211D; 0x211E; 0x211F;
+    (* 2 *) 0x2120; 0x2121; 0x2122; 0x2123; 0x2124; 0x2125; 0x2126; 0x2127;
+            0x2128; 0x2129; 0x212A; 0x212B; 0x212C; 0x212D; 0x212E; 0x212F;
+    (* 3 *) 0x2130; 0x2131; 0x2132; 0x2133; 0x2134; 0x2135; 0x2136; 0x2137;
+            0x2138; 0x2139; 0x213A; 0x213B; 0x213C; 0x213D; 0x213E; 0x213F;
+    (* 4 *) 0x2140; 0x2141; 0x2142; 0x2143; 0x2144; 0x2145; 0x2146; 0x2147;
+            0x2148; 0x2149; 0x214A; 0x214B; 0x214C; 0x214D; 0x214E; 0x214F;
+    (* 5 *) 0x2150; 0x2151; 0x2152; 0x2153; 0x2154; 0x2155; 0x2156; 0x2157;
+            0x2158; 0x2159; 0x215A; 0x215B; 0x215C; 0x215D; 0x215E; 0x215F;
+    (* 6 *) 0x2170; 0x2171; 0x2172; 0x2173; 0x2174; 0x2175; 0x2176; 0x2177;
+            0x2178; 0x2179; 0x217A; 0x217B; 0x217C; 0x217D; 0x217E; 0x217F;
+    (* 7 *) 0x2170; 0x2171; 0x2172; 0x2173; 0x2174; 0x2175; 0x2176; 0x2177;
+            0x2178; 0x2179; 0x217A; 0x217B; 0x217C; 0x217D; 0x217E; 0x217F;
+    (* 8 *) 0x2180; 0x2181; 0x2182; 0x2183; 0x2184; 0x2185; 0x2186; 0x2187;
+            0x2188; 0x2189; 0x218A; 0x218B; 0x218C; 0x218D; 0x218E; 0x218F;
+    (* 9 *) 0x2190; 0x2191; 0x2192; 0x2193; 0x2194; 0x2195; 0x2196; 0x2197;
+            0x2198; 0x2199; 0x219A; 0x219B; 0x219C; 0x219D; 0x219E; 0x219F;
+    (* A *) 0x21A0; 0x21A1; 0x21A2; 0x21A3; 0x21A4; 0x21A5; 0x21A6; 0x21A7;
+            0x21A8; 0x21A9; 0x21AA; 0x21AB; 0x21AC; 0x21AD; 0x21AE; 0x21AF;
+    (* B *) 0x21B0; 0x21B1; 0x21B2; 0x21B3; 0x21B4; 0x21B5; 0x21B6; 0x21B7;
+            0x21B8; 0x21B9; 0x21BA; 0x21BB; 0x21BC; 0x21BD; 0x21BE; 0x21BF;
+    (* C *) 0x21C0; 0x21C1; 0x21C2; 0x21C3; 0x21C4; 0x21C5; 0x21C6; 0x21C7;
+            0x21C8; 0x21C9; 0x21CA; 0x21CB; 0x21CC; 0x21CD; 0x21CE; 0x21CF;
+    (* D *) 0x21D0; 0x21D1; 0x21D2; 0x21D3; 0x21D4; 0x21D5; 0x21D6; 0x21D7;
+            0x21D8; 0x21D9; 0x21DA; 0x21DB; 0x21DC; 0x21DD; 0x21DE; 0x21DF;
+    (* E *) 0x21E0; 0x21E1; 0x21E2; 0x21E3; 0x21E4; 0x21E5; 0x21E6; 0x21E7;
+            0x21E8; 0x21E9; 0x21EA; 0x21EB; 0x21EC; 0x21ED; 0x21EE; 0x21EF;
+    (* F *) 0x21F0; 0x21F1; 0x21F2; 0x21F3; 0x21F4; 0x21F5; 0x21F6; 0x21F7;
+            0x21F8; 0x21F9; 0x21FA; 0x21FB; 0x21FC; 0x21FD; 0x21FE; 0x21FF;
+    (* Table 9 (for high byte 0xFE) *)
+    (* 0 *) 0xFE00; 0xFE01; 0xFE02; 0xFE03; 0xFE04; 0xFE05; 0xFE06; 0xFE07;
+            0xFE08; 0xFE09; 0xFE0A; 0xFE0B; 0xFE0C; 0xFE0D; 0xFE0E; 0xFE0F;
+    (* 1 *) 0xFE10; 0xFE11; 0xFE12; 0xFE13; 0xFE14; 0xFE15; 0xFE16; 0xFE17;
+            0xFE18; 0xFE19; 0xFE1A; 0xFE1B; 0xFE1C; 0xFE1D; 0xFE1E; 0xFE1F;
+    (* 2 *) 0xFE20; 0xFE21; 0xFE22; 0xFE23; 0xFE24; 0xFE25; 0xFE26; 0xFE27;
+            0xFE28; 0xFE29; 0xFE2A; 0xFE2B; 0xFE2C; 0xFE2D; 0xFE2E; 0xFE2F;
+    (* 3 *) 0xFE30; 0xFE31; 0xFE32; 0xFE33; 0xFE34; 0xFE35; 0xFE36; 0xFE37;
+            0xFE38; 0xFE39; 0xFE3A; 0xFE3B; 0xFE3C; 0xFE3D; 0xFE3E; 0xFE3F;
+    (* 4 *) 0xFE40; 0xFE41; 0xFE42; 0xFE43; 0xFE44; 0xFE45; 0xFE46; 0xFE47;
+            0xFE48; 0xFE49; 0xFE4A; 0xFE4B; 0xFE4C; 0xFE4D; 0xFE4E; 0xFE4F;
+    (* 5 *) 0xFE50; 0xFE51; 0xFE52; 0xFE53; 0xFE54; 0xFE55; 0xFE56; 0xFE57;
+            0xFE58; 0xFE59; 0xFE5A; 0xFE5B; 0xFE5C; 0xFE5D; 0xFE5E; 0xFE5F;
+    (* 6 *) 0xFE60; 0xFE61; 0xFE62; 0xFE63; 0xFE64; 0xFE65; 0xFE66; 0xFE67;
+            0xFE68; 0xFE69; 0xFE6A; 0xFE6B; 0xFE6C; 0xFE6D; 0xFE6E; 0xFE6F;
+    (* 7 *) 0xFE70; 0xFE71; 0xFE72; 0xFE73; 0xFE74; 0xFE75; 0xFE76; 0xFE77;
+            0xFE78; 0xFE79; 0xFE7A; 0xFE7B; 0xFE7C; 0xFE7D; 0xFE7E; 0xFE7F;
+    (* 8 *) 0xFE80; 0xFE81; 0xFE82; 0xFE83; 0xFE84; 0xFE85; 0xFE86; 0xFE87;
+            0xFE88; 0xFE89; 0xFE8A; 0xFE8B; 0xFE8C; 0xFE8D; 0xFE8E; 0xFE8F;
+    (* 9 *) 0xFE90; 0xFE91; 0xFE92; 0xFE93; 0xFE94; 0xFE95; 0xFE96; 0xFE97;
+            0xFE98; 0xFE99; 0xFE9A; 0xFE9B; 0xFE9C; 0xFE9D; 0xFE9E; 0xFE9F;
+    (* A *) 0xFEA0; 0xFEA1; 0xFEA2; 0xFEA3; 0xFEA4; 0xFEA5; 0xFEA6; 0xFEA7;
+            0xFEA8; 0xFEA9; 0xFEAA; 0xFEAB; 0xFEAC; 0xFEAD; 0xFEAE; 0xFEAF;
+    (* B *) 0xFEB0; 0xFEB1; 0xFEB2; 0xFEB3; 0xFEB4; 0xFEB5; 0xFEB6; 0xFEB7;
+            0xFEB8; 0xFEB9; 0xFEBA; 0xFEBB; 0xFEBC; 0xFEBD; 0xFEBE; 0xFEBF;
+    (* C *) 0xFEC0; 0xFEC1; 0xFEC2; 0xFEC3; 0xFEC4; 0xFEC5; 0xFEC6; 0xFEC7;
+            0xFEC8; 0xFEC9; 0xFECA; 0xFECB; 0xFECC; 0xFECD; 0xFECE; 0xFECF;
+    (* D *) 0xFED0; 0xFED1; 0xFED2; 0xFED3; 0xFED4; 0xFED5; 0xFED6; 0xFED7;
+            0xFED8; 0xFED9; 0xFEDA; 0xFEDB; 0xFEDC; 0xFEDD; 0xFEDE; 0xFEDF;
+    (* E *) 0xFEE0; 0xFEE1; 0xFEE2; 0xFEE3; 0xFEE4; 0xFEE5; 0xFEE6; 0xFEE7;
+            0xFEE8; 0xFEE9; 0xFEEA; 0xFEEB; 0xFEEC; 0xFEED; 0xFEEE; 0xFEEF;
+    (* F *) 0xFEF0; 0xFEF1; 0xFEF2; 0xFEF3; 0xFEF4; 0xFEF5; 0xFEF6; 0xFEF7;
+            0xFEF8; 0xFEF9; 0xFEFA; 0xFEFB; 0xFEFC; 0xFEFD; 0xFEFE; 0x0000;
+    (* Table 10 (for high byte 0xFF) *)
+    (* 0 *) 0xFF00; 0xFF01; 0xFF02; 0xFF03; 0xFF04; 0xFF05; 0xFF06; 0xFF07;
+            0xFF08; 0xFF09; 0xFF0A; 0xFF0B; 0xFF0C; 0xFF0D; 0xFF0E; 0xFF0F;
+    (* 1 *) 0xFF10; 0xFF11; 0xFF12; 0xFF13; 0xFF14; 0xFF15; 0xFF16; 0xFF17;
+            0xFF18; 0xFF19; 0xFF1A; 0xFF1B; 0xFF1C; 0xFF1D; 0xFF1E; 0xFF1F;
+    (* 2 *) 0xFF20; 0xFF41; 0xFF42; 0xFF43; 0xFF44; 0xFF45; 0xFF46; 0xFF47;
+            0xFF48; 0xFF49; 0xFF4A; 0xFF4B; 0xFF4C; 0xFF4D; 0xFF4E; 0xFF4F;
+    (* 3 *) 0xFF50; 0xFF51; 0xFF52; 0xFF53; 0xFF54; 0xFF55; 0xFF56; 0xFF57;
+            0xFF58; 0xFF59; 0xFF5A; 0xFF3B; 0xFF3C; 0xFF3D; 0xFF3E; 0xFF3F;
+    (* 4 *) 0xFF40; 0xFF41; 0xFF42; 0xFF43; 0xFF44; 0xFF45; 0xFF46; 0xFF47;
+            0xFF48; 0xFF49; 0xFF4A; 0xFF4B; 0xFF4C; 0xFF4D; 0xFF4E; 0xFF4F;
+    (* 5 *) 0xFF50; 0xFF51; 0xFF52; 0xFF53; 0xFF54; 0xFF55; 0xFF56; 0xFF57;
+            0xFF58; 0xFF59; 0xFF5A; 0xFF5B; 0xFF5C; 0xFF5D; 0xFF5E; 0xFF5F;
+    (* 6 *) 0xFF60; 0xFF61; 0xFF62; 0xFF63; 0xFF64; 0xFF65; 0xFF66; 0xFF67;
+            0xFF68; 0xFF69; 0xFF6A; 0xFF6B; 0xFF6C; 0xFF6D; 0xFF6E; 0xFF6F;
+    (* 7 *) 0xFF70; 0xFF71; 0xFF72; 0xFF73; 0xFF74; 0xFF75; 0xFF76; 0xFF77;
+            0xFF78; 0xFF79; 0xFF7A; 0xFF7B; 0xFF7C; 0xFF7D; 0xFF7E; 0xFF7F;
+    (* 8 *) 0xFF80; 0xFF81; 0xFF82; 0xFF83; 0xFF84; 0xFF85; 0xFF86; 0xFF87;
+            0xFF88; 0xFF89; 0xFF8A; 0xFF8B; 0xFF8C; 0xFF8D; 0xFF8E; 0xFF8F;
+    (* 9 *) 0xFF90; 0xFF91; 0xFF92; 0xFF93; 0xFF94; 0xFF95; 0xFF96; 0xFF97;
+            0xFF98; 0xFF99; 0xFF9A; 0xFF9B; 0xFF9C; 0xFF9D; 0xFF9E; 0xFF9F;
+    (* A *) 0xFFA0; 0xFFA1; 0xFFA2; 0xFFA3; 0xFFA4; 0xFFA5; 0xFFA6; 0xFFA7;
+            0xFFA8; 0xFFA9; 0xFFAA; 0xFFAB; 0xFFAC; 0xFFAD; 0xFFAE; 0xFFAF;
+    (* B *) 0xFFB0; 0xFFB1; 0xFFB2; 0xFFB3; 0xFFB4; 0xFFB5; 0xFFB6; 0xFFB7;
+            0xFFB8; 0xFFB9; 0xFFBA; 0xFFBB; 0xFFBC; 0xFFBD; 0xFFBE; 0xFFBF;
+    (* C *) 0xFFC0; 0xFFC1; 0xFFC2; 0xFFC3; 0xFFC4; 0xFFC5; 0xFFC6; 0xFFC7;
+            0xFFC8; 0xFFC9; 0xFFCA; 0xFFCB; 0xFFCC; 0xFFCD; 0xFFCE; 0xFFCF;
+    (* D *) 0xFFD0; 0xFFD1; 0xFFD2; 0xFFD3; 0xFFD4; 0xFFD5; 0xFFD6; 0xFFD7;
+            0xFFD8; 0xFFD9; 0xFFDA; 0xFFDB; 0xFFDC; 0xFFDD; 0xFFDE; 0xFFDF;
+    (* E *) 0xFFE0; 0xFFE1; 0xFFE2; 0xFFE3; 0xFFE4; 0xFFE5; 0xFFE6; 0xFFE7;
+            0xFFE8; 0xFFE9; 0xFFEA; 0xFFEB; 0xFFEC; 0xFFED; 0xFFEE; 0xFFEF;
+    (* F *) 0xFFF0; 0xFFF1; 0xFFF2; 0xFFF3; 0xFFF4; 0xFFF5; 0xFFF6; 0xFFF7;
+            0xFFF8; 0xFFF9; 0xFFFA; 0xFFFB; 0xFFFC; 0xFFFD; 0xFFFE; 0xFFFF;
+let bitmap_test base bitmap character =
+  character >= base
+    &&
+  (let value = bitmap.((character lsr 8) land 0xFF) in
+   value = 0xFF
+      ||
+   (value <> 0
+       &&
+    bitmap.((value - 1) * 32 + 256 + (character land 0xFF) / 8)
+      land (1 lsl (character mod 8)) <> 0))
+let unicode_combinable character =
+  bitmap_test 0x0300 uniCharCombiningBitmap character
+let unicode_decomposeable character =
+  bitmap_test 0x00C0 uniCharDecomposableBitmap character
+let decompose_map = empty ()
+let hangul_sbase = 0xAC00
+let hangul_lbase = 0x1100
+let hangul_vbase = 0x1161
+let hangul_tbase = 0x11A7
+let hangul_scount = 11172
+let hangul_lcount = 19
+let hangul_vcount = 21
+let hangul_tcount = 28
+let hangul_ncount = hangul_vcount * hangul_tcount
+let convert_hangul character =
+  let character = character - hangul_sbase in
+  (* length = (character % HANGUL_TCOUNT ? 3 : 2); *)
+  let length = if character mod hangul_tcount = 0 then 2 else 3 in
+  (character / hangul_ncount + hangul_lbase ::
+   (character mod hangul_ncount) / hangul_tcount + hangul_vbase ::
+   if length = 2 then [] else
+   [(character mod hangul_tcount) + hangul_tbase])
+let _ =
+  (* Note that there is an off-by-one bug in vfs_utfconv.c *)
+  (* This is not an issue as the last character is not marked
+     as decomposeable in the bitmap *)
+  assert (not (unicode_decomposeable (hangul_sbase + hangul_scount)));
+  for character = hangul_sbase to hangul_sbase + hangul_scount - 1 do
+    let l = convert_hangul character in
+(*    add decompose_map character l;*)
+    assert (unicode_decomposeable character)
+  done
+let extractCount value = (value lsr 12) land 0x0007
+let recursiveDecomposition = 1 lsl 15
+let _ =
+  let rec get_multiple i l =
+    if l = 0 then [] else
+    uniCharMultipleDecompositionTable.(i) :: get_multiple (i + 1) (l - 1)
+  in
+  let tbl = uniCharDecompositionTable in
+  let rec decode v =
+    let l = extractCount v in
+    let ch = v land 0xFFF in
+    let recurs = v land recursiveDecomposition <> 0 in
+    let s = if l = 1 then [ch] else get_multiple ch l in
+    if recurs then
+      match s with
+        [] ->
+          assert false
+      | ch :: r ->
+          decompose ch 0 @ r
+    else
+      s
+  and decompose ch i =
+    if tbl.(2 * i) = ch then decode tbl.(2 * i + 1) else
+    decompose ch (i + 1)
+  in
+  let len = Array.length tbl / 2 in
+  for i = 0 to len - 1 do
+    let ch = tbl.(i * 2) in
+    let v = tbl.(i * 2 + 1) in
+    add decompose_map ch (decode v);
+    assert (unicode_decomposeable ch)
+  done
+let _ =
+  let tbl = uniCharDecompositionTable in
+  for c = 0 to 0xffff do
+    if
+      unicode_decomposeable c &&
+      (c < hangul_sbase || c >= hangul_sbase + hangul_scount)
+    then begin
+      let found = ref false in
+      for i = 0 to (Array.length tbl) / 2 - 1 do
+        if tbl.(i * 2) = c then found := true
+      done;
+      assert !found
+    end
+  done
+let _ =
+  IntMap.iter (fun c l -> Format.printf "%a -> %a at ." print_uni c print_chars l)
+    !decompose_map;
+  exit 0
+let compose_map = empty ()
+let add_comp m c v =
+  let l = try IntMap.find c !m with Not_found -> ref [] in
+  l := v :: !l;
+  m := IntMap.add c l !m
+let _ =
+  let t1 = uniCharPrecompSourceTable in
+  let t2 = uniCharBMPPrecompDestinationTable in
+  for i = 0 to Array.length t1 / 2 - 1 do
+    let c = t1.(2 * i) in
+    let v = t1.(2 * i + 1) in
+    let j = v land 0xFFFF in
+    let l = v lsr 16 in
+    for j = j to j + l - 1 do
+      add_comp compose_map c (t2.(2 * j), t2.(2 * j + 1));
+      Format.printf "%a %a -> %a at ."
+        print_uni t2.(2 * j) print_uni c print_uni t2.(2 * j + 1)
+    done
+  done
+let lower_map = empty ()
+let lower_map = decompose_map
+let _ =
+  for i = 0 to 255 do
+    let c1 = lowerCaseTable.(i) in
+    if c1 <> 0 then begin
+      for j = 0 to 255 do
+        let c2 = lowerCaseTable.(j + c1) in
+        let c = i * 256 + j in
+        if c2 = 0 then
+          add lower_map c []
+        else if c <> c2 then
+          add lower_map c [c2]
+      done
+    end
+  done
+let _ =
+  IntMap.iter (fun c l -> Format.printf "%a -> %a at ." print_uni c print_chars l)
+    !lower_map;
+  exit 0
+(* Support for Microsoft Windows NT Services for Macintosh (SFM)
+   convention (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/q117258) *)
+let alternative_table =
+  [('\x01', 0xf001); ('\x02', 0xf002); ('\x03', 0xf003);
+   ('\x04', 0xf004); ('\x05', 0xf005); ('\x06', 0xf006); ('\x07', 0xf007);
+   ('\x08', 0xf008); ('\x09', 0xf009); ('\x0a', 0xf00a); ('\x0b', 0xf00b);
+   ('\x0c', 0xf00c); ('\x0d', 0xf00d); ('\x0e', 0xf00e); ('\x0f', 0xf00f);
+   ('\x10', 0xf010); ('\x11', 0xf011); ('\x12', 0xf012); ('\x13', 0xf013);
+   ('\x14', 0xf014); ('\x15', 0xf015); ('\x16', 0xf016); ('\x17', 0xf017);
+   ('\x18', 0xf018); ('\x19', 0xf019); ('\x1a', 0xf01a); ('\x1b', 0xf01b);
+   ('\x1c', 0xf01c); ('\x1d', 0xf01d); ('\x1e', 0xf01e); ('\x1f', 0xf01f);
+   ('"', 0xf020); ('*', 0xf021); (':', 0xf022); ('<', 0xf023); ('>', 0xf024);
+   ('?', 0xf025); ('\\', 0xf026); ('|', 0xf027); (' ', 0xf028); ('.', 0xf029)]
+let _ =
+List.iter (fun (c, c') -> add decompose_map c' [Char.code c]) alternative_table
+(* In Samba but not in MacOSX *)
+let missing_lower =
+  [(0x03c2, 0x03c3); (0x04d4, 0x04d5); (0x04d8, 0x04d9); (0x04e0, 0x04e1);
+   (0x04e8, 0x04e9); (0x24b6, 0x24d0); (0x24b7, 0x24d1); (0x24b8, 0x24d2);
+   (0x24b9, 0x24d3); (0x24ba, 0x24d4); (0x24bb, 0x24d5); (0x24bc, 0x24d6);
+   (0x24bd, 0x24d7); (0x24be, 0x24d8); (0x24bf, 0x24d9); (0x24c0, 0x24da);
+   (0x24c1, 0x24db); (0x24c2, 0x24dc); (0x24c3, 0x24dd); (0x24c4, 0x24de);
+   (0x24c5, 0x24df); (0x24c6, 0x24e0); (0x24c7, 0x24e1); (0x24c8, 0x24e2);
+   (0x24c9, 0x24e3); (0x24ca, 0x24e4); (0x24cb, 0x24e5); (0x24cc, 0x24e6);
+   (0x24cd, 0x24e7); (0x24ce, 0x24e8); (0x24cf, 0x24e9)]
+let _ = List.iter (fun (c, c') -> add lower_map c [c']) missing_lower
+let normalize_map = compose !lower_map !decompose_map
+let conv c =
+  if c >= hangul_sbase && c < hangul_sbase + hangul_scount then
+    String.concat "" (List.map encode_utf8 (convert_hangul c))
+  else
+  try
+    String.concat ""
+      (List.map encode_utf8 (IntMap.find c normalize_map))
+  with Not_found ->
+    encode_utf8 c
+let _ =
+  IntMap.iter (fun c l ->
+(*      Format.printf "%a -> %a at ." print_uni c print_chars l;*)
+      let s1 = encode_utf8 c in
+      let s2 = conv c in
+      assert (String.length s2 <= 3 * String.length s1))
+    normalize_map
+(**** Samba tables *)
+let read_file nm l =
+  let ch = open_in ("codepages/" ^ nm) in
+  let s = String.create l in
+  really_input ch s 0 l;
+  s
+let load nm =
+  let tbl = read_file nm (2 * 65536) in
+  fun c -> Char.code tbl.[c * 2] + 256 * Char.code tbl.[c * 2 + 1]
+let to_upper = load "upcase.dat"
+let to_lower = load "lowcase.dat"
+let toupper_ascii_fast_table =
+  [| 0x0; 0x1; 0x2; 0x3; 0x4; 0x5; 0x6; 0x7; 0x8; 0x9; 0xa; 0xb; 0xc;
+     0xd; 0xe; 0xf; 0x10; 0x11; 0x12; 0x13; 0x14; 0x15; 0x16; 0x17;
+     0x18; 0x19; 0x1a; 0x1b; 0x1c; 0x1d; 0x1e; 0x1f; 0x20; 0x21; 0x22;
+     0x23; 0x24; 0x25; 0x26; 0x27; 0x28; 0x29; 0x2a; 0x2b; 0x2c; 0x2d;
+     0x2e; 0x2f; 0x30; 0x31; 0x32; 0x33; 0x34; 0x35; 0x36; 0x37; 0x38;
+     0x39; 0x3a; 0x3b; 0x3c; 0x3d; 0x3e; 0x3f; 0x40; 0x41; 0x42; 0x43;
+     0x44; 0x45; 0x46; 0x47; 0x48; 0x49; 0x4a; 0x4b; 0x4c; 0x4d; 0x4e;
+     0x4f; 0x50; 0x51; 0x52; 0x53; 0x54; 0x55; 0x56; 0x57; 0x58; 0x59;
+     0x5a; 0x5b; 0x5c; 0x5d; 0x5e; 0x5f; 0x60; 0x41; 0x42; 0x43; 0x44;
+     0x45; 0x46; 0x47; 0x48; 0x49; 0x4a; 0x4b; 0x4c; 0x4d; 0x4e; 0x4f;
+     0x50; 0x51; 0x52; 0x53; 0x54; 0x55; 0x56; 0x57; 0x58; 0x59; 0x5a;
+     0x7b; 0x7c; 0x7d; 0x7e; 0x7f |]
+let _ =
+  for i = 0 to 127 do
+    assert (toupper_ascii_fast_table.(i) = to_upper i)
+  done
+let _ =
+  Format.printf "================@.";
+  for c = 0 to 65535 do
+    let c' = to_upper c in
+    let l = convert normalize_map c in
+    let l' = convert normalize_map c' in
+    if c <> c' && l <> l' then
+      Format.printf "%a (%a) -> %a (%a)@."
+        print_uni c print_chars l print_uni c' print_chars l'
+  done
+let _ =
+  Format.printf "================@.";
+  for c = 0 to 65535 do
+    begin match convert normalize_map c with
+      [c'] ->
+        let d = to_upper c in
+        let d' = to_upper c' in
+        if c <> c' && d <> d' then
+        Format.printf "%a (%a) -> %a (%a)@."
+          print_uni c print_uni d print_uni c' print_uni d'
+    | _ ->
+        ()
+    end
+  done
+type action = Copy | Replace of int list | Scan of int * int * action array
+let make_level () = Array.make 256 Copy
+let table = make_level ()
+let get tbl c = tbl.(c)
+let rec set tbl c v = tbl.(c) <- v
+let rec insert tbl c l =
+  match c with
+    []     -> assert false
+  | [c]    ->
+if get tbl c = Copy then set tbl c (Replace l)
+ assert (get tbl c = Copy); set tbl c (Replace l)
+  | c :: r ->
+      let a =
+        match get tbl c with
+          Copy ->
+           let a = make_level () in set tbl c (Scan (0, 256, a)); a
+        | Scan (_, _, a) ->
+            a
+        | _      ->
+           let a = make_level () in set tbl c (Scan (0, 256, a)); a
+(*XXXXXXXXXX            assert false*)
+      in
+      insert a r l
+let rec list_of_string_rec s i l =
+  if i = l then [] else Char.code s.[i] :: list_of_string_rec s (i + 1) l
+let list_of_string s = list_of_string_rec s 0 (String.length s)
+let _ =
+  IntMap.iter
+    (fun c l -> let s = encode_utf8 c in insert table (list_of_string s) l)
+    normalize_map
+let rec print_seq ch s =
+    match s with
+      []     -> ()
+    | [c]    -> Format.fprintf ch "%2x" c
+    | c :: r -> Format.fprintf ch "%2x,%a" c print_seq r
+let sz = ref 0
+let rec compress loc tbl =
+  for i = 0 to Array.length tbl - 1 do
+    match tbl.(i) with
+      Copy -> ()
+    | Replace _ -> ()
+    | Scan (j, k, a) ->
+        let loc = i :: loc in
+        compress loc a;
+        let l = k - j in
+        let j' = ref 0 in
+        while !j' < l && a.(!j') = Copy do incr j' done;
+        let k' = ref (l - 1) in
+        while !k' >= 0 && a.(!k') = Copy do decr k' done;
+        incr k';
+        assert (!j' < !k');
+        let l' = !k' - !j' in
+        sz := !sz + l' + 5;
+        let a = Array.sub a !j' l' in
+Format.eprintf "%a: %2x %d at ." print_seq (List.rev loc) (j + !j') l';
+        tbl.(i) <- Scan (j + !j', j + !k', a)
+  done
+let _ = compress [] table
+let _ = Format.eprintf "size: %d at ." !sz
+let table = make_level ()
+let _ =
+  IntMap.iter
+    (fun c l ->
+       let s =
+         List.flatten
+           (List.map (fun c -> list_of_string (encode_utf8 c)) l)
+       in
+       if s <> [] then insert table s [c])
+    normalize_map
+let _ = sz := 0; compress [] table; Format.eprintf "size: %d at ." !sz
+  *)
+type 'a t = { l : int; tbl : 'a option array array }
+let dummy = [||]
+let make l = {l = l; tbl = Array.make (65536 / l) dummy}
+let set tbl n v =
+  let i = n / tbl.l in
+  let j = n mod tbl.l in
+  if tbl.tbl.(i) == dummy then
+    tbl.tbl.(i) <- Array.make tbl.l None;
+  tbl.tbl.(i).(j) <- Some v
+let size tbl =
+  let n = ref 0 in
+  let l = Array.length tbl.tbl in
+  for i = 0 to l - 1 do if tbl.tbl.(i) != dummy then incr n done;
+  let n = !n in
+  if n >= 255 then
+    l * 2 + (n + 2) * tbl.l * 2
+  else
+    l + (n + 2) * tbl.l * 2
+  (0x309a + tbl.l - 1) / tbl.l + (n + 1) * tbl.l
+  l + (n + 1) * tbl.l
+let build m l =
+  let tbl = make (1 lsl l) in IntMap.iter (fun c l -> if c > 127 then set tbl c l) m; tbl
+let _ =
+  for l = 1 to 15 do
+    Format.eprintf "%d %d at ." l (size (build normalize_map l))
+  done
+let _ =
+  for l = 1 to 15 do
+    Format.eprintf "%d %d at ." l (size (build !compose_map l))
+  done
+let print_tbl nm ch tbl =
+  (* ASCII *)
+  Format.fprintf ch "@[<2>let %s_%s =@ @[<1>\"" nm "ascii";
+  for c = 0 to 127 do
+    Format.fprintf ch "%s" (String.escaped (conv c))
+  done;
+  Format.fprintf ch "\"@]@]@.";
+  (* Replacement *)
+  let l = ref [] in
+  let p = ref 0 in
+  Format.fprintf ch "@[<2>let %s_%s =@ @[<1>\"" nm "repl";
+  for i = 0 to Array.length tbl.tbl - 1 do
+    let a = tbl.tbl.(i) in
+    if a != dummy then begin
+      for j = 0 to tbl.l - 1 do
+        match a.(j) with
+          None ->
+            ()
+        | Some v ->
+            if not (List.mem_assoc v !l) then begin
+              l := (v, !p) :: !l;
+              let s = String.concat "" (List.map encode_utf8 v) in
+              Format.fprintf ch "\\%03d%s"
+                (String.length s) (if s = "\\" then "\\\\" else
+                                   if s = "\"" then "\\\"" else s);
+              p := !p + String.length s + 1
+            end
+      done
+    end
+  done;
+  Format.fprintf ch "\"@]@]@.";
+  (* Primary level *)
+  Format.fprintf ch "@[<2>let %s_%s =@ @[<1>\"" nm "prim";
+  let n = ref 1 in
+  for i = 0 to Array.length tbl.tbl - 1 do
+    let j =
+      if i * tbl.l < hangul_sbase + hangul_scount &&
+       (i + 1) * tbl.l - 1 >= hangul_sbase then begin
+         assert (tbl.tbl.(i) == dummy); 1
+      end else if tbl.tbl.(i) == dummy then 0 else begin incr n; !n end in
+    Format.fprintf ch "\\%03d" j
+  done;
+  Format.fprintf ch "\"@]@]@.";
+  (* Secondary level *)
+  Format.fprintf ch "@[<2>let %s_%s =@ @[<1>\"" nm "second_high";
+  for i = 0 to tbl.l - 1 do       (* Empty table *)
+    Format.fprintf ch "\\%03d" 0
+  done;
+  for i = 0 to tbl.l - 1 do       (* Hangul table *)
+    Format.fprintf ch "\\%03d" 1
+  done;
+  for i = 0 to Array.length tbl.tbl - 1 do
+    let a = tbl.tbl.(i) in
+    if a != dummy then begin
+      for j = 0 to tbl.l - 1 do
+        match a.(j) with
+          None ->
+            Format.fprintf ch "\\%03d" 0
+        | Some v ->
+            let n = List.assoc v !l in
+            (* 0 is unchanged; 1 is Hangul *)
+            Format.fprintf ch "\\%03d" (n / 256 + 2)
+      done
+    end
+  done;
+  Format.fprintf ch "\"@]@]@.";
+  Format.fprintf ch "@[<2>let %s_%s =@ @[<1>\"" nm "second_low";
+  for i = 0 to 2 * tbl.l - 1 do       (* Two unused entries *)
+    Format.fprintf ch "\\%03d" 0
+  done;
+  for i = 0 to Array.length tbl.tbl - 1 do
+    let a = tbl.tbl.(i) in
+    if a != dummy then begin
+      for j = 0 to tbl.l - 1 do
+        match a.(j) with
+          None ->
+            Format.fprintf ch "\\%03d" 0
+        | Some v ->
+            let n = List.assoc v !l in
+            Format.fprintf ch "\\%03d" (n mod 256)
+      done
+    end
+  done;
+  Format.fprintf ch "\"@]@]@."
+let print_compose prim snd ch tbl =
+  (* Primary level *)
+  Format.fprintf ch "@[<2>let %s =@ @[<1>\"" prim;
+  let n = ref 1 in
+  for i = 0 to Array.length tbl.tbl - 1 do
+    let j =
+(*XXX Hangul*)
+      if i * tbl.l < hangul_sbase + hangul_scount &&
+       (i + 1) * tbl.l - 1 >= hangul_sbase then begin
+         assert (tbl.tbl.(i) == dummy); 1
+      end else*) if tbl.tbl.(i) == dummy then 0 else begin incr n; !n end in
+    Format.fprintf ch "\\%03d" j
+  done;
+  Format.fprintf ch "\"@]@]@.";
+  (* Secondary level *)
+  let n = ref 1 in
+  Format.fprintf ch "@[<2>let %s =@ @[<1>\"" snd;
+  for i = 0 to tbl.l - 1 do       (* Empty table *)
+    Format.fprintf ch "\\%03d" 0
+  done;
+  for i = 0 to tbl.l - 1 do       (* Hangul table *)
+    Format.fprintf ch "\\%03d" 1
+  done;
+  for i = 0 to Array.length tbl.tbl - 1 do
+    let a = tbl.tbl.(i) in
+    if a != dummy then begin
+      for j = 0 to tbl.l - 1 do
+        match a.(j) with
+          None ->
+            Format.fprintf ch "\\%03d" 0
+        | Some v ->
+            incr n;
+            Format.fprintf ch "\\%03d" !n
+      done
+    end
+  done;
+  Format.fprintf ch "\"@]@]@."
+let _ =
+  let o = open_out "unicode_tables.ml" in
+  let ch = Format.formatter_of_out_channel o in
+  Format.fprintf ch "(*-*-coding: utf-8;-*-*)@.";
+  Format.fprintf ch "%a" (print_tbl "norm")
+    (build normalize_map 6);
+  Format.fprintf ch "%a" (print_tbl "decomp")
+    (build !decompose_map 6);
+  Format.fprintf ch "%a" (print_compose "comp_prim" "comp_snd")
+    (build !compose_map 6);
+  close_out o
+let k = Char.code first.(i)) lsl 6 + j in
+let fst = Char.code second.(k) in
+if fst = 0 then ... else
+let snd = Char.code second'.(k) in
+let i = fst lsl 8 + snd - 256 in
+let s = tbl.(i) in
+let next s =
+  let c = Ibuffer.look_ahead s in
+  if c = -1 then begin
+    0xffff (* EOF *)
+  end else if c < 0x80 then begin
+    c
+  end else if c < 0xE0 then begin
+    (* 80 - 7FF *)
+    if c < 0xC2 then raise Failed;
+    if not (Ibuffer.advance s 1) then raise Failed;
+    let c1 = Ibuffer.read s 1 in
+    if c1 land 192 <> 128 then raise Failed;
+    (c - 0xC0) lsl 6 + c1 - 0x80
+  end else if c < 0xF0 then begin
+    (* 800 - FFFF *)
+    if not (Ibuffer.advance s 2) then raise Failed;
+    let c1 = Ibuffer.read s 1 in
+    if c1 land 192 <> 128 then raise Failed;
+    if c = 0xE0 && c1 < 0xA0 then raise Failed;
+    let c2 = Ibuffer.read s 2 in
+    if c2 land 192 <> 128 then raise Failed;
+    let res = (c - 0xE0) lsl 12 + (c1 - 0x80) lsl 6 + c2 - 0x80 in
+    if res = 0xFFFF then raise Failed;
+    res  end else if c < 0xF5 then begin
+    (* 10000 - 10FFFF *)
+    if not (Ibuffer.advance s 3) then raise Failed;
+    let c1 = Ibuffer.read s 1 in
+    if c1 land 192 <> 128 then raise Failed;
+    if c = 0xF0 && c1 < 0x90 then raise Failed;
+    if c = 0xF4 && c1 >= 0x90 then raise Failed;
+    let c2 = Ibuffer.read s 2 in
+    if c2 land 192 <> 128 then raise Failed;
+    let c3 = Ibuffer.read s 3 in
+    if c3 land 192 <> 128 then raise Failed;
+    (c - 0xF0) lsl 18 + (c1 - 0x80) lsl 12 + (c2 - 0x80) lsl 6 + c3 - 0x80
+  end else
+    raise Failed

Added: trunk/unicode_utils/unicode_test.ml
--- trunk/unicode_utils/unicode_test.ml	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/unicode_utils/unicode_test.ml	2010-04-12 09:40:14 UTC (rev 429)
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+(*-*-coding: utf-8;-*-*)
+#use "unicode_build.ml"
+#load "unix.cma"
+let _ =
+Unix.system "test -f unicode_tables.cmo || ocamlc -c unicode_tables.ml";;
+#load "unicode_tables.cmo"
+#use "unicode.ml"
+#use "reorder.ml"
+let _ =
+  let b1 = Buffer.create 1024 in
+  let b2 = Buffer.create 1024 in
+  for i = 0 to 0x1ffff do
+    if i < 0xd800 || i > 0xdfff then begin
+      Buffer.add_string b1 (encode_utf8 i);
+      Buffer.add_string b2 (conv i)
+    end
+  done;
+  let s1 = Buffer.contents b1 in
+  let s2 = Buffer.contents b2 in
+prerr_endline "===";
+Format.printf "%d %d at ." (String.length s1) (String.length s2);
+Format.printf "%d %d at ." (String.length (normalize s1)) (String.length s2);
+  assert (normalize s1 = s2);
+  assert (normalize s2 = s2);
+  assert (normalize (compose s2) = s2);
+  assert (from_utf_16 (to_utf_16 s1) = s1)
+let _ =
+  let b1 = Buffer.create 1024 in
+  let b2 = Buffer.create 1024 in
+  for i = hangul_sbase -128 to hangul_sbase + hangul_scount - 1 + 128 do
+    Buffer.add_string b1 (encode_utf8 i);
+    Buffer.add_string b2 (conv i)
+  done;
+  let s1 = Buffer.contents b1 in
+  let s2 = Buffer.contents b2 in
+  assert (compose s2 = s1)
+let _ =
+  assert (compare "abcdéfgh" "ABCDÉFGH" = 0);
+  assert (compare "abcdéfghi" "ABCDÉFGH" = 1);
+  assert (compare "abcdefghi" "ABCDeFGH" = 1);
+  assert (compare "abcdéfgh" "ABCDÉFGHi" = -1);
+  assert (compare "abcdefgh" "ABCDeFGHi" = -1);
+  assert (compare "abcdéfgh" "ACCDÉFGH" = -1);
+  assert (compare "abcdéfgh" "ABCDÉFFH" = 1)
+let _ =
+  for i = 0 to 0xffff do
+    if i < 0xd800 || i > 0xdfff then begin
+      let s = to_utf_16 (conv i) in
+(*Format.printf "%04x at ." (String.length s);*)
+      for j = 0 to String.length s / 2 - 2 do
+        let c1 = get s (j * 2) + get s (j * 2 + 1) * 256 in
+        let c2 = get s (j * 2 + 2) + get s (j * 2 + 3) * 256 in
+        let v1 = combining_class c1 in
+        let v2 = combining_class c2 in
+(*Format.printf "%04x %04x => %02x %02x at ." c1 c2 v1 v2;*)
+(*        if v1 > 0 && v2 > 0 then Format.printf "%d %d at ." v1 v2;*)
+        assert (v1 = 0 || v2 = 0 || v1 <= v2)
+      done
+    end
+  done
+let _ =
+let s = from_utf_16 "\x61\x00\x01\x03\x63\x00\x01\x03\x27\x03" in
+order s;
+assert (s = from_utf_16 "\x61\x00\x01\x03\x63\x00\x27\x03\x01\x03");
+let s = from_utf_16 "\x01\x03\x27\x03" in
+order s;
+assert (s = from_utf_16 "\x27\x03\x01\x03")
+0061;LATIN SMALL LETTER A;...0;...
+0063;LATIN SMALL LETTER C;...0;...
+00E1;LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE;...0;...0061 0301;...
+0107;LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH ACUTE;...0;...0063 0301;...
+0327;COMBINING CEDILLA;...202;...

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