[TYPES/announce] IEEE CSF 2025 - Call for Papers

Ralf Kuesters ralf.kuesters at sec.uni-stuttgart.de
Mon May 13 14:34:31 EDT 2024

IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF) 2025


Call for Papers

The Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF) is an annual 
conference for researchers in computer security. CSF seeks papers on 
foundational aspects of computer security, such as formal security 
models, relationships between security properties and defenses, 
principled techniques and tools for design and rigorous analysis of 
security mechanisms, as well as their application to practice. While CSF 
welcomes submissions beyond the topics listed below, the main focus of 
CSF is foundational security and privacy. Papers lacking foundational 
aspects risk desk rejection without further evaluation of their merits; 
contact the PC chairs when in doubt.

CSF was created in 1988 as a workshop of the IEEE Computer Society’s 
Technical Committee on Security and Privacy, in response to a 1986 essay 
by Don Good entitled “The Foundations of Computer Security—We Need 
Some.” The meeting became a “symposium” in 2007, along with a policy for 
open, increased attendance. Over the past two decades, many seminal 
papers and techniques have been presented first at CSF. For more details 
on the history of the symposium, visit CSF’s home.

Proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press and 
will be available at the symposium. Some small number of papers will be 
selected by the Program Committee as "Distinguished Papers".

Important Dates AoE (UTC-12h)

Spring cycle paper submission          May 28, 2024
Spring cycle author notification       July 30, 2024
Fall cycle paper submission            October 1, 2024
Fall cycle author notification         December 3, 2024
Winter cycle paper submission          February 4, 2025
Winter cycle author notification       April 8, 2025


New results in security and privacy are welcome. We also encourage 
challenge/vision papers, which may describe open questions and raise 
fundamental concerns about security and privacy. Possible topics for all 
papers include, but are not limited to:

access control
attack models
blockchains and smart contracts
cloud security
data provenance
data and system integrity
database security
decidability and complexity
decision theory
distributed systems security
electronic voting
embedded systems security
formal methods and verification
hardware-based security
information flow control
intrusion detection
language-based security
mobile security
network security
security and privacy aspects of machine learning
security and privacy for the Internet of Things
security architecture
security metrics
security policies
security protocols
software security
socio-technical security
trust management
usable security
web security

Full information, including paper formatting instructions, is available 
online: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://csf2025.ieee-security.org/cfp.html__;!!IBzWLUs!QXHnjjcf0oL4BfRAVYROsSCQ-uDivfQ5-ZK5aRLV3QPJ7jZyygc7yzk5dOu-RuTtSf82YKaQisad_METD0Hmp18u7RAFUPQzYuaCPcjIpc39nyvTNA$ 

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