[TYPES/announce] SREPLS 15 / Concurrency Workshop -- Second Call for Talks

Marco Paviotti M.Paviotti at kent.ac.uk
Thu May 30 03:04:18 EDT 2024


		               Call for Talks
	      S-REPLS 15 / Concurrency Workshop
Joint meeting on Programming Languages and Concurrency

    	        Canterbury, UK,  18-19 July 2024


The School of Computing at University of Kent (UK) will be hosting the 
15th South of England Regional Programming Language Seminar (S-REPLS) and the Concurrency Workshop.

These are informal meetings bringing together individuals with interests in
theory and implementation programming languages and concurrency systems.

The meeting will take place in the Sibson Building in the Canterbury Campus  
from 9.30am to 5.30pm on Thursday 18th and Friday 19th July 2024.

Invited speakers are Nicolas Wu (Imperial College London) and Peter O'Hearn
(University College London and Lacework).

More information can be found at https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://cw-srepls-24.github.io__;!!IBzWLUs!RUW5g-SEoqxoY7KaAT8DDdmWleP76hjg8e-MQ2AS7PTf-MU8z2VVll4frOTFZX_he9-20YKak8vd6zCLrUyJIwIGhewvWWZTarnybg$ 

Submitting a talk
Talks are typically 20 minutes long and should be given in person with 5 minutes
questions. We encourage submissions on theory and implementation
of programming languages as well as concurrent systems from both industry
professionals and aspiring researchers (postdocs and students).

Please find the instruction for submission on our website

Deadline for talk submission is

   Tue, 18th June 2024


Attendance is free and open to everyone, but we do require registration for organisation

Deadline for registration is

   Fri, 5th July 2024

Please visit our website and fill out the registration form.

Sponsors and Partners

The event is funded by the LIFT Research Centre at University of Kent, by the 
Research Institute on Verified Trustworthy Software Systems (VeTSS) and the 
Programming Languages and Systems for Science Laboratory at Kent. 
Partners:  Institute of Computing for Climate Science at University of Cambridge.

We are looking forward to seeing you this summer in Canterbury.

Marco and David

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