[Unison-hackers] [unison-svn] r475 - in trunk: doc src

bcpierce at seas.upenn.edu bcpierce at seas.upenn.edu
Sun Jul 17 09:24:13 EDT 2011

Author: bcpierce
Date: 2011-07-17 09:24:13 -0400 (Sun, 17 Jul 2011)
New Revision: 475

* Some spelling corrections in documentation and comments from Stephane Glondu

Modified: trunk/doc/changes.tex
--- trunk/doc/changes.tex	2011-04-21 17:59:42 UTC (rev 474)
+++ trunk/doc/changes.tex	2011-07-17 13:24:13 UTC (rev 475)
@@ -1742,7 +1742,7 @@
   in your profile ({\tt .unison/default.prf}), you should put:
-                 ignore = Regexp <regexp>
+                 ignore = Regex <regexp>
 Moreover, two other styles of pattern are also recognized:

Modified: trunk/doc/unison-manual.tex
--- trunk/doc/unison-manual.tex	2011-04-21 17:59:42 UTC (rev 474)
+++ trunk/doc/unison-manual.tex	2011-07-17 13:24:13 UTC (rev 475)
@@ -296,7 +296,9 @@
 You'll also need the GNU {\tt make} utility, standard on many Unix
 systems. (Type \showtt{make --version} to check that you've got the
-GNU version.)
+GNU version.)  Unison's build system is
+not parallelizable, so don't use make flags which cause it to start
+processes in parallel, e.g. -j for GNU make.
 Once you've got OCaml installed, grab a copy of the Unison sources,
 unzip and untar them, change to the new \showtt{unison} directory, and
@@ -601,9 +603,7 @@
 The standard remote shell facility on Unix systems is \verb|ssh|, which provides the
 same functionality as the older \verb|rsh| but much better security.  Ssh is available from
-\ONEURL{ftp://ftp.cs.hut.fi/pub/ssh/}; up-to-date binaries for some
-architectures can also be found at
-\ONEURL{ftp://ftp.faqs.org/ssh/contrib}.  See section~\ref{ssh-win}
+\ONEURL{http://www.openssh.org}.  See section~\ref{ssh-win}
 for installation instructions for the Windows version.
@@ -1672,7 +1672,7 @@
   state'' of the replicas.  (These three options are provided for
   later compatibility with the Harmony data synchronizer.)
-To accomodate the wide variety of programs that users might want to use for
+To accommodate the wide variety of programs that users might want to use for
 merging, Unison checks for several possible situations when the merge
 program exits:
@@ -2252,9 +2252,9 @@
 \item You can now delete the directory \verb|Foo| and its contents.
 Some people have reported problems using Cygwin's ssh with Unison.  If
-you have trouble, you might try this one instead:
+you have trouble, you might try other ones instead:
-  http://opensores.thebunker.net/pub/mirrors/ssh/contrib/ssh-1.2.14-win32bin.zip
+  http://linuxmafia.com/ssh/win32.html
 \item You must set the environment variables HOME and PATH\@.

Modified: trunk/src/RECENTNEWS
--- trunk/src/RECENTNEWS	2011-04-21 17:59:42 UTC (rev 474)
+++ trunk/src/RECENTNEWS	2011-07-17 13:24:13 UTC (rev 475)
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+* Some spelling corrections in documentation and comments from Stephane Glondu
 * Small patch from Stephane Glondu to make Unison compile with Ocaml 3.12.

Modified: trunk/src/copy.ml
--- trunk/src/copy.ml	2011-04-21 17:59:42 UTC (rev 474)
+++ trunk/src/copy.ml	2011-07-17 13:24:13 UTC (rev 475)
@@ -284,9 +284,12 @@
             Uutil.readWriteBounded inFd outFd fileLength
               (fun l ->
                  use_id (fun id ->
+(* (Util.msg "Copied file %s (%d bytes)\n" (Path.toString pathFrom) l); *)
                    Uutil.showProgress id (Uutil.Filesize.ofInt l) "l"));
             close_in inFd;
-            close_out outFd)
+            close_out outFd;
+(* ignore (Sys.command ("ls -l " ^ (Fspath.toString (Fspath.concat fspathTo pathTo)))) *)
+         )
          (fun () -> close_out_noerr outFd))
     (fun () -> close_in_noerr inFd)
@@ -587,7 +590,7 @@
-let transferRessourceForkAndSetFileinfo
+let transferResourceForkAndSetFileinfo
       connFrom fspathFrom pathFrom fspathTo pathTo realPathTo
       update desc fp ress id =
   (* Resource fork *)
@@ -625,7 +628,7 @@
     connFrom fspathFrom pathFrom fspathTo pathTo realPathTo update
     (match prefixLen with None -> `DATA | Some l -> `DATA_APPEND l)
     (Props.length desc) id >>= fun () ->
-  transferRessourceForkAndSetFileinfo
+  transferResourceForkAndSetFileinfo
     connFrom fspathFrom pathFrom fspathTo pathTo realPathTo
     update desc fp ress id
@@ -782,7 +785,7 @@
     raise (Util.Transient (Printf.sprintf
       "External copy program did not create target file (or bad length): %s"
           (Path.toString pathTo)));
-  transferRessourceForkAndSetFileinfo
+  transferResourceForkAndSetFileinfo
     connFrom fspathFrom pathFrom fspathTo pathTo realPathTo
     update desc fp ress id >>= fun res ->
   Xferhint.insertEntry fspathTo pathTo fp;

Modified: trunk/src/mkProjectInfo.ml
--- trunk/src/mkProjectInfo.ml	2011-04-21 17:59:42 UTC (rev 474)
+++ trunk/src/mkProjectInfo.ml	2011-07-17 13:24:13 UTC (rev 475)
@@ -56,3 +56,4 @@

Modified: trunk/src/osx.ml
--- trunk/src/osx.ml	2011-04-21 17:59:42 UTC (rev 474)
+++ trunk/src/osx.ml	2011-07-17 13:24:13 UTC (rev 475)
@@ -58,15 +58,15 @@
 let doubleMagic = "\000\005\022\007"
 let doubleVersion = "\000\002\000\000"
 let doubleFiller = String.make 16 '\000'
-let ressource_fork_empty_tag = "This resource fork intentionally left blank   "
+let resource_fork_empty_tag = "This resource fork intentionally left blank   "
 let finfoLength = 32L
 let emptyFinderInfo () = String.make 32 '\000'
-let empty_ressource_fork =
+let empty_resource_fork =
   "\000\000\001\000" ^
   "\000\000\001\000" ^
   "\000\000\000\000" ^
   "\000\000\000\030" ^
-  ressource_fork_empty_tag ^
+  resource_fork_empty_tag ^
   String.make (66+128) '\000' ^
   "\000\000\001\000" ^
   "\000\000\001\000" ^
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@
   if not (Prefs.read rsrc) then defaultInfos typ else
   match typ with
     (`FILE | `DIRECTORY) as typ ->
-      Util.convertUnixErrorsToTransient "getting file informations" (fun () ->
+      Util.convertUnixErrorsToTransient "getting file information" (fun () ->
           let (fInfo, rsrcLength) =
@@ -260,15 +260,15 @@
             let (rsrcOffset, rsrcLength) =
                 let (offset, len) = Safelist.assoc `RSRC entries in
-                (* We need to check that the ressource fork is not a
+                (* We need to check that the resource fork is not a
                    dummy one included for compatibility reasons *)
                 if len = 286L &&
                    protect (fun () ->
                      LargeFile.seek_in inch (Int64.add offset 16L);
-                     let len = String.length ressource_fork_empty_tag in
+                     let len = String.length resource_fork_empty_tag in
                      let buf = String.create len in
                      really_input inch buf 0 len;
-                     buf = ressource_fork_empty_tag)
+                     buf = resource_fork_empty_tag)
                      (fun () -> close_in_noerr inch)
                   (0L, 0L)
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@
             debug (fun () ->
-                "AppleDouble for file %s / %s: ressource fork length: %d\n"
+                "AppleDouble for file %s / %s: resource fork length: %d\n"
                 (Fspath.toDebugString dataFspath) (Path.toString dataPath)
                 (Int64.to_int rsrcLength));
             let finfo =
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@
 let setFileInfos dataFspath dataPath finfo =
   assert (finfo <> "");
-  Util.convertUnixErrorsToTransient "setting file informations" (fun () ->
+  Util.convertUnixErrorsToTransient "setting file information" (fun () ->
       let p = Fspath.toSysPath (Fspath.concat dataFspath dataPath) in
       let (fullFinfo, _) = getFileInfosInternal p false in
@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@
           (* Apparently, for compatibility with various old versions
              of Mac OS X that did not follow the AppleDouble specification,
-             we have to include a dummy ressource fork...
+             we have to include a dummy resource fork...
              We also put an empty extended attribute section at the
              end of the finder info section, mimicking the Mac OS X
              kernel behavior.  *)
@@ -403,13 +403,13 @@
             output_string outch "\000\000\000\009"; (* Finder info *)
             output_string outch "\000\000\000\050"; (* offset *)
             output_string outch "\000\000\014\176"; (* length *)
-            output_string outch "\000\000\000\002"; (* Ressource fork *)
+            output_string outch "\000\000\000\002"; (* Resource fork *)
             output_string outch "\000\000\014\226"; (* offset *)
             output_string outch "\000\000\001\030"; (* length *)
             output_string outch (insertInfo (emptyFinderInfo ()) finfo);
             output_string outch (empty_attribute_chunk ());
                                                     (* extended attributes *)
-            output_string outch empty_ressource_fork;
+            output_string outch empty_resource_fork;
             close_out outch)
             (fun () -> close_out_noerr outch)
@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@
       Fingerprint.file fspath (ressPath path)
   | AppleDoubleRess (_, _, _, len, (path, offset)) ->
       debug (fun () ->
-        Util.msg "ressource fork fingerprint: path %s, offset %d, len %d"
+        Util.msg "resource fork fingerprint: path %s, offset %d, len %d"
         (Fspath.toString path)
         (Int64.to_int offset) (Uutil.Filesize.toInt len));
       Fingerprint.subfile path offset len

Modified: trunk/src/strings.ml
--- trunk/src/strings.ml	2011-04-21 17:59:42 UTC (rev 474)
+++ trunk/src/strings.ml	2011-07-17 13:24:13 UTC (rev 475)
@@ -2783,7 +2783,7 @@
       \032           and is not slowed done due to the connection latency anymore\n\
       \032         + we get performance improvement for small files as well by\n\
       \032           scheduling many files simultaneously (as scheduling a file\n\
-      \032           for transfer consume little ressource: it does not mean\n\
+      \032           for transfer consume little resource: it does not mean\n\
       \032           allocating a large buffer anymore)\n\
       \032    * Changes to the internal implementation of the rsync algorithm:\n\
       \032         + use longer blocks for large files (the size of a block is the\n\

Modified: trunk/src/transfer.ml
--- trunk/src/transfer.ml	2011-04-21 17:59:42 UTC (rev 474)
+++ trunk/src/transfer.ml	2011-07-17 13:24:13 UTC (rev 475)
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
 type tokenQueue =
   { mutable data : Bytearray.t;  (* the queued tokens *)
     mutable previous : [`Str of int | `Block of int | `None];
-                                 (* some informations about the
+                                 (* some information about the
                                     previous token *)
     mutable pos : int;           (* head of the queue *)
     mutable prog : int;          (* the size of the data they represent *)

Modified: trunk/src/transfer.mli
--- trunk/src/transfer.mli	2011-04-21 17:59:42 UTC (rev 474)
+++ trunk/src/transfer.mli	2011-07-17 13:24:13 UTC (rev 475)
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
     (* Expected size of the [rsync_block_info] datastructure (in KiB). *)
     val memoryFootprint : Uutil.Filesize.t -> Uutil.Filesize.t -> int
-    (* Compute block informations from the old file *)
+    (* Compute block information from the old file *)
     val rsyncPreprocess :
 	   in_channel            (* old file descriptor *)
         -> Uutil.Filesize.t      (* source file length *)
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
     (*** SOURCE HOST ***)
-    (* Using block informations, parse the new file and send transfer
+    (* Using block information, parse the new file and send transfer
        instructions accordingly *)
     val rsyncCompress :

Modified: trunk/src/transport.ml
--- trunk/src/transport.ml	2011-04-21 17:59:42 UTC (rev 474)
+++ trunk/src/transport.ml	2011-07-17 13:24:13 UTC (rev 475)
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
 let doAction fromRoot fromPath fromContents toRoot toPath toContents id =
   (* When streaming, we can transfer many file simultaneously:
      as the contents of only one file is transferred in one direction
-     at any time, little ressource is consumed this way. *)
+     at any time, little resource is consumed this way. *)
   let limit =
     let n = Prefs.read maxthreads in
     if n > 0 then n else

Modified: trunk/src/update.ml
--- trunk/src/update.ml	2011-04-21 17:59:42 UTC (rev 474)
+++ trunk/src/update.ml	2011-07-17 13:24:13 UTC (rev 475)
@@ -1323,6 +1323,11 @@
       Some newarch, checkPropChange newDesc archive archDesc
     end else begin
       debug (fun() -> Util.msg "  Updated file\n");
+      (* [BCP 5/2011] We might add a sanity check here: if the file contents
+         have changed but the modtime has not, signal an error.  I.e., abort if
+           Props.same_time info.Fileinfo.desc archDesc
+         is true at this point.
+      *)
       Updates (File (newDesc, ContentsUpdated (newFp, newStamp, newRess)),
                oldInfoOf archive)
@@ -1771,7 +1776,7 @@
   addHashToTempNames fspath;
   (* Maybe we should remember the device number where the root lives at 
      the beginning of update detection, so that we can check, below, that 
-     the device has not changed.  This check allows us to abort in case 
+     the device has not changed.  This check would allow us to abort in case 
      the root is on a removable device and this device gets removed during
      update detection, causing all the files to appear to have been
      deleted.  --BCP 2006 *)

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