[Unison-hackers] treating some directories atomically, and ignoring socket files

martin f krafft madduck at madduck.net
Wed Feb 4 15:47:04 EST 2015

> The second is to treat VCS directories (such as .git or .svn)
> atomically; that is, all the changes under such a directory should
> be reconciled in the same direction, not merged.

I am not entirely sure this is a good solution. It's definitely
better than what currently happends when */.git/.. is encountered,
but I think it's a safe assumption that whenever there is a Git
repository, then Git will be the better tool to synchronise changes
between the two clones. In particular, if you "atomically" overwrite
one or the other, you are possibly destroying changes which Git
could have merged. And simply letting 'm' delegate to Git to do the
merging won't work either because (a) conflicts are hard to deal
with, and (b) it would only merge the checked-out branches.

So while I can envision other good uses for "atomic" (e.g. firefox
config directory), I don't think it's suitable for Git. I'd much
rather have the ability to instruct unison to ignore those
directories¹ and employ a tool such as myrepos to manage all Git
repos across my home directory.

¹) See https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/unison-users/conversations/topics/11460,
although I've since reached the conclusion that having an implicit
and stringent "if .git then ignore" might not be what you want
either. Hence, I wrote
and I think rsync-style filter files would be the most flexible

@martinkrafft | http://madduck.net/ | http://two.sentenc.es/
"zwei monologe, die sich gegenseitig
 immer und immer wieder störend unterbrechen,
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spamtraps: madduck.bogus at madduck.net
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