[Unison-hackers] [unison-svn] r400 - in trunk/src: . system system/win ubase uimacnew uimacnew09

Benjamin Pierce bcpierce at cis.upenn.edu
Thu Feb 25 13:53:26 EST 2010

OK, after some more experiments and a bit of websurfing, it appears  
that the problem I'm having is because I've got framework binaries  
that were compiled on 10.6 but my machine is 10.5.  Since the world  
has pretty much moved to 10.6, I think it's not worth chasing it  
further -- I should just upgrade.

     - B

On Feb 24, 2010, at 9:32 AM, Alan Schmitt wrote:

>>> Should I try to build uimacnew09 here?
>> Sure.  I'm just committing a version with the updated frameworks
>> and .xcodeproj file...
> Here is what I had to do:
> - go to http://www.brandonwalkin.com/bwtoolkit/, download the .zip,
> extract it, put the BWToolkit.ibplugin somewhere (in uimacnew09),
> double click it to install it
> => I suggest we add it to svn and have either an automatic way to
> install it, or say in the install file that the person should first
> install it (by double clicking on it)
> - in Xcode, choose:  Targets -> uimac -> Info -> Build and change the
> Architectures to 64 bits intel
> => We should find a way to change this from the command line ...
> I get a Unison that runs and I'm trying it right now.
> By the way, there were some warning when compiling MyController.m.
> /Users/schmitta/src/unison/trunk/src/uimacnew09/MyController.m: In
> function ‘-[MyController outlineView:numberOfChildrenOfItem:]’:
> /Users/schmitta/src/unison/trunk/src/uimacnew09/MyController.m:625:
> warning: conflicting types for ‘-(int)outlineView:(NSOutlineView
> *)outlineView numberOfChildrenOfItem:(id)item’
> /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/ 
> AppKit.framework/Headers/NSOutlineView.h:199:
> warning: previous declaration of
> ‘-(NSInteger)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView
> numberOfChildrenOfItem:(id)item’
> /Users/schmitta/src/unison/trunk/src/uimacnew09/MyController.m: In
> function ‘-[MyController outlineView:child:ofItem:]’:
> /Users/schmitta/src/unison/trunk/src/uimacnew09/MyController.m:634:
> warning: conflicting types for ‘-(id)outlineView:(NSOutlineView
> *)outlineView child:(int)index ofItem:(id)item’
> /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/ 
> AppKit.framework/Headers/NSOutlineView.h:197:
> warning: previous declaration of ‘-(id)outlineView:(NSOutlineView
> *)outlineView child:(NSInteger)index ofItem:(id)item’
> Alan
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