[TYPES/announce] [Call for participation] The Coq workshop 2020

Théo Zimmermann theo at irif.fr
Fri Jun 26 12:25:14 EDT 2020

July 5-6, the Internet.


The Coq Workshop 2020 is part of IJCAR 2020 and the Paris Nord Summer
of LoVe 2020.

Registration is free of charge, but required:

The Coq workshop 2020 is the 11th Coq Workshop.  The Coq Workshop
series brings together Coq users, developers, and contributors.  While
conferences usually provide a venue for traditional research papers,
the Coq Workshop focuses on strengthening the Coq community and
providing a forum for discussing practical issues, including the
future of the Coq software and its associated ecosystem of libraries
and tools.

The program will include two panels, an invited talk, 13 accepted
talks and a time for discussion with the Coq development team. See the
website for details on the program.

The workshop will be organized over Zoom, streamed on YouTube, and use
the Coq Zulip chat for questions and discussion:

The Coq Workshop is governed by Coq's Code of Conduct
[https://github.com/coq/coq/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md]; the
organizers are committed to ensure that the workshop will be a
welcoming place for everyone. If you have any concern please contact
coq-conduct at inria.fr.

## Diversity chat

The workshop organizers acknowledge the diversity concerns in the Coq
community. We have created a dedicated topic in our Zulip chat to
discuss and propose diversity actions for the event, future events and
more generally for the community
If you are part of a minority and feel concerned by this topic, feel
free to join the discussion even if you do not participate in the rest
of the Coq workshop.

The Coq Workshop 2020 organizers

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