[Unison-hackers] [unison-svn] r505 - trunk/src

vouillon at seas.upenn.edu vouillon at seas.upenn.edu
Thu Aug 9 10:22:34 EDT 2012

Author: vouillon
Date: 2012-08-09 10:22:34 -0400 (Thu, 09 Aug 2012)
New Revision: 505

* Added a "copyonconflict" preference, to make a copy of files that would
  otherwise be overwritten or deleted in case of conflicting changes.
  (This makes it possible to automatically resolve conflicts in a
   fairly safe way when synchronizing continuously, in combination
   with the "repeat = watch" and "prefer = newer" preferences.

Modified: trunk/src/RECENTNEWS
--- trunk/src/RECENTNEWS	2012-08-09 14:06:21 UTC (rev 504)
+++ trunk/src/RECENTNEWS	2012-08-09 14:22:34 UTC (rev 505)
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+* Added a "copyonconflict" preference, to make a copy of files that would
+  otherwise be overwritten or deleted in case of conflicting changes.
+  (This makes it possible to automatically resolve conflicts in a
+   fairly safe way when synchronizing continuously, in combination
+   with the "repeat = watch" and "prefer = newer" preferences.
 * Bumped version number: incompatible protocol changes

Modified: trunk/src/copy.ml
--- trunk/src/copy.ml	2012-08-09 14:06:21 UTC (rev 504)
+++ trunk/src/copy.ml	2012-08-09 14:22:34 UTC (rev 505)
@@ -977,3 +977,36 @@
         >>= fun () ->
       (* This function never returns (it is supposed to fail) *)
       saveTempFileOnRoot rootTo (pathTo, realPathTo, reason)
+let recursively fspathFrom pathFrom fspathTo pathTo =
+  let rec copy pFrom pTo =
+    let info = Fileinfo.get true fspathFrom pFrom in
+    match info.Fileinfo.typ with
+    | `SYMLINK ->
+        debug (fun () -> Util.msg "  Copying link %s / %s to %s / %s\n"
+          (Fspath.toDebugString fspathFrom) (Path.toString pFrom)
+          (Fspath.toDebugString fspathTo) (Path.toString pTo));
+        Os.symlink fspathTo pTo (Os.readLink fspathFrom pFrom)
+    | `FILE ->
+        debug (fun () -> Util.msg "  Copying file %s / %s to %s / %s\n"
+          (Fspath.toDebugString fspathFrom) (Path.toString pFrom)
+          (Fspath.toDebugString fspathTo) (Path.toString pTo));
+        localFile fspathFrom pFrom fspathTo pTo pTo 
+          `Copy info.Fileinfo.desc
+          (Osx.ressLength info.Fileinfo.osX.Osx.ressInfo)  None
+    | `DIRECTORY ->
+        debug (fun () -> Util.msg "  Copying directory %s / %s to %s / %s\n"
+          (Fspath.toDebugString fspathFrom) (Path.toString pFrom)
+          (Fspath.toDebugString fspathTo) (Path.toString pTo));
+        Os.createDir fspathTo pTo info.Fileinfo.desc;
+        let ch = Os.childrenOf fspathFrom pFrom in
+        Safelist.iter
+          (fun n -> copy (Path.child pFrom n) (Path.child pTo n)) ch
+    | `ABSENT -> assert false in
+  debug (fun () -> Util.msg "  Copying recursively %s / %s\n"
+    (Fspath.toDebugString fspathFrom) (Path.toString pathFrom));
+  copy pathFrom pathTo;
+  debug (fun () -> Util.msg "  Finished copying %s / %s\n"
+    (Fspath.toDebugString fspathFrom) (Path.toString pathTo))

Modified: trunk/src/copy.mli
--- trunk/src/copy.mli	2012-08-09 14:06:21 UTC (rev 504)
+++ trunk/src/copy.mli	2012-08-09 14:22:34 UTC (rev 505)
@@ -26,3 +26,10 @@
  -> Uutil.Filesize.t     (* fork length *)
  -> Uutil.File.t option  (* file's index in UI (for progress bars), if appropriate *)
  -> unit
+val recursively :
+    Fspath.t             (* fspath of source *)
+ -> Path.local           (* path of source *)
+ -> Fspath.t             (* fspath of target *)
+ -> Path.local           (* path of target *)
+ -> unit

Modified: trunk/src/files.ml
--- trunk/src/files.ml	2012-08-09 14:06:21 UTC (rev 504)
+++ trunk/src/files.ml	2012-08-09 14:22:34 UTC (rev 505)
@@ -72,14 +72,52 @@
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-let deleteLocal (fspathTo, (pathTo, ui)) =
+let copyOnConflict = Prefs.createBool "copyonconflict" false
+  "!keep copies of conflicting files"
+  "When this flag is set, Unison will make a copy of files that would \
+   otherwise be overwritten or deleted in case of conflicting changes, \
+   and more generally whenever the default behavior is overriden. \
+   This makes it possible to automatically resolve conflicts in a \
+   fairly safe way when synchronizing continuously, in combination \
+   with the \\verb|-repeat watch| and \\verb|-prefer newer| preferences."
+let prepareCopy workingDir path notDefault =
+  if notDefault && Prefs.read copyOnConflict then begin
+    let tmpPath = Os.tempPath workingDir path in
+    Copy.recursively workingDir path workingDir tmpPath;
+    Some (workingDir, path, tmpPath)
+  end else
+    None
+let finishCopy copyInfo =
+  match copyInfo with
+    Some (workingDir, path, tmpPath) ->
+      let tm = Unix.localtime (Unix.gettimeofday ()) in
+      let rec copyPath n =
+        let p =
+          Path.addToFinalName path
+            (Format.sprintf " (copy: conflict%s on %04d-%02d-%02d)"
+               (if n = 0 then "" else " #" ^ string_of_int n)
+               (tm.Unix.tm_year + 1900) (tm.Unix.tm_mon + 1) tm.Unix.tm_mday)
+        in
+        if Os.exists workingDir p then copyPath (n + 1) else p
+      in
+      Os.rename "keepCopy" workingDir tmpPath workingDir (copyPath 0)
+  | None ->
+      ()
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------ *)
+let deleteLocal (fspathTo, (pathTo, ui, notDefault)) =
   debug (fun () ->
      Util.msg "deleteLocal [%s] (None, %s)\n"
        (Fspath.toDebugString fspathTo) (Path.toString pathTo));
   let localPathTo = Update.translatePathLocal fspathTo pathTo in
+  let copyInfo = prepareCopy fspathTo localPathTo notDefault in
   (* Make sure the target is unchanged first *)
   (* (There is an unavoidable race condition here.) *)
   let prevArch = Update.checkNoUpdates fspathTo localPathTo ui in
+  finishCopy copyInfo;
   Stasher.backup fspathTo localPathTo `AndRemove prevArch;
   (* Archive update must be done last *)
   Update.replaceArchiveLocal fspathTo localPathTo Update.NoArchive;
@@ -87,8 +125,8 @@
 let deleteOnRoot = Remote.registerRootCmd "delete" deleteLocal
-let delete rootFrom pathFrom rootTo pathTo ui =
-  deleteOnRoot rootTo (pathTo, ui) >>= fun _ ->
+let delete rootFrom pathFrom rootTo pathTo ui notDefault =
+  deleteOnRoot rootTo (pathTo, ui, notDefault) >>= fun _ ->
   Update.replaceArchive rootFrom pathFrom Update.NoArchive
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------ *)
@@ -268,10 +306,13 @@
    temp file into place, but remain able to roll back if something fails
    either locally or on the other side. *)
 let renameLocal
-      (fspathTo, (localPathTo, workingDir, pathFrom, pathTo, ui, archOpt)) =
+      (fspathTo,
+       (localPathTo, workingDir, pathFrom, pathTo, ui, archOpt, notDefault)) =
+  let copyInfo = prepareCopy workingDir pathTo notDefault in
   (* Make sure the target is unchanged, then do the rename.
      (Note that there is an unavoidable race condition here...) *)
   let prevArch = Update.checkNoUpdates fspathTo localPathTo ui in
+  finishCopy copyInfo;
   performRename fspathTo localPathTo workingDir pathFrom pathTo prevArch;
   begin match archOpt with
     Some archTo -> Stasher.stashCurrentVersion fspathTo localPathTo None;
@@ -285,12 +326,13 @@
 let renameOnHost = Remote.registerRootCmd "rename" renameLocal
-let rename root localPath workingDir pathOld pathNew ui archOpt =
+let rename root localPath workingDir pathOld pathNew ui archOpt notDefault =
   debug (fun() ->
     Util.msg "rename(root=%s, pathOld=%s, pathNew=%s)\n"
       (root2string root)
       (Path.toString pathOld) (Path.toString pathNew));
-  renameOnHost root (localPath, workingDir, pathOld, pathNew, ui, archOpt)
+  renameOnHost root
+    (localPath, workingDir, pathOld, pathNew, ui, archOpt, notDefault)
 (* ------------------------------------------------------------ *)
@@ -431,6 +473,7 @@
                              this updateItem still describes the current
                              state of the target replica) *)
       propsTo             (* the properties of the parent directories *)
+      notDefault          (* [true] if not Unison's default action *)
       id =                (* for progress display *)
   debug (fun() ->
@@ -564,7 +607,7 @@
     (* Rename the files to their final location and then update the
        archive on the destination replica *)
     rename rootTo localPathTo workingDir tempPathTo realPathTo uiTo
-      (Some archTo) >>= fun () ->
+      (Some archTo) notDefault >>= fun () ->
     (* Update the archive on the source replica
        FIX: we could reuse localArch if rootFrom is the same as rootLocal *)
     updateSourceArchive rootFrom (localPathFrom, uiFrom, errPaths) >>= fun () ->
@@ -748,7 +791,7 @@
     (Local, fspathFrom) pathFrom rootTo workingDirForCopy tempPathTo realPathTo
     `Copy newprops fp None stamp id >>= fun info ->
   rename rootTo localPathTo workingDirForCopy tempPathTo realPathTo
-    uiTo None)
+    uiTo None false)
 let keeptempfilesaftermerge =   

Modified: trunk/src/files.mli
--- trunk/src/files.mli	2012-08-09 14:06:21 UTC (rev 504)
+++ trunk/src/files.mli	2012-08-09 14:22:34 UTC (rev 505)
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
   -> Common.root                 (* root *)
   -> Path.t                      (* path to delete *)
   -> Common.updateItem           (* updates that will be discarded *)
+  -> bool                        (* [true] if not Unison's default action *)
   -> unit Lwt.t
 (* Region used for the copying. Exported to be correctly set in transport.ml *)
@@ -31,6 +32,7 @@
   -> Path.t                     (* to what path *)
   -> Common.updateItem          (* dest. updates *)
   -> Props.t list               (* properties of parent directories *)
+  -> bool                       (* [true] if not Unison's default action *)
   -> Uutil.File.t               (* id for showing progress of transfer *)
   -> unit Lwt.t

Modified: trunk/src/mkProjectInfo.ml
--- trunk/src/mkProjectInfo.ml	2012-08-09 14:06:21 UTC (rev 504)
+++ trunk/src/mkProjectInfo.ml	2012-08-09 14:22:34 UTC (rev 505)
@@ -79,3 +79,4 @@

Modified: trunk/src/path.ml
--- trunk/src/path.ml	2012-08-09 14:06:21 UTC (rev 504)
+++ trunk/src/path.ml	2012-08-09 14:22:34 UTC (rev 505)
@@ -188,6 +188,14 @@
 let addSuffixToFinalName path suffix = path ^ suffix
+let addToFinalName path suffix =
+  let l = String.length path in
+  assert (l > 0);
+  let i = try String.rindex path '/' with Not_found -> -1 in
+  let j = try String.rindex path '.' with Not_found -> -1 in
+  let j = if j <= i then l else j in
+  String.sub path 0 j ^ suffix ^ String.sub path j (l - j)
 let addPrefixToFinalName path prefix =
     let i = String.rindex path pathSeparatorChar + 1 in

Modified: trunk/src/path.mli
--- trunk/src/path.mli	2012-08-09 14:06:21 UTC (rev 504)
+++ trunk/src/path.mli	2012-08-09 14:22:34 UTC (rev 505)
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
 val addSuffixToFinalName : local -> string -> local
 val addPrefixToFinalName : local -> string -> local
+val addToFinalName : local -> string -> local
+  (* Add to the final name, but before any file extension. *)
 val compare : t -> t -> int
 val equal : local -> local -> bool

Modified: trunk/src/stasher.ml
--- trunk/src/stasher.ml	2012-08-09 14:06:21 UTC (rev 504)
+++ trunk/src/stasher.ml	2012-08-09 14:22:34 UTC (rev 505)
@@ -382,32 +382,7 @@
               (Fspath.toDebugString fspath) (Path.toString path)
               (Path.toString backPath) (Fspath.toDebugString backRoot));
           let byCopying() = 
-            let rec copy p backp =
-              let info = Fileinfo.get true fspath p in
-              match info.Fileinfo.typ with
-              | `SYMLINK ->
-                  debug (fun () -> Util.msg "  Copying link %s / %s to %s / %s\n"
-                    (Fspath.toDebugString fspath) (Path.toString p)
-                    (Fspath.toDebugString backRoot) (Path.toString backp));
-                  Os.symlink backRoot backp (Os.readLink fspath p)
-              | `FILE ->
-                  debug (fun () -> Util.msg "  Copying file %s / %s to %s / %s\n"
-                    (Fspath.toDebugString fspath) (Path.toString p)
-                    (Fspath.toDebugString backRoot) (Path.toString backp));
-                  Copy.localFile  fspath p  backRoot backp backp 
-                    `Copy  info.Fileinfo.desc
-                    (Osx.ressLength info.Fileinfo.osX.Osx.ressInfo)  None
-              | `DIRECTORY ->
-                  debug (fun () -> Util.msg "  Copying directory %s / %s to %s / %s\n"
-                    (Fspath.toDebugString fspath) (Path.toString p)
-                    (Fspath.toDebugString backRoot) (Path.toString backp));
-                  Os.createDir backRoot backp info.Fileinfo.desc;
-                  let ch = Os.childrenOf fspath p in
-                  Safelist.iter (fun n -> copy (Path.child p n) (Path.child backp n)) ch
-              | `ABSENT -> assert false in
-            copy path backPath;
-            debug (fun () -> Util.msg "  Finished copying; deleting %s / %s\n"
-              (Fspath.toDebugString fspath) (Path.toString path));
+            Copy.recursively fspath path backRoot backPath;
             disposeIfNeeded() in
           begin if finalDisposition = `AndRemove then

Modified: trunk/src/transport.ml
--- trunk/src/transport.ml	2012-08-09 14:06:21 UTC (rev 504)
+++ trunk/src/transport.ml	2012-08-09 14:22:34 UTC (rev 505)
@@ -77,7 +77,8 @@
     (fun _ ->
       Printf.sprintf "[END] %s\n" lwtShortDescription)
-let doAction fromRoot fromPath fromContents toRoot toPath toContents id =
+let doAction
+      fromRoot fromPath fromContents toRoot toPath toContents notDefault id =
   (* When streaming, we can transfer many file simultaneously:
      as the contents of only one file is transferred in one direction
      at any time, little resource is consumed this way. *)
@@ -98,7 +99,8 @@
                ("Deleting " ^ Path.toString toPath ^
                 "\n  from "^ root2string toRoot)
                ("Deleting " ^ Path.toString toPath)
-               (fun () -> Files.delete fromRoot fromPath toRoot toPath uiTo)
+               (fun () ->
+                  Files.delete fromRoot fromPath toRoot toPath uiTo notDefault)
         (* No need to transfer the whole directory/file if there were only
            property modifications on one side.  (And actually, it would be
            incorrect to transfer a directory in this case.) *)
@@ -120,7 +122,8 @@
               ("Updating file " ^ Path.toString toPath)
               (fun () ->
                 Files.copy (`Update (fileSize uiFrom uiTo))
-                  fromRoot fromPath uiFrom [] toRoot toPath uiTo [] id)
+                  fromRoot fromPath uiFrom [] toRoot toPath uiTo []
+                  notDefault id)
         | {ui = uiFrom; props = propsFrom}, {ui = uiTo; props = propsTo} ->
               ("Copying " ^ Path.toString toPath ^ "\n  from " ^
@@ -130,7 +133,8 @@
               (fun () ->
                  Files.copy `Copy
                    fromRoot fromPath uiFrom propsFrom
-                   toRoot toPath uiTo propsTo id))
+                   toRoot toPath uiTo propsTo
+                   notDefault id))
       (fun e -> Trace.log
              "Failed: %s\n" (Util.printException e));
@@ -143,16 +147,20 @@
       Trace.log (Printf.sprintf "[ERROR] Skipping %s\n  %s\n"
                    (Path.toString path) p);
       return ()
-  | Different {rc1 = rc1; rc2 = rc2; direction = dir} ->
+  | Different
+        {rc1 = rc1; rc2 = rc2; direction = dir; default_direction = def} ->
+      let notDefault = dir <> def in
       match dir with
         Conflict ->
           Trace.log (Printf.sprintf "[CONFLICT] Skipping %s\n"
                        (Path.toString path));
           return ()
       | Replica1ToReplica2 ->
-          doAction root1 reconItem.path1 rc1 root2 reconItem.path2 rc2 id
+          doAction
+            root1 reconItem.path1 rc1 root2 reconItem.path2 rc2 notDefault id
       | Replica2ToReplica1 ->
-          doAction root2 reconItem.path2 rc2 root1 reconItem.path1 rc1 id
+          doAction
+            root2 reconItem.path2 rc2 root1 reconItem.path1 rc1 notDefault id
       | Merge ->
           if rc1.typ <> `FILE || rc2.typ <> `FILE then
             raise (Util.Transient "Can only merge two existing files");

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