[TYPES/announce] ISR 2024: second call for participation + financial support

Thiemann, René Rene.Thiemann at uibk.ac.at
Sat May 11 09:00:15 EDT 2024

14th International School on Rewriting (ISR 2024)

August 25 - September 1, Obergurgl, Austria


* update 1: extended early registration deadline to May 20
* update 2: new financial supported by EuroProofNet

EuroProofNet (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://europroofnet.github.io/__;!!IBzWLUs!WIqY12kj5Lxlrzl2pDaf6CSXwDgLdJ5QprR_N_sUKMbp6KUP4pb_BcWI848wPuKjGAeG-rjDfnpOuIweS3nDDBVqnzgZJMhsdVa3AHy9RA$ ) can partially fund a number of
participants to ISR 2024 (transport + 100 euros/day). The deadline is May 19.
People willing to be funded should:

1) register to at least one EuroProofNet working group on

2) send a mail to frederic.blanqui at inria.fr with the track they want to follow +
an estimation of their transport in EUROS + screen capture.

The notification will be given on May 20 morning (the early registration
deadline is May 20). Priority will be given to people living in inclusive-target
countries (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://europroofnet.github.io/eligibility/__;!!IBzWLUs!WIqY12kj5Lxlrzl2pDaf6CSXwDgLdJ5QprR_N_sUKMbp6KUP4pb_BcWI848wPuKjGAeG-rjDfnpOuIweS3nDDBVqnzgZJMhsdVY_Vcqkyg$ ), women, and people
registering to track A (see below). Please check the
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://europroofnet.github.io/reimbursement-rules/__;!!IBzWLUs!WIqY12kj5Lxlrzl2pDaf6CSXwDgLdJ5QprR_N_sUKMbp6KUP4pb_BcWI848wPuKjGAeG-rjDfnpOuIweS3nDDBVqnzgZJMhsdVbjVE_5HA$ .

ISR 2024 is aimed at master and PhD students, researchers and practitioners
interested in the study of rewriting concepts and their applications. It
offers three parallel tracks, taught by well-known experts.

- Track A: comprehensive introduction to first-order term rewriting
 lecturer: Aart Middeldorp

- Track B: comprehensive introduction to type theory and lambda calculus
 lecturers: Herman Geuvers and Niels van der Weide

- Track C: advanced courses on
 - Interoperability of Proof Systems using Lambdapi
   lecturer: Frederic Blanqui
 - Randomized Programming and Rewriting
   lecturer: Ugo Dal Lago
 - Tools in Rewriting
   lecturer: Nao Hirokawa
 - Termination and Complexity in Higher-Order Term Rewriting
   lecturer: Cynthia Kop
 - SAT/SMT Solving and Applications in Rewriting
   lecturer: Sarah Winkler

Each track consists of 20 slots of 90 minutes. Further details (including
registration information) can be found on the website of ISR 2024:


ISR 2024 is organized by Aart Middeldorp, Georg Moser and René Thiemann.

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